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[231] Bowangpo was attacked

Summary of the previous chapter: Zhang Gong became famous in his studies and finally met his master Ma Xiaoquan. Both master and servant were very happy to meet each other. However, Zhang Gong always suspected that someone poisoned him while he was raised by his master.


Since Zhang Gong also brought two female relatives with him, Ma Xiaoquan specially ordered Ma Yu to take Zhang Gong and others back to Xiangyang and settle down in Ma's manor. Ma Xiaoquan himself took Ma Yun and the two of them went to Xinye to find Zhuge Liang.

On the way, Ma Yun asked Ma Xiaoquan: "Master, is that dark-skinned eldest brother your number one subordinate, Zhang Gong?"

Ma Xiaoquan nodded and chuckled: "Time is a little rushed, and I didn't introduce you to each other properly. Let's have a good chat after we meet Zhuge Kongming..."

Ma Yun nodded: "I will obey the master's instructions in everything."



The road from Xiangyang to Xinye is not easy, and you will pass by Bowangpo in the middle.

Although Bowang Slope is called a slope, it is more like a valley. Even if it is a valley, it does not look like a valley at all, because the road inside Powang is sometimes high and sometimes low, and the low places are full of mud and have accumulated for a long time.

It is very difficult to walk through the rainwater, and the high places are steep, quite like a hopeless slope. In Bowang Slope, there are more highlands than low-lying areas, so people who enter Powang Slope habitually call it "small slope".

Bowang Slope was not called Bowang Slope before, but because there was a small town of Bowang not far away from it, over time, people changed the name of "Little Slope" to "Bo Wang Slope".

Standing at the entrance of Bowang Slope, Ma Xiaoquan suddenly remembered the burning of Bowang Slope in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Thinking about it, Ma Xiaoquan laughed.

Ma Yun looked at the strange thing and asked: "Why is the master laughing?"

Ma Xiaoquan shook his head and said, "Ma Yun, how about I tell you a story?"

Ma Yunyi was very happy when his master wanted to tell a story, and he quickly clapped his hands and agreed.

Ma Xiaoquan hummed and told Ma Yun about Bowangpo in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms. However, since the defeat of Xiahou Dun and Li Dian in the Burning of Bowangpo was fictional, Ma Xiaoquan made up several other names to replace it.

"...Later, the one-eyed general returned home in vain. He didn't get anything cheap, but he also lost many of his subordinates...After returning, the one-eyed general went to plead guilty to his lord, and he

The lord actually pardoned his sins..."

"Uh-huh," Ma Yun sighed in admiration while listening. Until Ma Xiaoquan finished speaking, Ma Yun kept nodding his head, carefully recalling the content of the story.

"Master, this story is so good!"

Ma Xiaoquan chuckled and thought: Nonsense, this was written by Luo Guanzhong. How can it not be wonderful? However, there are no stories about the burning of Bowangpo in history. The ones that are there are just fabricated by Luo Guanzhong.


Ma Xiaoquan said: "Of course, this is a story that has been handed down in our fairy world. I told it to you today, and you are lucky enough to hear it. Well, you are lucky! Haha."

Ma Yun said excitedly: "Master, I always feel that the story told by the master has some archetypal basis!"

Ma Xiaoquan chuckled: "Well, it is inevitable that there will be some similarities, but if it is true, there should be a little bit of it... You don't need to worry too much about this, it's just a


Ma Yun nodded: "I understand, Lord..."

Before Ma Yun finished saying the word "master", he heard two "swish" sounds.

Ma Xiaoquan reacted quickly and shouted "Lie down".

Immediately afterwards, Ma Xiaoquan kicked Ma Yun off the horse.

At this moment, two green and black arrows made two "bang bang" sounds and plunged straight into Ma Xiaoquan's chest.

"Hey!" Ma Xiaoquan was hit by an arrow in the chest.

Ma Yun jumped up quickly from the ground, pulled out the sword from his waist with a clang, and shouted: "Who is it?"

The sound echoed in Bowang Slope, gradually getting farther and farther away. After the echo, Ma Yun did not hear any response.

"Who's stabbing someone in the back? Come out!" Ma Yun shouted again.

Still no response.

Ma Yun looked around to make sure there was no threat, then Ma Yun hunched over and ran to Ma Xiaoshen.

"Master!" Ma Yun took Ma Xiaoquan off his horse and said with tears: "Master, I..."

Ma Xiaoquan covered the area where the arrow hit his chest, gritted his teeth and gasped: "The arrow is poisonous!"

"Ah" Ma Yun panicked upon hearing this.

Ma Xiaoquan shook his head and said: "You don't need to panic, your master, I am immune to all poisons, but I can't pull out this poisonous arrow for the time being, otherwise the blood will not stop..."

Upon hearing this, Ma Yun was overjoyed and said: "Master, you..."

"Shh, keep your voice down"

Ma Yun nodded: "Master, what should I do now?"

Ma Xiaoquan thought for a moment and whispered: "Although I am immune to all poisons, this poisonous arrow is a poisonous arrow after all, and the arrow head has whorls and barbs... The sting makes me very uncomfortable...

.... Ma Yun, drag me to that bush, quickly..."

Ma Yun grunted, picked up Ma Xiaoquan, and quickly ran towards the bushes on the opposite side.

The moment they entered the bush, two more cold arrows shot through the air.

With a "Puff" sound, one of the two guns hit Ma Xiaoquan's arm again.

"Asshole!" Ma Yun gritted his teeth and cursed.

The two of them lay down in the bushes. In order to conceal themselves from others, Ma Yun used branches to move the bushes beside him again.

At the same time as he moved it, several more cold arrows shot over.

In the forest, Ma Xiaoquan was breathing heavily and felt very uncomfortable. Although, as he said, he was invulnerable to all poisons, the poisonous arrows stung his wounds, making him very uncomfortable.

"Damn it," Ma Xiaoquan cursed secretly in his heart, thinking: Damn it, I just finished talking about setting fire to Bowang Slope, and I was ambushed by someone in Bowang Slope. Damn it, I have to give you shit if I find out

He can't type it out...

I want to think about it, but now the enemy is in the dark and I am in the light. Ma Xiaoquan is not a fool who rushes out to take cold arrows at will. What he needs now is a set of real-time practical strategies.

In the past, when he was in the special forces brigade, Ma Xiaoquan often received some special service tasks, both large and small. In these tasks, variables would occur from time to time.

There are big and small variables. Small ones can sometimes be ignored, but big ones... require Ma Xiaoquan to make a decisive decision and formulate an immediate strategy.

"Master..." Ma Yun called softly.

Ma Xiaoquan shook his head, stretched out a finger, and pointed at a big tree not far behind Ma Yun.

Ma Yun nodded in understanding, Ma Xiaoquan rolled his eyes and pointed to the bush behind him.

This time, Ma Yun finally understood.

According to Ma Yun's understanding, his master Ma Xiaoquan wanted him to act separately from himself. Moreover, since Ma Yun was not injured, he needed to go behind a big tree not far behind him. However, Ma Xiaoquan was hit by three arrows and could only stay in the bush temporarily.


Ma Yun knelt down and made preparations. Behind him, Ma Xiaoquan nodded slightly, and then suddenly sent out a long tongue of fire, attracting the attention of the assassin hiding in the dark.

"Hurryup!" Unknowingly, Ma Xiaoquan shouted an English sentence.

Ma Yun didn't understand English, and it was impossible for him to understand it, but he understood that the master was reminding him.

Almost at the same moment, Ma Yun ran out and threw himself at the big tree behind him.

Ma Yun jumped out with his front foot, and several arrows shot through the air with his back foot.

Just a few "whoosh" sounds were heard, followed by another sound of metal arrows piercing the ground.

In another bush, Ma Xiaoquan frowned and thought: Spiral barbed arrows are impossible. This kind of arrows is absolutely impossible to appear in this era. What's going on?

After just a brief thought, more than a dozen cold arrows were shot from all directions.

"Damn it," Ma Xiaoquan cursed secretly while rolling sideways.

"No, I have to come up with a coping strategy as soon as possible."

Ma Xiaoquan bit a branch, his eyes narrowed, and after pondering for a while, Ma Xiaoquan made a hum and determined his response strategy.

"Yun, don't climb the tree!"

Ma Xiaoquan shouted these words very loudly. Judging from an ordinary person's hearing, what Ma Xiaoquan just said was enough for the other party to hear clearly.

Behind the big tree, Ma Yun was stunned for a moment.

Ma Yu originally really wanted to climb the tree, but the moment she climbed the tree, her master suddenly shouted something.

Ma Yu didn't know what his master was thinking, but he obeyed Ma Xiaoquan's orders unconditionally.

Ma Yu knelt down halfway, tilted his head, stretched out his right ear, and listened to the ground.

After listening for a few breaths, Ma Yun finally understood the purpose of what his master had just shouted.

"I see!"

Ma Yun nodded and said loudly: "Master, there are enemies in the southwest!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was indeed movement in the southwest of Bowang Slope.

"Well" Ma Yun smiled bitterly and continued: "There are also people in the southeast!"

The woods to the southeast suddenly began to tremble.

Ma Yun thought: Master, my ability is limited, I can only help you so far, hey.

Although Ma Yun felt guilty, it was precisely the two shouts he had just made that caused the assassins behind him to flee.

In the bushes, Ma Xiaoquan nodded happily, then he clenched his teeth and pulled out the poisonous arrow from his arm with a "pop" sound.

Ma Xiaoquan pulled out the arrow, held it in his hand, and inspected it carefully.

This arrow is not the previous "spiral-toothed hook arrow", but the arrowhead is much larger than the two that hit the chest.

"This is..." Ma Xiaoquan breathed out and whispered to himself, "Isn't this an arrow without feathers? Why..."

Ma Xiaoquan hummed: "It's interesting. All the featherless arrows that don't belong to this era are coming out. It's interesting. It seems that I need to be a scavenger on this trip, haha..."

This chapter has been completed!
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