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【2325】Should not come back (1)

As soon as Ma Xiaoquan finished speaking, a gust of fragrant wind hit his nostrils. Before he could react in time, he felt two soft lumps pressing against his back.

"Quanquan, you are finally back."

Ma Xiaoquan knew who it was as soon as he heard the voice. He was so frightened that he jumped forward. He thought that with such a jump, he could break away from the woman behind him. Unexpectedly, the woman jumped with her and felt the two lumps on his back again.


"Lu...Luna..." Ma Xiaoquan responded weakly, but he did not dare to turn around. He was afraid that if he turned around, the passionate woman behind him would pounce.


"Hehe, your guess is really accurate. It seems you miss me too, right? Hehe..."

Ma Xiaoquan looked bitter and looked at Yaoyao for help. Yaoyao rolled her eyes at Ma Xiaoquan and finally stepped forward and pulled the woman away.

"Luna, it's not like you don't know that Ma Xiaoquan has a heart for the moon, why are you still like this?"

The woman smiled: "They are not married yet. Besides, even if they are married, it would be nice to have a lover like me, right?"

"Ahem..." Ma Xiaoquan coughed violently a few times, scratched his head and changed the topic: "Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. I have to go back to take a shower and change clothes. I want to take a look at Mingyue Xin.


Ruan Longfei stepped forward and hugged Ma Xiaoquan's shoulders: "Don't worry, Ming Yuexin's condition has stabilized a lot recently, and she has been under martial law for the past three days, and no one is allowed to visit for the time being. It's rare for you to come back, and it's rare for everyone to be here, too.

Why don’t we have a little get-together tonight?”

In the evening, everyone chose a small restaurant. Since everyone had tasks to attend to, they had tea instead of wine.

After dinner, everyone suggested going to the training ground. Firstly, it was to celebrate Ruan Longfei's promotion to the reserve team coach. Secondly, everyone also wanted to check how strong Ma Xiaoquan had become. After all, he had jumped barefoot from a twelve-meter-high teleportation platform.

It's not possible for ordinary people to do it and be completely fine.

"Kaka~~" Ruan Longfei rubbed his knuckles enthusiastically and said with a smile, "Xiao Ma, do you want to practice a few times?"

Ma Xiaoquan, who had changed his outfit, smiled and said, "How do you want to practice?"

Ruan Longfei thought for a while: "Unlimited fighting."

"Oh? Have you got a new ultimate move recently?" Ma Xiaoquan looked at Ruan Longfei.

Ruan Longfei chuckled and raised his finger at Ma Xiaoquan: "You will know after you practice a few times."

Ma Xiaoquan looked at Yaoyao and saw that she was smiling, and seemed very sure that Ruan Longfei would win.

"I win everything on my bet~" Lunamaria waved her fist and said firmly.

Yaoyao pouted: "That requires a bit of a bet."

Lunamaria thought for a while: "If I lose, I will buy the best set of cosmetics for each of you."

"Really?" Yaoyao and the other female team members stared wide-eyed, "One person, one person?"

Lunamaria nodded: "Yes, one person per person, but if I win, you have to treat me to dinner. Well, I want to eat barbecue."

Yaoyao smiled: "That's it!"

Several male team members shouted unfairly: "What about us?"

Yaoyao rolled her eyes at the male team members: "It's not like you're competing, you each have a share."

"This..." Several male team members were speechless for a while, but no one took it seriously. After all, martial arts competitions are normal in the Xtreme Strike Team.

Ma Xiaoquan and Ruan Longfei walked to the center of the competition stage and got ready for the competition.

Yaoyao stepped forward, glanced at Ruan Longfei, and said calmly: "If you lose, five hundred will be deducted from your pocket money."

"This..." Ruan Longfei was speechless for a while.

Ma Xiaoquan chuckled: "Then I'll admit defeat, Yaoyao, you can give A Fei a reward of 500 yuan."

"No~" Yaoyao's beautiful eyes flashed, "You can't be so cheap to him. Besides, he was recently promoted to a teacher of the reserve team. As for me, I was also promoted. Now I am the financial manager of our Extreme Team.

, Ma Xiaoquan, if you don’t compete well with A Fei, I can deduct your performance first.”

"I'm going, right?" Ma Xiaoquan looked at the team members behind Yaoyao, and everyone nodded affirmatively.

"I'll go, there's no such thing as threatening someone." Ma Xiaoquan breathed out, "Okay, then I won't be polite."

Yaoyao hummed, glanced left and right at Ma Xiaoquan and Ruan Longfei, and then gave an order to announce the start of the competition.

As soon as Yaoyao finished speaking, Ruan Longfei jumped up and punched Ma Xiaoquan in the face. The punch was powerful, heavy, fast, and so close that it was impossible for Ma Xiaoquan to avoid it.

Unable to avoid it, Ma Xiaoquan could only raise his arms to block. With a "boom", Ruan Longfei's fist hit Ma Xiaoquan's arms hard, causing him to retreat five or six meters.

Ma Xiaoquan narrowed his eyes slightly as his arms were in pain from Ruan Longfei's punch. He knew that Ruan Longfei's punch was powered by gravity.

"You have indeed become stronger!" Ma Xiaoquan nodded approvingly at Ruan Longfei.

Ruan Longfei didn't respond. His punch failed, so he made another move and rushed towards Ma Xiaoquan.

This time, Ma Xiaoquan avoided Ruan Longfei's attack, but he felt extremely heavy under his feet before he took two steps.

"Gravity field?" Ma Xiaoquan was shocked. When he reacted again, Ruan Longfei's foot had already kicked him.

There was a "boom" sound, and Ruan Longfei's heavy kick hit Ma Xiaoquan's shoulder. Ma Xiaoquan's shoulder hurt, so he turned over and rolled three times on the ground before standing up again.

"Steel skin?" Ruan Longfei narrowed his eyes, "You really have Luna's ability."

Under the competition stage, Lunamaria waved her hands happily: "Quanquan, beat him, beat him."

Ruan Longfei took a deep breath and fully opened the gravity field, covering the entire competition stage in an instant.

Ma Xiaoquan did not show weakness. Although his gravity field was only half of Ruan Longfei's and was not as powerful as his opponent's, he was able to resist the strong pressure of the opponent's gravity field by using reverse pressure.

"Eh? Xiaoma, your gravity field isn't bad, either?" Ruan Longfei chuckled, "But I don't only have this trick." After saying that, Ruan Longfei raised his hands, and Ma Xiaoquan instantly felt the breath around him start to beat wildly.

It was like countless little snakes swimming around him.

"Fine control?" Ma Xiaoquan was stunned, and then continued to strengthen his gravity field. Only in this way could he not be oppressed by Ruan Longfei's gravity field. Otherwise, even subsequent actions would be difficult.

In the audience of the competition, Lunamaria said: "A Fei's superpower is too shameless. If you can't move at all, how can you compete?"

Yaoyao said: "I said it's all about unlimited fighting, so naturally you can use super powers."

Lunamaria clasped her hands together: "Quanquan, you have to resist, you have to win."

Ma Xiaoquan was so oppressed by Ruan Longfei's gravity field that he could not move. Even if he used the gravity field to counteract it, the power was only half of the opponent's.

"Ma Xiaoquan, compress the gravity field until it can only wrap around yourself." Yuan's voice suddenly sounded in Ma Xiaoquan's mind.

"Okay~" Ma Xiaoquan nodded and pulled back the released gravity field.

"Eh?" Feeling the convergence of Ma Xiaoquan's gravity field, Ruan Longfei was stunned for a moment, then smiled, "I already knew you would be like this, just wait and see~"

Ma Xiaoquan didn't show any signs of weakness. He shouted loudly, and the superpower polymerization in his body suddenly started. Along with the snapping sound of the body's bones, the body that had been unable to move due to the pressure of Ruan Longfei's gravity field suddenly started to move.

"What?" Ruan Longfei was shocked.

"Hey~~" Ma Xiaoquan suddenly raised his head and his eyes became blood red.

"Huh? How could Ma Xiaoquan become like that?" In the audience, Yaoyao and other team members were stunned when they saw Ma Xiaoquan's red eyes.

"Yeah~~" Lunamaria danced happily, "Let me tell you, Quan Quan must have a way. A Fei has practiced a new ultimate move, and we Quan Quan also have it. Quan Quan, beat him, beat him."

Ma Xiaoquan screamed and rushed towards Ruan Longfei, turned over in the air, and kicked Ruan Longfei. Ruan Longfei raised his hands to catch Ma Xiaoquan's kick, and then his body was ejected backwards like a cannonball.

"Drink~" The next moment, Ruan Longfei changed his own weight through the super power of gravity. He was like a leaf, falling lightly onto the competition stage.

"Interesting~" Ruan Longfei wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, "It seems that my ultimate move is not enough to deter you?"

Ma Xiaoquan also chuckled: "I will also become stronger."

The two laughed, then removed the gravity field, then raised their fists and started fighting.

The sound of "bang bang bang" fists clashed continuously. The two of them were hitting each other and dodging each other. Within ten breaths, both of their faces were filled with color, but their expressions were very...


After more than thirty moves, the two of them stopped at the same time, both panting and embarrassed.

"Haha..." Ma Xiaoquan laughed first, and Ruan Longfei followed suit.

"Having you as my opponent has always been the biggest motivation for me to move forward and make progress~" Ruan Longfei stretched out his hand and pulled Ma Xiaoquan up. The two hugged each other like brothers, and then walked off the competition stage with their shoulders crossed.

"Is this...a win or a loss?" a team member asked in confusion.

Yaoyao dragged her chin and thought for a while: "It's a tie, it's a pity that I can't get the cosmetics."

Several female team members also felt a sense of regret.

"But..." Yaoyao suddenly smiled, "We have Ma Xiaoquan's performance bonus, so we can go have barbecue together."

"Yes, yes, that's great~ Pony is treating us, of course we are happy."

Ma Xiaoquan quickly stopped: "I haven't agreed yet. I'm still thinking of using the performance award to buy some new electrical appliances for my house."

Yaoyao's beautiful eyes narrowed: "If you disagree, it is invalid!"

"Ha ha......."


Central Hospital, Intensive Care Unit.

Tomorrow's heart pounded as he turned off the projection on the wall, and said with a smile: "This kid Ma Xiaoquan is back, and he seems to have become a lot stronger."

On the hospital bed, Ming Yuexin looked at her brother without saying a word, and then muttered for a long time: "He shouldn't come back."

This chapter has been completed!
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