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【2580】Phoenix Underground Lord (4)

"Don't be in a hurry to reply to me. Report it to me and think about it. Oh, by the way, I have to make it clear that I am also from this country. Compared with you, I am also patriotic, so I will not do anything extraordinary to the country.

At the same time, I will not allow those who harm the country or seek personal gain for themselves under the guise of the country." After saying that, Ma Xiaoquan turned around and left.

By the time Ma Xiaoquan arrived at the Mei family's meeting point, it was already past ten o'clock in the evening.

The contact person presented a thick piece of information in front of Ma Xiaoquan and said respectfully: "Mr. J, this is the information you want. Well, our Mei family used the greatest energy to obtain it. That's all.


Ma Xiaoquan said oh, opened one of the books and read it hastily, then closed it, said thank you, and prepared to leave.

"Mr. J, wait a minute~" the contact person called out weakly to Ma Xiaoquan, "then... about the fragment of the source of energy..."

Ma Xiaoquan said oh, and said shamelessly: "Wait a minute, I was in a hurry today, so I didn't bring it with me. I'll bring it to you next time."

Next time? How can there be a next time? I’ve given you all the information, what will you do if you don’t come next time?

"This... Mr. J, I'm afraid this is inappropriate. It's hard for me to explain it here."

"Huh?" Ma Xiaoquan raised his eyebrows, and a crimson flame streak instantly appeared in his hand, "Do you have an opinion? Or does Mei Lanning have an opinion? Or is there some fraud in the information you gave me?"

"No, no, no, the information is definitely not falsified, absolutely not, it's just...it's hard to explain."

Ma Xiaoquan blew out the flame on his hand and patted the contact person on the shoulder. The latter was so frightened that he squatted down, fearing that Ma Xiaoquan would burn him to death.

"What are you afraid of? Didn't you see that I put out the fire just now?" Ma Xiaoquan pulled the contact person up, "I haven't even given me the things on the list for Mei Lanning, and you want to ask me for something? Your Mei family

What a beautiful thought. Who knows if there is any water in these information? What if you cheated and deceived me? If I knew about it, I, Mr. J, would not care about anything and would only look for your family in the future


"Don't worry, Mr. J, there is absolutely no fraud!"

Ma Xiaoquan said, "Okay, I believe you for now~ I'm leaving, see you next time."

Looking at Ma Xiaoquan's disappearing back, the Mei family's coordinator also had a look of helplessness. Thinking of the crimson flame on Mr. J's hand just now, he felt a chill down his back.

When they got home, Uncle Zhao and Aunt Hong were already asleep, but Zhao Minglan was not asleep, and was reading with the lamp on.

Seeing Ma Xiaoquan come back, Zhao Minglan rubbed his eyes, stretched, and made a quiet gesture towards Ma Xiaoquan. Ma Xiaoquan understood and carefully returned to his room.

After closing the door, Ma Xiaoquan did not turn on the light, but lit the candle, opened the information he got from the Mei family, and began to study page by page.

The information introduced some of the past of the underground master of Phoenix City in more detail. What surprised Ma Xiaoquan was that the person whose face was blurred in the photo that Uncle Zhao showed him during the day was exactly him.

This person's resume was very simple. He had only been a teacher. Later, it was said that due to family operations, he became the director of the city's Propaganda Bureau. However, the provincial party committee tried to transfer him several times, but failed to do so.

"Zhao Zhengyi..." Ma Xiaoquan silently recited this person's name, opened a relationship map, and read it carefully by candlelight.

"So that's it~ The Zhao family is the local emperor's family in Phoenix City, and the core of the entire family is actually Zhao Zhengyi, who is in his forties."

Ma Xiaoquan continued reading. The second material was an introduction to the plan that the Zhao family has been carrying out. The content was more detailed and explained the origin of the Zhao family and this plan. However, this plan is indeed a bit scary, because it has

About the transformation of biochemical humans.

The information briefly introduces several transformation methods. The Zhao family chose to carry out the process through natural conception and cultivation. Of course, some of the operations are also very cruel and complicated. This method is relatively time-consuming, after all, one person

Growing up does not happen overnight, but when you grow up, this person will be very capable, emotionally stable, and have a higher IQ than ordinary people.

"I didn't expect...that in the early 1980s, there would be research on biochemical humans..." Ma Xiaoquan sighed and opened the third book of information.

This document states that various partners include not only several families in the underground world, but also a certain military department in the above-ground world, and even some foreign institutions and forces are also involved.

This means that the Zhao family is not leading the biochemical human project. They are actually just serving as the vanguard of the experiment. All subsequent results, as well as deviations that occur during the research process, will be used as research materials shared by all parties involved.

This is a big picture, a shocking big picture of conspiracy.

Ma Xiaoquan closed the document, feeling a little uneasy. He rubbed his temples, and some vague memories emerged in his mind. Just thinking of those fragments, his head suddenly started to hurt.

Ma Xiaoquan hit his head hard.

At this time, Yuan suddenly transmitted a message: "This memory should have been erased by special means when you retired from the country's special forces, and because the means were too special, it was permanent damage. I can't help you either!"

Ma Xiaoquan gave a bitter smile and was about to respond when Zhao Minglan opened the door and came in.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Ma Xiaoquan raised his head: "It's okay, I just have a little headache. Just give it a few punches and it'll be fine."

"That's not okay. You can't do this just because you have a headache. Come on, let me rub it for you gently~" Zhao Minglan said, stepping forward and reaching out his hand, gently pressing on Ma Xiaoquan's temple.

Feeling the warmth and the scent of her body, Ma Xiaoquan felt a little distracted. He closed his eyes and forced himself to stop thinking. Unexpectedly, Zhao Minglan suddenly came closer and kissed Ma Xiaoquan.

Ma Xiaoquan opened his eyes and saw Zhao Minglan blushing.

"Gulu~" Ma Xiaoquan swallowed. At this moment, Zhao Minglan's expression changed, and her wound hurt.

Zhao Minglan had to stand up straight, while Ma Xiaoquan sat back one meter.

Zhao Minglan felt embarrassed. She shook her head, saw the information on the table, and asked, "What are you looking at?"

"Oh, I got some case materials from your dad. Didn't you say that I should take the police exam? If the police officer doesn't take the exam, I have to learn how to look at cases, right?"

Zhao Minglan did not turn over the materials on the table. She hummed: "Go to bed early~"

When she went out, she did not turn around, but asked gently: "One day, will you really leave?"

Ma Xiaoquan did not respond to Zhao Minglan. This was a definite answer. Zhao Minglan also knew the result, but could not say it because he had no way to say it.

"Did you know?" Zhao Minglan suddenly turned around and whispered, "The only time we had, when you hugged me, a long picture suddenly flashed in my mind. It seemed that we had a long relationship with each other.

I’ve seen it before, really, it’s very early, very early.” After saying that, Zhao Minglan left the hut.

Ma Xiaoquan was stunned. Hua Yuexin had said this as early as when he physically traveled to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty; Li Qinghan also said it when he traveled to the end of the Ming Dynasty, and now, Zhao Minglan actually said the same thing.

Ma Xiaoquan's head hurt again.

He had a headache and couldn't sleep well all night. When having breakfast, Uncle Zhao asked if he was sick. Ma Xiaoquan lied that he had a nightmare and fell off the bed.

Uncle Zhao laughed, and Zhao Minglan also laughed.

Ma Xiaoquan looked at Zhao Minglan, her smile was an uncomfortable one.

After figuring out the identity of the underground master of Phoenix City, Ma Xiaoquan immediately shared the information with Uncle Zhao. Of course, he didn't mention a word about the cyborg plan. Uncle Zhao probably didn't understand either. After all, even if this topic was

In modern society, it is taboo to avoid talking about it.

Uncle Zhao seemed very surprised when he heard the information shared by Ma Xiaoquan. In his eyes, Zhao Zhengyi, director of the Propaganda Bureau of the Municipal Party Committee, is a very low-key person. Except for appearances at large events, few people can see him.

"Xiaohu, are you sure it's him?"

Ma Xiaoquan joked: "Uncle, do you find it incredible that Zhao Zhengyi and you were the same family five hundred years ago?"

"Where are you from? Although our surname is Zhao, we are incompatible with each other. They are from my hometown in Shannan. They are natives of Phoenix City."

Ma Xiaoquan chuckled: "What should we do next?"

"What should we do? The Zhao family is in charge of such a big official. The third oldest son of the Zhao family is Zhao Jianshe's father and a member of the municipal party committee. We are rabbits and others are lions. In their eyes, we are just shrimps."

"It's better than this..." Ma Xiaoquan dragged his chin, "The Zhao family will definitely not be defeated, but we can still make them suffer. It's not in vain that we have been investigating for so long."

"Is it just the two of us?" Uncle Zhao smiled bitterly.

"Not necessarily. Anyway, if you listen to me, you can definitely do it~" Ma Xiaoquan said firmly, "Hey, why didn't you see Sister Que today?"

Uncle Zhao said: "Xiaoque asked for leave and said she felt uncomfortable during her period."

Ma Xiaoquan grinned: "Oh, okay, let's take it easy. My nerves have been too tight recently and I'm a little tired."

Uncle Zhao nodded: "That's right. I haven't had any big cases recently, and I just have a little free time. I plan to get off work early in the afternoon and go to your aunt's stall to have noodles. Will you go?"

"Go, I must go. Let's get a big bowl of Knife Chili. Add more chili, and by the way, coriander too!"

Two days later, everyone else in the institute went on duty, leaving only Ma Xiaoquan and Xiao Que.

Ma Xiaoquan was reading the newspaper when Xiaoque came over and dropped a letter on the table.

"What? You figured it out?" Ma Xiaoquan smiled and reached out to pick up the letter. Xiaoque pressed the envelope with a snap.

"Let's make it clear first that our people cannot die. If one of us dies, you are the only one asking." Xiao Que nodded Ma Xiaoquan's head with his other hand.

"I can't guarantee this. You also know that as members of the military, abnormal death is a very common thing. As the saying goes, the greater the risk, the higher the return. If you don't pay any price, you just want to make money.

Good thing, how can it be so cheap?"

This chapter has been completed!
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