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【2278】Five years (15)

"What on earth do you want? I've already done what you said. Aren't you still willing to let go of my sister and Bai Bai?"

"No, no, no, I didn't say I won't let them go. It depends on your performance."

"Performance? Huh, right now my Liang tribe is being attacked by the Shadow tribe, and I can't watch anymore. What else should I do? Watch the Liang tribe's destruction?"

"Isn't it bad to be destroyed?" The masked man smiled coldly, "You are just a chess piece placed by the Lord in the Liang clan. Besides, you are not Bai Zhouyue at all. Bai Zhouyue has participated in the Hong clan for a long time.

He died after the state tribal meeting. Why, after staying in the Liang tribe for a long time, do you think you are Bai Zhouyue?"


"Properly correct your identity and know who you really are. This will be good for you and the entire Liang clan."

Bai Zhouyue gritted her silver teeth tightly and stopped talking.

"Next, I need you to do one thing..." The masked man coldly took out a piece of paper, "It says what you have to do. Well, if you complete it well, I will keep an eye on you."

It's yours." After saying that, the masked man ducked away, slowly walked towards the exit of the palace, and then gradually disappeared.

Bai Zhouyue picked up the piece of paper with trembling hands, unfolded it and read the content on it. Then, she placed the paper in front of the candle and burned it.


On the Liang Clan's third line of defense, defensive measures were being deployed intensively during the day. Although he knew that doing so would be a drop in the bucket, if nothing was done, all the Liang Clan people behind him would be exposed to the butcher's knives of the Shadow Clan people.


Thinking of Bai Zhouyue's decision to join forces with the Shadow Clan half a year ago, he felt regretful during the day, but he was not the clan leader, so he could only implement Bai Zhouyue's decision.

"General, please report back from the scouting ahead. The Shadow Clan troops are coming."

"Who led the team?" Tian Tian asked with a frown.

"It's Ah Da from ShadowClan."

"Ada?" Bai Tian frowned again, "Give me my order, guard the line of defense, and don't take even a step back. Anyone who disobeys the order will be killed!"



Shadow Clan general Ada led the main force of the Shadow Clan and stopped ten miles away from the Liang Clan's third line of defense.

Tan Ma reported back, saying that the blood-clothed general of the Liang clan had built defensive measures during the day, and if he attacked by force, he would probably suffer a big loss.

Ah Da narrowed his eyes, opened the terrain map with a splash, looked at it, and then ordered: "Where is the siege team?"


"Eighty meters close to the Liang Clan's defense line, call me with the Thunderbolt Chariot."


"After three rounds of thunderbolt chariot attacks, the shield soldiers will defend in the front row, and the bows, crossbows and fire cannons will form the back row to suppress the Liang clan with firepower."

"Got the order!"

"After approaching the defensive line, the infantry group should prevent fire and burn its fortifications. Remember, once the fire is lit, retreat immediately without making any mistakes."



After the orders were distributed one by one, Ah Da took a long breath. He turned to look behind him and asked, "When will the clan mother come?"

"Replying to the general, the mother of the clan just sent someone to deliver the message. The general broke through the Liang clan's third line of defense, and she came."

"Okay!" Ada laughed, stood up, put away the terrain map, and waved his hand: "Forward!"


Two months later...

In the central area of ​​Hongzhou, a certain branch of the Qian tribe, inside a winery.

After the disguise, Ma Xiaoquan was resting when suddenly a storyteller rushed into the winery holding a scroll and shouted: "Everyone, the Shadow Clan has destroyed the Liang Clan, the Shadow Clan has destroyed the Liang Clan...


Hearing the storyteller's shout, Ma Xiaoquan was slightly startled, then shook his head.

Since leaving Echo Canyon, Ma Xiaoquan has traveled all the way to the west, met a lot of people, and learned a lot of anecdotes about Hongzhou. The branch of the Qian tribe he is currently in is known as the most well-informed branch.

, not only in Hongzhou, but also in the entire Heiqing Kingdom, and even in other countries, you can learn a thing or two here.

There were many passers-by in the winery. When they heard the calligrapher shouting, some people laughed and said, "Isn't it because you made up the storyteller?"

Someone else said: "More than half a year ago, it was said that the Liang Clan and the Wan Clan joined forces to plot against the Shadow Clan, and the Shadow Clan was almost wiped out. If not for the good leadership of Princess Ting, the mother of the clan, the Shadow Clan would have been wiped out long ago...

Maybe this time the Shadow Clan destroyed the Liang Clan because of the hatred from last time."

"Yes, yes, but what is very strange is that there is very little news about the leader of the Shadow Clan, that horse... what the horse is. Do you think he is dead?"

"Who knows..."

Ma Xiaoquan picked up the small bowl, took a sip of the tea in the bowl, then raised his hand to greet the storyteller.

The storyteller saw Ma Xiaoquan waving to him, and took a quick look at Ma Xiaoquan's attire, thinking that he must be a rich man. He raised his eyebrows and walked closer with a smile: "Uncle, your name is Xiao, is it?

What do you want to know?"

Ma Xiaoquan smiled and said, "I heard you just said that the Shadow Clan destroyed the Liang Clan. Is the news reliable?"

"Reliable, absolutely reliable~" the storyteller patted his chest and said, "Even though I am a storyteller, I heard this news from a passing Mi tribe."

Ma Xiaoquan dragged his chin and said: "If it is true, this fact probably happened a month ago. Well, this is somewhat credible~" After that, Ma Xiaoquan turned over his hand and threw one to the storyteller.

Silver beads.

The storyteller caught the silver bead, his eyes lit up, and he said with a smile: "Uncle, this is not over yet. It is said that when the Shadow Clan destroyed the Liang Clan, the then leader of the Liang Clan, well, it was Bai Zhouyue,

In fact, she was not the real leader of the Liang tribe. Before she died, she revealed the news that the real leader of the Liang tribe, Bai Zhouyue, was dead, and also identified a bad guy. Well, he was a bad guy. It was a pity that she didn't wait for her to speak again.

, and was killed by that bad guy..."

"Bad guy?" Ma Xiaoquan raised his eyebrows, "What kind of bad guy is so powerful?"

"Hey, I don't know, but since then, I heard that the entire Liang Clan has been merged into the Shadow Clan, and even the blood-clothed general has become one of the generals of the Shadow Clan. Well, the Shadow Clan is now growing stronger.

There are some."

As soon as the storyteller finished speaking, a big man on the table next to him laughed and said: "The Liang tribe of the Shadow Clan is a small tribe. The fighting and killing between them is equivalent to noobs pecking each other. Brother, don't listen to this storyteller."

I was deceived, you gave me too much of that silver bead."

When the storyteller heard this, he quickly covered his chest with his hands, fearing that Ma Xiaoquan would take away the silver beads he had just obtained.

"What do you know?" the storyteller retorted to the big man, "It is said that when the Shadow Clan was established, it was clear that it wanted to unify the entire Hongzhou. What if it comes true one day?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the whole winery burst into laughter.

Although Ma Xiaoquan recognized the storyteller in his heart, he also started laughing in order to deceive others.

"Are you stupid or crazy? Where is the Shadow Clan? It's the most remote place in Hongzhou. If they can take over the entire Hongzhou, they have to start from the most remote place and wipe out hundreds of tribes, big and small, along the way.

, and then defeat the Tata tribe, the Leng tribe, and the Mi tribe, do you think it is possible, haha... You are a storyteller, you must be a storyteller, haha..."

The storyteller's face turned red. Although he felt in his heart that it was impossible for the Shadow Clan to unify Hongzhou, he was the one who blew the whistle just now, so he had to keep blowing it no matter what.

"Hmph, how can you people understand?" The storyteller glanced at Ma Xiaoquan and then said, "Uncle, whether you believe it or not, I believe it anyway. One day, the Shadow Clan will definitely unify Hongzhou."

Ma Xiaoquan chuckled: "Then as you said, one day, I will definitely treat you to a big dinner."

What Ma Xiaoquan told was true, but to the onlookers in the winery, it was a mockery of the storyteller, and everyone burst out laughing again.


Another three months passed.

When Ma Xiaoquan came to the winery again, the storyteller was still there. This time, he seemed to be more energetic, and from his mouth, Ma Xiaoquan heard another good news.

The Shadow Clan has wiped out all races again. This time, the destruction is not a merger, but a complete annihilation. And the general who will carry out this complete annihilation of all races is the blood-clothed general - Tian Tian.

Surprised, Ma Xiaoquan secretly sighed at Princess Ting's skill. General Tian Tian was definitely an indispensable general for the Shadow Clan to unify Hongzhou. Although he talked about him before leaving, he was not completely sure that Princess Ting could do it.

To conquer him so quickly, it must be said that Princess Ting is very clever.

In fact, the ability to subdue the blood-clothed general during the day was not due to Princess Ting's skill, but because after the Liang Clan's third line of defense was defeated by the main force led by Ada of the Shadow Clan, Huanglong went straight to the Liang Clan's capital.

The story is almost the same as what the storyteller said. The leader of the Liang tribe is fake and the real leader is dead. The leader of the Liang tribe is leaderless. The blood-clothed general was disheartened during the day. He originally wanted to live in seclusion from then on, but because of Princess Ting’s provocation,

, he was successfully included in the Shadow Clan. Of course, Princess Ting did use some tricks. Even though Bai Tian knew these tricks, she finally agreed to join the Shadow Clan. Of course, in exchange, Bai Tian asked the Shadow Clan not to kill the Liang Clan civilians.

, after some bargaining, the entire Liang Clan was merged into the Shadow Clan. From then on, there was no longer a Liang Clan in Hongzhou.


The storyteller saw Ma Xiaoquan and came over with a smile: "Uncle, it's been three months since I last saw you at this winery. How are you? Uncle, the Shadow Clan is so powerful. It has wiped out all the tribes. I want to know.

Here we are, the mother of the Shadow Clan declares to the outside world that the Shadow Clan is expanding, and her opponents will either surrender or be exterminated. What do you think, domineering?"

Ma Xiaoquan nodded and said: "It's so domineering. The mother of the Shadow Clan is so domineering!"

"Look, look!" The storyteller was very satisfied with Ma Xiaoquan's attitude. He chuckled, "Uncle, last time you rewarded me with a silver bead, I will treat you to a drink today, hehe~"

Ma Xiaoquan did not reject the storyteller's kindness. After all, it was a happy event to hear that Princess Ting had subdued the blood-clothed general Bai Tian and wiped out all the tribes.

This chapter has been completed!
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