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Summary of the previous chapter: Lu Xian couldn't play against Gou Fei, so he naturally chose to abstain. As a result, Ma Xiaoquan will play against Gou Fei in the final. All of this is a plan arranged by Mao Gang to kill three birds with one stone...


"How presumptuous!" Before Ma Xiaoquan could speak, brothers Ma Yun and Ma Yu were the first to get angry. "Who the hell is Gou Fei? A mere guard of Fancheng dares to take the idea of ​​the mistress, how presumptuous!"

Ma Xiaoquan's eyes were focused, and a hint of murderous intent flashed through his eyes. When Wang Gui looked at it, all the hair on his body stood up.

"Master Marquis, please calm down, Master Marquis, please calm down..." Wang Gui quickly apologized, "The young man is short-sighted. Mr. Hou, you must also be considerate of the young man. You are the Immortal Marquis, and Gou Fei is the general of our Fancheng.

I can't afford to offend you both..."

Wang Gui said with a distressed and regretful expression on his face.

Ma Xiaoquan chuckled and patted Wang Gui on the shoulder: "Wang Gui, if you don't tell me, I will know that it is difficult for you to do it. Now that I know this matter, you can leave."

Wang Gui wished Ma Xiaoquan would say this.

"Yeah, okay, little one, let's go now, let's go now!"


Looking at Wang Gui's retreating figure in embarrassment, Ma Yun stepped forward angrily: "Master, this Gou Fei is too much of a bully. I must teach him a lesson. Break his dog legs and break his dog claws.

Blind his dog eyes..."

Ma Xiaoquan did not speak, but a bold idea emerged in his mind.

Kill Gou Fei.

The corners of Ma Xiaoquan's lips slightly twitched, and his decision was made.


Wang Gui crawled back to a secret pavilion and reported what had just happened to the man in front of him.

The man sat upright and tapped the table with one hand rhythmically, making a sound of "ta-ta-ta...ta-ta-ta".

Wang Gui shook his body and said solemnly: "Master, just...that's what happened..."

The man hummed softly and grinned: "Interesting, you are indeed my master Mao Gang, you can be scared like this with just one look... Okay, go down, I understand.


Wang Gui shook his body, bowed, and slowly retreated.

The man thought thoughtfully for a while and suddenly said: "Mr. Ding, do you think he will fall into the trap?"

Behind a screen, Ding Yi slowly walked out and said respectfully: "Replying to the master, I believe that he will definitely fall into the trap."

"Oh? Why, tell me?"

Ding Yi said: "The most valuable thing about that man is that he values ​​love and justice, and this is also his shortcoming..."

The man nodded and asked Ding Yi: "Then do you think I value friendship or that man values ​​friendship?"

Ding Yi rolled his eyes slightly: "How can that person be compared with the master? You and he are not on the same level at all."

"Hahaha...that's good." The man stood up and clenched his right fist, "Hua Yuexin, I must get you!"


The rest time is always very short and comes in a blink of an eye.

Ma Xiaoquan twisted his neck and slowly stepped onto the competition stage. On the opposite side of the competition stage, Gou Fei vigorously shook his body fat and slowly appeared on the stage.

"Okay..." The two of them appeared on the stage together, and bursts of cheers erupted from the audience.

One is the Immortal Marquis and the other is the leader of Fancheng. Both of them are people with status. The onlookers in the audience are all human beings. After asking around in private, they decided to praise them together. In this way, no matter what

Whoever wins, they can continue to have a good relationship with each other.

"Come on, come on, place your bet, place your bet, the Flying General pays two for one, the Immortal Marquis pays fifty for one, come on, come on, place your bet..."

Ma Yuyi grabbed the young man who was taking the bet and said unhappily: "What? Gou Fei will pay two, but my master will pay fifty?"

The young man was not angry and said patiently: "Sir, you don't know something. General Gou Fei is our garrison in Fancheng. I have never seen him before, but one day suddenly

It popped up... But, General Gou Fei is also very powerful. In these years in Fancheng, although the taxes have been a bit heavy, at least he can eat..."

Ma Yu frowned: "You said Gou Fei appeared suddenly?"

The young man nodded: "Yes, sir, you can't place a bet, there are still many people waiting."

Ma Yu thought for a moment, then touched his body for a long time and took out all the money on his body: "I beat my master to win."

"I'll do it too!" Ma Yun stepped forward and nodded.

The young man's eyes lit up and he said with a smile: "Okay, you two take these bamboo slips. The results will be known after the competition in a while. If you win, please go to the big cabinet in the main hall to get the money."

The two nodded and watched the young man who made the bet leave.

"Hmph, you two idiots, who doesn't know that General Gou Fei will win this battle? Idiots."


Wang Gui stepped onto the competition stage and coughed twice, and the audience immediately fell silent.

"Well, that's it..." Wang Gui glanced around the audience with sneaky eyes, "After discussing with the two contestants, we unanimously decided that if anyone wins the first place this time, then

Sister Dongfang and Miss Murong are both number one."

As soon as Wang Gui finished speaking, the audience exploded.

"No...how could this happen..."

"Wang Gui, don't lie..."

"Isn't this fair? What about the third and fourth places? Can we still compete for the third and fourth places?"



The audience was in chaos.

Wang Gui pressed his hands together and said loudly: "The third and fourth places have already abstained from the competition, so we made such a decision."

Ma Yun and Ma Yu were in the audience, clasping their hands in excitement.

Wang Gui was right. Before the competition, Wang Gui had specially sent people to lobby, hoping that three women would win the first place. Of course, Ma Xiaoquan agreed.

Of course, it was Gou Fei who first made such a shameless recruitment request.

Although he did not see Ximen Wuhen, whom he dreamed of, sisters Murong Ziyan, Dongfang Bubai, and Dongfang Buhui were both stunning beauties, and they were still young children. Gou Fei thought about it and felt that he could not let them go easily.

That's why I found Wang Gui during the break and expressed his thoughts.

Gou Fei did not expect that his idea coincided with Mao Gang's plan of killing three birds with one stone.

After Wang Gui asked Mao Gang for instructions, he immediately agreed with Gou Fei's idea.

However, what Mao Gang and Wang Gui did not expect was that Ma Xiaoquan would agree so readily.

Ding Yi once said that Ma Xiaoquan values ​​​​love and justice, but Ma Xiaoquan readily agreed in Mao Gang's eyes, which was completely shameless.

Although Mao Gang was also a romantic, there were only two women of high status in his Mao family's mansion in Xiangyang, and they were all concubines. As for the position of his head wife, Mao Gang had always reserved it for Hua Yuexin.

On the other hand, Ma Xiaoquan, who has seven wives at home, even seduces four others outside, Ma Xiaoquan said: I am unjust, it was Jue Fengxuan who arranged this for me.

"Humph, what emphasis on love and justice, bah" Mao Gang spat out.

I despise, despise, Ma Xiaoquan agreed so quickly, no matter what, it is beneficial to Mao Gang's plan of killing three birds with one stone.

Wang Gui came back to his senses, looked at Ma Xiaoquan on the left, and then at Gou Fei on the right, and said with a smile: "Everyone, please see, neither General Fei nor Marquis Shenxian have any opinions, what other opinions do you have?"

Everyone in the audience, look at me and I look at you. It’s right to think about it. They are competing and grabbing women anyway. It has nothing to do with us. It’s okay if the third or fourth place is not competing, so that the bet can be increased.

Big, hey, why is General Gou Fei's odds so low...

None of the spectators in the audience were optimistic about Shenxianhou, so the only people betting on Ma Xiaoquan were Ma Yun and Ma Yu.

Ma Yun and Ma Yu were quite confident in their master, so they ordered their servants to go to a relative's house in Fancheng to borrow a large sum of money and invest it.

In this way, the bets are finally evened out.


Wang Gui chuckled, nodded, and took a few steps back: "Looking at how enthusiastic everyone is, how can I, Wangxianglou, be the inferior one? I declare that the bet I just made will be doubled!"

Wang Guihao spoke boldly, and the crowd was completely shocked.

In this case, Gou Fei's odds are 1 to 4, while Ma Xiaoquan's odds are 1 to 100.

With the temptation of losing 100 to 100, the two brothers Ma Yun and Ma Yu, who were originally alone, turned out to be surrounded by some more bettors. Of course, these bettors only care about whether they can win money.

The difference in bets was huge. The total amount on Gou Fei's side was more than 20 times that on Ma Xiaoquan's side. However, due to the huge difference in odds, the person responsible for making the bets calculated carefully and found that the amounts on both sides were not only equal, but also higher.

There is a remaining commission.

An excited young man handed Wang Gui a piece of bamboo. Wang Gui glanced at it, laughed, and waved his hands: "I declare that the competition has officially begun!"

After saying that, Wang Gui quickly ran down the competition platform.

Only Gou Fei and Ma Xiaoquan were left on the stage.

Ma Xiaoquan didn't take action, and Gou Fei didn't dare to take action either.

Gou Fei knew that he was no match for the Immortal Marquis. Gou Fei believed that if he struck rashly, he would be defeated by the opponent in less than one round.

Gou Fei thought: No, I have to find a way to defeat the enemy without fighting.

Seeing that Gou Fei was motionless, Ma Xiaoquan stopped trying to protect himself. He put his hands behind his back and looked at Gou Fei, who was as fat as a pig. His heart was filled with disgust and anger.

Ma Xiaoquan was thinking about how to kill Gou Fei, while Gou Fei was thinking about how he could restrain Ma Xiaoquan.

"Yes." Gou Fei's eyes lit up, he raised his head and said loudly: "I am the guard general of Fancheng, you are a little immortal prince, why should you fight with me? Go down, I will spare your life!"

Ma Xiaoquan said nothing, but his eyes were full of contempt for Gou Fei.

This chapter has been completed!
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