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【2307】Snatch (3)

"Yang Qianyu and Dong Ao sent back a secret letter, saying that the boy was captured by Dara and Nina." Yang Jie threw a secret letter to Liang Qianyue.

Liang Qianyue stretched out two fingers and pinched the letter gently. She unfolded it and read it before throwing it to Mo Qianxue.

Mo Qianxue did not reach out to pick it up, but let the letter fall to the ground. Then she squatted down and stretched out her hand like dry wood to pick up the letter.

Although Liang Qianyue and Mo Qianxue had read the contents of the letter, they still asked Yang Jie: "Didn't Yang Qianyu and Dong Ao take action?"

Yang Jie put down the black stone in his hand, clapped his hands and said: "No chance, Darla and Nina are here, then they are not the only ones around them, at least their son named Qingluan will also be there, Qingluan is here

, Zhao Chunqiu and Zhao Bi'er are united. That kid Qingluan is a martial arts idiot and an absolute strong man. Zhao Chunqiu and Zhao Bi'er rarely unite to unite, but they have always been Zhao Yuntai's confidants...

...." Yang Jie smiled bitterly and shook his head, "It seems that the situation is not good for us."

Mo Qianxue said: "What is the purpose of Dara and the four of them? Do they want to hunt for the country?"

Yang Jie frowned: "Hunting the country? Haha, ten of us have already accomplished this goal. Now what they want to do is to make Hongzhou never peaceful. Zhao Yuntai, this bastard, we have fallen into his trap.


Liang Qianyue said: "How about I go to Black Rock City to take a look?"

Yang Jie nodded: "That's fine, Qianxue can stay here first. After things are completely settled with King Yue, Qianxue and I will go to Black Rock City to join you."

Liang Qianyue hummed: "Okay~"


United and united, the queen will stay in the palace.

After Zhao Yuntai passed the throne to his son Zhao Wenyi, he moved his residence to a manor behind Wangcheng Mountain. He named this manor - the Queen's Palace.

"Caught it?" Zhao Yuntai raised his head and looked at the man in front of him with kind eyes. The man nodded respectfully: "Caught it."

"Can it be taken out?" Zhao Yuntai asked again.

The man shook his head: "He is invulnerable and there is nothing we can do, so we can only lock him in the water prison first."

"Hmm~~~" Zhao Yuntai dragged his chin, thought for a moment, and said, "I'll write a letter, and you give it to Dara and the others quickly."

"Yes~~" The man half-knelt on the ground respectfully...

"By the way, is the Vulcan Empress giving birth today?" Zhao Yuntai wrote the letter and handed it to the man.

"Okay... It seems that when my subordinate came over, I heard that she was not yet born."

"Oh~~" Zhao Yuntai chuckled, touched his chin and murmured, "I want to be a grandpa again."

In the Fire Temple, there were bursts of screams from women, sometimes loud and sometimes soft.

Outside the door of the wing, Zhao Wenyi paced back and forth anxiously. He wanted to rush in and take a look, but he was afraid of disturbing the delivery of his beloved woman.

Hearing a woman's moans from time to time in the wing, Zhao Wenyi couldn't help it and shouted: "Have you given birth yet?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a baby cried suddenly from the side room. The cry was not loud, but very high-pitched.

The door creaked open, and a maid came out, carrying a basin of blood, and poured it aside with a puff. Then the maid put the basin down, and said in front of Zhao Wenyi: "Congratulations, Your Majesty, you are a princess."

"Daughter, that's great~" Zhao Wenyi clapped his hands happily, "I just want a daughter, that's great, come on, let me see my daughter." With that said, Zhao Wenyi rushed to the side room.

"Your Majesty, wait a minute!" A female medical officer walked out of the side room. She stretched out her hand to stop Zhao Wenyi, "My queen has just given birth and is still very weak. Your Majesty is carrying wind. If you go in, I'm afraid your wife and child will be exposed."

"Oh, that's right, that's right, okay, okay, hurry up, give Qinghan the best tonic!"


Zhao Wenyi burst into laughter and kept rubbing his hands: "I want to announce this news. You guys should take good care of my wife. If you make any mistakes, I will kill you without mercy." After that, Zhao Wenyi turned around and left with a smile.

Although Zhao Wenyi said "Kill without mercy", the maids and medical officers present could see from his eyes that he said it carelessly because he loved his wife and daughter.

"It's been a long time since I've seen the king like this..." a female medical officer said with a smile.

"Yes, it would be great if the king could do this more often!" the maid responded.


Heiqingguo, thousands of families.

Zhang Muzhi tapped the table gently. In front of him, there was a piece of paper. The content on the paper was very brief. What was written on the paper was not words, but a row of special symbols.

"It's finally time to start... It's worth noting that we have been planning for so long... This time, if we want to do it, we will make it big..." Zhang Muzhi licked his lips, showing his intention.

With a proud smile, he placed the paper on the desk in front of the candle to burn it, then ducked out of the room.


Two months later, the Mi tribe moved to Black Rock City.

Inside the water prison.

Ma Xiaoquan, who had been in the water prison for two months, had an unpleasant stench all over his body. Although he was given food and drink, he was not allowed to poop.

Ma Xiaoquan knew that human feces was poisonous, so he rarely ate in the water prison. He tried his best to shake out some water in the water prison to quench his thirst. However, if he soaked in the water prison for a long time, he would inevitably suffer from body swelling and normal diarrhea.

Contaminate the water prison.

Nina pinched her nose and walked in, and saw Ma Xiaoquan floating on the water. Because his hands and feet were cuffed by iron chains, he could only keep his belly cold on the water. Of course, Ma Xiaoquan was completely naked.

She was fully clothed, so her crotch, Xiao Ma, was also clearly visible in front of Nina.

Nina glanced at Ma Xiaoquan with disdain, frowned slightly and said, "Ma Xiaoquan, have you thought about it?"

Ma Xiaoquan chuckled and asked, "What are you thinking about? Are you going to let me out?"

"Let you out, of course. As long as you hand over your fire-bending ability, we will let you go."

Ma Xiaoquan looked at Nina with disdain: "Are you stupid or am I stupid? If I could have handed it over, I would have handed it over long ago. Why do I have to be here? I have been imprisoned by you for two months. Do you think I don't want to get out? But my strength

It’s not allowed.”

"Humph, you can take out the things inside you and give them to us, and we will let you go."

"It's a joke. I won't do that. If you have the ability, why don't you come and get it?" Ma Xiaoquan said proudly.

"You~~" Nina looked at Ma Xiaoquan's strange posture floating in the water, and inadvertently saw the words on his crotch, and said angrily: "Do you believe I castrated you?"

"It's not like you haven't tried..." Ma Xiaoquan curled his lips.

"You, okay, very good, just wait." Nina was so angry that she stamped her feet, turned around and left the water prison. When she walked to the door, she did not forget to tell her left and right not to deliver food to Ma Xiaoquan these days because he would be hungry for a few days.

, causing his will to collapse.

After Nina left, Ma Xiaoquan paddled a few times and slowly stood upright.

During the two months in the water prison, Ma Xiaoquan's water skills have improved greatly, especially his ability to hold his breath. Now he can hold his breath for a long time. He did a rough calculation. If calculated according to time points, it should be five

Six minutes.

"Well, this water prison does smell a bit unpleasant." Ma Xiaoquan curled his lips, looked at some filth floating on the water, and shook his head with a wry smile, "But I don't have a choice."

In fact, in the past two months, Ma Xiaoquan has continued to gather Yang energy without needing to eat. However, in order to hide from others, he still ate something selectively, even though the prison food was extremely unpalatable, either rancid or smelly, and even had food on it from time to time.

There were still a few insect repellents crawling around, but Ma Xiaoquan didn't mind. Sometimes when Nina and the others were present, he would deliberately pick up the repellents and eat them in one bite. Nina kept rolling her eyes, and Zhao Bi'er turned around and vomited.


"Well, right now I have only gathered a little more than 10%, but I can feel the strength of my body coming...it's just this red blood..." Ma Xiaoquan raised his right hand, and it was covered with blood.

Red blood thread, "This thing is really difficult to deal with, and I can't use all my strength. It seems that I can only break this red blood thread after I completely gather my yang energy..."

At this moment, the water cell door opened. Ma Xiaoquan thought it was Nina who had come back. He said loudly: "What, you changed your mind? Are you willing to let me go?"

The person who came did not respond to Ma Xiaoquan immediately. After hearing the other person close the door of the water cell, Ma Xiaoquan judged from the other person's footsteps that it was a man.

When he raised his head, Ma Xiaoquan saw the face of a man. He was ugly and his neck was a little crooked. Ma Xiaoquan couldn't see his whole body, but judging from his shadow reflected in the water, he could tell that the man was very short.

The man didn't speak. He just slowly stretched out his hands and made a gesture. Ma Xiaoquan was stunned, and then he laughed: "You are finally here."

The man retracted his hands into his sleeves and said slowly: "Actually, I have received the notice from Jing a long time ago, but these days, I have been summarizing."

"Mirror?" Ma Xiaoquan was stunned for a moment, and the image of Zhang Muzhi flashed in his mind, "That guy seems to be quite capable, and his name has also been changed, but it's okay, I like this name very much. Tell me,

What happened outside recently?"

The man said slowly: "The Shadow Clan is very strong. In two months, it has conquered one-third of the west."

"Very good~" Ma Xiaoquan grinned, "How long will it take to completely swallow the entire west?"

"Well, the initial budget is one and a half years...because the old tribes such as the Rich Clan and the Katie Clan, as well as some of the Tata Clan's territories, are difficult to deal with."

"Okay, what does Ting do to the tribes she has conquered now?"

"Either surrender or die. Those who surrender only have half the chance of survival."

"Well, Ting is going to become a god..." Ma Xiaoquan smiled bitterly and motioned for the man to continue.

This chapter has been completed!
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