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【2251】Liang Qianyue (2)

The death of Bone Zhilong did not cause much disturbance in the Bone Clan. On the contrary, the news that the talkers in each family died along with him really shocked every clan member, including the United Army.

Princess Ting did not want to kill everyone, but because of what Liang Qianyue did, she had to continue. Therefore, Princess Ting designed a script. The final chapter of this script was a huge black pot, and this black pot

Someone had to take the blame, and it just so happened that the desperate Third Elder naturally became the perfect person to take the blame.

The angry tribesmen did not kill the third elder immediately, but tied up his relatives one by one, cut them alive in front of him, and ate them alive.

Princess Ting knew that the Guzhi clan had the custom of cannibalism. After getting along with them these days, she also knew that their cannibalism was limited to their own clansmen, but that was because they commemorated their dead relatives, and they ate their clansmen out of anger.

, This kind of thing is rare in the Bone Clan. Princess Ting inquired about it. This kind of thing has only happened once in the entire history of the Bone Clan. This time, it is the second time.

This time, it was enough to prove that the tribe's anger towards the third elder had reached an extreme level.

The desperate third elder looked at Princess Ting with somewhat complicated eyes. There was no resentment, no anger, only a trace of ridicule.

"Thorn...the female Rakshasa..." After a long time, the third elder finally said something, and then he burst into laughter.

Princess Ting closed her eyes and made a killing motion. Immediately, two members of the Bone Clan stepped forward, each with a knife, and pierced the ears of the third elder.

Killing clan members is a taboo among the Bone Clan. According to the rules of the clan, the principal offender must bear the punishment of ten thousand knives.

Two knives pierced the ears of the third elder. The third elder felt deaf for a moment, but he did not stop laughing wildly. Instead, he laughed and shouted: "Today, I swear to God, I swear to the one who killed me."

Everyone curses you, you are the real betrayer of our clan, you should bear the punishment of being cut to pieces with a thousand cuts, haha..."

The third elder's curse seemed to have some effect, and the members of the Bone Tribe present seemed a little scared, especially the two tribesmen who had stabbed him just now, and they all took two steps back in fear.

But at this moment, a young woman from the Bone Clan came forward. The third elder looked at her and was surprised to find that her eyes were completely white.

"You...you..." Before the third elder could speak again, the woman grabbed the third elder's tongue and raised the knife in her hand.

Princess Ting couldn't stand it anymore, so she turned around.

Liang Qianyue walked up. She looked coldly at the clan members stabbing the third elder with knives. Her expression was cold and ruthless.

"I don't understand, why are you doing this?" Princess Ting murmured, "They are just a small tribe in Hongzhou..."

Liang Qianyue laughed: "When did the female Rakshasa of Thorns, who once dominated the Black Qing Kingdom and feared the entire United Nations, feel compassion? This is not like your style. Or should you say that you were raped by that guy Ma Xiaoquan?


Princess Ting sighed: "Perhaps as I get older, I think more and more... On the other hand, I think you can be called a 'Thorn Lady'

This is the title of Sha'."

"No, I can't bear it. This is Hongzhou, not the Black and Green Kingdom, nor the United Nations. Storytellers couldn't finish all your achievements in a month."

Princess Ting retorted: "Isn't Hongzhou part of the Heiqing Kingdom? Why should it be so clearly distinguished?"

Liang Qianyue was stunned, lowered her head and murmured: "Yes, why should I distinguish so clearly? Why?"


The third elder could not withstand the punishment of ten thousand swords. In fact, it was impossible for anyone to be able to withstand it. When Princess Ting turned around to look again, the third elder had already breathed his last. There were about thirty wounds on his body.

Many knife marks.

Liang Qianyue glanced at the Bone Clan members present and asked Princess Ting: "Now is an excellent opportunity to accept these people. I think you can't miss it..."

Princess Ting looked at Liang Qianyue in surprise, and the latter said calmly: "Every family here, their head is no longer here, you take this opportunity to support a group of people, can you slowly absorb and digest it?"

Disintegrate them?"

Liang Qianyue's suggestion was not unreasonable. As early as when Ma Xiaoquan was around, he had discussed the plan to disintegrate a tribe with Princess Ting more than once. Although it sounded cruel, in fact, if the alliance army wanted to develop healthily in the future,

Everyone who enters Echo Canyon must be allowed to abandon their original identity and let them live here with a new identity.

"What should I do?" Princess Ting asked.

"It's actually very simple..." Liang Qianyue said meaningfully, "Although the Thorn Female Rakshasa doesn't have the abilities that are different from ordinary people like me, she is born with us.

What this kind of person never has, well, you should know what I’m talking about, right?”

Princess Ting frowned slightly. She naturally understood what Liang Qianyue meant, but if she really had to do that, I'm afraid it would be difficult to look back.

Princess Ting once followed Zhao Yuntai, traversing the mountains and rivers of the Black and Green Kingdom, killing countless people, and was stunningly stunning. She even got the title of Rakshasa of Thorns by massacring most of the aboriginal people who once united the country. In the following decades, Ting

The princess kept repenting of what she had done. Although she understood that such repentance was futile, decades of constant inner struggle allowed her to gradually develop a method that could seal her murderous heart.

Liang Qianyue's purpose is obvious, which is to get Princess Ting to activate her murderous heart again, but if once activated, will Hongzhou become another unification?

Princess Ting hates killing. If she had a choice, she would rather die now. However, thinking that Ma Xiaoquan has not come back yet, she is unwilling to do so.

"This is all a mission given to you by Yang Jie. What you have done, you have been following me, just to achieve this goal, right?"

Liang Qianyue smiled slightly: "Yang Jie did give me this task. He knew that it was impossible for Ma Xiaoquan alone to complete the plan to conquer Hongzhou, but you, Zhao Ting, are the perfect candidate to conquer Hongzhou.


Princess Ting smiled: "So from the beginning, your ultimate goal is actually me, right? Ma Xiaoquan is just a pawn of yours, right?"

"You can say that, but what I didn't expect was that that guy was so powerful. Just so, with his fierceness, your cold-bloodedness, and your two strategies, the conquest of Hongzhou is just around the corner.


"You are so despicable." Princess Ting said contemptuously.

"Despicable? You are wrong. It is not us who are despicable, but the world..." Liang Qianyue laughed, "You have lived much longer than me. What is this world like? How can you still

Don’t you know better than me? Why Yang Jie wants to change, why your father Zhao Yuntai wants to change, why that guy from the Leng clan also wants to change, don’t you understand yet? Zhao Ting, I remember your father once told you

In other words, if you can't become a god, then simply become a demon. In this world, only by becoming a god or a demon can you ruthlessly destroy it, reshape it, and change it."

Faced with Liang Qianyue's frankness, Princess Ting felt that she had no reason to oppose her. However, looking at Liang Qianyue's words from another angle, she was indeed right. If the world is not good, then we will

You have to change it, and in the process of changing it, you either become a god or... you become a demon.

Seeing that Princess Ting was silent, Liang Qianyue smiled slightly. She knew that if she tried harder, Princess Ting would definitely let go of her persistence and transform back into the "Thorn Woman" who once dominated the Black and Green Kingdom, united with all the power, and was feared by everyone.


Princess Ting was indeed a little shaken. She knew that if she continued to talk to Liang Qianyue, she would really become the person she hated even herself, the person who had killed many people, the person she had been repenting for for decades.

Now that I have achieved great results, I no longer think about my former self.

"I need to think about it..." Princess Ting exhaled and murmured.

"Okay...but if you have other delusional thoughts, I think you should forget it, especially if you want to rely on Ma Xiaoquan. I advise you to give up this idea. Even if he comes back, I will still be here."

Before you become the 'Thorn Female Rakshasa', try your best to stop him."

Princess Ting hummed softly.

At night, Princess Ting called A'er to her side and said, "Your mission has been completed. I think you can go back to Haida now."

A'er's face was full of guilt. It had been several days since he was arranged here by Haida. He had never been of any help. He had been poisoned before and was knocked unconscious. Now Princess Ting wants him to leave.

, he felt very sorry for Princess Ting.

"Princess, if there is anything else I can help with, please let me know."

Princess Ting glanced at Liang Qianyue, who was standing beside her, and said with a smile: "It's nothing. Thank Haida for me. By the way, if you meet Ma Xiaoquan, tell him that it's a good place here and he doesn't need to worry."

"Yes~ then Ah Er resigns!"

After Ah Er stepped back, Liang Qianyue looked at Princess Ting alertly and asked, "Are you sure you didn't say secret words to that guy?"

Princess Ting smiled: "You are here too. If you don't believe me, you can ask him."

Liang Qianyue sneered and actually chased him out.

Seeing Liang Qianyue disappearing, Princess Ting was a little worried, because what he and A'er said were indeed code words, but A'er didn't know the reason. Based on her understanding of Liang Qianyue, if she couldn't ask

So of course, that Ah Er is very likely to be killed, and then it will be really troublesome.


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