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【2293】Your thoughts (5)

With a "Bang~" sound, one of the man's punches missed, and the other punch hit Ma Xiaoquan hard on the shoulder.

Ma Xiaoquan felt pain in his shoulder, so he turned over and kicked the man in the face.

The opponent didn't dodge at all, but pushed hard with his head, trying to catch Ma Xiaoquan's kick.

"Not good~" Ma Xiaoquan thought he was fooled and quickly twisted his body, but it was too late. The man grabbed his ankle and threw it hard. There was a "bang" and Ma Xiaoquan was knocked out by the man.

The impact on his back was so strong that Ma Xiaoquan coughed out a mouthful of blood.

Taking advantage of the victory, the man pursued him. He strode forward, jumped up, and stepped heavily on Ma Xiaoquan's chest.

Ma Xiaoquan pressed his hands on the floor of the competition arena, turned sideways, and narrowly avoided the opponent's killing move. At about the same moment, the stone slab of the competition arena next to him was crushed by the man, and the gravel crashed.

Sputtering in all directions.

Ma Xiaoquan rolled several times, and the splashing gravel hit him, making a popping sound.

"What a strong guy!" Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, Ma Xiaoquan quickly jumped up with his hands on the ground. He took a deep breath and his eyes became cold.

The man noticed the change in Ma Xiaoquan's breath, but he did not stop. He shouted and rushed over, grabbing Ma Xiaoquan fiercely with his claw-like hands.

Although the opponent was tall and long-armed, his speed was not slow at all. Ma Xiaoquan did not show any weakness, and followed up with his hands in the shape of claws, fiercely facing him.

"Bang~" The two sides grabbed each other's hands and fought with all their strength.

Even though the man's hand circumference was much larger than Ma Xiaoquan's, he still couldn't gain a clear advantage after holding on for more than ten breaths.

"Go to hell!~" The man raised his leg and kicked Ma Xiaoquan in the chest. At the same time, he pulled his hands back violently and held Ma Xiaoquan's hands tightly. He wanted to use such brute force to restrain Ma Xiaoquan's actions, and then

He kicked Ma Xiaoquan's sternum to pieces.

How could Ma Xiaoquan not understand what he was thinking? He shouted loudly and took a step forward. He raised his right leg and kicked hard to the left side of the man's knee. The man's kicked foot was forced to change direction. Ma Xiaoquan yelled.

, his hands violently exerted force, and with the help of the moment when the man's center of gravity deviated, he used the force to break away from the man's hand, then stepped forward and bowed forward, and hit the man's chin with a Shenglong Fist.

With a "boom" sound, the Shenglong Fist hit the man's chin. The man coughed twice, raised his head slightly, spurted out a mouthful of blood, and took three steps back.


In the audience, Monica was very calm. She poured three cups of tea, drank one for herself, and gave the other two cups to Linglong and Leng Qingqiu.

Linglong was also very calm. She slowly picked up the tea cup and took a sip. Leng Qingqiu sat motionless, clenching her hands into fists. It was obvious that she was very nervous.

Monica smiled and said: "Karl hasn't used his trump card yet."

Linglong responded: "Wanshanhe is the same."

Monica added: "Wanshanhe can't withstand Karl's killing move."

Linglong smiled slightly: "That's not necessarily the case."


On the competition stage, Ma Xiaoquan and Karl exchanged punches and kicks. In just a dozen breaths, both of their faces were stained with color. Compared to Karl, Ma Xiaoquan was a little more miserable because of his height and wingspan.


Carl's face was full of pride, and he kept waving his fist as big as a casserole to greet Ma Xiaoquan, and Ma Xiaoquan returned the favor without showing any weakness.

"Haha..." Karl fought more and more energetically, and his expression suddenly changed subtly.

Monica stood up with a smile on her lips: "Karl has gone crazy, Wan Shanhe is dead."

"Go crazy?" Linglong just picked up the tea cup to drink tea. When she heard these two words, her hand shook slightly. She raised her head and looked at Karl on the competition stage. The latter's expression was very strange, not in pain.

It's not exactly exciting. If I had to describe it, it would be a mixture of painful expressions and happy expressions, giving people a visually extremely uncomfortable and perverted feeling.

"Karl knows the secret method of the Bone Clan?" Leng Qingqiu suddenly reacted, "How is it possible? The secret method of the Bone Clan has been lost. I heard that in the entire Hongzhou, only a few people still master the secret method of the Bone Clan. And they learn the secret method of the Bone Clan.

You must have the special bloodline of the Bone Clan."

Monica Yun Danfeng smiled softly: "I'm sorry, Karl knows the secret method of the Bone Clan."

Linglong also looked surprised. In her knowledge, there were very few people who could use the Bone Clan's secret method. Among the people he knew, only Ah Da and Princess Ting from the Shadow Clan could use the Bone Clan's secret method. Princess Ting also had to forcibly fuse A's secret method with her.

Only those with high blood can learn secret techniques, but the side effects are very serious. If this blond Karl has the blood of the Bone Clan, then where did he learn the secret techniques of the Bone Clan from?

Although Linglong was full of doubts, this Karl's eyes were indeed red and his expression was very strange. Apart from the fact that the Bone Clan's secret method had this effect, she really couldn't find any other reason.

"Be careful~" Linglong couldn't help but remind her.

"Haha..." Karl rushed towards Ma Xiaoquan almost madly, and he kept waving his fists and hitting Ma Xiaoquan.

Ma Xiaoquan's eyes were sharp. While dodging left and right, he did not forget to fight with Karl.

However, Karl's strength became stronger and stronger, and his attack speed became faster and faster. Ma Xiaoquan was hit hard by the opponent's punch if he failed to react properly.

With a "pop" sound, Karl's straight fist hit Ma Xiaoquan hard on the face.

Ma Xiao's whole face was in pain and he quickly took two steps back. Fortunately, he subconsciously turned his head when he was punched. Otherwise, the bridge of his nose would have been broken by this punch. Even so, his face was also damaged.

A bloody mouth was wiped out by Karl's fist.

Karl laughed wildly again. This time, he did not choose to continue the attack, but took several steps back.

Ma Xiaoquan narrowed his eyes and looked at Karl, finding that his breathing was very rapid.

"Side effects?" Ma Xiaoquan quickly caught Karl's strangeness. His back foot slammed loudly, and the floor of the competition arena cracked with a few cracks.

"Go to hell!" Ma Xiaoquan flew up and kicked Karl hard on the chest. Karl let out a puff and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Taking advantage of your illness to kill you, Ma Xiaoquan dragged the floor with the palm of his right hand and kicked out another violent kick in a circular motion with his left hand. This time, Ma Xiaoquan kicked Karl's knee.

At the moment when his foot was about to hit Karl, he turned around forcefully and dodged Ma Xiaoquan's kick.

Immediately afterwards, Carl punched out Ma Xiaoquan's back with both fists.

Ma Xiaoquan crossed his arms and heard a "bang" sound. Karl's fists hit his arms, and he rolled several times due to Karl's huge force.

The bursts of sharp pain and numbness in his arms made Ma Xiaoquan's hands tremble slightly. If Karl's two punches had really hit his back, several of his sternum would have been broken.

Karl did not enter the palace. He took a few steps back again and his breathing became more rapid.

Ma Xiaoquan wanted to attack, but the numbness in his hands forced him to adjust his breathing.

The competition arena fell into dead silence for an instant, Karl didn't move, and neither did Ma Xiaoquan.

"Dang Dang Dang~" At this moment, Monica suddenly sounded the gong. She stood up and slightly raised the corner of her mouth: "The first round is over!"

"What?" Leng Qingqiu and Linglong were stunned at the same time, looking at Monica in surprise.

Monica smiled and said: "There are rounds in the martial arts competition, don't you know? This is written in the rules of the martial arts competition."

"Asshole!" Leng Qingqiu gritted her teeth and cursed angrily. She also saw that something was wrong with Carl's state just now. If Ma Xiaoquan continued to attack, Carl would definitely be at a disadvantage even if he did not lose.

Her beautiful eyes flashed but she didn't speak. She noticed that Ma Xiaoquan's hands were shaking slightly, and she also knew that Karl's last double punch shook him hard. Even if Ma Xiaoquan could attack, it might not have any actual effect.

Both sides jumped off the competition platform and repaired themselves.

Leng Qingqiu stepped forward and handed Ma Xiaoquan a bowl of water. Ma Xiaoquan took it and took a swig.

"How are you, are you okay?" Although Leng Qingqiu's tone was cold, there was a hint of concern in his eyes.

Ma Xiaoquan shook his hands and said with a smile: "Fortunately, this guy is not ordinary strong."

Linglong walked over and said coldly: "You are different from before. What happened?"

Leng Qingqiu looked at Linglong, she didn't understand what Linglong meant by difference.

Ma Xiaoquan struggled to understand what Linglong was referring to, but he just smiled lightly and did not answer.

"No matter what, you have to win!" Linglong said calmly.

Ma Xiaoquan chuckled: "Don't worry, I already know what to do next."

Just as he was talking, the gong sounded again.

After adjusting to his condition, Karl jumped onto the competition stage with high spirits. His eyes were still red, but his breathing was no longer rapid. When Ma Xiaoquan glanced at Karl just now, he found that Monica had fed him an unknown pill.

After that, Karl's breath gradually calmed down, but the murderous intent on his body became even stronger.

Ma Xiaoquan shook his shoulders and prepared to go on stage. Linglong suddenly said: "By the way, do you want to use it too?"

Ma Xiaoquan was stunned for a moment and responded: "I really haven't used it before."

Linglong smiled slightly: "Then just take a look, let me take a look, and solve it as soon as possible."

"Okay~" Ma Xiaoquan smiled slightly and stepped onto the stage.

Karl saw Ma Xiaoquan stepping onto the competition stage with a smile. Before the gong sounded again, he rushed over with his fist raised.

In this round, Ma Xiaoquan did not fight with Karl. He just kept dodging and defending. However, compared to Karl's offense, his defense and dodge were always half a beat slower, so he was constantly hit by Karl.

, his face and body were also constantly wounded by Karl.

Karl is still in a crazy state, and his punches and kicks are still fierce. Compared with the first round, Karl does not have shortness of breath in this round. His punches and kicks seem to be unorganized, but in fact they are all moving.

He is sure to kill, and he is confident that as long as he gets a real hit, the opponent will definitely be in agony.

This chapter has been completed!
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