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Summary of the previous chapter: Ma Xiaoquan actually didn’t know that it was not only Mr. Lu who had Hua Yuexin’s idea, but also his beloved disciple, Mao Gang...

The next day, the second half of the draft started on time.

Today's draft is not as large in quantity as yesterday's, but in terms of quality, it is much higher than yesterday's.

In fact, the show girls yesterday were not bad, but compared with the ones on stage today, there was still a clear gap.

There were only four show girls on stage the next day, namely: Dongfang Buhui, Dongfang Bubai, Ximen Wuhen, and Murong Ziyan.

Ma Xiaoquan did not watch the performance of Dongfang Sisters and Murong Ziyan in detail. After all, Ma Xiaoquan had talked about these three women with Zi Xiao yesterday, and as for Dongfang Buhui and Murong Ziyan, Ma Xiaoquan had also talked with them.

We had a personal acquaintance.

It's just... Dongfang Buhui's younger sister Dongfang Bubai really surprised Ma Xiaoquan.

Dongfang Bubai looks a lot like Ma Xiaoquan, a friend in modern society. To be precise, he should be regarded as the girlfriend that Ma Xiaoquan had after he retired from the special forces brigade.

"No? Why do they look so similar?"

In his left eye, Yuan curled his lips and shook the arm of the woman he had transformed: "It's very normal. Maybe you, Ma Xiaoquan, look similar to someone in ancient times..."

Ma Xiaoquan smacked his lips and responded: "Just make it up. How can these things be the same? I think you are crazy about wanting to be a woman."

"Hundan, besides bickering with me and making me angry all day long, what else can you do?"

"Arguing with you? Are you angry? Come on, you always make fun of my IQ when you have nothing to do. Well, even if my IQ is low, it's still higher than those two boys, Jack Ma and Ma Yu, right?"

Yuan said helplessly: "You are so embarrassed to compare..."

Just as Ma Xiaoquan was about to respond, Wang Gui suddenly stepped forward and gently patted Ma Xiaoquan on the shoulder.

Ma Xiaoquan came back to his senses and saw that it was Wang Gui. He chuckled and asked Wang Gui: "What, what's the matter?"

I saw Wang Gui holding a wooden box in his hand. The mouth of the box was locked with a big lock. Looking from top to bottom, there was only a crack on the top of the box.

"What are you doing? Voting?"

Wang Gui nodded, put down the box, and took out four pieces of paper of different colors from the inner pocket of his clothes: "Young Master is so smart, yes, it's a vote. Please look at this, Young Master, this red color represents the girl Dongfang Bugui...


Ma Xiaoquan took the red piece of paper and nodded: "It's really...a red pepper..."

"This cyan piece of paper belongs to Miss Dongfang Bubai... This white piece... belongs to Miss Murong... Well, and this purple piece belongs to Ximen

Miss Wuhen’s..."

Ma Xiaoquan took the remaining three pieces of paper, frowned, and asked: "Why does Wang Gui call these four girls different?"

Yuan responded: "You continue to ask a few questions, by the way, switch, I want to see Wang Gui's eyes..."

Ma Xiaoquan smiled slightly, closed his left eye for a moment, and then opened it again.

Wang Gui was stunned for a moment: "Why did the young master's left eye suddenly turn purple?"

Ma Xiaoquan rubbed his left eye and said with a smile: "I didn't get a good rest last night. Haha, don't worry about these details... By the way, Wang Gui, let me ask you a few words... This Oriental

Being undefeated...what does Dongfang Burui mean?"

In fact, Ma Xiaoquan already knew the seniority of the Dongfang sisters, but he still wanted to ask Wang Gui.

Wang Gui chuckled, lowered his body and picked up the box, looking flattering.

Ma Xiaoquan rolled his eyes at Wang Gui, took out a big coin and threw it to Wang Gui.

Wang Gui is quite capable. He was holding a box in his hand and was able to catch a large amount of money with his mouth.

"Poof" Wang Gui spit out the big money, caught it dexterously with his feet, and then picked it up. The big money went into his chest pocket easily.

"Tsk tsk..." Ma Xiaoquan nodded, "Boy, you have some skills. Tell me."

Wang Gui said hey: "Young master, you asked the right person. Miss Dongfang Buhui and Miss Bubai, they are sisters..."

Wang Gui kept talking while Ma Xiaoquan and Yuan Yi looked at him.

In his left eye, Yuan said: "Hun Dan Ma Xiaoquan, it seems that Wang Gui is not lying. He really calls Sister Dongfang something different... You can continue to ask that Ximen Wuhen...


Ma Xiaoquan nodded and interrupted Wang Gui: "What about that Ximen Wuhen?"

Wang Gui pursed his lips and said, "To be honest, young master, if I have the ability, I will definitely choose Miss Ximen Wuhen as the Oiran in this talent show."

Ma Xiaoquan pouted: "Is Ximen Wuhen so good?"

Wang Gui shook his head: "It's not just good, it's like a fairy descending to earth, spotless..."

"Is it that exaggerated?"

Wang Gui pointed to the catwalk and mouthed: "Master, please look, it's time for Miss Ximen to come out."

Ma Xiaoquan turned his head and looked at the runway.

I saw two teams walking slowly towards the show stage first, their faces covered by a hazy gauze scarf.

Suddenly there was a sound of guqin, and the attendants took off their gauze scarves one after another, revealing their beautiful faces.

"Wow!" Everyone in the audience was stunned. Even Ma Xiaoquan couldn't help but clicked his tongue.

Then, eight young and strong young men carried a huge lotus. This lotus was shared, and what everyone saw so far was just a lotus bud.

"This..." Ma Xiaoquan seemed familiar with this arrangement, but he couldn't remember it all of a sudden, so he had to continue reading.

The lotus bud was carried to the center of the show stage by eight young men and slowly put down.

At this time, the attendants who unveiled the veil came forward in an orderly manner and surrounded the lotus buds. While surrounding them, the beautiful sound of the guqin sounded again.

The sound of the guqin stopped, and everyone thought that the flower buds would bloom. Unexpectedly, the buds only opened a gap, and then the sound of the guqin sounded again.

The attendants surrounding the lotus buds suddenly turned to face the audience, but the lotus buds did not open slowly as everyone expected.

Another song ended, and just when everyone was losing their temper and ready to shout, the lotus buds suddenly opened.

"Swish..." The moment the lotus buds opened, a faint fragrance hit your nostrils.

"Puff, puff, puff..." Some people even fainted because they smelled the aroma.

Ma Xiaoquan rubbed his eyes and took a closer look. There was a crescent moon hanging on the lotus bud.

"This..." Ma Xiaoquan suddenly remembered that he had participated in the Hua family's bracelet-wearing ceremony in Yanzhou. His wife Hua Yuexin had a similar scene when she appeared. Oh no, to be precise, the current scene is a bit...

Just like the original scene.

"It's strange..." Ma Xiaoquan shook his head.

"What's wrong, Hun Danma Xiaoquan?"

Ma Xiaoquan responded: "This scene is like the one I saw before. Well, you weren't born yet at that time..."

Yuan snorted: "How many people have seen such a similar scene before?"

Ma Xiaoquan shook his head and responded: "There are many. Hey, I'm afraid this is also a coincidence..."


"By chance? Maybe..."

Ma Xiaoquan raised his head and continued to read.

At this time, the lotus buds were in full bloom, and in the center of the lotus buds, there was a small sedan chair.

"I'm the second Olympics" Ma Xiaoquan couldn't help but cursed, but because the spectators were talking a lot, Ma Xiaoquan's bullshit didn't attract anyone's attention.

"What happened to you again?"

Ma Xiaoquan responded: "This is definitely plagiarism. I, Ciao, plagiarized..."

Yuan scolded: "Plagiarism, you big-headed devil, this is in the late Han Dynasty, where does the idea of ​​plagiarism come from?"

Ma Xiaoquan waved his hand and continued reading.

Amidst the admiration of everyone, a small arm like white jade poked out from the sedan chair.

Ma Xiaoquan shook his head helplessly. At this time, the attendants sang a beautiful harmony song.

Everyone was looking forward to the lady walking out of the sedan chair, but who knew that at the moment the harmony ended, the white jade-like forearm retracted from the sedan chair.

"This..." Everyone looked at each other and sighed with regret.

Before the sighs subsided, two long snowy legs suddenly stretched out from the sedan chair.

"Gulu..." Ma Xiaoquan was entranced by the sight and swallowed hard.

At this time, the top of the sedan was slowly lifted up, and Ma Xiaoquan could clearly see that there were thin ropes attached to the top of the sedan.

The string was light white in color, and I didn't know what material it was made of. Of course, everyone didn't care about the string. What they cared about was the lady in the sedan chair, or rather, the fairy.

The moment the sedan's roof was removed, a faint white mist emitted from the sedan. Following the airflow in the hall, the white mist passed through the nostrils of everyone present.

"Well" no one had discussed it beforehand, but at this moment, they all tacitly closed their eyes and enjoyed it carefully, savoring the aroma of white mist that invaded their nostrils.

The aroma only passed by in an instant, but the inner shock it brought to everyone was real and real, as if a fairy from heaven was standing in front of him...

"It's so similar, they are exactly the same..." Ma Xiaoquan came back to his senses and kept shaking his head.

In his left eye, Yuan Ye clicked his tongue in wonder: "Yes, if I play like this one day, I don't know how many men will fall for me..."

Ma Xiaoquan curled his lips: "I don't think so... you are not a human being..."

"Hundan... I have transformed into a woman's arm..."

"Then you are not human either..."

This chapter has been completed!
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