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【2231】Assault (4)

However, less than two breaths after the guard had extinguished the purple fire, the hand he had just used to extinguish the fire made a "squeaking" sound.

The guard felt that his hand was in pain. When he lowered his head and raised his arm, he was so frightened that he almost fainted.

His hand was now in a half-bone state, which meant that the skin and flesh on his hand had been corroded, as if the skin and flesh had been eaten away by tarsal maggots.

"Ah~~" The guard realized the severe pain at this time. He knelt on his knees with a pop. Then, his face suddenly turned a little purple. After another breath, purple flames came out of his seven orifices.


"Uh ah~~" The guard held his head and rolled on the city wall in pain, but soon he stopped moving. His originally strong body shriveled up a little bit as time passed.


When the people on the city wall reacted, the guard in front of them had turned into a skeleton wearing armor.

There were still some purple flames vaguely left around the armor.

"Monsters...monsters...monsters..." Someone shouted, and the few soldiers on the city wall suddenly exploded, and some of them turned around and ran away.

Some dropped their weapons and ran away with their heads in their arms, and some even jumped directly from the city wall.

After a dozen breaths, the number of soldiers on the city wall shrunk from dozens to just a few.

Ma Xiaoquan walked up to the city wall unsteadily, looked at the few soldiers who were left shivering with their weapons, raised his eyebrows, and said: "Are you going to run or surrender?"

Several people looked at each other, dropped their weapons, and raised their hands.

"Hmph~~" Ma Xiaoquan sneered. He did not believe that these people would surrender, because some of them kept rolling their eyes.

"Since you have chosen to surrender, I will spare you for the time being, but... I can't forgive you in vain. You go and give a message to the leader of the Bone Clan. If you obediently open all the city gates, I will consider recruiting them as a whole.

, if you still resist, then don’t blame me for being rude."

Several people nodded in unison and ran down the city wall.

In fact, as early as when Ma Xiaoquan was talking to these people, reinforcements not far ahead had already surrounded this area. The conversation between Ma Xiaoquan and the soldiers just now was clearly heard by the enemy reinforcements around the city wall.

Those soldiers ran down the city wall. Instead of sending a message, they quickly joined the enemy's reinforcements. Then they picked up fire blunderbuss and aimed them at Ma Xiaoquan who was standing on the city wall.

Ma Xiaoquan picked his ears and looked unconcerned.

Under the city wall, a soldier shouted: "Guys on the wall, listen, this is where you will die today~"

Ma Xiaoquan laughed: "If you want to fight, then fight, there is so much nonsense~"

As soon as he finished speaking, the enemy's muskets and arrows hit Ma Xiaoquan like a heavy rain.

Ma Xiaoquan was also shocked, thinking that these guys really came directly.

"Drink~~" Ma Xiaoquan shouted loudly, his body ignited with green flames, and the fire bombs and arrows that were close to him made "chichi" sounds around him, and they all vaporized.

Under the city wall, the Bone Tribe soldiers were not stupid. Seeing that fire bullets and arrows were ineffective against Ma Xiaoquan, the other party simply gave up and instead prepared dozens of large barrels.

Ma Xiaoquan squinted his eyes and was shocked. He quickly took a few steps back, cursing as he backed away: "You idiots, you are so insidious~"

Yes, those dozens of large barrels are not filled with water, but with feces and urine. These large barrels are toilets.

Under the city wall, a Bone Clan guard laughed loudly and said: "You're a fool of the United Army, you're a fool of Ma Xiaoquan, we know that swords and guns can't do anything to you, but there are many of us here, and we have long thought of using feces and urine to deal with you.

Now, can’t you burn it? If you burn these feces and urine, even if they can’t drown you, the stench will stink you to death~ Come on, come here, call him, call them all~~”

After the guard finished speaking, the soldiers of the Bone Clan immediately set up the dozens of toilets on the lever racks, then aimed all their sights at the city wall where Ma Xiaoquan was. With a command, the toilets all over the sky were thrown towards Ma Xiaoquan.

These toilets did not have lids and were flying in the air. The yellow-black urine and feces dispersed in an instant, mixed with a pungent stench, and all of them hit Ma Xiaoquan.

The incident happened suddenly. Although Ma Xiaoquan reacted, he had no time to dodge. He had no choice but to resist.

"Drink~~" Ma Xiaoquan roared angrily, and the green spirit aura expanded. The toilet touched the edge of the aura and vaporized instantly, but... as the toilet vaporized, the foul smell spread instantly.

, even though Ma Xiaoquan held his breath, the stench already made his eyes hurt, and tears flowed out unconsciously. With this tear, he couldn't hold his breath, the strong smell hit his face, and Ma Xiaoquan almost almost

Being smoked out.

Cursing in his heart, but having no choice but to do anything, Ma Xiaoquan covered his mouth and nose with his hands and quickly jumped off the city wall.

As soon as he jumped down, dozens of spears stabbed at him.

Ma Xiaoquan had no time to dodge, and at the moment he subconsciously protected his eyes, the spear had already pierced his whole body.

The sound of "Ding Ding Dang" sounded. Yes, Ma Xiaosu could not hurt him because of the skin of temperament, but ... the gun head poked, either stirred or draw, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse

Xiao's armor and lining were instantly torn to pieces.

Fortunately, before going out, I listened to Princess Ting's words and put on the silver underwear that Princess Ting prepared for me.

These silver silk underwear are specially customized from the Kingdom of Wanshi. They are light, breathable, and more importantly, invulnerable. Although they cannot prevent collisions and kicks, they still have a very good protective effect on protecting lifeblood from being scratched.


The silver underwear was seen by a Bone Clan guard, and the guy immediately burst out laughing: "If you poke him, he won't die, and if you poke him, he won't be disabled, or I'll let him run around naked."


Ma Xiaoquan was furious when he heard this. While blocking the spears that kept coming, he yelled back: "You piece of shit, just wait for me to catch you and make you eat shit and drink urine~"

Having said that, we are outnumbered. Although Ma Xiaoquan is invulnerable, there are too many enemies. Besides, the door to the Bone Tribe camp has been blown open by him. His mission has actually been completed. Now it should be a strategic retreat.

Just go to your own camp.

Taking a deep breath, the flames in Ma Xiaoquan's palms turned from purple to red.

Although Purple Death's Pyrophilia has a huge psychological deterrent effect on the enemy, in terms of lethality, Red Lotus's Domination of Fire is the most effective.

"Drink~~" Ma Xiaoquan threw out the Red Lotus Hegemony Fire. Whenever the red flames touched the body of any Bone Tribe soldier, they would immediately resemble rotten bone maggots, which could not be extinguished or burned out.

The screams rang out again, and Ma Xiaoquan did not hesitate. He kept swinging the flame belt and ran towards the city gate.

Arriving at the city gate, Ma Xiaoquan stepped forward and kicked away a soldier standing in front of him. The green aura instantly blessed his whole body and he ran out of the Bone Clan camp in a flash.

The screams behind him were endless, and along with the curses greeting Ma Xiaoquan's eighteenth generation ancestors, they reached Ma Xiaoquan's ears.


At this time, the large hole that Ma Xiaoquan blasted in the early stage gave the coalition forces a good morale boost. While Ma Xiaoquan was causing trouble in the city, the coalition forces had already captured another city gate.

The loss of both city gates at the same time would inevitably lead to the dispersion of troops. Coupled with Ma Xiaoquan's horrific actions in the city just now, the Bone Clan soldiers had a certain shadow in their hearts.

What if someone like Ma Xiaoquan appears? This problem not only drags the Bone Clan soldiers into a deadly knot, but also distracts the minds of some of the Bone Clan's city defenders.


On the battlefield, the most taboo thing is hesitation. The Union Army took this opportunity to quickly open the two city gates that had been breached. Facing the Union Army with high morale, most of the Bone Clan's city defenders gave up resistance and threw down their weapons.

Turn around and run away, or simply break the jar and throw it down and raise your hands to surrender.

The coalition army quickly detached a group of soldiers who were responsible for rectifying the prisoners. In addition to confiscating their weapons, they also executed several Bone Tribe soldiers who had a sense of luck.

After this move, the surrendered Bone Tribe soldiers became obedient.


Ma Xiaoquan reappeared in the coalition army. His upper body was covered with a leather armor. It was in tatters, but it covered at least two points. The lower body was~~uh~~because it was too chaotic and there was really no time. At this time, Ma Xiaoquan

, the lower body is wearing a pair of baggy trousers. Although it doesn't fit well, at least it's not so embarrassing.

The Bone Clan's base camp is divided into an outer city and an inner city. After breaking through the city gate, the outer city has basically been controlled by the coalition forces, while the inner city is much stronger than the outer city. Moreover, according to the prisoners, the Bone Clan's inner city has rich reserves.

of food and water. In other words, if the inner city is attacked by force, it will not be able to defeat it for a while, and it may consume a lot of money. However, if there is no attack by force, the storage in the inner city can last for a long time. If this continues, the physical damage will be

The capital shortage of the Union Army was very disadvantageous.


An hour later, the Union Army completely took control of the outer city. When it came to the surrendered prisoners, the Union Army did not accept all the surrendered prisoners. After all, these people also had to eat, even though the supplies captured in the outer city were much more than what was currently available.

Few, but they are prisoners after all. When it comes to prisoners, especially those who may become hidden dangers, the Union Army has no obligation to take care of them.

Ma Xiaoquan had a headache. If he killed some, it might cause riots. And if he let the prisoners go, if they got together and counterattacked, the disaster would be even greater.

In the evening, in the barracks, Ma Xiaoquan called several commanders to discuss how to deal with the prisoners. In the end, everyone agreed that instead of killing or releasing them, it was better to let them kill each other. (To be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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