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【2283】Game (2)

Ma Xiaoquan was shocked. Anyone who could slide his fingers to see things and whose technology sounded mature would be something like a smartphone that was developed at least thirty years later.

Ma Xiaoquan couldn't help but think of what Dr. Mingfa told him when he entered the underground world by mistake and became a member of the Extreme Team.

The doctor said that the technology in the underground world is actually nearly a hundred years ahead of the world above. And the progress of science and technology is sometimes not judged by time, because when you find a way to research certain technologies, you will get what you want.

The amount of information is increasing exponentially... Therefore, to a certain extent, if the underground world is willing, they can easily control all the technology of all countries in the above world, and they can also easily destroy any one

As for the leaders of the countries in the above-ground world, in fact, in the eyes of the underground world, they are just agents.

Ma Xiaoquan once asked Dr. Mingfa, since the underground world is so powerful, why not unify the above-ground world, or intervene in the above-ground world? If all aspects of the underground world crush the above-ground world, then how good would it be to take over the above-ground world?

Dr. Mingfa’s answer at the time was: The coexistence of two worlds naturally has its own reasons. Moreover, some things need to be coordinated by the above-ground world, and some things need to be completed by the underground world. The balance between them is actually the key to coexistence.

The development laws of the entire world.

Thinking of this, Ma Xiaoquan couldn't help but shudder.

Seeing Ma Xiaoquan's silence, Uncle Zhao thought he was impatient, so he said, "I can take you to see that thing now, but you have to promise me not to tell anyone else about it."

Ma Xiaoquan came back to his senses, shook his head with a wry smile and said: "If Uncle Zhao had told me this earlier, I would have agreed, but now the other party has threatened Aunt Hong and Sister Lanlan, unless Uncle Zhao is willing to give up on them.

.....I can do it, after all, I have no relatives here."

Ma Xiaoquan seemed to be speaking lightly, but in fact he was also a little worried. After all, his parents were still alive in this era. Although it seems that they have nothing to do with the current matter, it does not mean that changes will not occur, because this

There is an unpredictable variable among them, and that is Bai Suzhen.

Bai Suzhen is the person directly responsible for Ma Xiaoquan's physical journey back to carry out this mission, and Bai Suzhen is the Bai Yueguang in the heart of her father Ma Liehuo. Before coming to carry out the mission, his father seemed to have something to say to him, but every time the words came to his mouth

Bian, seemed to have swallowed it again.

Judging from dad's abnormal behavior, he may know something, whether it is about Bai Suzhen or not, at least he has something to hide from himself.

Ma Xiaoquan took a deep breath and said: "Uncle Zhao, this matter is no longer completely under your control. If you believe me, you can tell me how you got this thing, and, for the sake of preservation,

For the safety of Aunt Hong and Sister Lanlan, you may have to hand over this thing you got to me."

Uncle Zhao narrowed his eyes slightly. As a policeman, he doubted a person's first professional judgment. When Ma Xiaoquan said this, he had already predicted what the other party was going to say, even though he

I still have the last trace of fantasy, hoping that the other party will not say this, because once they say this, their relationship may never be the same again, but fantasy is still a fantasy. Faced with the facts told by Ma Xiaoquan, Uncle Zhao

Silence fell.

Ma Xiaoquan was not in a hurry to urge Uncle Zhao to make a decision. Haste makes waste. He actually didn't want to know what Uncle Zhao got, but at the moment it was related to the safety of Aunt Hong and Sister Lanlan, so he had to take it.


"You promise that you are not in the same group as those people?" Uncle Zhao raised his head and asked.

Ma Xiaoquan hummed.

"Then can you guarantee the safety of Wang Hong and Lan Lan?"

Ma Xiaoquan shook his head decisively: "No!"

Uncle Zhao was stunned for a moment, then shook his head with a wry smile and said: "You are very direct, but now I don't have any good choice, right? After all, I accepted the package of jewelry you brought, and I

I did use part of it to establish relationships with Lan Lan..."

Ma Xiaoquan smiled: "In that case, I think we should have reached a consensus."

Uncle Zhao nodded and asked, "I want to know what your real name is?"

"Real name?" Ma Xiaoquan chuckled, "You can call me Jing!"


"Yes!" Ma Xiaoquan nodded. In fact, he didn't know why he answered like this. But at the moment when Uncle Zhao asked, he suddenly remembered the mysterious intelligence organization he established during his previous mission, called Mirror.

"Mirror! Well, okay, it's easier for me to call you Xiaohu!" Uncle Zhao shook his head and said.

Ma Xiaoquan hummed and made a gesture of invitation.


The two walked one after another. After walking for about forty minutes, Uncle Zhao led Ma Xiaoquan to a bungalow.

The bungalow was very dilapidated and no one lived in it. The windows were broken and half of the door was broken.

Because the bungalow is located close to the road, it has become a place for passers-by to meet their daily needs.

Stepping through the threshold, a strong smell of feces and urine hit his face. Ma Xiaoquan frowned subconsciously, while Uncle Zhao simply lit a peony cigarette to resist the smell of feces and urine.

"Uncle Zhao, I have to say that you are a talented person. If you put it here, you can only imagine it."

Uncle Zhao smiled and said: "Actually, he has been here when I found that thing. To be honest, I just held it and looked at it for a while and then put it back. I originally thought that if someone lost it, I would always find time.

I came back to get it myself, but every time I came here on duty, that thing was always left untouched..."

"If that's the case, then why would someone target you? Logically speaking, if they follow you, they will always get what they want."

Uncle Zhao shook his head: "I don't know, maybe I've been targeted since that thing was put here."

Ma Xiaoquan narrowed his eyes. He was thinking about whether Uncle Zhao's words were true or false. If they were true, then Uncle Zhao was at best a shield. So the question is? Who is controlling all this and what is his purpose?

While he was thinking, Uncle Zhao had already taken out a ten-inch pitch black board from an old urea bag.

When Ma Xiaoquan took the board from Uncle Zhao, he could clearly feel the weight of this small board. He only touched it for a long time, but he still didn't slide the screen like Uncle Zhao said before.

"Is the battery out?" Ma Xiaoquan subconsciously touched the four sides of the board. Logically speaking, if this board is really like a tablet computer thirty years from now, then it will have at least one similar

The switch button can be touched.

To Ma Xiaoquan's disappointment, after touching for several times, he still couldn't find any way.

"Solar energy?" Ma Xiaoquan subconsciously lifted the board again, suddenly realizing that it was night and there was no way there was any solar energy.

"What's wrong?" Uncle Zhao asked when he saw Ma Xiaoquan's unusual behavior.

Ma Xiaoquan shook his head and asked: "Uncle Zhao, when you took this thing before, could he see any images?"

Uncle Zhao thought for a while, nodded and said, "Yes, you can see a lot, eh? Why can't you see it this time?"

Ma Xiaoquan put the board away and said: "Let's not talk about this for now. Let's go back first. I will study it when I go back and I should understand it."


Shortly after Uncle Zhao and Ma Xiaoquan walked out of the dilapidated bungalow, two men suddenly walked out from under a low wall not far from the bungalow. One of them was the man who had talked to Ma Xiaoquan today.

"It seems they took that thing away." The man chuckled, as if he had everything under control.

"Yeah~" The companion next to the man hummed, "But I'm very worried, Xiaolong, who is that boy, and why do the higher-ups put so much effort into testing him?"

"I don't know either, but the meaning above shouldn't be something you and I should overthink. We can just do what we should do well."

"I understand, what should we do now?"

The man thought for a moment and said, "Give that boy a sense of urgency."


"Create a little trouble, um, for Zhao Shanhe's family, but don't kill anyone, don't hurt anyone, it's just trouble, do you understand?"

"Okay, I get it, then I'll use some small chess pieces in the above world." The companion said, taking out a deck of playing cards from his pocket, he took out one card and turned it over.

On the playing card, there is a big head portrait of a person, with the Arabic numeral "2" written on his head.


A few days later, Uncle Zhao came home after get off work and told Aunt Hong the good news. He said that he had been rated as one of the best in their police station's recent competition. If he persisted, he would receive a bonus at the end of the year and might even be promoted. job.

Uncle Zhao said that it didn't matter whether he got promoted or not, but in fact, the opportunity was before him, and people always have to fight for it. Besides, he was indeed selected in this evaluation.

Aunt Hong was also happy that Uncle Zhao was rated as advanced. After all, the burden of supporting the family rests on her husband alone. If he can be promoted, it means that his salary and bonus will increase, so that the family's expenses will be relatively relaxed.


That night, Aunt Hong cooked some delicious dishes and took her daughter Zhao Minglan to celebrate her husband.

Ma Xiaoquan couldn't come back because he had work in the factory, but he still asked someone to send congratulatory words to Uncle Zhao.

The family has not been so happy for a long time. As they ate, Zhao Minglan said: "Dad, how come you were suddenly rated as an advanced student? Wasn't the advanced student in your institute always Mao Xiaoqiang? How come you are the one this time?"


This chapter has been completed!
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