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【2217】We must fight (3)

The station of the Bone Clan is considered to be a relatively good place on the border of Hongzhou. The scenery here is beautiful and the water resources are relatively abundant. However, due to the nature of the Bone Clan people, they have not made full use of the good water and soil here, except for some simple

In addition to the layout, most of the people in the garrison also live in tents.

There are many people coming and going from the Bone Clan, and most of them are fugitives from various tribes in Hongzhou, or people from other areas. There is no obvious human relationship here, and there are only two. One is that the fist is big, which is the last word, and the other is that there is

Money is the boss.

At night, Ma Xiaoquan came to the Bone Clan's camp, jumped off his horse, and casually tied the horse's reins to a stable post outside the camp.

There was a line of writing written on the stake. Ma Xiaoquan squinted and saw that it was a price tag for horse bridles. It was clear on it that the cost of tying a horse for a day was one silver bead, which did not include feeding the horse.

"I'll go, it's so expensive..." Ma Xiaoquan stuck out his tongue. Although he brought some money when he came, he only spent a silver bead to tie a stable, so if he went in and did something, wouldn't it be a lot of money?

Spent all the money in one day?

Just as he was speechless, a short and fat man came over. He looked Ma Xiaoquan up and down first, as if he was guessing Ma Xiaoquan's identity. After a moment, the short and fat man sneered and said: "My lord, you look like you are from outside."

Yes, where are you from?"

This short, fat man spoke Mandarin that Ma Xiaoquan could understand, but his accent was thick and made him feel uncomfortable.

"Well, I'm from Heiqing Country..." Ma Xiaoquan said with a grin.

"Oh, people from the Heiqing Kingdom. There are very few people from the Heiqing Kingdom here where the Hongzhou Bone Tribe is stationed. Could it be that the uncle has committed something in the Black Qing Kingdom?"

Before coming, Ye Yang had warned Ma Xiaoquan that any outsider who wants to enter the Bone Clan has basically done something wrong, either with human life or something else. In short, they are not clean people, so if Ma Xiaoquan wants to enter the Bone Clan,

It is best to make up a story about where the tribe is stationed.

"Well, I killed a family of ten~" Ma Xiaoquan said calmly.

The short and fat man was startled, looked at Ma Xiaoquan, and thought to himself that this man didn't look like that kind of evil person, but he was just trying to destroy his whole family. Well, it seems he should be more careful.

"Oh, haha, it seems that the uncle is also a good-natured man~ Hehe, uncle, you also saw the stakes for holding the horse's reins..."

Ma Xiaoquan glanced at the short and fat man, spread his hands, and a golden bead fell on the short and fat man's hand.

"Feed my horse better~" Ma Xiaoquan finished his sentence and walked into the Bone Clan's garrison with a swagger.

The short and fat man came back to his senses, looked down at the golden beads in his hand, grinned and said: "Today I met the financial owner, hehe~~"


Walking into the Bone Clan's camp, Ma Xiaoquan immediately felt that there were more than a dozen pairs of eyes staring at him.

I don't blame him, because the way he is dressed now is from the Heiqing Kingdom. When an outsider comes here, he will naturally attract the attention of others.

At this moment, a man with a sinister look came up to him, smiling arrogantly. Just as he was about to speak to Ma Xiaoquan, Ma Xiaoquan slapped him down.

"Go away~" Ma Xiaoquan glared at the man. The man seemed to want to stand up and fight him, but after considering his own ability, he got up and walked away dejectedly.

Watching the man leave, Ma Xiaoquan said with all his heart that Ye Yang was indeed right. In this Bone Tribe stationed area, as long as the fists are big and the money is rich, everyone is the master.


It seemed that Ma Xiaoquan's slap just now had an effect. After that, those who had been staring at him seemed to have relaxed their vigilance now.

Ma Xiaoquan walked to a stall, looked at the goods on the stall, frowned and asked: "How much does the kettle cost?"

The stall owner was an old man, with his upper body naked. The old man raised his head and glanced at Ma Xiaoquan, sneered and stretched out his right hand, showing four fingers.

Ma Xiaoquan stared at the old man's right hand and found that the ring finger on his right hand was missing, so the right hand he showed had only four fingers. Looking at the old man's naked upper body, almost all of it was covered with scars, especially on his back.

The knife marks are particularly obvious.

"It's expensive~" Ma Xiaoquan shook his head and turned to leave.

"Wait a minute~" the old man stopped Ma Xiaoquan and asked in slightly stiff Mandarin, "Are you from the Black and Green country?"

Ma Xiaoquan stopped and did not answer the old man's words, but asked him: "Can you sell me the kettle cheaply?"

The old man was stunned, then shook his head with a smile: "It's not cheap, but it can be replaced~"

"Change? How to change? What to change?"

The old man smiled: "You come from the Black and Green Country, you must know a lot about the Black and Green Country..."

"What, information exchange?" Ma Xiaoquan grinned, "How do you know that I know a lot about Heiqing Country?"

The old man pointed to a large plaque not far behind him and said: "This is the base of the Bone Clan. No one is allowed to kill in the base, but it is not limited to fighting and buying and selling information. If you come here, you are a good person. I don't believe it. Look at your majestic weapons."

, must be from a wealthy family in Heiqing Country..."

Ma Xiaoquan nodded and smiled: "This old guy has good eyesight~"

The old man smiled: "What, are you considering exchanging something with me?"

Ma Xiaoquan dragged his chin, thinking that the people in the Bone Clan camp are really not simple. I am dressed in black and blue, which is a bit tricky, but whatever, if I say anything else, they may not believe it, well, either

Let’s talk about the crusade against Hongzhou.

Thinking of this, Ma Xiaoquan snorted and said with a smile: "Exchange is not impossible, but it's just a kettle. If you want to get good information from me, I'm afraid it's too cheap..."

The old man rolled his eyes, walked up to Ma Xiaoquan, and whispered: "I can add you. I can get whatever you want."

Ma Xiaoquan shook his head. He didn't believe that such an old man could get what he wanted. Besides, he didn't have what he wanted at the moment, or in other words, what he wanted hadn't appeared yet.

The old man didn't force Ma Xiaoquan. He left a message, saying that it doesn't matter if the deal is not completed today. As long as you stay at the Bone Clan's camp for a day, if you want to exchange any favors, you can come to him here.

After Ma Xiaoquan said goodbye to the old man with a smile, he wandered all the way to an inn.

Different from the noisy environment outside, this inn is very quiet. There are many people eating in the hall, but none of them speak loudly. Some just talk in a low voice, and most of them even use gestures instead.


Ma Xiaoquan walked to the front. The shopkeeper smiled at Ma Xiaoquan and asked, "Brother, do you want to stay in the hotel or have a rest?"

Ma Xiaoquan thought about it and felt that since this inn was so quiet, its background must be not simple, and it would be relatively safe to stay here.

"Let's stay in the hotel~ By the way, let's get something to eat~"

The shopkeeper nodded and winked at the waiter beside him. The waiter understood and immediately led Ma Xiaoquan to sit at a prescription table.

Since there were many people eating in the hotel lobby, Ma Xiaoquan sat at the square table where two women were eating.

The two women are pretty good-looking, both wearing tight-fitting clothes, and their busts are also very large, but it can be seen from their hands that both women are practitioners.

Seeing Ma Xiaoquan coming to share the table, the two women didn't say anything. They just gave in slightly and continued to eat with their heads down.

Ma Xiaoquan didn't want to offend these two people, so after the food was served, he began to eat quietly.

While Ma Xiaoquan was eating, he found that not only the two women sharing the table with him were peeking at him, but also the people at the other tables were looking at him, and most of their looks were not friendly.

Finally, when Ma Xiaoquan was halfway through his meal, one of the women at the table spoke.

She spoke in a very low voice, and Ma Xiaoquan wouldn't have heard her clearly if she hadn't been sitting close to her. However, her accent was much softer than the people she met before.

"Are you from Heiqing Country?" the woman asked in a low voice.

Ma Xiaoquan did not stop eating, but just let out a slight hum.

"Haiqing Kingdom, have troops entered Hongzhou?" the woman asked again.

Ma Xiaoquan still said yes.

"So are you from the Black and Blue Army?"

Ma Xiaoquan smiled slightly, neither admitting that he was nor denying that he was not.

The woman narrowed her eyes slightly and stopped asking questions.

After Ma Xiaoquan finished his meal and stood up to pay the bill, two women suddenly walked up to him, one on the left and one on the right.

"Can you please come up and sit down?"

Ma Xiaoquan was stunned for a moment, looked around, and then at the store, and found that the store owner was smiling, as if he was used to this kind of thing.

"No~" Ma Xiaoquan simply refused, then pushed the two girls aside and walked straight up the stairs to his guest room.

The two women seemed unwilling to give up and followed Ma Xiaoquan to the door of the guest room.

Ma Xiaoquan was helpless and turned around. Just as he was about to speak, a dagger suddenly touched the vital part of his lower body.

"This..." Ma Xiaoquan is actually not afraid. After all, he has the super power of steel skin, but if the two women suddenly do something like this, I'm afraid something might really happen.

Furthermore, when you have just arrived at the Bone Clan's garrison, you cannot expose your skills easily.

"Okay, the two heroines really have something to do, let's go in and talk~" Ma Xiaoquan pushed the door open and made a gesture of invitation.

The two women looked at Ma Xiaoquan and said softly.

"Uh~ Can you move the dagger away? I'm so scared..." Ma Xiaoquan pointed to the dagger pressed against the vital part and said awkwardly.

"Well, I'm sorry~" the woman took back the dagger, her pretty face blushing slightly.

The three of them entered the guest room. Since there was only one chair in front of the table in the room, Ma Xiaoquan took the chair himself and let the two girls sit on the bed.

"I don't know what to call the two heroines?"

One of the more mature women said: "My name is Mo Ruoqing, and this is my sister, Mo Ruoyu."

"Oh~" Ma Xiaoquan stood up and saluted the two women, "I have seen these two heroines~ I am dismounting Ma San, a person from the Black and Qing Kingdom~"

This chapter has been completed!
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