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【2354】A ghost (1)

In the evening of Phoenix City in autumn, the afterglow of the setting sun spread over the entire Zhongshan Park. On the arch bridge of the park, a man and a woman were sitting.

The man wore a tunic suit on the upper body and overalls on the lower body, with a few holes in the left trouser leg, while the woman wore a simple gray long trousers.

"Why don't we just skip work and go out like this? Besides, the entrance fee to Zhongshan Park costs 2 cents per person."

The man chuckled and wanted to put his arm around the woman's shoulders, but he hesitated and put it down.

"It's okay. I don't have much work today. All my work has been done by my third son. If he works more, he will get more piece-rate wages."

"You, don't always let Sanzi do the work for you. Look at how much money you drove just last month. Didn't you say you wanted to buy a bicycle? Have you saved enough?"

"Hehe, no, no~ still fifty-three dollars left."

The woman blinked her big eyes, thought for a moment and said, "How about I give you some."

The man waved his hands quickly: "How can this be done? We have agreed that I will buy my own bicycle. Besides, I will save your money for our future marriage."

The woman smiled slightly, her smile was very beautiful, and the man looked fascinated.

"By the way~" the woman said, "Our factory is going to recruit a group of people recently. I heard from my brother that the personnel haven't been decided yet. If you have anyone in your family who is willing to do a job, please come over and try to sign up.

Although the salary is not high, it is still a guaranteed job."

The man's eyes lit up when he heard this: "Really? I happen to have a cousin in my hometown, he is also fifteen years old, and he is doing nothing at home all day long. My second aunt said, I will find a job for him. If he succeeds, I will write it when I get back.

Write a letter telling him to come over as soon as possible."

"Hmm~~" The woman nodded, stood up, and said, "It's getting late. Let's go back. Otherwise, if the monitor discovers us, our wages will be deducted."

The man seemed a little reluctant to give up, but he couldn't refuse the woman, so he could only nod his head. However, he still asked the woman if she could kiss him on the face.

"Bah~ Shameless~" Although the woman cursed angrily, she still approached the man cautiously.

Although the woman had a strong smell of burning kang, the man enjoyed the smell very much. He closed his eyes and waited excitedly for the woman's "reward".

After waiting for about ten breaths, the man didn't see the woman kiss him. He was suspicious and couldn't help but open his eyes and look at the woman.

At this glance, the man became even more suspicious, because he saw the woman's eyes staring straight ahead.

"What are you looking at?" The man waved his hand in front of the woman. Seeing that the woman had no reaction, he followed the woman's gaze and followed her.

At this glance, the man was so frightened that he almost screamed.

In mid-air, a light blue crack slowly opened, and from the crack, two hands slowly stretched out.

The two hands were grabbing back and forth in mid-air, as if they were looking for something.

In the afterglow of the setting sun, those two hands were like the claws of death from hell, seeming to pull everything they caught into the abyss.

Finally, the woman couldn't help but screamed first.

With this scream, the man also screamed.

Because of the screams of the man and the woman, the two hands that had just been stretched out from the crack suddenly retracted.

"Oh my god, what a ghost~~" The man was so frightened that he left the woman and ran away, while the woman was so frightened that she didn't dare to move.

After a moment, the two hands poked out of the crack again.

When the woman saw those two hands, her eyes rolled upward, and then she fainted.


With a "pop" sound, Ma Xiaoquan threw the backpack out of the crack first. The backpack fell to the ground, and he then turned it out of the crack.

"Damn it, who was yelling just now? It scared me to death!" Ma Xiaoquan picked up his backpack from the ground and patted his chest hard.

"Eh? Why is there a woman there?" Ma Xiaoquan frowned and walked over. He found that the woman's eyes were closed tightly and she seemed to have fainted from fright.

"Hey, wake up, wake up~~" Ma Xiaoquan reached out and shook the woman's shoulder.

The woman suddenly opened her eyes, jumped up from the ground quickly, and shouted: "There is a ghost, the ghost is coming..."

When the woman shouted, Ma Xiaoquan was startled. He held her down and said, "Where is the ghost? Where is the ghost?"

In fact, Ma Xiaoquan was not afraid of ghosts, but the woman's scream was so appropriate that he had to believe that the woman had really seen a ghost.

The woman glanced at Ma Xiaoquan and saw that the clothes and pants he was wearing were obviously different from hers, so she threw them away and asked, "Who are you?"

Ma Xiaoquan was stunned, looked at the woman's dress, and asked: "Who are you and what year is it now?"

This time it was the woman's turn to be stunned. She looked at Ma Xiaoquan alertly and slowly backed away.

"Don't be afraid~" Ma Xiaoquan saw the woman's vigilance and quickly raised his hands and said, "I came from the south and wanted to find my brother, but I was tricked into coming here. I don't know where this place is anymore.


The woman narrowed her eyes, as if trying to determine whether Ma Xiaoquan's words were true or false, but soon she nodded and said, "Looking like this, you don't look like the people here. Well, this is Zhongshan Park."

"Ah? Zhongshan Park?" Ma Xiaoquan looked around. Although he had learned about the appearance of Zhongshan Park decades ago from his parents, it was their description after all. Now that he was here, his mood was huge.

no the same.

"What year is it now?" Ma Xiaoquan asked again.

"Which year?" The woman was stunned, "Are you showing off your brain? This year is May 25, 1980."

"Eight...eighty years?" Ma Xiaoquan was stunned and sighed inwardly. He didn't expect that he would really be back when his parents were young.

Women don't seem to be afraid of Ma Xiaoquan. It's no wonder that after being sucked away by Yu Shang for nearly sixty years, Ma Xiaoquan's face now looks like a baby face of sixteen or seventeen years old.

"Where is your brother?" the woman asked Ma Xiaoquan.

Ma Xiaoquan said quickly: "I don't know either. My brother called me... Oh no, the letter said he was in the city, so I came to find him alone, but the letter didn't say much.

I don’t know how to find him either.”

"Oh, then show me the letter." The woman stretched out her hand towards Ma Xiaoquan.

Ma Xiaoquan smiled bitterly and lied: "I lost it, ugh!"

The woman did not seem to suspect Ma Xiaoquan of lying. She smiled and said: "How about this? Let's go out together first. The police station office is not far from here. When you go out, go to the police station and register. The police comrades should be able to help you.

Looking for your brother."

Ma Xiaoquan nodded and wondered why people in this era are so simple. If he continued to lie, wouldn't this woman be suspicious?

After thinking about it, Ma Xiaoquan followed the woman, like her brother, out of Zhongshan Park.

At this time, the sky was gradually getting dark.

The streets in the 1980s were not as spacious and bright as they were in the 21st century. After walking out of Zhongshan Park, there was only a cement road with bumps and bumps. The road was not wide, so only one car could pass by. But it was good. Fortunately, in this era, there are not that many cars at all. There are only people hurried home on bicycles after get off work, and some people passing by on foot.

The police station was not far from the gate of Zhongshan Park, about five or six hundred meters away. Ma Xiaoquan squinted and saw several bungalows in a courtyard surrounded by earthen walls.

There are some wall tiles pasted on the walls of the bungalow, but they are of the lowest quality. On the mud wall are written eight words: "Leniency for confession, severity for resistance", followed by a line of small words at the bottom - Fengbei Police Station

Zhongshan Park Office.

"Okay, we're here, just go in and find the police comrades!" The woman smiled and waved to Ma Xiaoquan, "I have to go back to the factory quickly."

Ma Xiaoquan nodded: "Thank you, by the way, I don't know your name yet?"

The woman smiled and said, "Looking at your face, you should be younger than me. I'm nineteen, how old are you?"

Ma Xiaoquan snorted: "Oh, I...I...I'm seventeen."

"Oh, look, let me just say, my name is Yuan Lan, what's your name?"

"Yuan...Yuan Lan?" When Ma Xiaoquan called out the woman's name, he couldn't help but raise his voice several times.

The woman was stunned for a moment: "What's wrong? Do you know me?"

Ma Xiaoquan couldn't laugh or cry, and quickly shook his head and waved his hands: "No, no, no, I just... I have a relative at home also named Yuan Lan. Well, is it the orchid?"

"That's right, eh? There is a relative in your family named Yuan Lan, that's quite a coincidence~" Yuan Lan smiled, her smile was beautiful, just like an orchid.

"Okay, no more talking, I'm leaving. I hope you find your brother as soon as possible~"

Ma Xiaoquan nodded repeatedly and waved to Yuan Lan who was walking away.

At this time, a deep voice came from behind Ma Xiaoquan.

"Young man, you are standing at the door of the police station, are you looking for someone?"

Ma Xiaoquan didn't look back, he just nodded subconsciously.

"Oh, do you know that girl? I saw you waving goodbye to her?"

Ma Xiaoquan hummed and said subconsciously: "That might be my mother~"

"What? Your mother?"

Ma Xiaoquan was stunned for a moment, then realized something was wrong. He immediately turned around and saw a middle-aged man wearing a green police officer's jacket, frowning at him.

"No, no, no, I mean that sister just now might be the daughter of my mother's friend. Hey, hey, right, right, that's it, that's it..."

The middle-aged man narrowed his eyes and looked at Ma Xiaoquan carefully. Then he said in a commanding tone: "Come in with me."

Ma Xiaoquan wanted to run away, but it was getting dark now. He had just physically traveled through time and didn't know where to go. Forget it, he could just stay at the police station for a while.

After following the middle-aged man into the courtyard, the man politely asked him to sit down and poured a pot of boiling water for Ma Xiaoquan from a large iron vat.

This chapter has been completed!
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