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【269】Three birds with one stone

Summary of the previous chapter: Ma Xiaoquan wanted to kill Gou Fei, but he was not that stupid to kill him in front of so many nobles. As for Gou Fei, he exchanged a secret and his true identity for his life, and Ma Xiaoquan did not directly agree.

What I didn't expect was that this group of nobles from Jingzhou actually helped Gou Fei to beg for love...

"What's going on?" Ma Xiaoquan stepped forward and supported Gou Fei's fat body.

Ma Yu reached out and touched Gou Fei's neck, frowning: "Master, I'm out of breath!"


Ma Xiaoquan reached out and touched it. This touch made Ma Xiaoquan extremely angry.

His eyes narrowed, he raised his head and looked at the wealthy spectators in the audience. While looking at him, he shouted: "Who, whoever committed the murder, come out quickly and get out quickly!"

Ma Xiaoquan's voice was loud enough to resound throughout the entire audience. Unfortunately, all the wealthy spectators in the audience had expressions of shock as well as confusion.

A wealthy man curled his lips and said, "Marquis Shenxian, I saw him, where he is, then..."

There was a sound of "Pfft", and before the man could finish speaking, there was already a saber embedded in his chest.

Everyone was startled, and a thought came to their minds: How did this sword appear?

On the stage, Ma Xiaoquan was also very surprised. Judging from the distance between him and the nobleman who was about to report, it was at least thirty feet. Gou Fei's sword was still lying on the competition stage and had never been picked up again.

, Besides, even picking it up and aiming to exert force will take time.

Such a kill can be achieved in such a short time.

Conspiracy, there must be a conspiracy.

"Ah, murder..." Someone shouted, and the crowd immediately became chaotic.

Ma Yun stepped forward and said: "Master, I'm afraid this is..."

Ma Xiaoquan snorted coldly: "I know, this one-stone-three-birds strategy is really brilliant. Ma Yun and Ma Yu, support Gou Fei, let's go!"


The two set up Gou Fei and slowly walked down from the competition platform. Ma Xiaoquan followed behind them, looking around alertly as they walked, hoping to find something suspicious.

"Huh?" Finally, when he saw a corner, Ma Xiaoquan discovered something suspicious.

"You two go back to your room first, I'll be there soon!"

After saying that, Ma Xiaoquan quickly ran towards that corner without waiting for Ma Yun and Ma Yu to respond.

By the time Ma Xiaoquan ran to that corner, it was too late. Ma Xiaoquan gritted his teeth and stamped his foot in hatred.

"Damn, it's too late!"

He picked up a blowpipe from the ground. The diameter of the blowpipe was about as thick as an adult's index finger. Putting the blowpipe in front of his nose and smelling it, Ma Xiaoquan frowned slightly.

"Poisonous? Who is this?" As he spoke, Ma Xiaoquan carefully put the blowpipe into his arms.

After Ma Xiaoquan left this corner, a person came out of another very inconspicuous place.

At this moment, all the spectators in the competition venue had already disappeared. This originally inconspicuous place suddenly became conspicuous because a person suddenly appeared, but no one would see him again.

"Hmph Ma Xiaoquan, how about it? Do you like my plan of killing three birds with one stone? Hmph..."


By the time Ma Xiaoquan returned to the bedroom, it was already half an hour later.

Before that, Ma Xiaoquan specifically walked around the places in Wangxiang Tower that he felt were strange. Most of the places looked a bit strange, but he could find nothing if he looked closely. After this investigation, not only did he not find any

There was no trace of anything, not even Wang Gui.

"Conspiracy...it must be a conspiracy..."

Ma Xiaoquan raised his head and exhaled while talking to himself.

"Master, Ma Yun and I checked Gou Fei's body. There was a green mark on his back vest. From here, it seems that he had been stabbed."

Ma Xiaoquan nodded: "Turn his body over and let me take a look."

Ma Yun and Ma Yu looked at each other, and together they used force to turn Gou Fei's fat body over.

At this moment, Gou Fei's whole body was naked. Except for the layers of fat flesh on his body that looked like smelly pork, the crotch also passed between his legs and hung down on one side, which was very disgusting.


Ma Xiaoquan frowned, pulled off a piece of cloth from the couch, and covered Gou Fei's lower body.

Ma Yun stepped forward, pointed at Gou Fei's back vest and said, "Master, please look, Biao Qing is here."

Ma Xiaoquan slowly came closer, narrowed his eyes, and observed carefully.

The blue mark on Gou Fei's body looks very strange. In the center of the mark, there is a pore as big as the eye of a needle. If you don't look carefully, you can't see it at all. And around the mark, there are some

The blood stains should have seeped out from the pores.

The green mark is irregular in shape, about the size of a child's hand, and blue-green in color. Judging from this, the green mark is highly toxic.

Ma Xiaoquan raised his head, picked up a kettle from the table, and then gently scraped a sliver of skin from Gou Fei's back vest with a small piece of wood. Then, he put the shavings into the kettle.

"Find me a bird!"

Ma Yu nodded, stood up and went out. After a while, Ma Yu brought a birdcage. In the birdcage, an unknown bird was singing happily, jumping up and down while singing.

Ma Xiaoquan poured some water from the kettle into the bird's trough.

The little bird was probably tired or thirsty from singing. When he saw that there was water to drink, he quickly fluttered his little wings and jumped happily to the trough, chirping and drinking water bit by bit with his little beak.


"Master...this bird?"

Ma Xiaoquan stretched out his hand: "Don't talk yet, keep reading!"

At this moment, the little bird that had been jumping around suddenly suddenly started to swing from side to side. Before Ma Yun and Ma Yu could ask any more questions, the little bird fell headlong into the birdcage.

Ma Xiaoquan opened the birdcage, took out the bird, gently touched the bird's neck with his fingers, shook his head and said, "Be careful, that green mark is highly poisonous."

"Scared? Poisonous?" Upon hearing this, Ma Yun and Ma Yu took a step back.

Ma Xiaoquan chuckled: "You two haven't touched this Biao Qing, have you?"

The two shook their heads.

Ma Xiaoquan nodded and took out a blowpipe from his arms: "This is the weapon that shoots poison."

Ma Yu said: "Master, where did you find this?"

Ma Xiaoquan said: "It doesn't matter where you found it, the key is how the green mark was fired from the blowpipe?"

Ma Yu took the blowpipe, looked at the light for a few times, and suddenly said: "Master, there seems to be some water stains on the inner wall of this blowpipe."

"Water traces?" Ma Xiaoquan took back the blowpipe, looked at the light again and again, and suddenly laughed.

Ma Yun and Ma Yu didn't understand why their master was laughing, so they both asked: "Master, what's wrong?"

Ma Xiaoquan shook his head: "Can you guess what the murderer used to kill Gou Fei?"

The two shook their heads.



Ma Xiaoquan nodded: "Yes, it's ice. Of course, to be precise, it should be an ice needle. However, someone who can put an ice needle into a blowpipe and blow it out to kill people must have very good skills. I'm afraid even

I...have to weigh it all..."

Ma Yun and Ma Yu looked at each other and nodded in unison.

"Okay, now we have figured out how the murderer killed people, but the murderer's purpose, do you know what he did it for?"

The Ma brothers shook their heads again.

Ma Xiaoquan snorted coldly: "If I guess correctly, the person this person is dealing with should be me. However, in order to make me fall into the quagmire of embarrassment, this person has taken great pains. Killing three birds with one stone, well, not bad

Not bad, he has some brains."

When Ma Yun and Ma Yu heard this, they worried and said, "Master, aren't you?"

Ma Xiaoquan chuckled: "Originally, if this matter had happened earlier, I would have really found it difficult to handle, but something bigger will happen soon, so, it's like killing three birds with one stone.

It’s not a big deal.”

Ma Yudao: "Master, what is the bigger thing you are referring to?"

Ma Xiaoquan chuckled: "Liu Bei is coming!"

When Ma Yun and Ma Yuyi heard that Liu Bei was coming, they sighed with relief, but then they frowned and said in unison: "Master, even if Liu Xuande comes, he can't stop Cao Cao's troops?"

Ma Xiaoquan said: "There is no need for Liu Bei to block it. Liu Bei doesn't have the ability. I said Liu Bei is coming because after Liu Bei comes, I can find an opportunity to clear up this grievance. Now, your master, I have been tricked by others."

The stone-three-bird plan means that it may not be that easy to clear away the grievances easily."

After hearing this, Ma Yun finally understood.

"Master, what should Gou Fei do?"

The corner of Ma Xiaoquan's mouth slightly raised: "Burn it, you will die without any evidence!"



Gou Fei's sudden death was just as Ma Xiaoquan expected, and set off a great evil trend in Fancheng.

Some people said that Gou Fei died because of Ma Feng. Later, some people said disdainfully that Ma Feng died while having sex with a woman. Gou Fei suddenly got violent on the competition platform, how could he compete with Ma Feng?

It's just nonsense to have anything to do with it.

Someone else said that Gou Fei was scared to death. Then, someone else came out and said disdainfully, "Scared to death?"

Yeah, it's just nonsense.

Of course, the most common rumor is that the immortal Hou Ma Xiaoquan killed Gou Fei... This time, those disdainful voices did not sound again, but surprisingly stood on the same front as the rumor makers.


Everything is progressing smoothly according to the designer's plan. On Ma Xiaoquan's side, except for himself, Ma Yun and Ma Yu can no longer resist...

This chapter has been completed!
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