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【316】Cao Cao's Countermeasures

Summary of the previous chapter: Ma Xiaoquan met Liu Cong. Liu Cong looked cute and silly on the surface, but in fact he was very scheming. He proposed five harsh conditions to Ma Xiaoquan. Only if he agreed to them, would he surrender to Cao Cao.

Ma Xiaoquan cannot be Cao Cao's boss. This Liu Cong is really difficult...

Cai Mao scratched his scalp and apologized to Ma Xiaoquan: "Master Shangxian, I..."

Ma Xiaoquan smiled slightly: "Go!"


Liu Cong left, Cai Mao followed suit, but Kuai Yue did not leave.

Kuai Yue stepped forward, frowned and asked Ma Xiaoquan: "Master Shangxian, is my lord giving you a hard time?"

Ma Xiaoquan agreed and asked Kuai Yue: "Yidu, I'm afraid I need you to continue convincing Liu Cong. I have to go to Cao Cao. How about this? You wait for me for a few days and I come back from Cao Cao. Let's

Besides, in the past few days, those of you who are interested in surrendering to Cao Cao, please come to Tongxin’s house to discuss it.”

Kuai Yue nodded and left.

As soon as Kuai Yue left, Ma Xiaoquan also hurriedly packed up. This time, for convenience, Ma Xiaoquan specially arranged that Ling'er and Murong Ziyan were not allowed to follow.

Although Murong Ziyan complained quite a bit, she was physically and mentally ready and she naturally knew her husband's responsibilities.

Looking at Ma Xiaoquan's retreating figure, Murong Ziyan shed tears involuntarily.

Ling'er took Murong Ziyan's hand and comforted: "Don't worry, sister Ziyan, my husband is just going to Cao Cao to talk about things, not going to the battlefield. Besides, with my skills and abilities, who else can do anything to him?"

Where’s the threat?”

Murong Ziyan nodded: "Sister Ling'er, I just miss him, I just miss him like this..."

Ling'er smiled: "You, you missed him just a moment after we separated. You can't tell that bad guy, lest he get complacent..."

Murong Ziyan nodded and hummed softly.


"Ah sneeze" Ma Xiaoquan rubbed his nose and said to himself, "Did someone scold me?"

In his left eye, Yuan Chuan said: "I'm scolding you? You are a pig. I sneeze because I miss you, okay?"

Ma Xiaoquan groaned and suddenly realized: "That's it, well, my sister Zi Yan must have missed me, hehe..."

Yuan said disdainfully: "Just be proud of yourself. It depends on what you say when you meet Cao Cao, hum."

Ma Xiaoquan said: "Isn't it you? Can you help me think of a good excuse..."

Source: "Think beautifully"

"I won't take you like this. We are not one and the same. Why are you so selfish and don't help me?"

"Am I selfish? Okay, you've said so, then I'll show you how selfish I am."

"Oh, alas, Yuan, my good Yuan, don't, don't be like this, help me..."

"Source...source? I..."


When Ma Xiaoquan arrived at Cao Cao's camp, it was already the evening of the next day.

Cao Cao was naturally very happy to see Ma Xiaoquan.

Cao Cao said respectfully: "Master Shangxian, Liu Cong's matter..."

Ma Xiaoquan raised his eyebrows and said: "This guy Liu Cong's intention is to surrender to you, but he just put forward some conditions, hum, it's a bit interesting..."

Ma Xiaoquan's tone was very contemptuous. In Cao Cao's view, Master Shangxian seemed to have a strong sense of confidence. Unknowingly, this self-confidence instantly infected Cao Cao.

Cao Cao chuckled and said, "I wonder what conditions Liu Cong, a stinking young boy, put forward?"

On the way here, Ma Xiaoquan thought about how to tell Cao Cao Liu Cong's five conditions.

If Ma Xiaoquan told the truth, not only would Cao Cao not agree with everything, but with Cao Cao's treachery, he would definitely have other ideas. Therefore, after begging his grandfather to sue his grandmother, Yuan designed a set of rhetoric for Ma Xiaoquan, called "with contempt"

Expressions take over the strategy of inspiring generals."

Ma Xiaoquan said: "This guy Liu Cong is asking for a lot of money. The five conditions are not bad, but given your ability, I'm afraid it's a little difficult to fulfill them."

Although this sentence is said very lightly, the motivating effect is immediate.

Cao Cao curled his lips and said disdainfully: "As the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty, I have the status of one person above ten thousand, what else can't I do? Just say it, Lord Immortal."

Ma Xiaoquan nodded, sighed and said: "Okay, since you are so confident, Xiao Cao, then I will say it... The first one, this Liu Cong wants 10 beauties...


Before he finished speaking, Cao Cao laughed loudly: "Liu Cong, this guy is really young, okay, I promise him this, it's just 10 beauties, let alone 10, as long as he has the physical strength, I'll give him 100

Give them all to him...what about the second condition?"

Ma Xiaoquan chuckled: "The second one... Liu Cong still wants to be a state pastor."

Cao Cao snorted coldly: "Zhou Mu? That's a good idea. Lord Shangxian, how do you think he can arrange this condition?"

Ma Xiaoquan played with the teacup in his hand and murmured: "I heard Qingzhou is a good place..."

Cao Cao was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly, clapped his hands and said: "Gao, Master Shangxian is really tall. Okay, then I will give Liu Cong the position of governor of Qingzhou... What about the third condition?"


"The third one, well... Actually, your second condition has been met, so the third one is not a problem. As for the third one, this guy wants to lead the army for fun. Xiao Cao, you

How many troops can this Qingzhou governor lead?"

Cao Cao beamed and said: "I brought all my elite troops from Qingzhou. Of course, if you let Liu Cong lead the troops for me, my soldiers will become cowards... Let Liu Cong take over the military power."

Well, it’s not impossible. There are two groups of soldiers in Qingzhou who are in need of a commander..."

Cao Cao refers to himself as "Laozi", completely disregarding his own identity. Of course, in front of Ma Xiaozhong, even if Cao Cao is the prime minister of this big man, he still has to be "little Cao".

Ma Xiaoquan interrupted: "How many people are there in your two teams?"

Cao Cao said: "About 4,000 people."

Ma Xiaoquan smiled and said: "You kid, you are quite sinister. Those ruffians, not to mention Liu Cong, may not be able to be tamed even if Yuan Rang comes."

Cao Cao spread his hands and said with an innocent face: "Doesn't he want military power? I'll give him... haha... Master Shangxian, what's the fourth condition?"

Ma Xiaoquan nodded and said humbly: "The fourth and fifth should be about the same, but Liu Cong wants to use your hand to trick someone."

"Oh? Lord Immortal, please tell me!"

Ma Xiaoquan said: "Liu Cong, I have to use your hands to deal with Cai Mao and his nephew Zhang Yun, um, and Liu Bei and Liu Qi."

"What's the best way to deal with it?"

Ma Xiaoquan thought for a moment and said: "Capture Liu Bei and Liu Qi alive, and evade Cai Mao and Zhang Yun!"

Cao Cao thought for a moment and said in confusion: "Aren't Cai Mao, Zhang Yun all members of his Liu family? What's wrong? What's wrong with him?"

Ma Xiaoquan smiled and said: "It's not that I have any cramps. What do you think? Although Liu Cong is the shepherd of Jingzhou, he doesn't even have any real power. He will definitely be unhappy over time. Well, his situation is different from that of the little emperor."

It feels almost the same when you hold it in your hand."

Cao Cao's face turned red and hehehe said: "Master Shangxian, you see what you are talking about is, hehehe... How can Liu Cong compare with the emperor?"

Ma Xiaoquan continued: "This kid Liu Cong seems to be quite narrow-minded. His father died only a short time ago and he is already thinking about sidelining Cai Hao and Zhang Yun to gain power on his own, haha..."

Cao Cao waved his hand and said: "It shouldn't be a problem if you ignore Cai Mao and Zhang Yun, but... I wonder what you think, Master Shangxian?"

Ma Xiaoquan asked Cao Cao: "Xiao Cao, if one day you capture Jingzhou, you will definitely plan to conquer Jiangdong, right?"

Cao Cao nodded and said: "No one knows me better than Lord Shangxian!"

"But you are soldiers from the north, how can you fight a water battle?"

Cao Cao shook his head.

Ma Xiaoquan said: "Since you don't know how to fight water battles, there must be someone who can lead the navy, right? Oh, by the way, for example, Guan Yu under Liu Bei's account can lead both the army and the navy. Xiao Cao, you have

Are there any talents in this area?”

Cao Cao smiled bitterly and said: "Master Shangxian, you really praise me. I was born in the north and fought in the north. Where can I find any generals who are good at training navy troops?"

Ma Xiaoquan smiled and said: "Cai Hao and Zhang Yun, the uncles and nephews, can lead your navy and lay some foundation for your campaign in Jiangdong, but they conflict with the conditions of Liu Cong..."

Cao Cao waved his hand and said: "Then it won't be empty."

"If you say it's not arrogant, then it's not arrogant. How do you think it's so beautiful?"

Cao Cao chuckled and said: "I know how to deal with this kid Liu Cong's frivolous intestines. Lord Shangxian, don't worry, I have thought of a clever plan. Not only can I use Cai Hao and Zhang Yun, but I can also make Liu Cong


Ma Xiaoquan laughed and said: "You old boy, you said that Liu Congyi has a lot of troubles, but you have more trouble than him, haha..."

Cao Cao scratched his scalp and said: "I will order people to prepare the seal soon. Lord Shangxian, please help me deliver it to Cai Mao and Zhang Yun. I want them to be my officials first, and then...


Ma Xiaoquan answered: "Then Cai Hao and Zhang Yun will help you coerce Liu Cong and put pressure on him, right?"

"Haha, I can't hide anything from you, Master Shangxian, haha..."

Ma Xiaoquan asked again: "What about Liu Qi and Liu Bei?"

Cao Cao snorted coldly: "Liu Qi is not a problem. Liu Bei is a hero. If I can catch him, I will definitely humiliate him and then kill him! Hum!"

Ma Xiaoquan said no more.

When talking about the last two conditions, Ma Xiaoquan had concealed some truth. After all, Liu Cong's original intention was to let Liu Bei, Liu Qi, Cai Hao, and Zhang Yun die, but what Ma Xiaoquan said was that he would be captured alive and framed.

This chapter has been completed!
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