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[268] Yuan Fang's meaning

Summary of the previous chapter: Ma Xiaoquan cleverly used a little trick to turn hostility into friendship, and restored a seemingly harmonious relationship with the Hua family. Just when the two families were harmonious and coexisting, the Hua family suddenly came without warning. The people who came were not only

There is Hua Mingliang, who was bullied by Ma Xiaoquan before, and a mysterious old man...

"Hua Laowu, you took away my embroiderer and gave birth to Hua Wuxin, a little scoundrel. I won't say anything. Today, are you still trying to bully me?"

Hua Wuxing blushed and said, "Hua Lun, stop being such a mouthful. Xiu Niang and I really love each other!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk... I love each other sincerely, forget it, your old gun didn't expect to give birth to a son, it's really hard for you!"



Ma Xiaoquan frowned and thought to himself: The split of the Hua family is also here? It’s interesting. I’ve watched the show, huh huh.

Ma Xiaoquan hadn't made any move yet. His grandson beside him couldn't help it anymore and stepped forward to persuade him: "Two gentlemen, please give me face. Mr. Ma is a great joy for the relocation of the gods. Please give me face and say less. Let's put down personal matters in private."

How do you two think about the solution?"

Hua Wuxing nodded and agreed, but Hua Lun scolded his grandson: "Who are you?"

The grandson said "Ah" and responded very quickly: "I am Garlic!"

"Haha..." Sun Tzu's answer made everyone present laugh, but because of Sun Tzu's clever answer, the atmosphere at the scene relaxed a lot.

Hua Lun also smiled: "Good boy, you react quickly enough, I have taken a liking to you, Hua Lun, the third youngest in the Hua family!"

Hua Wuxing glanced at Hua Lun and said nothing.

The grandson is just a small wealthy family. He has heard the name of the Hua family. Whether it is the main Hua family or a branch of the Hua family, the grandson cannot afford to offend him. Moreover, he has recently become the head of the family, and many people in the family do not want to offend him.

Convinced, let alone the fact that the Hua family is still divided, as long as you have a casual relationship, your status as the head of the family will be even more unshakable.

The grandson rolled his eyes, raised his hands and said respectfully: "I have met Mr. Hua!"

Hua Lun laughed and waved her hand gently. Hua Mingliang personally brought the brocade box and handed it to Ma Xiaoquan.

"You are the head of the Ma family, right? Well, you are indeed a talented person. I heard that you married Hua Yuexin, the granddaughter of the old man Hua Yixi. In this way, there is also a daughter in my family named Hua Jingyi. If you don't

If you don't like it, let's get married!"

Before Ma Xiaoquan could even look at her, Hua Wuxing scolded him: "Bah, you old gangster, shameless thing. My family is already related to the Ma family, and we have already given birth to a baby. What are you trying to do?"

Hua Lun chuckled: "Hua Laowu, it's not like you haven't seen my granddaughter Jingyi before. What she looks like, I can't say she's as good as your Yue'er baby, but she definitely won't be any worse.

!Besides, your family has given birth to a baby, so our Jingyi can’t give birth to a baby?"


On the sidelines, Ma Xiaoquan watched the two branches of the Hua family bickering and secretly asked Hua Yuexin: "Madam, have you seen Hua Jingyi? How does she look like?"

Hua Yuexin gave Ma Xiaoquan a hard look, and Ma Xiaoquan stuck out his tongue, not daring to ask any more questions.

Hua Wu Xing refused: "No! Absolutely not!"

Hualun shook his head and said ruthlessly: "You can't do it even if you say no. No matter what, you have to ask the head of the Ma family, right? Hey, let me tell you, your Ma family..." Hualun turned his head and wanted to ask Ma Xiaoquan.

, unexpectedly, when he raised his eyes, he found that Ma Xiaoquan was missing.

"Eh?" Hua Lun thought for a moment and suddenly laughed.

Behind a screen, Ma Xiaoquan patted his chest and took two long breaths.

In front of him, Qing Yi asked softly: "Ms. sir, what's wrong with you?"

Ma Xiaoquan smiled bitterly and said, "The Hua family is also here."

"The Hua family is divided?" Qing Yi thought for a moment, "Oh, then has Hua Mingliang come?"

Ma Xiaoquan chuckled: "You said he is here, but there is a master beside him. It is said that he is the third son of the Hua family, named Hualun."

Qing Yi made a sound and asked Ma Xiaoquan: "Ms. sir, when will you let me out? I've been hiding for a long time."

Ma Xiaoquan kissed Qing Yi: "Be obedient, wait until everyone is almost here, you come out again, you do this and this..." Ma Xiaoquan leaned close to Qing Yi's ear and arranged specific matters for Qing Yi, Qing Yi listened.

, nodded happily and said: "Ms. sir, is this really good? Do you really want me to see Yuan Fang?"

Ma Xiaoquan whispered: "You have to tell me first, has Lu Xian seen you?"

Qing Yi shook his head: "Xian Lu has only met Luo Shan, not me. If Yuan Fang didn't tell him, Xian Lu would definitely not know."

Qing Yi hesitated and said: "I just don't know if Yuan Fang has said anything about me..."

Ma Xiaoquan thought for a moment and said: "Well, why don't you continue to disguise yourself and meet Yuan Fang in your previous disguise? I think it's best!"

"What do you mean, Mr. Xianggong?"

Ma Xiaoquan explained: "Yuan Fang can't be fully believed, but he can't disbelieve it either. In this case, why don't we give him a riddle to make him think that the Shanjiao villager you pretended to be in Qingyi has something to do with my Ma family...

.In this way, Yuan Fang will definitely be more interested in forming an alliance with us."

Qing Yi nodded.


In the next few days, many wealthy nobles came one after another, and even some high-ranking officials came after hearing the news.

However, the Ma family treats everyone equally and does not give special care to whoever has a bigger family and who has more reputation.

This move of the head of the Ma family won the respect of most wealthy nobles. Of course, some people with official positions in the government were dissatisfied.

In response, Ma Xiaoquan took out the "Han Immortal Marquis" seal and ribbon bestowed by the young emperor, perfectly blocking the mouths of those who were dissatisfied.

At night, Yuan Fang came to visit Ma Xiaoquan. Ma Xiaoquan was drinking with his grandson. When he heard Yuan Fang coming, he invited Yuan Fang to sit down together.

Yuan Fang glanced at his grandson, as if he had something he couldn't say in front of him. Ma Xiaoquan chuckled and said, "Young Master Yuan, don't worry too much. Brother Sun is one of our own, so you can feel free to say it!"

Ma Xiaoquan's move was to attract his grandson. After all, his grandson is now the head of the Sun family in Jiangxi. One more friend is definitely better than one more enemy.

When Yuan Fang heard this, he chuckled and cupped his hands to his grandson: "Since Master Shangxian said it, then I, Yuanmou, will no longer hide it..."

Yuan Fang kept saying a lot of compliments without any real content, and while talking, he persuaded his grandson to drink.

The grandson was too drunk. After a few drinks, he was already drifting off.

Ma Xiaoquan knew what Yuan Fang meant by doing this, so he ordered his servants to carry his grandson down.

When Ma Xiaoquan and Yuan Fang were the only two people present, Yuan Fang said cautiously: "Master Shangxian, I have something to tell you..."

Before Yuan Fang finished speaking, Ma Xiaoquan stretched out his hand and said, "Master Yuan, wait a minute, I'll let you meet someone first."

Yuan Fang alerted: "One person? Who?"

"You'll know it when you see him!" After saying that, Ma Xiaoquan clapped his hands twice.

Yuan Fang looked around, fearing that Ma Xiaoquan was going to harm him. However, what Yuan Fang didn't expect was that a "middle-aged" woman walked in front of him.

Looking closer, Yuan Fang was shocked: "Why is it you?"

The "middle-aged" woman chuckled: "Why can't it be me?"

"You?" Yuan Fang pointed at Ma Xiaoquan and the "middle-aged" woman.

Ma Xiaoquan nodded, everything was self-explanatory.

"Oh" Yuan Fang reacted quickly and laughed suddenly, "I see, that's it...Okay, very good...Haha..."

The "middle-aged" woman sat down quietly and said nothing.

After Yuan Fang stopped laughing enough, Ma Xiaoquan said: "Since Mr. Yuan knows, what else can't you tell me?"

Yuan Fang was extremely excited and said: "If I had known that Master Shangxian was connected with Shanjiao Village, Yuanmou people would not have to worry so much. Master Shangxian, what I mean is..."

Yuan Fang told Ma Xiaoquan about the intention of the alliance. After hearing this, Ma Xiaoquan did not immediately agree or reject it.

"Lord Immortal, what do you mean..."

Ma Xiaoquan laughed and said: "Master Yuan, this matter is not urgent or urgent, we should discuss it in the long run..."

Of course Ma Xiaoquan is not in a hurry because he has cards in his hand, but Yuan Fang is different.

After all, Yuan Fang is Lu Xian's subordinate on the surface. No matter what he does, he must report to Lu Xian. If Yuan Fang is allowed to deal with Lu Xian independently, then he may never have this opportunity in his life. Moreover,

, Yuan Fang also had his own ideas in bringing Ma Xiaoquan into the gang. Once exposed, Yuan Fang could completely shirk all the responsibilities and push them all to Ma Xiaoquan.

Of course Ma Xiaoquan knew Yuan Fang's plan. Ma Xiaoquan would definitely agree to the alliance, but before agreeing, Ma Xiaoquan decided to hold Yuan Fang for a while to let him show some sincerity.

Yuan Fang wasn't stupid either. Ma Xiaoquan figured it out immediately when he took advantage of it.

"Haha..." Yuan Fang chuckled and took out a pair of white silk silk from his arms.

Next to Ma Xiaoquan, the "middle-aged" woman's eyes narrowed and she said, "Secret Records of the Baiyi Clan?"

Yuan Fang nodded: "That's right, it's the secret record of the Baiyi Clan. My eldest sister has only seen the first half before, but what I have in my hand now is all of it."

The "middle-aged" woman looked at Ma Xiaoquan for help. Ma Xiaoquan understood, nodded and said: "Master Yuan, do you mean to give this thing to me?"

Yuan Fang shook his head: "It's impossible to give it away, but I can lend it to Master Shangxian."

Ma Xiaoquan took the Secret Book of the Baiyi Clan from Yuan Fang, opened it and looked at it, shaking his head and saying, "I don't know the text, and I can't understand it even if you show it to me?"

Yuan Fang chuckled: "Sir Shangxian can't understand, doesn't it mean the people around Shangxian can't understand?"

This chapter has been completed!
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