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The companions reacted, quickly picked up the murder weapon, and chased Ma Xiaoquan in the direction where he disappeared.

In the hiding place, Ma Liehuo was extremely horrified after seeing what Ma Xiaoquan had done. He did not expect that Ma Xiaoquan would be so ruthless, but he soon figured it out. As a man born into a military family, he had seen the old man being interrogated more than once.

Although the criminal's unscrupulousness is never mentioned in normal times, he has long been accustomed to it.

He smiled slightly, turned around and disappeared into the jungle.


At the foot of the mountain, Yuan Lan and the others, who had filled the water, returned to the temporary camp while talking and laughing. They looked around but could not see Gong Yu and the others. When they looked closely, they only saw Mingfa lying dying on the ground and the two beaches beside Mingfa.

Several people were startled by the blood stains. They dropped their buckets and stepped forward to check. When they saw that Mingfa's hands were bleeding, they quickly took out gauze strips from their backpacks and bandaged Mingfa. However, there were too many cuts on Mingfa's wrists.

Especially the two arteries that were cut were very deep and almost hurt the tendons of his hands. He lost a lot of blood. At this time, Mingfa was already in a moderate ischemia state. If the rescue was not done in time, Mingfa would be in a state of moderate ischemia.

Fat is likely to die from excessive blood loss.

"Quickly, hold down his wound and go to the factory hospital for rescue, go and rescue him!" Yuan Lan shouted.

The two male companions hurriedly picked up Mingfa and wanted to leave, but... Mingfa's body was extremely weak. Although the nearest factory hospital was not far from them, Mingfa might not be able to survive.

Seeing that something was wrong, Bai Suzhen hesitated for a moment, but finally stepped forward and grabbed Mingfa's arms. She took a deep breath, and a warm current burst out from her body, flowing into Mingfa's body along the palms of her hands.


Mingfa's face was originally purple, but the next moment, it turned rosy.

"Hurry~" Bai Suzhen let go of her hand and said weakly, "Send Mingfa to the hospital quickly~"

Several male colleagues did not understand what Bai Suzhen did, because Bai Suzhen's movement was very fast, probably less than ten seconds. They hummed, lifted Mingfa up without any explanation, and left quickly.

As for Bai Suzhen, the moment she saw her colleague carrying Mingfa away, her legs went weak and she collapsed on the ground.

Yuan Lan stepped forward to support Bai Suzhen and looked at her with some surprise. Unknown to others, she felt the warm current sent by Bai Suzhen just now because she was very close to Mingfa.

"What did you do?" Yuan Lan asked.

A smile appeared on Bai Suzhen's pale face: "It's nothing."

"Susu, you can deceive others, but you can't deceive me. You must have done something to Mingfa, otherwise he wouldn't be able to survive for long."

Bai Suzhen sighed. She suddenly thought that she was about to be the final experimental subject. She simply said: "Help me go back. I can only wait until Mingfa wakes up and asks what happened. I will tell you on the way."




Gong Yu and Asakura Minami followed Lao Liu all the way over the mountain. After reaching an open space, the group stopped.

Looking at the beautiful Gong Yu and Asakura Minami, Lao Liu couldn't help it. He tugged on his belt, pulled Gong Yu up, and said to his companions: "I'm going to do something first, you guys are just in time

Take a rest, and you can play again when you go back and meet the boss."

Several companions laughed and said that you, Sixth, should go first.

Gong Yu didn't struggle. She showed a bright smile and reached out to touch Lao Liu's rough hand.

Feeling the softness of Gong Yu's delicate hands, Lao Liu swallowed hard, picked up Gong Yu and hurriedly ran towards the back forest.

Twenty minutes later, Gong Yu came back. She was not disheveled, her eyes were not blurry, and she did not look like a woman who had just experienced that kind of thing.

Lao Liu's companion looked strange and asked: "Where is Lao Liu?"

Gong Yu smiled and said: "I'm resting in the back forest, would you like to go over and have a look?"

"Hehe, this guy~" The companion shook his head and reached out to touch Gong Yu's face, "The girl is quite powerful. She can subdue the sixth child. Not bad!"

Gong Yu smiled charmingly: "Would you like to try it too?"

There was no reason to refuse the beauty's invitation. The man was stunned for a moment, and then nodded like a chicken pecking at rice. However, before he could speak again, Gong Yu suddenly made a knife-like hand with his hand, stabbed forward, and directly cut the man's head.

Man's throat pierced.

"Uh uh uh~" The other party looked at Gong Yu in horror. He probably couldn't figure it out before he died, why a woman who looked so harmless could be so powerful. His eyes widened and he couldn't reconcile himself.

After snoring three times, he died miserably.

Seeing their companions being killed, the remaining gangsters were stunned. They wanted to get up, but surprisingly found that they were powerless.

Asakura Minami, who had been sitting silently, suddenly opened her eyes. A ball of light blue mist came out of her mouth, and then the gangsters began to foam at the mouth. In just two or three minutes, these gangsters

The gangsters began to bleed from all their holes, and suddenly felt pain like tens of thousands of insect bites all over their bodies. One of them couldn't stand it anymore, so he directly pulled out a dagger and wiped his neck. Although the rest also persisted, they soon cowered down.

They stood up and kicked their legs from time to time at first. After about five minutes, their eyes widened and they became motionless.

"It's so annoying~ I haven't killed anyone for a long time~" Gong Yu was a little annoyed and wiped the blood on his hands with the dead gangster's clothes.

Asakura Nan stood up, shook his head and said: "I think we are playing a little too much, Mingfa may be in danger."

Gong Yu curled his lips: "He's not mine, why do you care what he does?"

Asakura Minami chuckled: "Actually, Mingfa's true temperament just now made you tempted, right?"

"You, you're talking nonsense~"

"I'm not talking nonsense. I have to go down and take a look. Do you want to come with me or go deeper to find Ma Liehuo and the others?"

Gong Yu thought for a while: "I'd better go down the mountain with you."

Asakura Minami said oh, and asked: "By the way, how are you doing with Lao Liu?"

Gong Yu said disdainfully: "I castrated him!"

Asakura Minami gasped: "You are so cruel!"

Gong Yu disagreed: "A man who can touch me can only do so unless I approve it!"

"Does it count if you have a bright hair?"

Gong Yu's face turned red and she said nothing.


Yuan Lan helped Bai Suzhen to the factory hospital. The doctor examined Bai Suzhen and said she had some anemia and needed a good rest.

Hearing that Bai Suzhen was fine, Yuan Lan asked again: "How is our colleague, um, the colleague named Mingfa?"

The doctor raised his head and adjusted his glasses frame, and said: "Oh, you said that Mingfa, you have made a great contribution. Your colleagues had already called the police when they came back just now. Now the police and armed police soldiers are on duty in the back mountain.


Yuan Lan exhaled: "I hope the bad guys can be caught."

The doctor smiled slightly: "Don't worry. Oh, by the way, there are police comrades waiting for you two outside the door. I need you to go over and take notes."

Yuan Lan and Bai Suzhen looked at each other, nodded and said in unison: "Okay!"


Three hours later, somewhere in the back mountains.

Ma Xiaoquan and Ma Liehuo had blood on their heads and faces, and their clothes were torn into pieces. Four people were lying on the ground in front of them. Except for the long-haired man who was awake, the other three people were knocked unconscious and were also beaten.

Tied up.

"Bah~" The long-haired man spit out blood and foamed, and said: "You two guys are so talented. I didn't expect that I traveled across half of the country and ended up in the hands of you two. Come on, give me a good time."

Ma Xiaoquan smiled slightly, picked up the spear on the ground, loaded it with a few clicks, and pointed the muzzle at the long-haired man's head.

The long-haired man was slightly startled. He never would have thought that the other party would actually use a gun.

Ma Liehuo frowned slightly, stretched out his hand to press the muzzle of the gun, and said, "It might be very troublesome to kill him~"

Ma Xiaoquan said disapprovingly: "It was just published in the newspaper that day that they are all fierce bandits. They have dozens of lives in their hands. If we kill them, not only will we be fine, but we will also get rewards."

Ma Liehuo dragged his chin and shook his head: "No, let's leave it to the police. We have done enough."

Ma Xiaoquan thought for a while and finally put down the gun.

The long-haired man took a deep breath. In fact, he was also afraid of death.

"What should they do?" Ma Xiaoquan asked Ma Liehuo.

Ma Liehuo wiped the blood on his face and cursed: "Damn it, if it wasn't for the careful arrangement, my life would have been saved. My back hurts so much. Damn it, I can't swallow this breath."

Ma Xiaoquan chuckled, picked up a wooden stick, handed it to Ma Liehuo and said, "If you can't swallow, go and vent. They were knocked unconscious and tied up by us, so you can beat them up again."

"Well, that makes sense!" Ma Liehuo nodded, took the stick, and grinned ferociously.


By the time the police found Ma Xiaoquan and Ma Liehuo, the four gangsters they had tied up had been beaten beyond recognition.

The policeman in charge of the rectification knew Ma Liehuo and was considered a distant cousin. He saw that the two men had blood on their heads and faces, and their clothes had been torn several times, especially Ma Liehuo, who had a rough cut on his back.

The bloody mouth that was more than ten centimeters long, although there was no more bleeding, was shocking.

"You two boys are really amazing~ But you have made a great contribution."

"Comrade police, I have a small request~" Ma Xiaoquan said, "These guys shot a big green sheep, can you give it to us?"

The policeman was stunned, then he laughed and said: "Don't say one, just three. By the way, those at the foot of the mountain are your colleagues, right? One named Mingfa is injured."

"Ah?" Ma Xiaoquan and Ma Liehuo looked at each other, and the latter asked, "Is there anything wrong with Yuan Lan?"

"Yuan Lan?" the policeman blinked, "Oh, those women are fine, but the associates of these gangsters are dead. They should have been killed?"

"Killed?" Ma Liehuo was stunned, "Can you reveal a little bit?"

This chapter has been completed!
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