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【272】The signature dish of Wangxianglou

Summary of the previous chapter: Ma Xiaoquan pretended to be a sick man and successfully sneaked into the inn where Lu Xian was staying. After putting down some gadgets in the inn, he left easily. On the other hand, the Ma brothers' campaign also had an effect, causing

attracted the attention of Lu Xian and Mao Gang...

Lu Xian rolled his eyes at Mao Gang and said nothing.

A moment later, the guy named Mu Yi suddenly appeared at the door of the room and said in a soft voice: "Master, I checked it out. Someone seems to have discovered the treasure outside the inn..."

"Treasure?" Lu Xian frowned, "Why have I never heard of it?"

Mao Gang answered: "I have been here in Jingzhou for so long and I have never heard of it. Do you think it was Ma Xiaoquan's fault?"

Mao Gang said, calling: "Ding Yi?"

After a while, Ding Yi pushed the door open and said respectfully: "Master, did you call me?"

Mao Gang said: "Mr. Lu's people found out that someone discovered the treasure outside. You go and have a look. Oh, by the way, let's check if Ma Xiaoquan is up to something."


After everything was given, Lu Xian and Mao Gang looked at each other, and both of them frowned slightly.


Wangxiang Tower.

Ma Xiaoquan was lying comfortably on the bed. Beside him, Ma Yun and Ma Yu were also very happy, but their expressions were very rich, but they didn't say a word.

Ma Yun suddenly stepped forward and kept gesticulating in front of Ma Xiaoquan. Ma Xiaoquan nodded and hummed softly.

Ma Yu also stepped forward and started gesticulating with Ma Yun.

Ma Xiaoquan nodded faster.

After the two gestured, they respectfully left the door.

On the bed, Ma Xiaoquan said proudly: It's his grandma's fault. Just now I pretended to be a sick man and sneaked into the inn where Lu Xian was staying. It was so damn exciting... Well, these two boys Ma Yun and Ma Yu are also very capable, so I ordered them

The things I did were done pretty well...hehe...

After thinking about it, Ma Xiaoquan sat up and said to himself: "Oh, I'm a little hungry. Forget it, let's rest first and eat the signature dishes early tomorrow morning!"


Wangxianglou is not only a showy place for wealthy families to entertain guests, but also an out-and-out restaurant. Moreover, Wangxianglou's signature dishes are famous far and wide. Some people will go to great lengths to taste the signature dishes.

Sitting on a corner, Ma Xiaoquan was eating Wangxianglou's signature dishes and sipping a glass of wine.

The dish in front of him is called "Beauty in the Arms". It has a nice name, but it is actually a cold dish made with various colorful vegetables.

However, this cold dish is one of the best in terms of preparation and knife skills, especially when combined with the sauce of "Beauty in the Arms", the taste is amazing.

Ma Xiaoquan tasted the texture brought to him by "Beauty in His Arms" bit by bit, and after a while, he finished the dish.

He raised his hand to ask for another plate, but unfortunately, this idea did not come true, because only five plates of this dish were served a day, and the plate Ma Xiaoquan ate happened to be the fifth plate.

"What a pity..." Ma Xiaoquan smashed the food and asked the waiter, "Are there any other signature dishes?"

The waiter shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Master Hou, the beauty you ate today is not only the last dish, but also the last dish of all the special dishes today. If you want to eat it, you have to wait until tomorrow..."

Ma Xiaoquan sighed regretfully, turned around, and found three signature dishes on the table not far away.

Ma Xiaoquan grabbed the waiter and asked: "On that table is the beauty returning home, the beauty saying goodbye and the beauty feeling sad?"

The waiter squinted his eyes and took a look, nodded and said: "Master Hou has good eyesight, the guest officer over there did indeed order those three dishes!"

Ma Xiaoquan curled his lips: "Damn it, it's such a waste to just light it and not eat it!"

When the waiter heard this, he quickly broke away and quietly retreated.

"Beauty returns home", "Beauty leaves", "Beauty is sad" and "Beauty enters the arms" are called "Beauty Liancai" in Wangxianglou. Why is it called "Beauty Liancai"? This must also be mentioned.


Ximen Wuhen.

It is said that when Ximen Wuhen was still in Wangxianglou, she always liked to sneak into the kitchen. One day, she secretly sneaked into the kitchen to eat. Unexpectedly, she was discovered by the master chef who was in charge of the kitchen at the time. When the master chef saw that she was being

Impressed by her appearance, she immediately prepared four dishes for Ximen Wuhen to eat. These four dishes ranged from light to slightly salty, and then from slightly salty to light, making Ximen Wuhen very happy...

Later, Zixiao found out about this and specially rewarded the master chef, and recorded the cooking methods of these four dishes in detail. At the same time, he named the four dishes one by one, and then made a quite talk.

Liancai for the interesting named beauty.

Liancai Liancai means eating vegetables continuously.

Zi Xiao told Ma Xiaoquan all this. Unfortunately, since the competition, Ma Xiaoquan has never seen Zi Xiao again. Not even that girl Ximen Wuhen, Ma Xiaoquan has never seen her again.


On the table diagonally opposite, no one used their chopsticks for the three signature dishes. Ma Xiaoquan felt very puzzled. Do you think this dish tastes bad? How is that possible? This is Wangxianglou's famous signature dish.

Finally, Ma Xiaoquan couldn't sit still.

He stood up, walked slowly to the table, bowed first, then sat down unceremoniously, picked up his chopsticks, and began to taste.

"Presumptuous..." Next to Ma Xiaoquan, a young man was about to draw his sword. The middle-aged man next to him suppressed his hand, and then laughed at Ma Xiaoquan and said, "I dare you to ask if you are."

Immortal Marquis?"

Ma Xiaoquan said without raising his head: "Well, that's right!"

The man frowned slightly and said patiently: "Master Hou, do you think these three signature dishes are delicious?"

Ma Xiaoquan still didn't look up: "Yes, very delicious!"

"It's a pity that this beauty is missing even the food. Otherwise, it would be more delicious."

"Oh, you said a beauty is in your arms. I just ate it, um, um, it happened to be the first dish, um, not bad, not bad. Now the beauty is sad to eat the second dish. It tastes a bit salty, but it's just right, haha


"You" a girl next to the middle-aged man stood up and pointed at Ma Xiaoquan, her almond-shaped eyes widening.

At this time, Ma Xiaoquan raised his head and took a look. The girl in front of him had a very average appearance and a not-so-prominent figure. It seemed that not all girls would develop well.

"Haha, I'm sorry, I see you don't eat this signature dish, I feel it's such a pity..."

The girl said: "What a pity? How do you know we won't eat?"

Ma Xiaoquan wiped his mouth and said slowly: "I have been watching you for a long time, and you are just sitting like this without saying a word or moving your chopsticks. You said, I ordered these three delicious dishes and you won't eat them.

Isn’t it a waste of money..."


Just as the girl was about to speak again, the middle-aged man suddenly coughed. The girl blushed, suppressed the resentment in her heart, glared at Ma Xiaoquan fiercely, and sat down.

The man chuckled and picked up a glass of water and wine: "Haha, Mr. Hou came thousands of miles from Yecheng, why?"

Ma Xiaoquan rolled his eyes at the man and thought to himself: I said I came here to watch the Battle of Chibi, do you believe it?

Ma Xiaoquan put down his chopsticks, clinked a glass with the man, and said slowly: "To be honest, I came here to find something."

Ma Xiaoquan told the truth. He came to Jingzhou from Yecheng with the main purpose of finding the solar recorder. Of course, his disciple Mao Gang was in Jingzhou, and the lingering guy Lu Xian also followed him, and now he is in Fancheng again.

I got involved in some bad things, but fortunately, I made preparations with those two brats Ma Yun and Ma Yu last night. Tonight, Ma Xiaoquan plans to play another fairy dance.

The man nodded slightly, took out a piece of sheepskin from his arms, gently unfolded it in half, and said, "Is this what Mr. Hou is looking for?"

Ma Xiaoquan glanced down, his eyes condensed, and his body suddenly became tense.

His expression changed slightly, he changed his polite tone and said seriously: "Where did you get this sheepskin picture?"

The man quickly put away the parchment and smiled: "If you want to know, I'll see you at the west gate of Fancheng tonight at midnight!" As he said this, the man waved, and the men and women around him stood up and moved.

Very standard.

"Huh?" Ma Xiaoquan's heart moved slightly. The action of the young man and woman just now seemed familiar, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

After watching the other three people slowly leave, Ma Xiaoquan came to his senses again.

Seeing that there were still two signature dishes left on the table, Ma Xiaoquan certainly couldn't give up. He picked up his chopsticks and continued to eat to his heart's content.

This chapter has been completed!
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