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【259】Be a Patron

Summary of the previous chapter: Lu Xian took advantage of Ma Xiaoquan's air raid into the space-time mezzanine to sneak attack on Ma Xiaoquan's bedroom. Seeing the crisis, Ma Xiaoquan appeared in time and resolved the crisis...

After understanding the situation, Ma Xiaoquan realized that four days had passed since he entered the space-time mezzanine. During these four days, the draft competition had not been held. Due to the delay of time, many wealthy nobles left without saying goodbye.


"So, there aren't many people left in Wangxiang Tower now?"

The Ma brothers nodded.

"Well" Ma Xiaoquan dragged his chin and thought for a moment, "In this case, let's wait a few more days, uh-huh, I promised you two to be a matchmaker for you two, haha"

Ma Yudao: "Master, I..."

Ma Xiaoquan stretched out his hand: "You don't need to say more, I have my own opinion on this matter!"

Ma Yun and Ma Yu said respectfully: "Yes, master!"


Mr. Lu’s residence.

Lu Xian rubbed his swollen face with an angry look on his face.

Yuan Fang stood beside Lu Xian without saying a word, quietly waiting for Lu Xian to speak.

After a long time, Lu Xian said: "Yuan Fang, go and contact Mao Gang. I want to meet him."

Yuan Fang said nothing, and immediately said respectfully: "Yes, Young Master!"


Late at night, Mao Gang arrived at the appointment. Seeing Lu Xian's swollen face like a steamed bun, he jokingly said: "Oh my Mr. Lu, your face is really swollen and beautiful. Come on, come on, let me take care of you."


Lu Xian waved his hands in disgust: "Okay, stop talking nonsense, I came to you to tell you something!"

Mao Gang was not polite, he sat down on his butt, crossed his legs, curled his lips and said: "Say it!"

Lu Xian frowned: "You said last time that you would attack the Yao Dao's family, and I agreed."

"Oh?" Mao Gang chuckled, "Didn't Mr. Lu say he would postpone it before? Why did he suddenly change his character? Did he suffer some blow?"

Lu Xian snorted coldly: "Stop talking nonsense, just tell me, do you want to do it or not?"

Mao Gang laughed and stood up: "Do it, of course I will do it, not only do it, but also do it beautifully!"

Lu Xian hummed: "Tell me your plan!"

Mao Gang nodded...

Wangxiang Tower.

Ma Xiaoquan came to Zi Xiao's door and knocked gently on Zi Xiao's door.

The door opened with a creak.

"Is it you?"

Ma Xiaoquan nodded.

"Come in!"

Zi Xiao's movements were very gentle, but in Ma Xiaoquan's eyes, Zi Xiao seemed a little uncomfortable.

The moment he crossed the threshold, Zi Xiao suddenly put his right hand on his forehead. Ma Xiaoquan stepped forward to support Zi Xiao, and his arm just touched Zi Xiao's chest.

"Ah" Zi Xiao snorted softly.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Zixiao broke away from Ma Xiaoquan and turned away.

"What's going on? You've been missing for these days. Where have you been?"

Zi Xiao shook his head and turned around: "If nothing happens, you can leave!"

Ma Xiaoquan: "I..."

"I told you to go! Go!"

Ma Xiaoquan was blown away by Zi Xiao with a depressed look on his face.

"It's so weird, women are really weird!" Ma Xiaoquan shook his head and returned to his bedroom.

At the corner of Zixiao's bedroom, Wang Gui's mouth corners were slightly raised...

Ma Xiaoquan returned to the bedroom and couldn't understand Zi Xiao's change in attitude towards him.

Before Zi Xiao disappeared, Ma Xiaoquan clearly remembered Zi Xiao's enthusiasm for him. Although the relationship between the two was somewhat abnormal, no matter what, he shouldn't disappear and then take a 80° turn, right?

"Woman..." Ma Xiaoquan lay on the couch and shook his head helplessly.


The next day, Zixiao came forward again and announced that the Wangxianglou draft competition would be restarted.

Since the show girls had already performed a few days ago, after starting over, Zi Xiao ordered his servants to make a sign with the show girls' information for the noble spectators who came to vote.

The aristocratic spectators who had persisted since the initial draft were very happy. After all, they had seen the show girls appear before, and the newcomers could only flip through the signs and choose based on their feelings based on the content on the signs.


Wangxiang Tower is worthy of being Wangxiang Tower. Although it has lost some of its wealthy nobles, it is said that there are heavyweight beauties participating in the draft. The second time there are many more wealthy nobles than the first time.

Within half a day, all the guest rooms in Wangxiang Tower were basically full. Those noble nobles who had not stayed in Wangxiang Tower had no choice but to stay in the inns outside.

In an aisle of Wangxiang Tower, Ma Xiaoquan was leading the Ma brothers to look at the signs of the show girls.

Although Ma Xiaoquan was the first batch of guests to come, he didn't look at it carefully. It just so happened that he took the opportunity to look at the brands to get a preliminary understanding.

"Yeah, that's interesting." Ma Xiaoquan opened a sign of a show girl and teased Ma Yun, "Ma Yun, look, how good this girl is. Otherwise, if you chose her, who would be Dongfang Bugui or Dongfang Invincible?"

, give it up."

Ma Yun shook his head and said firmly: "Master, Dongfang Buhui, Ma Yu likes Dongfang Bubai."

Ma Xiaoquan said "oh" and asked Ma Yu: "Did you also choose Dongfang Invincible?"

Ma Yu's eyes shone brightly and she nodded firmly.

"You brat!" Ma Xiaoquan chuckled, "Okay, we've seen enough, now let's go to the competition venue."

The three people came to the competition venue and stopped to take a look, only to find that someone had already started the competition.

Ma Xiaoquan casually grabbed a young man from a wealthy family and asked, "Excuse me, sir, is the competition starting now?"

This young man from a wealthy family glared at Ma Xiaoquan a few times. Seeing his extraordinary bearing, he did not dare to neglect him and said in return: "Haha, brother, you came at the right time, the competition has just begun..."

After listening to the introduction of the son of a wealthy family, Ma Xiaoquan realized that because there were too many people competing, the organizer, Wangxianglou, adopted the same batch competition method, that is, setting up several competition platforms to compete together.

,In this way, it not only saves the time of the ,competition, but also saves the cost of the ,competition.

What makes Ma Xiaoquan curious is that the organizer only provides questions for the first competition. The following questions are asked by the losing side of each round and answered by the winning side. If the winning side answers correctly, the winner will be the winner.

One party will ask another question, and the cycle will continue until one party cannot answer or answers the question incorrectly.

Novelty is novelty, but Ma Xiaoquan is in trouble.

He is not a person of this era. Although he has lived in this era for nearly 20 years, his literary attainments and theoretical knowledge are far less familiar than those of the wealthy children of this era. Even if he has a data device in his body, Ma Xiaoquan still has no idea.

"It's going to be difficult." Ma Xiaoquan was worried that he would be eliminated before he even met Lu Xian. Wouldn't that be embarrassing?

At this time, Wang Gui happened to be passing by. Ma Xiaoquan grabbed Wang Gui and asked tentatively: "Wang Gui, let me ask you something. This... this competition, can we not compete?"

Wang Gui rolled his eyes and said hehe: "My lord, look at what you said, how can we do it if we don't compete? Our Wangxiang Tower is open to do business. If you don't compete, then no one can compete. Wouldn't it be chaotic?"

Did you follow the rules..."

Ma Xiaoquan felt a little disappointed when he heard this.

Wang Gui saw Ma Xiaoquan's thoughts and said flatteringly: "Master, it's not impossible to say that we can't compete..."

Wang Gui's words were very tactful, and Ma Xiaoquan immediately handed Wang Gui a few big coins as soon as he heard the trick.

Seeing the money, Wang Gui smiled, put the big money into his pocket, came over and said: "If you don't want to compete, you can invest some money in our Wangxiang Tower, and we can give you the name of a sponsor, no?"

There’s no need to compete..."

The more Ma Xiaoquan listened, the more strange he felt. Could this sponsor thing have been around since the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty? Isn't it right?

Ma Xiaoquan chuckled and asked Wang Gui: "Is this okay?"

Wang Gui pretended to smile mysteriously: "It depends on people, everything depends on people, hehe..."

After Wang Gui finished speaking, he bowed slightly to Ma Xiaoquan and quietly retreated.

Ma Xiaoquan thought for a moment, pulled Ma Yun over, hugged him and said, "If you have any money, bring it!"

Ma Yun was startled and looked at his master in horror.

Ma Xiaoquan said: "I don't want to compete. The King of People has said that if you sponsor a little money, you won't have to compete."

Ma Yun said: "Master, Ma Yu and I have lost our money, but we can go to my friend's house in Fancheng to borrow it first, otherwise we won't compete."

Ma Xiaoquan rolled his eyes: "It's a beautiful idea, you two have to compete with me!"

Ma Yun gave a depressed smile. Ma Yu heard it and also smiled bitterly.

After finally raising the money, Ma Xiaoquan went to Wang Gui and told Wang Gui that he wanted to sponsor. When Wang Gui heard this, he quickly asked Ma Xiaoquan to give him the money and he would handle the sponsorship.

Seeing that Wang Gui was honest, Ma Xiaoquan did not doubt it and asked Ma Yun to lead Wang Gui to get the money.


Wang Gui was indeed very efficient in doing things. After getting the money, he sent someone to notify Ma Xiaoquan within a short time of burning incense, saying that everything was done.

Ma Xiaoquan was very happy. With this, he could directly skip the public competition.

Lu Xian also invested some money in Wangxiang Tower as a sponsor, so Lu Xian also skipped the public competition...

In the evening, Ma Xiaoquan took the knockout list and studied it carefully for a long time before he said, "Na Luxian and I were actually arranged as special players. In this case, we won't participate in the knockout round either?"

At Lu Xian's residence, Lu Xian also took the competition list and pondered: "What the hell is Mao Gang doing? He wants me to meet that monster directly, and it's still in the final competition?"

Beside him, Yuan Fang also shook his head: "Master, do you want to ask Mao Gang?"

Lu Xianyi waved his hand: "No, Mao Gang and I have already discussed the strategy to deal with the demon Taoist family. Yuan Fang, have the Shadow Guards set off?"

Yuan Fang said respectfully: "To tell you the truth, sir, we have already set off!"

Lu Xian nodded: "Okay! Humph, Ma Xiaoquan, Ma Xiaoquan, just watch. Except for Hua Yuexin, I want to kill all your family members and your children without leaving any one behind. Humph."

This chapter has been completed!
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