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Summary of the previous chapter: Yuan Fang instigated the farmers to cause trouble. Ma Xiaoquan urgently sent Huang Chang to investigate. After investigation, it was found that Yuan Fang was responsible. That night, Ma Xiaoquan personally found Yuan Fang. After a conversation, he reached some kind of deal with Yuan Fang...


"This idiot Yuan Fang is only half a percent. Do you know how much it will cost if you insist on 20%? Idiot, haha..."

The next day, Ma Xiaoquan was patrolling the Xuanwu Pond embankment. An old farmer sneaked up and inadvertently handed Ma Xiaoquan a folded piece of cloth.

Returning to the camp, Ma Xiaoquan opened it and took a look, and immediately ordered Yao Zhi to prepare a batch of money and send it to a certain place.

"Be careful when delivering it. Don't be ostentatious. Well... you can figure it out yourself. Don't stop when you deliver it. Just come back!"

"As you command!"

At night, Huang Chang reported the situation to his master Ma Xiaoquan. After Ma Xiaoquan listened, he asked Huang Chang: "Then Yuan Fang didn't come forward, right?"

Huang Chang shook his head: "To answer my master's question, no, but my subordinate discovered a suspicious situation."


Huang Chang said respectfully: "The person who came forward was a man with a ring on his hand."

Ma Xiaoquan frowned: "A ring on your hand?" As he said that, Ma Xiaoquan took out a picture from his arms, unfolded it and handed it to Huang Chang, "Is it like this?"

Huang Chang took it, looked at it, and nodded.

"What is going on? What is this guy Yuan Fang thinking?"

Ma Xiaoquan dragged his chin, thought again, and ordered Huang Chang to say: "Huang Chang, there is something I need you to do in detail. This matter may be a bit risky..."

Huang Chang patted his chest: "Master, don't worry, Huang Chang has never been afraid of death since he took refuge with his master."

"Okay!" Ma Xiaoquan stood up and patted Huang Chang's shoulder: "With your words, I am satisfied...Okay, I need you to do this..."

After making some arrangements, Huang Chang took the order and left. Ma Xiaoquan was worried, and after half an hour, he called another subordinate in.

This subordinate is one of the "Eight Scholars of Yecheng" under Ma Xiaoquan. His name is Ruan Hong and his courtesy name is Menglong.

If Yao Zhi is the representative of the villain among the Eight Scholars of Yecheng, then Ruan Hong is an out-and-out positive character.

In fact, Ma Xiaoquan was still a little hesitant when accepting Ruan Hong, because Ma Xiaoquan seemed to see the shadow of a person in Ruan Hong.

"Cui Yan..." Ma Xiaoquan muttered to himself, shook his head, and said to Ruan Hong: "Menglong, the task I gave you today may be a bit tricky...


Upon hearing this, Ruan Hong said righteously: "Master, no matter what you say, as long as it does not violate the principles of life and work, my subordinates will be obliged to do so!"

Ma Xiaoquan nodded and pretended to be cool: "You also know that since I took over the excavation project of the Xuanwu Pond, some uninterested people have always come to harass me. Although the excavation of the Xuanwu Pond is well known to be Cao Cao's intention, but no matter what

, the open space in the northwest of Yecheng can be considered used. Furthermore, after the excavation project of the Xuanwu Pond is completed, I am also planning to develop some recreational facilities when Cao Cao is not using it... But" Ma Xiaoquan said

Then, he slapped the desk with a loud "pop" and gritted his teeth and said, "There are always some ignorant officials who try hard to get my idea, see my jokes, and even go to the emperor to read my book...

..Menglong, if it were you, would you be able to bear it?"

Ruan Hong thought for a moment and shook his head gently.

Ma Xiaoquan continued: "Moreover, the war in front of us is in turmoil. Cao Cao has unified the north. To be honest, there is nothing wrong with it. It is all for the country and the country of my country. Let's not talk about how selfish Cao Cao is. At least for now.

Come on, all this is more reasonable..."

Ruan Hong interrupted: "Master, I think Cao Cao wants to seize my country."

Ma Xiaoquan nodded: "Cao Cao alone has the final say whether to seize it or not. Don't forget, your master, I am also the Immortal Marquis of the Han Dynasty. If Cao Cao wants to seize this country, I will not agree to it for the first time."

Ruan Hong was originally from the gentry class. When he heard what Ma Xiaoquan said, Ruan Hong was very happy: "Master, my subordinates have the same idea as you."

Ma Xiaoquan hummed: "So, I can only leave this matter to you. We are all doing it for our own future, right? Also, Shu Zheng is not afraid of the shadow. Since I took over the Xuanwu Pond project, I have paid compensation for wages.

I have always been very good, but those shameless people want to take the opportunity to blackmail me... It's so... so irritating..." At this point, Ma Xiaoquan deliberately stomped his feet in excitement.


If these actions of Ma Xiaoquan were seen by Yao Zhi, they would definitely get a blank look, but in Ruan Hong's view, this is the true temperament of his master.

Ruan Hong knelt on the ground and said loudly: "Master, please don't worry, I will leave all this to my subordinates. I will definitely capture and subdue these lawless people for my master!"

Hearing Ruan Hong's assurance, Ma Xiaoquan felt very happy, but on the surface he still pretended to be bitter and resentful: "Hey, it's really hard for you!"

Ruan Hongyi handed over his hand: "It's not difficult, but I have a condition."


Ruan Hong blushed: "I just ask the master not to always compare me with that despicable villain Yao Zhi, even if we are both the Eight Scholars of Yecheng..."

Ma Xiaoquan nodded: "That's easy to say. I have already spread the names of you Eight Scholars of Yecheng. After a while, people will come to visit you one after another. At that time, it will be your chance to show yourselves.

...As for Yao Zhi...it's said that people with different paths don't work together, so you can just ignore him..."

Upon hearing this, Ruan Hong bowed his body and said respectfully: "I will obey the master's teachings!"

"Well, let's go down."

"As you command!"


The excavation work of Xuanwu Pond has been going on for three months... During these three months, many problems, big and small, have arisen.

Since Ma Xiaoquan had reached an agreement with Cao Cao in advance, no matter how big the difficulty was, Ma Xiaoquan did not turn to Cao Cao to solve it.

After a little time, everyone in Yecheng knew Lord Shangxian's position.

And those villains who wanted to target Ma Xiaoquan and Cao Cao had no excuses.

Ma's courtyard, inside Ma Xiaoquan's bedroom.

Listening to Hua Wuxin's report, Ma Xiaoquan kept nodding.

"...Master, as of now, that's all these things..."

Ma Xiaoquan hummed: "You have worked hard these days, go to the accounting office to get some reward money..."

Hua Wuxin looked at Ma Xiaoquan inexplicably, not understanding what he meant. Ma Xiaoquan explained with a smile: "You said you wanted to integrate the two branches of the Hua family, but you have no money and you are just playing tricks? Is it possible that you are just sitting there?

Why don't you ask your father for it?"

Hua Wuxin blushed and stopped talking.

Ma Xiaoquan patted Hua Wuxin: "Although your Hua family is not short of money if it is divided, it belongs to the divided family and is not yours alone. If you want to do something, first of all, you have to do it with money.

You have your own independent authority, do you understand?"

Hua Wuxin nodded in understanding.

"Okay, let's go to the accounting room. I've already arranged the arrangements for Zhuzhu. You can go directly there."


Just as Hua Wuxin left, Ma Xiaoquan called Huang Chang in again.

Huang Chang wanted to be a cool person like Ma Xiaoquan, so Ma Xiaoquan not only rewarded Huang Changyi with money, but also gave him a 10-day holiday to go out and have fun.

Huang Chang left happily.

Next, the eight scholars in Yecheng also received rewards from Ma Xiaoquan.

Since these eight people had different personalities, Ma Xiaoquan made careful distinctions when giving rewards: for example, Yao Zhi was more greedy, so Ma Xiaoquan gave more rewards to people like Ruan Hong.

Ma Xiaoquan simply exchanged the reward money for grain, and added an additional portion, asking Ruan Hong to distribute the additional portion of grain to the common people...

Ruan Hongyi saw that his master was so concerned about the hunger of the people, and he was moved and said: "I also want to take out these grains of mine..."

Ma Xiaoquan advised: "You have to show yourself, what does your family eat and drink? Menglong, sometimes you have to think about yourself when doing things... You said you are hungry, how can you sympathize with others?


Ruan Hong nodded: "Thank you, Master, for your guidance. I will resign!"


After Ruan Hong withdrew, Ma Xiaoquan smiled.

"Ruan Hong, Ruan Hong, I hope you can help my son well after I leave here... Haha..."

At this moment, Hua Yuexin suddenly flashed out from behind the screen.

Ma Xiaoquan was startled and asked Hua Yuexin: "Madam, when did you come, why don't I know?"

Hua Yuexin smiled slightly, did not answer, and asked Ma Xiaoquan: "Why is my husband so interested in Yao Zhi and Ruan Hong, who are among the eight scholars in Ye City?"

Ma Xiaoquan thought for a moment and said with a smile: "Yao Zhi is flexible, but his mind is not right. Ruan Hong is upright, but a bit rigid and dogmatic. Their shortcomings are not advisable, but their strengths are obvious. In this way, they can be our sons."


Hua Yuexin's eyes lit up: "What do you mean, sir, do you want these two to be Zhenger's teachers?"

Ma Xiaoquan nodded: "That's what I meant!"

"What about the other eight scholars of Yecheng?"

"They are all teachers too!"

Hua Yuexin rolled her eyes at Ma Xiaoquan: "If you said it, you didn't say it!"

Ma Xiaoquan chuckled, moved closer to Hua Yuexin, and stretched out his hands to touch Hua Yuexin. Hua Yuexin jumped cleverly and dodged.

"Madam..." Ma Xiaoquan looked at Hua Yuexin with pitiful eyes like a wounded pony.

Hua Yuexin blushed: "You're such a crooked guy, what are you thinking about all day long?"

Ma Xiaoquan cried out that he was wronged: "This has been going on for more than ten days, and I am exhausted."

Hua Yuexin sighed: "Hey, your problems are all caused by us..." Hua Yuexin said, gently taking off her robe, "Come on, my man!"

Ma Xiaoquan howled and threw himself at Hua Yuexin...

This chapter has been completed!
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