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"Yue'e, I'll go back first~" Ma Shulin got on Lao Erba and kicked off without waiting for the girl's response, and left without looking back.

The girl watched Ma Shulin's retreating figure, sighed heavily, and said, "Idiot."

Ma Xiaoquan also hates iron. His second uncle is a pure straight man. When you were walking with me, you talked a lot. Why did you suddenly stop talking when you came back? You have to say goodbye. You are such a pure man.

He's a straight man.

"Sister, do you like Ma Shulin?" Ma Xiaoquan asked.

The girl rolled her eyes at Ma Xiaoquan: "Don't call me eldest sister."

"Then what should I call you, second uncle?"

"Don't call me Second Auntie. I'm not your Second Auntie. How can I be that old?"

"Then, like Ma Shulin, I will call you Yue'e? But you are older than me, so I will call you Sister Yue'e."

"You can do whatever you want." The girl turned around, pushed open the courtyard door and went in first.

Ma Xiaoquan breathed out, raised his head and looked at the courtyard in front of him. The wall tiles were very new, and it must have been renovated not long ago.

When I walked into the courtyard, I first saw a well. There was a simple manual water pump beside the well. Ma Xiaoquan saw this water pump with his father in the countryside when he was a child. If you want to pump groundwater, you must first pour a little water into it, and then

Repeated pulling, usually dozens of times, can pump out the groundwater.

There are three rooms in the yard, and the doors of each room are closed. I don't know which one the girl went to.

When he was hesitating which door to knock on, the window of a room on the left opened, and the girl stuck her head out and shouted: "This way."

Ma Xiaoquan said "Oh", carried the baggage to the door of the house on the left, pushed it gently, and the door opened.

The space in the house is larger than Ma Xiaoquan imagined. According to visual inspection, the depth should be seven meters. This kind of depth has the advantage of being warm in winter and cool in summer.

Ma Xiaoquan did not hesitate, crossed the threshold, and placed the bundle on the ground.

There were five or six people sitting in the room, all wearing glasses. When they saw Ma Xiaoquan come in, they just glanced at him and went back to their work.

The girl came over and said, "Everyone is still working. Please wait a moment. There is hot water on the stove. Have you brought the pot?"

"Bring it with you, bring it with you~" Ma Xiaoquan took out a military green jar with the word "Liberation" printed on it from his bag. The girl exclaimed when she saw it and asked, "Why do you also have this jar?"

Ma Xiaoquan exclaimed: "My former roommate in the riveting factory gave it to me, but I have never been willing to use it. Now that I am in the capital, I thought of bringing it with me."

"There's one in Ma Shulin too~" the girl muttered, her voice low.

After pouring a jar of boiling water for Ma Xiaoquan, the girl went about her business, but unlike the other people wearing glasses, the girl didn't seem to have done any research. She just sat quietly reading a book.

Ma Xiaoquan glanced at it and saw that the book the girl was holding was "Dream of Red Mansions", and thought to himself that the second uncle really loved reading when she was young.

Ma Xiaoquan's second sister-in-law is named Zhang Yuee. She is the youngest daughter of a staff officer in the Capital Military Region. She is quiet by nature. She especially likes to read some literary classics. She is a good writer and a good cook. Logically speaking, this is

Why should a girl find a husband who is a scholar, or else she must have the same hobbies as her second uncle, but for some reason, she ended up looking for someone like her second uncle who chats all day long.

My father once summarized the relationship between the second uncle and the second uncle, saying that they complement each other, one is quiet and the other is loud, so that they can live together. If the second uncle had found someone of the same type, then their family would definitely be very happy.


Thinking about it now, it is indeed the case. Precisely because the second uncle and second uncle have very different personalities, in many cases, their respective hobbies are not restricted by the other. When it comes to educating children, the two are even more free-spirited.

The only son, Ma Yiquan, is Ma Xiaoquan's cousin. He is extremely funny when he is funny, but he seems to be a different person when he is quiet.

"This book is difficult to understand..." Ma Xiaoquan came over and said.

The girl raised her head and nodded: "I just started watching it too, have you read it?"

"No~" Ma Xiaoquan shook his head, "It's hard to understand what my master said..."

"Well, by the way, my name is Zhang Yuee."

"Zhang Yue'e~Oh~~" Ma Xiaoquan nodded, thinking, I have already guessed it.

"You said you came to see Yang Lei, right? He hasn't been here these two days. He and Professor Ma went to the Central Research Institute. You have to wait."

"It's okay, do you know Zhao Minglan?"

"Zhao Minglan?" Zhang Yuee was stunned, "Do you know her?"

"She is my sister. Why, sister Lanlan hasn't mentioned me to you?"

Zhang Yue'e shook her head: "We met twice and didn't talk much. But she is quite nice, good-looking and has a good figure."

"Yes, where is my sister?"

"Unfortunately, like Yang Lei, she went to the Central Research Institute with Professor Ma..."

"Well, okay..." Ma Xiaoquan pouted. There weren't many furnishings in the room. Apart from the pile of books on the table, there was only an iron wheel in the corner.

"Can I play with that?" Ma Xiaoquan pointed at the iron wheel.

"That's okay, but there's no guide rod."

"It's okay, just play with it~" As he said that, Ma Xiaoquan picked up the iron wheel and left the house.

There is a relatively wide road at the entrance of the courtyard, and the road surface is relatively smooth. If there are guide poles, it will be no problem to play with the iron pulley.

When he was worried, he saw a child passing by Ma Xiaofang holding an iron rod.

Ma Xiaoquan stopped the child and said, "Boy, lend me your iron rod."

The child was about five or six years old. Although he was young, he was not timid at all when facing Ma Xiaoquan. He put the iron rod behind him and said, "Why, I don't know you."

"Hey?" Ma Xiaoquan snorted, pointing to the iron pulley in the ground and said, "I'll use your iron rod as a guide rod to play with the iron pulley. When I'm done, I'll let you play with it too, how about it?"

The child blinked his big eyes and looked at the iron pulley on the ground. He hesitated and handed the iron rod to Ma Xiaoquan.

Ma Xiaoquan took the iron rod and bent one end of the iron rod with his feet to make a U shape. Then he put the iron pulley on the guide rod, put it on the ground and started running.

Seeing this, the child happily ran behind Ma Xiaoquan. After two laps, Ma Xiaoquan gave the child the iron wheel and asked him to play with it.

The child was particularly happy, pushing the iron wheel and running back and forth. His two little faces were rosy and very cute.

Half an hour later, when the child was tired of playing, he returned the iron wheel to Ma Xiaoquan and said with some reluctance: "Brother, can we still play with it next time?"

Ma Xiaoquan chuckled: "Of course I can, but this iron pulley doesn't belong to my brother, so I can't give it to you, but this iron rod belongs to you, take it, and we can play together next time."

The child was very happy and jumped up and down to say goodbye to Ma Xiaoquan.

"What are you playing, so happy?"

Ma Xiaoquan turned around and saw Zhang Yuee holding an empty basin and looking at him.

"Oh, it's nothing. I played with a child for a while. What do you want to do?"

Zhang Yue'e said: "I'm making fried noodles today. I have to go to the supply and marketing cooperative to buy some bean paste."

Suddenly, a man rushed out and shouted: "I'm going too!"

Ma Xiaoquan and Zhang Yuee were startled. When they looked closely, they saw Ma Shulin running over carrying a piece of sugar cane.

Ma Xiaoquan chuckled, glanced at Ma Shulin who was running over, grabbed the sugar cane from his hand, and said, "Okay, you go, I just got tired from playing, I'll go in and take a rest."


Several researchers in the room were also resting at the moment. When Ma Xiaoquan came in, they greeted him warmly.

After chatting with them, Ma Xiaoquan learned that this is a research group of five people, mainly studying the theoretical verification part of Professor Ma Ruiqing's anti-aging topic. Over the past few days, their theory has made great breakthroughs, but it is limited by

There is a serious shortage of knowledge reserves and experimental equipment, and many theories cannot yet be verified.

Ma Xiaoquan has always admired those who devoted themselves to research, especially those in the 1970s and 1980s, who were able to endure hardships, had dreams, and more importantly, had simple goals.

"Xiaohu, you are saying that you are coming to see Yang Lei. Then you have to wait for two more days. We are not too busy these two days. You can ask Zhang Yue'e to lead you around the capital. You haven't been to the Great Wall yet.

Come on, take some time to check it out."

"Okay~" Ma Xiaoquan nodded, thinking, of course I have been to the Great Wall.

At this moment, Zhang Yue'e came back, followed by Ma Shulin, who was carrying a basin filled with bean paste.

"Are you going to eat fried noodles tonight?" A female researcher adjusted her glasses and asked.


"That's great, Yue'e's fried soybean noodles are particularly delicious, it's a real treat!" Several researchers cheered.

Ma Shulin put the basin on the table, rolled up his sleeves and said, "I'll help Yue'e."

Several researchers burst into laughter. It seemed that everyone was familiar with Ma Shulin.

Zhang Yue'e was a little embarrassed. She reached out and pinched Ma Shulin, then went to wash the vegetables with a red face.

Ma Xiaoquan came to Ma Shulin's side and whispered: "Brother, when will you two get married?"

Ma Shulin was stunned. He looked at Ma Xiaoquan and thought, "You and I are not familiar with each other. Why are you asking me this?"

Although he thought so in his heart, Ma Shulin responded familiarly: "It's coming soon."

Ma Xiaoquan chuckled: "I'm afraid it won't be so fast. I guess you won't be recognized by the girl's parents."

Ma Shulin was stunned again: "How do you know?"

Ma Xiaoquan secretly laughed in his heart, "Why didn't I know that before you and your mother-in-law got married, your second uncle didn't agree? If it hadn't been for the last words from your second aunt, you would have been in trouble. Of course, all this was because you two were not married first."

She is pregnant, otherwise my second uncle might not agree.

This chapter has been completed!
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