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【2293】beacon order (2)

"You kid." Lao Wang smiled, looked at Zhang Yue'e, then looked at Ma Shulin, and understood instantly. He waved his hand, "Go ahead, young people, you can have your own fun."

"Okay~" Ma Shulin picked up Zhang Yuee and turned away.

Zhang Yue'e didn't expect Ma Shulin to be so fast. When she passed two corners, she stopped and asked Ma Shulin if he had got his notepad. Ma Shulin took out the notepad from his arms. Zhang Yue'e was very happy and excited.

Ma Shulin kissed him on the face.

Ma Shulin was stunned for a moment, but then he slapped his head: "Oh no, that Ma Xiaohu, well, he hasn't come here yet."

"I'm here." As soon as he finished speaking, Ma Xiaoquan's people appeared.

"If it weren't for him, I wouldn't be able to climb the wall so fast." Ma Shulin pointed at Ma Xiaoquan and praised Zhang Yuee.

"Thank you~" Zhang Yue'e nodded to Ma Xiaoquan.

"Don't thank me yet, what are you two doing?"

Zhang Yue'e and Ma Shulin looked at each other, and the former said: "I got my brother's notepad back from Professor Hu. I want to see what my brother remembered in it, um, a pattern with a snake on it, and

A centipede."

"Uh~~" Ma Xiaoquan was stunned, a snake and a centipede, how come they are so familiar.

"A jade plaque?" Ma Xiaoquan asked subconsciously.

"How do you know?" Ma Shulin looked at Ma Xiaoquan with wide eyes.

Ma Xiaoquan smiled bitterly and lowered his head, thinking how could I not know, wasn't it the Beacon Order? I gave it to him, how could I not know.

Thinking of this, Ma Xiaoquan suddenly felt that something was wrong. The Fenghuo Order is the token of the Fenghuo Organization. The Fenghuo Organization belongs to the underground world. Logically speaking, the token will not go to the above-ground world. Is it possible that Fenghuo's current business has also developed aboveground?

But that's not right. The Beacon Fire Order is generally in the hands of Jing, the past leader of Beacon Fire, and cannot be transferred externally.

After hesitating for a moment, Ma Xiaoquan decided to use the same words between the two of them, and said, "I have seen that thing."

"Have you seen it before?" Ma Shulin asked in surprise.

"Yes, not only have I seen it, but I have also touched it in my hand." Ma Xiaoquan shrugged and said deliberately, "What's wrong, is that thing expensive? Is it just a jade sign? It's an antique, right? Well, it must be an antique too.


"It seems not." Zhang Yue'e said, "I found a ball of paper from under the pillow in my brother's room. This is what was drawn on it. My brother rarely does this kind of thing. Either he didn't see it clearly or there was something else.


Ma Xiaoquan believed in Zhang Yue'e's judgment, but why the Beacon Fire Order appeared in the above world and why it was related to Zhang Yue'e's brother.

"Could your brother's arrest be related to this brand?" Ma Shulin made a bold prediction.

Ma Xiaoquan was stunned and thought that if this was really the case, then something must have happened to Fenghuo.

Yue Ting once said that her Yu family merged with several major families at the same time, which resulted in extremely serious personnel shortages, so she has been trying to win over Fenghuo to form an alliance with her Yu family to protect the Yu family from being wiped out by other families. Although

Yue Ting did not say the specific details behind it, but it could be judged from her tone that Fenghuo had not yet agreed.

Now the Beacon Fire Order is probably not in the hands of Beacon Fire leader Jing, so there is only one result - the Beacon Fire Order is lost.

Ma Xiaoquan was a little confused. The beacon fire order was exclusive to Fenghuo. Except for the leaders of the past generations, no one else knew how to use it even if they held it in their hands. But why did Zhang Yue'e's brother draw the beacon fire order?

Back in the courtyard, Zhang Yue'e handed Ma Xiaoquan the piece of paper drawn by his brother. After reading the pattern on the paper, Ma Xiaoquan became more certain that something was wrong with the beacon fire.

Fenghuo was founded by Ma Xiaoquan. The original purpose of establishing Fenghuo was to give himself a backup, but later when Hongzhou became stable, he completely handed over Fenghuo to Zhang Muzhi.

Before leaving, Ma Xiaoquan made a beacon fire order and gave it to Zhang Muzhi, telling him that if the beacon fire was in danger, the person holding the beacon fire order, that is, the inheritor of the beacon fire, could ask a giant snake or centipede to help.

If the Beacon Fire Order is lost, there is only one explanation, that is, there is internal strife within Beacon Fire.

As the founder of Fenghuo, Ma Xiaoquan naturally could not watch Fenghuo die due to internal strife. He also did not expect that after more than three hundred years, Fenghuo was still there. Well, in that case, then what should he, a generation of Fenghuo, do?


Thinking of this, Ma Xiaoquan said: "I think what Ma Shulin said makes sense, but we must not tell anyone about this picture right now."

The three of them looked at each other and nodded in unison.


It was already evening when Professor Hu came back.

After reading Zhang Yue'e's brother's notepad, Professor Hu realized that there was a flaw in the materials provided to Zhuoyi's laboratory last time. It should be that one of his calculation results had a misleading error.

So he quickly explained it to the main leaders of the scientific research institute, but judging from the results, the effect was not good.

When he returned to the hut, Professor Hu wanted to look at the notepad again, but no matter how hard he looked, he couldn't find it. Professor Hu was a little puzzled, thinking that he had obviously put the notepad on the bedside.

After searching for a while, he still couldn't find it. Professor Hu sighed and sat down on the ground.

Professor Hu was old and had to support himself while sitting on the ground. It was with this support that his right hand touched a piece of paper.

Professor Hu picked up the piece of paper and took a look at it, frowning slightly: "What is this? It's quite well drawn. There's a snake on it, and then a centipede. Well, it should have fallen out of the notepad."

Professor Hu stood up and searched again, but still couldn't find the notepad.

"Forget it, maybe the room is too messy and I can't find it." Professor Hu threw the piece of paper to the corner of the table and went back to studying the theory.

Just then, the door rang.

The door was not closed, and after obtaining Professor Hu's permission, a man walked in politely.

Since there was no place to stand, the man could only stand at the entrance.

"Oh, it's you, what, what's the matter?"

The man smiled and said: "Professor Hu, that notepad you mentioned in the scientific research institute..."

"Notepad? Oh, yes, a friend put it here for me. I came back and searched for a long time but couldn't find it, but I found something like this on the ground. I guess it was also hidden in the notepad." Professor Hu said,

He picked up the piece of paper on the table and handed it to the man.

The man took the piece of paper and took a look at it. His pupils shrank sharply, but his expression was very natural.

"What is this?" the man asked Professor Hu with a smile.

Professor Hu shook his head: "I don't know either."

"So...Professor Hu, can you give me this picture?"

Professor Hu is obsessed with scientific research. He naturally doesn't care about these things that are not helpful to scientific research: "Take them away, they are of no use to me anyway."

The man nodded calmly, took the piece of paper in his hand, turned around and exited the hut.

After closing the door, the man excitedly waved his fist in the air.

"Clue, this is an important clue. Professor Hu is obsessed with research, so this thing must not belong to Professor Hu. The notepad that Professor Hu mentioned before, then this thing is likely to have fallen from the notepad, then

It can only explain one thing, huh...that boy named Zhang Yueming knows the whereabouts of the Beacon Order."

The man was a little excited. He tried to calm down and left quickly.

At the same time, in the darkroom of the detention center, two people were interrogating Zhang Yueming.

Although Zhang Yueming is not well-educated, he is not stupid. The accident in Zhuoyi's laboratory was clearly intended to make him take the blame, so there was no way he would plead guilty in any case.

After being scolded by the two interrogators many times, Zhang Yueming realized that they wanted to hear more than just Zhuoyi's experiment.

Sure enough, one of the female interrogators stood up, walked behind Zhang Yueming, put her hands on his shoulders, and said softly: "You should have something else to say. If you did, about Zhuoyi's laboratory,

Not a big problem.”

Zhang Yueming did not look back. He chuckled: "Don't lie to me. Two people died, and it was an inexplicable death. I don't believe you can fish me out without being punished. Forget it, just say what you want.

Stop beating around the bush."

As soon as Zhang Yueming finished speaking, he felt severe pain in his shoulder. When he looked sideways, he saw that the female interrogator's hands were like claws and she pinched his shoulder hard.

The female interrogator's strength was surprisingly strong, and Zhang Yueming was so painful that beads of sweat instantly ran down her face.

"Tell me...where is that thing?"

Zhang Yueming immediately understood what the other party was looking for. He pretended to be stupid and said: "What is it?"

"Aren't you going to say it yet?" The female interrogator increased her strength. Zhang Yueming could feel her nails digging into his shoulders.

"Okay~" The male interrogator, who had been sitting silently, suddenly spoke, stopping the female interrogator from making any further moves.

The female interrogator let go of her hands, and her nails were obviously a little redder.

The nail mark on his shoulder was not deep, but the burning pain still made Zhang Yueming upset. He tried to calm down his mood, raised his head and said, "I really don't know what you want."

The male interrogator shook his head and said: "Young man, do you know that if we really want to know, there are a hundred ways to pry open your mouth."

Zhang Yueming entered the society very early, and he had seen a lot of all kinds of people. The male interrogator was very calm when he said this. He knew that the calmer his words were, the more likely it was to be true.

Zhang Yueming is afraid of death, and even more afraid of being tortured, but he must not tell anyone about the jade sign he obtained before.

Zhang Yueming sighed and said, "Then you have to say what you want. You've been talking for a long time and I don't even know what you want?"

"This..." The man handed a drawing to Zhang Yueming and pointed to the pattern on the paper, "You should have seen this thing before."

This chapter has been completed!
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