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【2291】Viagra (6)

Phoenix City, in the office of the director of the Fourth Rivet Factory.

Zhao Jianshe told Zhao Haitang Ma Xiaoquan's phone report.

Zhao Haitang had just asked someone to bring a pair of red high heels from the capital today. At this moment, she was listening to Zhao Jianshe talk about her brother's situation while preparing to try on the shoes.

Although this pair of high heels is not as good as Ms. Yue Ting's pair of foreign products some time ago, it is already considered the best high heels in China.

"What kind of temper is this kid playing? If he doesn't come back...does he know how dangerous Zhuoyi's laboratory is..." Zhao Haitang stamped his foot angrily and put on the high-heeled shoes he had just put on.

When it touches the ground, it makes a crisp sound.

Zhao Jianshe sighed: "You know your brother's temper, but why did I hear that he went to the capital and got involved with that Zhao Minglan?"

Zhao Jianshe had thoughts about Zhao Minglan. Otherwise, why would he have carried out a sneak attack in the first place? However, after being warned by Zhao Haitang, Zhao Jianshe temporarily stopped. However, in his heart, Zhao Jianshe still felt regretful occasionally.

"Zhao Minglan?" Zhao Haitang frowned slightly, "That's one of the two girls you attacked in a sneak attack, right?" (The other one was Yuan Lan)

After being exposed by Zhao Haitang, Zhao Jianshe quickly laughed: "Well, let's not mention this matter anymore, let's not mention it anymore."

Zhao Haitang thought for a while and said: "I have noticed that girl, but I'm afraid I don't like Leilei. After all, Leilei is so tall and smiles."

Zhao Jianshe laughed and said, "I'm just wondering, my aunt is quite tall, and you're not too tall either. They say sons follow their mothers, so why is Yang Lei's head so small?"

"Stop talking about him, he is also your cousin."

Zhao Jianshe shrugged his shoulders, looking indifferent.


Capital, inside the central laboratory.

Professor Ma Ruiqing slammed a document on the test bench and shouted at a bald man opposite him: "You just convict someone without any investigation. Is this what researchers should do?"

The bald man sneered and said: "Professor Ma, this matter is not decided by me. The accountability from above has been handed down. I just show you the document. Whether you agree or disagree, the matter is over."

It’s settled and can’t be changed.”

Ma Ruiqing breathed a sigh of relief and said, "But the crime you have punished is too severe. That Zhang Yueming is still young. Convicting him like this is equivalent to erasing this young man's whole life."

"Then there is no way, who let the person die? Let me tell the truth. Now the higher-ups feel that there is no way to explain it, so they found a scapegoat. Even if he is the King of Heaven, I will have to accept the punishment if I fall into this matter.


"Okay, I can't control you as handlers, but when will the materials and experimental equipment needed for my experiment be available?"

The bald man chuckled: "Professor Ma, I know... your research has made a major breakthrough, but the country's funding is also very tight. I can't just give it to you every time you apply. There are indicators and there are


Ma Ruiqing sneered and said: "The indicators have been set down a long time ago, but you guys refuse to pass them. Tell me what the conditions are."

"It's very simple, just add a few of our names."

"No!" Ma Ruiqing refused without any hesitation, "All the results were researched by me and my students. Do you know how much effort we put in? You guys have done nothing and are like robbers all day long.

It's so shameful for you to keep asking those who have made great achievements to add their names."

The bald man chuckled: "There is no way, the funds are limited, we have to have something to do. Besides, we want the status, you want the money, we each get what we need."

"You bastard, get out of here, get out of here!" Ma Ruiqing pointed at the door and issued an eviction order.

The bald man didn't get angry either. He chuckled, glanced at Ma Ruiqing meaningfully, and walked out of the laboratory door. He tilted his head and said to the attendant beside him: "Immediately draw up a signature report and say that Ma Ruiqing's research results are all

It is false and suspected of academic fraud.”

"Chen Yuan, isn't this right..." The attendant was stunned for a moment and said worriedly.

"What's wrong? Adding a name doesn't mean you're dead. This Ma Ruiqing is so stubborn. I still don't believe it. I won't give her any funding, materials, or experimental equipment."

"Chen Yuan, if you do this, Professor Ma's project may be aborted."

"Miscarriages are just miscarriages. There are so many projects in the entire Academy of Sciences. So what if there are just a few miscarriages? What do people want in this life? Isn't it just for money and power? That old lady is stubborn, who will cooperate with her?

She plays."

"Chen Yuan, if this is really going to happen, I'm worried that Professor Ma will quit the Academy of Sciences. Foreign countries have been poaching her in recent years. In a meeting some time ago, they specifically said that they should retain core talents."

"If you dig it, dig it. What's wrong? Why are you talking so much? I am the dean and you are the dean. Hurry up and sign the report."

"Yes yes yes."


Ma Ruiqing was very angry, angry at the argument she had just had with that bald Chen, and also angry at her own temper.

She is the daughter of a high-ranking cadre, and she knows that if she wants to make a name for herself in this circle, in addition to having some skills, she must also be able to win people over, and more importantly, she must give up some of her benefits.

It's just that her research results, how many days and nights she has worked hard, can be named after those rubbish who know how to scheming and do not do their job all day long? This is the greatest insult to an intellectual and to knowledge.

"Teacher..." a researcher said, "Teacher, I think it is better for us to go abroad. Recently, someone from Rasif Company came to see me. In fact, what they want most is for you to go. They also said,

We will give you the best equipment, the most complete information, and the greatest freedom in academic publishing, but if the research results are produced, they want to own them for fifteen years first."

Ma Ruiqing glanced at the student, shook his head and said: "Of course I know that the conditions they gave are generous, but I feel that my subject can always make some contribution to the country. It will definitely be useful in medicine in the future.

, they gave us the best information and the best equipment, but with fifteen years of ownership, do you know what these fifteen years represent? It represents endless wealth and even rights, as well as various patents in the international arena.

I can't handle disputes or this kind of thing."

The student added: "But teacher, we are now facing no research funds, a lot of experimental equipment, and a serious shortage of experimental materials. The materials we borrowed from Professor Hu last time are no longer enough."

"I know..." Ma Ruiqing sighed, "Okay, just do your best and don't think too much. Foreign countries are good, but I still think domestic ones are better."

"Teacher, there is another person, Professor Edward. He is your senior brother. He has also invited you, and Professor Edward basically has no conditions attached."

"Edward..." A trace of disgust flashed in Ma Ruiqing's eyes, "Let him forget it... By the way, Xiao Zhang, please take the time to deliver a meal to Zhang Yueming. We can't do much, so give

He should also be able to deliver meals."

"Good teacher."


Zhang Yueming was imprisoned in the detention center. When his sister Zhang Yuee took Ma Xiaoquan to see him, he looked very decadent.

Seeing his sister leading a man, Zhang Yueming thought it was his sister's boyfriend, cheered up and said with a smile: "Not bad, I have a boyfriend."

Zhang Yue'e shook her head: "Brother, this is a friend of mine. You also know who I like."

Zhang Yueming nodded. He knew the Ma Shulin whom his sister liked and had met him twice. Zhang Yueming had no objection to his sister's choice. On the contrary, he supported his sister very much. However, due to the authority of his father at home, the brother and sister

No one dares to disobey.

"I'm just telling you, why didn't Ma Shulin come?"

Ma Xiaoquan interrupted: "Ma Shulin might be jealous, so he didn't come."

"Jealous, whose jealousy is it?"

Ma Xiaoquan glanced at Zhang Yue'e, who lowered his head and said nothing, "Well, Wanbo, we went to the Great Wall a few days ago..."

Ma Xiaoquan briefly told Zhang Yueming about going to the Great Wall. After hearing this, Zhang Yueming gritted his teeth and said to his sister: "Yue'e, you can't find that Wan Bo. Others don't know what kind of person he is. I know everything about your brother."


Zhang Yue'e nodded: "But now my father doesn't listen, and my mother also thinks Wanbo's conditions are good."

"Really..." Zhang Yueming pounded the table with his fist, and the police guard not far away immediately warned him.

"Brother, don't worry, we will find a way to rescue you."

Zhang Yueming shook his head: "Don't waste your efforts. This matter is not as simple as you think. Okay, my time is up. By the way, Yue'e, keep my notepad for me." With that, Zhang Yueming stood up.

, spoke to the guarding policeman, and the latter came over and took Zhang Yueming away.

Seeing her brother go away, Zhang Yue'e couldn't help crying.

Back in the courtyard, Zhao Minglan asked how the situation was. Originally, she wanted to follow Zhang Yueming, but Yang Lei kept pestering her and said he wanted to discuss a problem, which made her unable to do anything, so she asked Ma Xiaoquan and Zhang Yuee to go together.

Ma Xiaoquan briefly explained the situation to Zhao Minglan, and then said that the matter might be really complicated.

Zhao Minglan pouted and said, "You are so powerful, you should have something to do."

Ma Xiaoquan shook his head: "There are not many ways, and the final result may be that he goes to jail. I don't have a clue now."

"Yes, it's better than nothing..." Zhao Minglan hummed.


At the same time, in a small room in another courtyard, several people were sitting.

In front of them was a drawing with a token-like pattern drawn on it.

This chapter has been completed!
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