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【2570】back and forth game(4)

Half an hour later, the city leader and his entourage left in a car. The workers in the field did not stay much. Originally, they were just doing errands at night. Now that the leader has left, the workers naturally took off their work clothes without saying a word.

Just take it and leave, and within a quarter of an hour, there will be no one in the place.

To be on the safe side, Ma Xiaoquan stayed in the big box for about ten more minutes. After the silent meditation time was up, he carefully got out of the big box.

The slaughterhouse, which has lost its popularity, exudes a strange atmosphere. Although all animals are slaughtered here, everything has animism. Ma Xiaoquan can feel a different kind of resentment and unwillingness.

With a snap, Ma Xiaoquan snapped his fingers, and the index finger and thumb of his right hand instantly lit up a light green flame. With the light of the flame, he touched the door of the icehouse.

Perhaps because the workers were in a hurry, the icehouse was not locked. With a slight push, Ma Xiaoquan pushed the icehouse door out into a gap where he could enter.

After getting into the icehouse, rows of slaughtered meat were hung neatly on the shelves. The smell here was much better than outside the icehouse. Although the temperature was very low, Ma Xiaoquan had the green spirit fire burning in his body, so

He doesn't feel cold.

There was a flashlight hanging on the handle of the ice house. Ma Xiaoquan picked it up and saw that it was all written in foreign languages. He tried to open it, and a strong yellow light instantly changed the direction of the light.

"Yes, it's still a sodium light lamp." Ma Xiaoquan nodded, and within a few steps, he heard voices coming from outside the icehouse door.

He quickly turned off the sodium light lamp, extinguished the flame on his hand, and quietly hid behind a pile of frozen meat.

With a "creak" sound, the icehouse door opened.

A bright light shone in from outside the door, and then two people came in, a man and a woman. The man was not tall, but the woman had a good figure. Both of them were wearing silver-white suits. Yes, they were the ones led by the city leader just now.

The kind of suit that foreign guests wear when they come to visit.

"Let's put the things here first, and someone will come to pick them up soon." The woman whispered.

The man hummed and asked, "Lu Ling, why do we do this?"

"Don't ask me, I don't know. I just know that we have to complete the tasks assigned to us."

After the man and woman left, Ma Xiaoquan judged the direction of their conversation and the place illuminated by the light, searched for it, and found an oilcloth bag inside a frozen sheep.

Ma Xiaoquan did not hesitate, and without saying a word, he pulled the oilcloth bag out of the frozen sheep's belly and stuffed it into his arms.

It's currently in the freezer, and I'm not sure what's in the tarpaulin bag. I'll have to wait and see when I go out and open it.

Having made up his mind, Ma Xiaoquan walked to the icehouse door and stretched out his hand to pull the door. When he pulled it, he found that it didn't pull. After pulling it a few more times, it still didn't pull.

"Fuck~ It's locked." Ma Xiaoquan cursed and kicked a fallen frozen corpse at his feet.

He felt something was wrong with this kick. He seemed to have broken something.

Squatting down, Ma Xiaoquan stretched out his hand and fumbled around. This touch really startled him.

After calming down, Ma Xiaoquan turned on the sodium light lamp in his hand.

What I kicked just now was not the corpse of an animal, but the corpse of a human being, specifically, the corpse of a woman.

Perhaps because the kick was too strong, Ma Xiaoquan kicked the woman's corpse's arm off.

Under normal circumstances, if the body is not bled in time after death, the blood will stick to the skin and flesh after settling to form blood and flesh plaques. Under the action of low temperature in the icehouse, the blood and flesh plates will directly turn into blood and meat jelly.

Ma Xiaoquan picked up the arm that was broken by his kick, and after observing it carefully, he put the arm back to its original position.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Ma Xiaoquan devoutly clasped his hands to the frozen female corpse and begged for forgiveness. The next moment, the female corpse seemed to have heard his prayer, and opened its mouth with a click.

"I'll choke him~" Ma Xiaoquan was so frightened that he jumped several times.

After being frightened, Ma Xiaoquan quickly calmed down. He squatted down, reached out and took out a frozen paper ball from the woman's mouth. There was blood on the paper ball. It seemed that the woman should have done something before she died.


Ma Xiaoquan hesitated for a moment, then put away the frozen paper balls.

The top priority is to get out of the icehouse first. The man and woman just said that someone else will be coming soon. It seems that they want to take away the oilcloth bag. However, the oilcloth bag is now in Ma Xiaoquan's hand. He will definitely not be able to put the oilcloth bag away again.

Let's go back and talk about what happened to the female corpse. There seemed to be something in the paper ball in her mouth.

There were many doubts and they needed to be solved one by one. Ma Xiaoquan thought for a moment and decided to forcefully break the lock and leave.

He walked to the icehouse door, stretched out his hand, and pressed lightly on the door lock. The super gravity instantly blessed him, and he heard a click outside the door. Well, the lock cylinder must have broken.

I tried pulling it, and the door opened.

Ma Xiaoquan didn't waste any time, pushed the door open to a crack he could get through, took a breath, and got out through the crack in the icehouse door.

Less than half an hour later, a man and a woman came to the icehouse door again.

The man has a raw face, while the woman has a little bird.

The man was surprised to see the door lock broken, but Xiaoque was surprisingly calm.

The two opened the icehouse door, got in and searched, but could not find what they wanted.

"We're late~" The man sighed and closed the icehouse door.

Xiaoque shook his head: "It's not too late, everything is planned, but I'm not sure who took the oilcloth bag."

The man snorted and said: "No matter who took it, this is the mission anyway. Let's go back and do the work."

On the way back, Ma Xiaoquan wanted to open the oilcloth bag many times to see what was inside, but every time he thought about it, Yuan would suddenly send a message to stop him.

"Why are you stopping me from opening the tarpaulin bag? Could it be that there is a bomb inside?" Ma Xiaoquan asked.

Yuan Chuan said: "No, there is a position transmitter in this oilcloth bag."

"Position transmitter? No way. It was only the early 1980s, and even the American GPS had not yet been fully developed."

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"It can only be said that this position transmitter does not belong to the earthly world." Yuan concluded.

"Doesn't belong to the earthly world?" Ma Xiaoquan was stunned, and then thought of Lu Ling whom he had just seen in the slaughterhouse.

"So, you need to open the tarp bag in a place that can block or weaken the signal," the source advises.

"A place to shield or weaken the signal?" Ma Xiaoquan thought for a moment, then patted his head, "There happens to be a large iron cage nearby, which has been abandoned for a long time. It is said that it was left over from the construction of the third year of college. I can go there."

After arriving at the destination, Ma Xiaoquan opened the abandoned door of the iron cage.

Because it had been in disrepair for a long time and no one cared about it, the moment he opened the iron door, the "squeaking" sound made Ma Xiaoquan feel his teeth ache.

It's said to be a big iron cage, but it's actually not that big. I stood in the center of the iron cage and measured it by releasing the gravity field. It was about a little over six meters.

However, the main structure of the large iron cage has not been completely damaged. Closing the iron door can barely function as a signal shield.

Ma Xiaoquan took out the oilcloth bag from his arms and opened it carefully. Sure enough, as Yuan said, there was a rectangular flat device pressed under a thick document.

"Crack", Ma Xiaoquan easily crushed the device, threw it aside, and opened the thick document.

This thick document introduced some things in the slaughterhouse in detail, and some important information was marked with red pen.

You don't know this until you look at it. It's only after you look at it that you realize that human experiments are being conducted in the slaughterhouse. This is simply unbelievable to Ma Xiaoquan, a person who has traveled back from the future entity.

The final purpose of the human experiment was not mentioned in the document, but it was mentioned many times as the underground master of Phoenix City and the names of major families in the underground world, including the Yu family.

This means that most families in the underground world have participated in this human experiment.

After reading the document, Ma Xiaoquan burned the document angrily. Looking at the pool of black ashes on the ground, he raised his head and murmured: "Who is the underground master of Phoenix City?"

Rose City, inside the girls’ dormitory of the technical school.

After several days of comfort and enlightenment, Yuan Lan's thoughts were finally not so extreme. Although she hated the man after losing her child, she had given birth to the child after all. As the child's mother, Yuan Lan could not help but feel sad.

Luo Meihui sat next to Yuan Lan, carefully peeled an orange for him, handed it to Yuan Lan and said: "Okay, I don't want to think so much. The child is gone, which is fine for you. I asked you who the father of the child is. You

He also refused to say it, so I think it must not be that Ma Liehuo. You see that Ma Liehuo likes you so much. You must be worried that he knows who the biological father of the child is. So, let's turn this matter over. Okay


Yuan Lan raised her head and hummed softly.

Two days ago, the man came to see her. He only found out about the child later, but when he found out, the child had already been lost.

The man did not show much sadness about this. Instead, he asked Yuan Lan to take good care of her body and try to conceive another child for him soon.

When the man left, he also ordered Yuan Lan to drink a bottle of potion, saying that it would help the body recover.

Yuan Lan knew that this potion was not a medicine to help her body recover at all. Every time a man came to her before and did something with her, he would make her drink such a potion.

Yuan Lan didn't know what the potion was for, but every time she drank it, she would experience severe pain in her abdomen, as if there were a hundred mice inside that were tickling her.

And for several days, Yuan Lan's eyes would become congested to varying degrees.

Luo Meihui raised her head and saw Yuan Lan's red eyes. She thought she was crying because she was too sad, so she continued to comfort her: "Ma Liehuo came to see you this morning. He is very worried about you. If possible, please take the time to see him.

I can see that he likes you very much, and I think your family situation is good. If you are together in the future, your life will be much easier."

This chapter has been completed!
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