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【2558】Take care of you (2)

"Isn't my sister in Zhuoyi Laboratory? There is a man named Yang Lei in their laboratory who is pursuing my sister, but my sister doesn't like it, well, I don't like it either, so I was wondering if Brother Mao would come and help."

Mao Xiaoqiang was secretly happy. Although Mao's mother warned him not to provoke Yang Lei, he couldn't help it because Zhao Minglan was very good-looking, at least he liked it very much.

Ma Xiaoqiang hummed and said, "Your sister and I don't know each other well, and I'm not looking for a partner. How can I help?"

"Hey, Brother Mao, don't say that. My sister actually mentions you occasionally. It can be seen that my sister still seems to remember you."

Ma Xiaoquan only said that Zhao Minglan remembered Mao Xiaoqiang and didn't say anything else, but to Mao Xiaoqiang's ears, remembering meant secretly liking him.

"Really~" Mao Xiaoqiang was delighted, "Okay, tell me, how can I help?"

Ma Xiaoquan hummed and said, "Tomorrow my sister said she was going to the department store to buy some things, so she asked me to accompany her. I don't want to go, so..."

"Hey, this is about something, I'll go, I'll go for you~" Mao Xiaoqiang volunteered.

"Hey, maybe not. If my sister doesn't agree, even if you go, she won't be happy and scolds me. So, Brother Mao, this afternoon... I'll take you somewhere in the afternoon. Let's go first

Let me put it together. I will tell you clearly what my sister likes and what she likes to hear. This way, even if my sister is not happy, she will not be able to refuse. But you have to speak naturally and don't reveal your secrets.

Mao Xiaoqiang patted his chest: "Brother, don't worry, I, Mao Xiaoqiang, don't have any other skills. I am good at talking nonsense. Just tell me your address and I will go directly to you in the afternoon."

"Okay, Brother Mao, then I'll wait for you. The address is..."

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Mao Xiaoqiang found a private house according to the address given by Ma Xiaoquan.

Pushing open the door, Mao Xiaoqiang was shocked by the furnishings inside.

There is nothing inside except a stool.

Mao Xiaoqiang snorted and thought to himself that Ma Xiaohu really knows how to find a place. There is no one living in such a private house. It doesn't matter. We just came to exchange words and nothing else.

Thinking of this, Mao Xiaoqiang closed the door, sat on the stool triumphantly and waited.

Time passed by minute by second, and Mao Xiaoqiang became a little impatient. He reached out and took out a pocket watch and looked at the time. It was already half past two. Why didn't this person come?

Before that, Mao Xiaoqiang took a special shower at home, and not only that, he also stole his father Mao Jianhua's beloved pocket watch.

"Didn't we agree on two past ten? It's half past two, why haven't you come yet?" Mao Xiaoqiang said to himself, but he didn't pay too much attention to it, because in this era, no one can afford a watch or pocket watch.

How many people think that Ma Xiaohu will be late because he doesn't have a watch to check the time.

More than an hour has passed.

Mao Xiaoqiang couldn't wait any longer. He stood up, hammered his sore butt, and murmured: "Ma Xiaohu, has he forgotten about this?"

He complained, but Mao Xiaoqiang decided to wait. He took out his pocket watch and took a look. It was almost four o'clock.

"At four o'clock, if Ma Xiaohu doesn't come, I'll go back first. Damn it, why do I feel like I was deceived by that kid?"

Finally, when the pointer of the pocket watch pointed to four o'clock, Mao Xiaoqiang couldn't help it anymore. He stood up and kicked the stool over, cursing: "You were cheated, damn it, Ma Xiaohu, you dare to cheat me, just wait."

~~" As he said that, he reached out to pull the door, but when he pulled it, the door didn't open.

It was originally a very ordinary wooden door. As an adult, Mao Xiaoqiang should be able to open it easily. Besides, there was no lock on the outside of the door, and he did not hear it being locked outside.


I pulled it again, but still nothing.

"Eh?" Mao Xiaoqiang was a little flustered. He put both hands together and pulled hard again, but still didn't pull.

"Fuck~" Mao Xiaoqiang cursed, ran to the window, and pushed it open.

I pushed hard, but the window didn't even move.

Mao Xiaoqiang became anxious. He raised his leg and kicked the glass on the window. However, after being kicked by him, the glass surface started to ripple like a stone in water.

"What's going on?" Mao Xiaoqiang panicked and reached out to touch the glass. It's normal. What's going on?

After going around, Mao Xiaoqiang was surprised to find that no matter it was the door, the glass, or even the brick wall of a private house, he could not damage it. Every time he hit it with force, it was as if he had entered water, and the force was instantly removed.

Mao Xiaoqiang became furious. He cursed and trampled the only stool in the room to pieces.

However, none of these could make him leave the house.

Outside the house, Ma Xiaoquan stood quietly. Although Mao Xiaoqiang yelled and cursed him inside the house, it was surprisingly quiet outside, and no sound could be heard from inside the house.

In my mind, Yuan's voice came: "What is this private house used for?"

Ma Xiaoquan took a breath and responded: "This is the warehouse used by Yue Ting to store some materials in the above world. It looks like a private house, but it is actually made of a special material. As long as it is locked inside, it will not be opened unless it is opened from the outside.

, it can’t be opened from the inside at all.”

"So magical?" Yuan was a little surprised, "Then how do you plan to deal with Mao Xiaoqiang and let him suffocate to death inside without eating or drinking?"

"How is it possible? I'll give him food and drink, but I can't make him feel better! I'll lock him up for a few days to drain his energy."

Five days later, inside the police station.

Mao Jianhua anxiously called all the police officers in the police station together and ordered sternly: "My son has been missing for five days. What do you guys do? Is it so difficult to find someone alive? Old man?"

Zhao, do you think it is so difficult to find someone?"

Uncle Zhao shrank his neck and said politely: "Mao Chu, I'm not the director, I can't say."

"You~" Mao Jianhua was just about to curse, but when he thought about it, it was true. The director of the police station had just retired last month, and his position was still vacant. There have been many people looking for him recently, but he has never decided who will do this.

’s strengths.

"Okay, don't say anything anymore. If anyone finds my son, he will be the director of this institute! I order you to go out and look for my son now, immediately, and if you can't find anyone,

Don't even think about getting off work, hurry up! Lao Zhao, especially you, and your old comrades also set an example, don't steal the opportunity to paddle."

Uncle Zhao said, "I know, Mao Chu."

Mao Jianhua waved his hand, and the police officers immediately began to prepare.

Seeing Uncle Zhao put on the police hat unhurriedly, Mao Jianhua became angry and directly swore: "Damn it, Zhao Shanhe, you are shameless, aren't you? I lost my son, you f*ck

You’re still wearing a hat here, do you believe that I’m telling you that you can’t be a policeman?”

Uncle Zhao was also angry. He put down his police cap with a bang and said, "Mao Jianhua, it's not up to you to decide whether I should be a police officer or not. Don't use your status as director to pressure people. Your son has disgraced us all."

We are all anxious, ask which comrade has rested in the past two days, we even put down all the cases at hand and just looked for your son, what else do you want?"

Mao Jianhua sighed: "What else do I want? If my son is lost, it's a matter of course. I still say what I said, if I can't find my son, none of you can rest, especially you, Zhao Shanhe, you

You’re still wearing a police hat, do you believe I asked you to be a cuckold?”

"What did you say?" Uncle Zhao became angry when he heard Mao Jianhua's unbridled words.

Mao Jianhua was not to be outdone: "I didn't succeed in cuckolding, but I didn't save your son either. I'm telling you, just go find my son for me and I won't find him. You're the only one asking."

Uncle Zhao was completely angry. He stepped forward and grabbed Mao Jianhua's collar: "What do you mean, please tell me clearly!"

A group of police officers came forward and pulled the two apart. Mao Jianhua hid behind the crowd and said with a smile: "I won't hide it from you. Your wife Wang Hong's miscarriage was all caused by me. What? You don't accept it, right?"

, Go and sue me, but you don’t have any evidence, I just like to see you hate me and you can’t do anything about it.”

Uncle Zhao was so angry that his hands were shaking. He really wanted to take out his baton and beat Mao Jianhua to death on the spot, but it was true as Mao Jianhua said, he had no evidence.

Once upon a time, Uncle Zhao investigated the accidental miscarriage of his wife Wang Hong, and indeed found out something. But every time he got to a key point, there was no evidence. He also suspected Mao Jianhua, because on that rainy night, Mao Jianhua

On duty, I asked Wang Hong specifically when he was leaving.

Just a few days after Wang Hong's accident, Mao Jianhua successfully became the director of the police station and has been rising steadily ever since.

However, there is still no evidence.

"I quit!" Uncle Zhao got angry, took off his police uniform, threw it to the ground, and left angrily.

After returning home, Uncle Zhao locked himself in the room alone, and no matter how hard his wife Wang Hong and daughter Zhao Minglan screamed, they could not come out.

Wang Hong was very anxious and said to Zhao Minglan: "Lan Lan, go to the factory and call your brother back."

Zhao Minglan nodded, got dressed and was about to go out when the door opened.

Ma Xiaoquan walked in with two bottles of wine. Seeing Aunt Hong and Zhao Minglan's eyes red, he asked, "What's going on?"

Zhao Minglan pursed her lips: "Dad didn't know what was wrong. He locked himself in the room as soon as he came back. It's been three hours. He didn't answer no matter how we asked him. Mom was afraid that something would happen to dad..."

Ma Xiaoquan said "Oh", walked to the door of the house, knocked on the door twice and called out. Sure enough, Uncle Zhao did not respond.

Ma Xiaoquan sighed and said: "Uncle Zhao, I know why you have a headache. Come out first, and I will find a solution with you. I just came back from the factory and heard about the disappearance of Mao Jianhua's son."

Aunt Hong and Zhao Minglan also knew about Mao Xiaoqiang's disappearance, but they both felt that they deserved it.

With a creak, the door suddenly opened, and Uncle Zhao walked out with a dark face. Seeing the two bottles of wine in Ma Xiaoquan's hand, he said, "Open the wine."

This chapter has been completed!
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