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【2247】Close the door and beat the dog's head (2)

"Well, okay then~" After saying that, the tall and thin man turned around and leaned against the carriage door.

Haida's voice came from inside the carriage: "Ah San, Lao Si, are there assassins?"

Judging from Heida's tone, it seemed that she had expected it.

"Well, yes, miss~" Ah San and Lao Si were surprisingly respectful to Haida, "Miss, there is no need to come down, leave this place to us."

"Okay, then Xiaoju and I will take a rest."


"Xiao Ju?" Erta was stunned for a moment when he heard Heda calling Xiao Ju's name. If I remember correctly, that Xiao Ju should have been sucked to death by him? How could he be alive? If Xiao Ju is really alive, then how much money will it cost?

It is impossible for the Ulula Tribe and Ma Xiaoquan to have conflicts. Then wouldn’t the previous plan with Gu Zhilong have failed?

Elta's head began to make constant calculations. He was considering whether to fight next. After all, he clearly didn't take any advantage in the fight with that guy just now. If there was a fight, what if the tall, thin man, the Fourth, took action?

what to do?

Ah San guessed Elta's hidden worries and said with a smile: "Boy, are you worried about the fourth child sneaking up on you? Don't worry, I won't. I will play with you, and I won't beat you to death. After all, you and I are of the same race. You

He is considered my junior."

"Same race?" Erta was stunned for a moment, and his mind quickly recalled the moment of the sneak attack. Although the blood dagger broke, he knew very well that the sound of breaking was not like the sound of breaking it with force.

It's the sound that was cut off by something.

"Well, the same race, ah~~ But I can't be considered a Tata clan now. Boy, are the Tata clan still sucking human blood?" Ah San seemed to be very interested in chatting with Elta. As for whether he would take action or not, he was still interested.

No rush at all.

Erta didn't answer, he took a step back alertly.

"Well, it doesn't matter if you don't answer. Let's play with you. If I win, you have to answer a few questions for me." After that, Asan smiled fiercely and rushed towards Erta.


At the same time, Ma Xiaoquan led several people into the Bone Clan's old camp.

The old camp was filled with the foul smell of blood, which was so strong that it even made people's eyes suffocate.

Ma Xiaoquan cursed secretly in his heart and immediately ordered his men to investigate.

Ma Xiaoquan originally didn't want to come, but because there was no progress in the terrain exploration work, he changed his mind and took a few commanders to take a look.

At this glance, I realized that the old camp had been occupied by the advance troops of the Tata and Leng tribes.

Even at night, the old campground is still brightly lit.

Without the supervision of Elta and Leng Feng, the soldiers of the two tribes' advance troops seemed to have let go of their beasts, killing and having fun crazily. In front of them, there were piles of corpses, and some that were too late to deal with had already dispersed.

There was a strong rancid smell.

"These beasts~" Ma Xiaoquan gritted his teeth and cursed bitterly, "Go and see how many people there are in these two groups. If possible, kill them all without leaving any one behind."

"Yes~" A deputy commander took the order and left.

"Hmm~" Ma Xiaoquan dragged his chin and murmured, "These people don't look easy to deal with. You two, quickly search for laxatives in the old camp and give them to me."


Ma Xiaoquan hummed, looked into the distance, and said softly: "The security in the old camp is very loose. Why don't the people of the Bone Clan run away? Well, it seems that the matter is much more serious than I thought. I just don't know.

Can Ting be able to hold on..."


Somewhere in the wild.

Erta sat on the ground with blood on his head and face. His clothes were already in tatters, and his right arm was drooping, as if his bones had been broken.

On the other hand, the Ah San standing in front of him, although his clothes were a little tattered and there were a few wounds on his hands and arms, was countless times better than Elta.

"Boy, you're not bad~" Ah San said with a grin.

Elta stood up with difficulty, gritted her teeth and said, "Why don't you kill me?"

Ah San curled his lips: "I said, I am of the same race as you, and for the sake of my fellow race, I will spare your life, but if I do it next time, I may not do it."

"Who are you anyway?"

Ah San smiled slightly and did not answer Elta's words. Instead, he issued an eviction order: "Get out now. If you don't get out, I will change my mind and kill you, and you will not be able to live."

Erta knew very well that Ah San was not joking with him. He pressed his broken right arm, gave Ah San a hateful look, turned and left. Before leaving, he did not forget to put down his harsh words: "

If I have the chance to see you again, I will definitely kill you~"

Ah San remained calm and didn't say a word. Instead, Lao Si, who was leaning against the carriage door, burst into laughter.

"Boy, even if you practice for a lifetime, you can't be the opponent of Third Brother~ Haha..."

There was a "boom", and Ada suddenly jumped down from the top of the carriage. The fourth child, who was still laughing, stopped talking for a moment, and his eyes were full of reverence.

Ah Da patted Ah San on the shoulder, nodded slightly, and then walked away.

"Boss, what are you going to do?" asked the fourth child.

Ah Da didn't look back, but just left one sentence: "Go and do something. Keep an eye on Miss and Xiao Ju. If anything goes wrong, I will skin you both."

Ah San and Lao Si nodded repeatedly, as if they were convinced of Ah Da's words.


After experiencing the battle just now, Elta knew how weak he was. He was not stupid. From the conversation with that Ah San just now, he also guessed about it.

Among the Tata tribe, there was once a genius warrior who was rare in a century. It is said that the genius warrior never drank human blood, but his fighting power was arrogant to the entire Tata tribe, even in the land of Hongzhou.

, the name of that genius was scary, but later, for unknown reasons, the genius suddenly disappeared. For this reason, the top leaders of the Tata tribe massacred more than a dozen small tribes just to find him.

"If I guess correctly, that genius warrior is that Ah San..." Erta grinned bitterly, and the broken bones of his right arm caused him great pain.

At this time, the sky gradually turned pale white, and Erta knew that it was almost dawn.

There was a creek ahead, and Elta decided to stop to clean up the broken arm and wounds, and to reattach the arm bone.

When she reached the creek, Erta was startled because there was a person lying in the creek. If she didn't look carefully, she would have thought that the person was dead.

"Leng Feng? Why are you here?"

The stream was very shallow, and Leng Feng, who had closed his eyes suddenly, opened them and sat up.

Elta looked at Leng Feng and saw that his clothes were in tatters and that a blood gash on his head was three inches long. What was even more surprising was that although the gash was no longer bleeding, it had not healed. Elta could even see Leng Feng's pink...


"Have you met them too?" Erta asked.

Leng Feng did not answer, but it could be seen from his expression that he had indeed met Ah Da, and he also met Ah Da. No, it should be said that Ah Da was the one who found him.

"It seems that our plan has failed..." Erta smiled bitterly, and simply sat down on the stream, pulled off the ragged sleeves, and cleaned the wounds.

The bloody wound on Leng Feng's head was actually very deep. Elta originally thought it was miserable that her arm was broken, but now it seems that the wound on Leng Feng's head may be fatal if left untreated.

Thinking of this, Elta didn't hide anything and threw a small bottle to Leng Feng.

Leng Feng did not refuse, let alone doubt. He directly opened the small bottle, poured the powder inside into his hand, and then patted the powder on the bloody mouth on his head.

The next moment, Leng Feng also took out a small bottle and threw it to Elta. Like Leng Feng, Elta opened it directly and poured the powder inside onto his wound. Then with Leng Feng's assistance, Elta

Reconnect the broken bones.

It may take a month or two for the broken arm to recover. Even if it recovers, it will not be as flexible as before. Thinking of this, Elta couldn't help but feel a little sad. He laughed at himself: "I'm afraid I won't be able to beat you from now on."

Leng Feng did not answer Elta's words. In fact, in his heart, he also believed that after the battle just now, he was no longer qualified to compete with Elta, because the man named Ada was terrifyingly strong, and more importantly,

, that Ah Da is a real, legendary warrior of the Bone Clan, oh no, according to Ah Da, he is no longer a member of the Bone Clan.

Leng Feng has been arrogant for almost thirty years. He has been the leader of the Leng clan for as long as he can remember. But that Ah Da made him understand what it means to have someone outside of others.

After a long time, Leng Feng finally said something from his mouth: "The secret method of the Bone Clan... we must get it..."


Inside the old camp of the Bone Clan.

The soldiers from the Leng tribe and the Tata tribe's advance troops were tied up one by one. In front of them was a human mountain piled up with the corpses of the dead Bone tribe members.

Ma Xiaoquan stood quietly, looking at the two cruel tribal soldiers in front of him, and waved his hand in disgust.

Immediately, several deputy commanders raised their knives and began to cleanly harvest the heads.

After a while, all the heads of the two advance soldiers fell to the ground. A deputy commander dropped his machete and kept rubbing the tiger's mouth, saying: "Damn, these bastards are really difficult to cut. Several of the blades were broken.

They were just fucking hacked to death. Fortunately, the boss gave these grandsons laxatives for diarrhea, otherwise we really wouldn’t be able to deal with these people."

In fact... it was not only the laxatives administered by Ma Xiaoquan, but also the lax attitude of the two soldiers. If they had not been too indulgent in the past two days and let the wine, sex and food consume most of their physical energy, it would be impossible for Ma Xiaoquan to be like this.

Easy to get.

Turning around, Ma Xiaoquan smiled slightly: "Thank you~ If you hadn't helped me with the medicine, I wouldn't have been able to deal with them so easily."

This chapter has been completed!
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