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【2241】Advance Department (3)

The deputy commander was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly found a small cup and brought it to Erta. He found that his cup was larger than his jade cup, so he quickly took it back.

"It's okay. I'm not giving you everything to drink. I just want you to taste it." Erta poured some for the deputy commander. The deputy commander swallowed his saliva, carefully brought the cup to his nose, and took a deep sniff.

After a while, I lit the dark red liquid in the cup with the tip of my tongue and tasted it bit by bit.

"How is it? Does it taste good?" Erta looked at the deputy commander.

"Okay, delicious..." The deputy commander drank up the liquid in the cup in a blink of an eye, and then he looked greedily at the jade cup in Erta's hand.

Elta didn't seem to care that the deputy commander was so presumptuous towards him. On the contrary, he chuckled and said: "I didn't bring much this time. You also know that the blood of the Shadow Tribe, especially the pure blood, is very


The deputy commander came back to his senses and nodded repeatedly: "I understand, I understand."

"Okay, how's the task assigned to you going?"

The deputy commander returned to his serious attitude and said respectfully: "It's okay, sir. Leng Feng said he was going to attack the old camp and feed the brothers, so should we..."

"Haha, what a Leng Feng, he is very smart. The Bone Clan... Well, it should be called the old camp of the Bone Clan. There are almost ten thousand people. Excluding the old, weak, sick and disabled, there are also some young and middle-aged people. Leng Feng

That guy wants to go to the tooth ceremony first, how can we not show our appreciation? Let's go too, and give the brothers a meat drink by the way. Well, although the blood of the Bone Tribe people is a bit bitter, the feeling after entering the stomach is still good.

Burp, it won't taste bad..."

As she spoke, Elta stuck out her tongue, sucked and licked her lips.

"I understand, I will make arrangements now~" The deputy commander bowed respectfully to Elta and then stepped back.

Erta shook the jade cup in his hand, and there was still a little bit in the cup. He looked at the liquid in the cup greedily, and said: "Leng Feng is really a thief. In the old camp of the Bone Clan, there are many people in the cup.

There are a lot, we came a little less this time, but it’s still good to capture some slaves..."


At night... Gu Zhilong returned to his long-lost old camp, his long-lost inner city, and his bedroom.

After exhaling heavily, Gu Zhilong lay on the bed with relief.

Tomorrow will be my wedding day.

"When I take complete control of Echo Canyon, I will copy everything here exactly the same." Gu Zhilong said angrily.

In fact, she doesn't have to come back at all, but after all, she has lived in the old camp for more than ten years. In terms of feelings, it is more cordial here.

At this time, in the old camp, the members of the Bone Clan are busy arranging all the conditions required for the clan’s big wedding tomorrow.

Gu Zhilong stood up, blew out the cigarette on the table, and the room suddenly fell into darkness.

He walked to the window and looked out - the inner city was bustling. It seemed that the tribesmen's preparations would continue for a while.

Whatever, it just so happened that he was not sleepy at this time.

With his mind at this point, Gu Zhilong simply sat at the table and recalled what happened in these days. When he thought about Ma Xiaoquan's absence and the fact that he had controlled Princess Ting, a weak woman, Gu Zhilong would inevitably get excited.

According to his own plan, he will announce that he completely owns Echo Canyon at the wedding ceremony tomorrow day. Although there will be opposition from the Alliance Army, the Bone Clan has more people and the Alliance has fewer soldiers, so the two sides will definitely not be able to go to war directly.

In this way, he took advantage of the situation to completely seize Echo Canyon. Even if Ma Xiaoquan comes back, it will not help. Hum~~ As for Princess Ting... Gu Zhilong narrowed his eyes slightly and thought

Princess Daoting is still very good-looking. When the time comes, she snatches Echo Canyon, snatches her together, presses her on the bed, ravages her fiercely, and shares the blessings of everyone, haha...


Thinking of this, Gu Zhilong became more and more excited. He stood up and poured himself a glass of water.

At this moment, the door suddenly opened with a creak, and a gust of wind blew in.

Gu Zhilong was stunned for a moment, then felt a cold hand pressing the carotid artery in his neck.

Gu Zhilong had an impression of this cold feeling before, because only the direct nobles of the Leng clan and very strong warriors of the Leng clan could give people such a cold feeling.

"Who are you from the Leng tribe?" Gu Zhilong asked.

"Oh, you still know about the Leng clan..."

The door closed with a creak, and immediately the room was illuminated with a fire stick.

As the room lit up, Gu Zhilong saw a cold face.

"Leng...Leng Feng?" Gu Zhilong's face turned pale for a moment with fright.

"Well, you know me, it seems I'm quite famous..." Leng Feng didn't mean to continue threatening Gu Zhilong. He let go of his hand, patted Gu Zhilong's shoulder, and then left.

He grabbed the water glass in his hand and drank the water in the glass.

"Well, after running all this way, I finally caught up~" Leng Feng sat down and then put his hand to the candlestick in front of the candlestick and lit the candle.

Gu Zhilong swallowed his spit and asked nervously: "What on earth do you want to do? Kill me?"

"Kill you?" Leng Feng curled his lips, "You are not qualified~"

"Then what are you going to do? Eat me?"

Leng Feng shook his head: "Your meat doesn't taste good either..."

"Then what do you want to do? Since you are here, the advance team of the Leng clan should also be here, right? Also, are the people from the Tata clan here too?"

"You are quite smart. Well, we are all here, the Tatas, and it is Elta who is here."

"Ah? Elta...hehe..." Gu Zhilong smiled bitterly and shook his head, "You two big tribes are really willing to spend money. You and Elta are members of the clan.

Super masters, you are here, and the large armies of the two tribes are also here, right?"

"Well...not really..." Leng Feng touched his nose and said.

"Uh? Then what do you want to do?"

Leng Feng curled his lips and asked, "I heard that you are going to be a groom tomorrow?"

Gu Zhilong did not answer.

"That's it..." A smile appeared on Leng Feng's cold face. Of course, his smile was actually scarier than not smiling at all.

"So that Ma Xiaoquan? Will he show up?" Leng Feng asked.

How dare Gu Zhilong lie? He knew very well how powerful the cold man in front of him was, and he didn't want to die.

"Do you want to cooperate?" Gu Zhilong asked Leng Feng.

"Cooperation?" Leng Feng was stunned for a moment, then shook his head, "When you said this, I knew that Ma Xiaoquan would not come. It seems that he is not here..." After saying that, Leng Feng stood up and walked straight to

Walked out of the bedroom.

As soon as Leng Feng left, Gu Zhilong was so frightened that he sat down on the ground.


Leng Feng walked to the corner, exhaled, and said softly: "Come out, you arrived earlier than me, but you don't go in, what do you mean?"

"Hey~~" A man stood up from the darkness. He didn't seem to be afraid of Leng Feng. On the contrary, he came to Leng Feng very familiarly, put his arm around his shoulders, and said, "Hey, that Ma Xiaoquan will meet tomorrow."

Won’t come?”

Leng Feng shook his shoulders in disgust and said, "No, he's not here."

"Ah? That's such a pity..." The man showed a disappointed expression, "Then I won't be here tomorrow... It's boring... What about you, are you still coming?


Leng Feng shook his head: "If you, Elta, don't come, let the brothers do what I do. They can eat as much as they want and kill as much as they want."

"Yeah, yeah, that's what I mean. Hey, I got the latest news. That Ma Xiaoquan led a few people out to explore the terrain. How about we cooperate and intercept him?"

Leng Feng rolled his eyes at the other party and curled his lips, "It's boring..."

"Hey, if you don't go, I will..." With that said, the man turned and left.

Watching the other party disappear into the night, Leng Feng was thoughtful, and then he also disappeared into the night.


The sudden appearance of Leng Feng made Gu Zhilong, who was still full of confidence, feel discouraged. Counting the time just now, he had only seen Leng Feng twice, but he would never forget the first time he saw Leng Feng.


If he had to say it, Gu Zhilong had only one word to describe it - shocking.

At this moment, a guard outside the door sent word that someone had a letter to bring to the clan leader.

Gu Zhilong secretly cursed the guard's incompetence, but he had nothing to say, because Leng Feng's appearance just now gave him every reason to kill him, but why didn't Leng Feng do this?

Gu Zhilong took the letter in his hand, closed the door, and opened it to read.

"Cooperation..." Gu Zhilong breathed out, his mood seemed much better than before, "Hey, it's just my tribe..." After that, Gu Zhilong placed the letter in front of the candle,



The next day, Gu Zhilong, the head of the Bone Clan, got married.

The bride is the daughter of a noble family of the Katie tribe, and she is very beautiful.

Because of Gu Zhilong's special status, no one in the clan was qualified to serve as the "high hall", so Gu Zhilong simply gave away his mother's spiritual tablet.

Although it would be unfair to offer spiritual tablets on such a festive day, no one dared to say anything. After all, Gu Zhilong is the clan leader and he has the right to decide what to do and what not to do.

There are also many people from the Katie tribe coming today, most of them are relatives of the woman's family. Although they were not happy with their daughter marrying Gu Zhilong at first, after all, Gu Zhilong is already over forty years old, and their daughter

, was only sixteen years old, but seeing Gu Zhilong’s talented appearance and his noble status, the woman’s family finally agreed to the marriage.

This chapter has been completed!
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