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【2289】Your thoughts (1)

One day five years from now.

In the north of Hongzhou, in front of a village.

Five years ago, this village was still very dilapidated. However, after the Shadow Clan took complete control of the northern part of Hongzhou, they implemented a population relocation policy. There were not many tribes in the northern part of Hongzhou. After the Shadow Clan took complete control of the north, in order to prevent

Due to the backlash and internal strife of the tribe, the tribesmen who surrendered were placed in flower arrangements, and a strict order was issued - each tribe can retain its own customs and beliefs, but it must admit that it is a member of the Black and Green Kingdom, and cannot have independence or internal strife.

If you are found to have double-mindedness, you will be killed without mercy.

Over the past five years, although there have been occasional small disturbances, they have been suppressed without any danger.

Ma Xiaoquan stood in front of the village, nodding his head. Five years ago, this place was in a state of decay. Now there are more than two hundred families living here. The village paths are lined with cobblestones. Although they are not very wide, if it rains,

, can also effectively prevent muddy water from splashing around.

"Captain~" At this moment, a woman's voice came from behind.

Ma Xiaoquan turned around and saw Linglong, Lulu, Jiaojiao and Zhang Chunhua.

"Why are you here?" Ma Xiaoquan stepped forward with a smile and hugged several people to express welcome.

Regarding Ma Xiaoquan's hug, Lulu Jiaojiao and Zhang Chunhua behaved very naturally. On the contrary, Linglong was a little uncomfortable and her body shook slightly. If Ma Xiaoquan's hug wasn't so strong, Linglong would have definitely broken away.

Feeling Linglong's resistance, Ma Xiaoquan let go of his arms slightly awkwardly and glanced at Linglong. The latter also blushed, but compared to five years ago, she was a little less shy and a little more mature and soft.


"Where are the others?" Ma Xiaoquan changed the subject and asked with a smile.

The four of them shook their heads, indicating that they had not seen it.

"Didn't you keep in touch during the five years you were separated?" Ma Xiaoquan asked again.

Zhang Chunhua said: "We met Shui Ling'er and Xiao Rong on the way. They said they were going to the Tata tribe, and we didn't contact them again. However, they also said that if they didn't meet up with the captain, they would have to trouble the captain to go to the tower.

The Ta tribe is looking for them."

"Tata tribe?" Ma Xiaoquan frowned. In the past five years, he has traveled to every corner of Hongzhou. He has also been to the Tata tribe many times. He even asked him to use Ma Xiaohua's name because of the relationship with the old man named Huang Yuhua.

His identity has gained a certain reputation among the Tatas.

"Why haven't I seen them?" Ma Xiaoquan shook his head and said with a wry smile, "But since they said so, that's fine, I will go find them."

"Captain, what should we do now?"

Ma Xiaoquan glanced at Zhang Chunhua and saw the crow's feet at the corners of her eyes.

Ma Xiaoquan did not know what had happened to the team members since they were separated for five years, but they were not too young when they gave up their families and children to follow him.

Zhang Chunhua, as the oldest among the eleven, is now thirty-four years old.

"I need you to tell me what has happened and what you have done in the past five years. Then I will arrange for you what to do next based on your situation. If necessary, I will let you all return to the Shadow Clan.

Assist Princess Ting to complete the unification of Hongzhou."

After five years of training, the four team members in front of them are no longer as immature as they used to be. Among the four of them, except for Linglong, who is the strongest, the other three are relatively weak. The training of these five years has made them stronger than ordinary people.

He is much stronger, but there is still a gap between him and the other members of the Victory Eleven.

"Captain!" Zhang Chunhua nodded, "Captain is right. The reason why there are so many people in our group is that our abilities are different from other team members, so..." Zhang Chunhua said this.

, biting his lip unwillingly, "In our group, except for Linglong, we all decided to return to the Shadow Clan."

"Okay~" Ma Xiaoquan smiled and nodded. Although he could roughly guess Zhang Chunhua's decision, when he heard their decision, Ma Xiaoquan still felt a little pity in his heart. He originally wanted to arrange for them to practice more by his side.

Now, it seems that Zhang Chunhua, Jiaojiao and Lulu have already made their decisions.

"What about you?" Ma Xiaoquan looked at Linglong, "You are the sister of the leader of the Leng clan. Do you want to go back to the Leng clan to have a look?"

Linglong Beitian bit her lip and said after a while: "I don't want to go back yet."

"Then you want to be alone?"

Linglong shook her head: "I'll go with you. I'll go wherever you go."


That night, Ma Xiaoquan and the four team members drank and chatted. They talked to each other about what they had seen and heard in the past five years, and also shared the hardships and joys of the past five years.

Late at night, after the four girls went to bed, Ma Xiaoquan stood alone on the village tower to straighten out his thoughts.

"What are you thinking about?" A female voice suddenly sounded next to her.

Ma Xiaoquan was a little surprised and turned around to see Linglong.

"Didn't you fall asleep? Why did you get up again?"

Linglong smiled and stepped forward, standing side by side with Ma Xiaoquan: "I've been wondering why a man like you can attract Sister Chunhua and others to follow you so wholeheartedly."

"Then in the five years you have been with Chunhua and the others, have you got the answer?"

Linglong did not answer, but changed the topic and asked: "Do you really want to unify Hongzhou?"

Ma Xiaoquan hummed: "It's just that I don't have the ability."

"Then who has?"

"Princess Ting~" Ma Xiaoquan said with a smile, "It has been more than five years since we left the Shadow Clan. You must have heard about the various incidents that have happened in Hongzhou in the past five years. These were all done by her, not me. Of course,

On the day of the Yinghuang battle, I did help a little bit."

Her beautiful eyes flashed: "It's not that you don't have the ability, you just don't want to be an executioner."

Ma Xiaoquan was stunned for a moment, then laughed, acquiescing to Linglong's words.

"Presumably this is your way of guarding against the Black and Green King Yang Jie and uniting with Zhao Yuntai." Linglong concluded.

"You are really smart. I just don't know what your brother thinks? What does he think about the unification of Hongzhou?"

Linglong didn’t hide it either: “My brother’s original intention is of course the unification of the Heiqing Kingdom and the unification of Hongzhou. It’s just that my brother doesn’t like Yang Jie, let alone Zhao Yuntai. Oh, by the way, the king of the alliance now is Zhao Yuntai.

His son Zhao Wenyi is disliked by both father and son, as well as his elder brother."

"If he doesn't like this one, he doesn't like that one, or else he might as well become the King of Black and Green."

Linglong smiled and shook her head: "Brother doesn't like to be a king either, Ma Xiaoquan. In fact, you know in your heart that there is one person who is more suitable than anyone else."

Ma Xiaoquan was stunned: "You mean Princess Ting, right?"

Linglong didn't answer, but it could be seen from her smiling expression that Ma Xiaoquan was right.

"It's just that there is still a lack of an opportunity, or in other words, there is a lack of an opportunity for Princess Ting to burst out with determination." Linglong smiled again and said meaningfully, "After all, she is Zhao Yuntai's daughter. She has lived for more than a hundred years. Her

Your thoughts may seem clear, but in fact you are more delicate than anyone else. Perhaps the combination of the two of you is the perfect strategy that Zhao Yuntai and Princess Ting have discussed."

Although Ma Xiaoquan refused to believe Linglong's words, recalling the scene of contact with Zhao Yuntai and his daughter, his heart was still shaken.

"Actually, you are the sharpest gun, but your laziness has forced Zhao Yuntai and his daughter, and even Yang Jie, the king of Heiqing, to find another way. Ma Xiaoquan, think about it carefully. When you decide to leave the shadow,

What was Princess Ting's expression when she was in the clan?" Linglong reminded, "I'm not trying to provoke you, but from my perspective as a bystander, there are indeed problems between you, just because of the unrest in Hongzhou.

This problem has never come to light. Perhaps, when the day comes when Hongzhou is unified, this problem will come to light. What will you do then?"

Ma Xiaoquan dragged his chin and thought about it carefully. Indeed, as Linglong said, things have happened constantly since he came here, and in every incident, he was more or less involved, such as a few years ago.

In the Shadow-Huang War, if he hadn't thrown that fireball, I'm afraid the Shadow Clan would have been in dire straits. Even if the Shadow Clan would win in the end, it would definitely be a tragic victory.

"Then what do you think I should do?"

Linglong smiled meaningfully: "Actually, you know what you should do, and if you can come here, you will definitely be able to leave from here."

Ma Xiaoquan narrowed his eyes and said nothing.

"It's still early, I think we both have a lot to say, don't we?" Linglong smiled and looked at Ma Xiaoquan.

Ma Xiaoquan cried and laughed.


The next day, after saying goodbye to Zhang Chunhua and the others, Ma Xiaoquan and Linglong went together.

After some discussion, the two decided to go to the Leng clan first to meet with Leng Jianguo, the leader of the Leng clan.

Half a month later, the two arrived at Hucheng, the capital of the Leng tribe.

Compared with Huangliang City, the capital of the Tata tribe, the capital of the Leng tribe is much more deserted. All the buildings in the capital are uniform blue-grey. No matter whether they are members of the Leng tribe or foreigners, the faces of the people are not too bright.

Many smiles. Ma Xiaoquan has been to Hucheng many times before. Because he really didn’t like the loneliness of Hucheng, so he only came and left in a hurry every time, without knowing much about Hucheng.

On the other hand, the Leng people are not as gentle as the Tata people. They seem to have a natural hostility towards foreigners, but they are very law-abiding and never actively provoke or attack foreigners.

There are also other tribes settling in Lake City. I wonder if they were influenced by the Leng tribe. These foreign settlers are as indifferent as the Leng tribe.

Walking on the streets of Hucheng, feeling the coldness and silence around him, Ma Xiaoquan couldn't help but shudder.

"Why are you Leng people so cold? I don't like it here at all." Ma Xiaoquan curled his lips.

Beside her, Linglong looked familiar and smiling. Compared with the Leng people who were rushing around her, her smile seemed out of place.

Linglong is the sister of the leader of the Leng tribe. Logically speaking, everyone in the Leng tribe would salute him when they saw her. However, what surprised Ma Xiaoquan was that when walking on the streets of the capital, all the Leng tribe members who passed by nodded at Linglong.

Surprisingly, there are no other etiquette.

This chapter has been completed!
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