Turn off the lights
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"Okay, let's get here today." Master Wang dropped the screwdriver in his hand and let out a long breath.

Ma Xiaoquan and Ma Liehuo grunted, one put down his pencil and the other put down his needle-nose pliers.

"Master, is that man in the black coat coming today?" Ma Liehuo asked.

Master Wang hummed: "I should come, but I don't know when. Every time I meet him, he always comes to see me."

"Oh, okay~" Ma Liehuo and Ma Xiaoquan looked at each other, "Master, if nothing happens, we will go back first."


After leaving the workshop, Ma Liehuo said: "Xiaohu, you heard it, right? The master said that the black coat is looking for him, so why are you looking for the black coat?"

"This is easy to handle. I'll just keep an eye on the master. Since the black coat is looking for the master, he will definitely show up."

"That's right, then you really don't need my help?"

Ma Xiaoquan shook his head: "No, don't forget. The dormitory manager has already told you that he was assigned by your old man to keep an eye on you. You really have to behave well recently."

"You're right, okay, then I'll go back first, don't be too late, lest Zhao Sidan and Wang Jianmin get suspicious."

"Okay, I get it~"

Saying goodbye to Ma Liehuo, Ma Xiaoquan hurried to Master Wang's dormitory.

Master Wang usually goes home, but because the man in the black coat was about to appear today, Ma Xiaoquan concluded that Master Wang would not go home, but would go to his single dormitory to wait for him to come.

Sure enough, when he arrived at the door of Master Wang's single dormitory, Ma Xiaoquan saw the lights on.

The weather was quite cold, and it was uncomfortable to stay outside all the time. But in order to get more information, Ma Xiaoquan could only endure it and wait calmly.

When he was a member of the national special forces, Ma Xiaoquan also had to wait for orders. When he joined the Extreme Force team, he also performed similar tasks.

Around ten o'clock in the evening, a tall figure suddenly flashed out in front of Master Wang's dormitory door - it was a black coat.

The other party knocked on Master Wang's dormitory door, then pushed the door open and entered. Well, Master Wang probably didn't close the door.

After the other party entered Master Wang's dormitory, Ma Xiaoquan carefully leaned forward and reached the door of the dormitory.

He originally wanted to eavesdrop, but eavesdropping was not what Ma Xiaoquan was good at. After thinking about it, Ma Xiaoquan decided to observe the surrounding environment. After confirming that there was only one way to go after the other party went out, Ma Xiaoquan left with a smile.

On the table in the dormitory, Master Wang looked at the black coat with a gloomy expression.

"Your progress is too slow~" The black coat looked at the drawings, then at the parts samples, and said dissatisfied.

Master Wang breathed out and said: "Do you think this thing is so easy to make? There are too many missing contents in the drawings. There are some key points that I can't understand at all. I am confused. You guys are not doing this.

What is the purpose of what might be accomplished?”

"For what?" The black coat exhaled and said with a wry smile, "For the dream."

"Dream, what dream? Can you people's dreams be more realistic? Also, who are you?"

The man in the black coat sneered and asked, "Didn't you call me 'those people'?"

"Yes, that's what I call you, but you, oh no, who are you?"

The man in the black coat said: "Actually, it doesn't hurt to tell you a little bit. We are not from here. We come from a place that you are not familiar with. Well, we call it the 'underground world'."

"Underground world? Are you from the underground?"

The man in the black coat smiled: "You can say that."

Master Wang looked disgusted. He didn't believe what the black coat said at all. What kind of underground world? There are all stones under the ground, okay? The black coat also saw that Master Wang didn't believe it, but he didn't explain. In his opinion,

, Master Wang and he are not from the same world. Since they are not from the same world, why bother to explain? Just let him complete what he needs.

"Then hurry up, my patience is limited." The black coat stood up, warned, and pushed out the door.

When the other party walked away, Master Wang muttered a curse under his breath, put away the drawings and parts samples, and sighed heavily.


On the small road inside the factory, Ma Xiaoquan was waiting quietly. Not far away, a tall figure slowly appeared. Ma Xiaoquan did not dodge and simply faced him.

The other party seemed to notice something strange. He retracted his hands into his sleeves, as if preparing a weapon.

When the two of them were still ten meters away, Ma Xiaoquan suddenly said: "I have something to do with you!"

The man in the black coat was stunned for a moment, then responded: "What's the matter?"

"Are you one of those people?"

The man in the black coat sneered: "Did Lao Wang tell you?"

Ma Xiaoquan shook his head and slowly walked towards the black coat.

The other party was obviously wary and warned: "What are you going to do?"

Ma Xiaoquan smiled and said: "No, you are much taller than me. Are you afraid of me, a seventeen-year-old boy?"

The black coat sneered: "How do I know if you will do anything to me?"

Ma Xiaoquan spread his hands and said, "I have nothing in my hands."

Seeing this, the other party slowly took his hand out of the sleeves of his coat.

Ma Xiaoquan waved to the other party and said: "Come closer, it's a bit difficult for us to talk like this. If you don't dare to come, then I will go over."

The man in the black coat sneered and walked slowly towards Ma Xiaoquan. When he was two meters away, the other party stopped.

Seeing Ma Xiaoquan at close range, he said in black coat: "You are one of the disciples brought by Lao Wang, right? Why, what do you want from me for Lao Wang?"

Ma Xiaoquan shook his head: "I'm not doing it for Master Wang, I'm doing it for myself."

"Yourself? What are you going to do?"

Ma Xiaoquan shook his head and said: "I don't know what I want to do, I just want to know if you are one of those people?"

The black coat pondered for a moment and said: "If you hadn't asked me this because of Lao Wang, then I probably know who you are. Logically speaking, I should kill you immediately, but if you can take the initiative to find me, just

Prove that you are not my direct enemy."

Ma Xiaoquan did not respond to the black coat. He just informed the other party that he had a tablet in his hand.

When he learned that Ma Xiaoquan was holding a tablet in his hand, the other party's originally calm expression suddenly became excited.

"Where is that thing?" asked the black coat.

"Don't worry, you are in a very safe place now. Well, in exchange, I need to know who you are and what is your purpose?"

The man in the black coat gave Ma Xiaoquan a thoughtful look: "You are a young man of 17 or 18 years old and you have such a strong personality. I even have reason to suspect that you are the observer at the top who took the photo."

Ma Xiaoquan was stunned and asked: "No, is it possible that there are people above you and your enemies?"

The man in the black coat shook his head: "Some things are not as simple as you think. Well, since you are so frank, I can also tell you my name. Young man, remember, my name is Huang Chi."

After saying this, the man in the black coat wiped his feet past Ma Xiaoquan.

Ma Xiaoquan didn't speak again, because the name Huang Chi was very familiar to him.

When I turned around to look again, the black coat had disappeared.

Ma Xiaoquan gave a bitter laugh and murmured: "Huang Chi, one of the founders of the Extreme Team..."


Back in the dormitory, Ma Liehuo came over and asked in a low voice how it was going.

Ma Xiaoquan truthfully told him the name of the man in the black coat, Huang Chi, and asked him to find a way to use his family connections to find out about Huang Chi.

Going around in circles, Ma Xiaoquan himself did not expect to meet Huang Chi in this era. After all, his deeds were legends in Ma Xiaoquan's era.

Lying in bed, Ma Xiaoquan stayed up all night. He tried hard to sort out his memories and thoughts, recalling the history of the team he had learned when he first joined the Extreme Team.

The earliest Extreme Team was not called this name because a group of like-minded people gathered together and slowly formed an organization. Of course, the formation of this organization was also the result of the game among the eleven families in the underground world.

"If that's the case...should I tell Huang Chi my identity..." Ma Xiaoquan whispered to himself. He remembered an article of team history he had read, which said

Huang Chi was the initiator and builder of the transmission platform in the large warehouse laboratory, and Huang Chi also played an important role in extracting the Heart of Time.

"Yuan...Yuan..." Thinking of this, Ma Xiaoquan couldn't help but call for the origin.

"What's wrong?" the source responded.

"Huang Chi, do you know Huang Chi?"

"Huang Chi?" Yuan's voice came into Ma Xiaoquan's mind, but the tone was obviously a little higher, "Have you met him?"

"Yes, did you just meet him? Well, you were taking a rest and I didn't call you."

Yuan was silent for a long time and then sent a message: "Ma Xiaoquan, I think you are carrying out this mission because Bai Suzhen's Yu family is trying to do something."

"I noticed it too~ But I can't tell what they are going to do? The era I am living in now is the early 1980s, but the Yu family is indeed in the underground world..."

"No~~" Yuan retorted, "Although the underground world is a world of its own, it is closely connected with the above-ground world in many aspects. Just like what that person said to you that day, if they want, they can destroy the above-ground world.

Any country, but because of mutual checks and balances, they will not do this. Instead, they will have to rely on certain countries in the world to accomplish what they want to accomplish but cannot accomplish on their own."

"It's so complicated~~" Ma Xiaoquan stuck out his tongue.

"What's so complicated about this? There are only eternal interests between countries. As long as it is beneficial to both parties, everyone can make concessions to find the greatest benefit."

"Then what should I do?"

"Just wait and see what happens. Your current identity is equivalent to a double agent. On the other side, you need to get hold of the tablet as soon as possible. On Huang Chi's side, continue to have contact with him."

"Okay, I get it!"

This chapter has been completed!
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