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【334】Huang Gai’s fraudulent surrender

Summary of the previous chapter: Ma Xiaoquan returned to the front line, and Zhou Yu shamelessly asked Ma Xiaoquan to write a letter to Cao Cao... For such a matter, Ma Xiaoquan reluctantly accepted it...

Jiangling front line, inside Cao Cao's camp.

Holding the letter written by Ma Xiaoquan to himself, Cao Cao kept pouting.

On the side, Cheng Yu stepped forward and said respectfully: "Master, if it is as the Lord Shangxian said, then we must be careful and pay attention."

Cao Cao said disdainfully: "The demon is always startled. Do you think I will believe what he says?"

When Cao Cao said this, Cheng Yu became a little unsteady. Cheng Yu said: "According to this, the lord suspects that Lord Shangxian has defected?"

Cao Cao laughed loudly: "That's not possible for him to change sides, but that demon is so hot-headed that he might do something to help Sun Quan and Liu Bei, so you don't need to believe his letter too much!"

Cao Cao said that for this reason, Cheng Yu couldn't say any more.


Ma Xiaoquan was surprised and helpless when he learned that his letter to Cao Cao had disappeared.

What was pleasantly surprised was that Cao Cao's performance was as Yuan said, but what was helpless was that the friendship between himself and Cao Cao for so many years was in vain, and he didn't expect that Cao Cao still didn't trust him.

In his left eye, Yuan felt the regret in Ma Xiaoquan's heart, and comforted him: "Ma Xiaoquan, you don't have to regret anymore, and don't worry too much. Cao Cao is suspicious by nature, and this is also the inevitable result of history..."

Ma Xiaoquan was noncommittal, but Yuan was indeed right. If he continued to dwell on this matter, he would really be focusing on one thing and losing the other.

Patting his cheek gently, Ma Xiaoquan shook his head and responded: "I'm fine. Well, I'll go find Zhou Yu now."


When he saw Zhou Yu, Ma Xiaoquan told him about the letter.

After hearing this, Zhou Yu was very happy and asked quickly: "Then did Cao Cao perform anything?"

Ma Xiaoquan pretended to be serious and lied: "Well, we are so far apart, I can't see the details, but I watched the sky at night last night and concluded that Cao Cao will never make any move. Gong Jin, you

Just don’t worry!”

Zhou Yu made a sound, but still felt a little worried, so he asked again: "Master Shangxian, can you figure out Cao Cao's movements?"

Ma Xiaoquan chuckled: "You kid, I know what you have in mind, haha, don't worry, I will help you when the time comes."

Zhou Yu was overjoyed and quickly stepped forward to bow to Ma Xiaoquan.

Ma Xiaoquan readily accepted.

Nonsense, that old boy Cao Cao doesn't believe in him, so he has to give Zhou Yu a try, right?


Huang Gai's injuries have recovered somewhat. These days, Huang Gai has been secretly planning how to pretend to surrender to Cao Cao.

In addition to constantly spreading rumors that he was going to surrender to Cao Cao, Huang Gai also needed to write a letter of surrender to Cao Cao.

But how to write this letter?

It is certain that Huang Gai was brave, but Huang Gai had no confidence at all in writing a letter that Cao Cao would believe in his writing skills.

Just when Huang Gai was hesitant, Ma Xiaoquan suddenly appeared in front of him.

Huang Gai didn't have a good impression of Ma Xiaoquan, but when Ma Xiaoquan showed Sun Quan's handwritten silk letter to Huang Gai, Huang Gai's attitude towards Ma Xiaoquan immediately changed 80°.

After burning the silk letter, Huang Gai asked Ma Xiaoquan in confusion: "Master Hou, how do you think I should write this letter? I think I have to write some literary talent no matter what?"

Ma Xiaoquan shook his head: "Old General Huang is worrying too much. If you are writing a letter to Cao Cao, you'd better write it truthfully. It doesn't matter if you write the wrong words, as long as you don't make any corrections."

Huang Gai said, "Is it really possible?"

"Of course, General Huang, you must know best how much literary talent you have. If you insist on writing it by Wen Zou Zou, do you think Cao Cao will believe you? On the contrary, if you write it truthfully, how realistic will it be?

If you write more truthfully, I can believe you at least 60%, not to mention completely."

Huang Gai hummed heavily and said, "Master Hou, as for the content of the letter, what do you think I should write?"

Ma Xiaoquan thought for a moment: "Just write about the fact that you were beaten by Zhou Yu. Remember, you have to write with a little bit of resentment, and write down that you want to retire and don't want to fight..."

Huang Gai nodded, immediately picked up the carving knife and started writing.

Half an hour later, Huang Gai presented his letter of surrender to Ma Xiaoquan and asked him to review it.

Holding Huang Gai's letter of surrender, Ma Xiaoquan clicked his tongue twice in admiration.

Not to mention, although Huang Gai was a military general, his handwriting was beautifully carved, and there were no typos in it. More importantly, the content in Huang Gai's letter seemed very pertinent, especially the description of his advanced age.

, my wish to care for myself in old age can simply be described as moving.

"Pa" Ma Xiaoquan put the bamboo slip together, nodded to Huang Gai, and said: "This letter is well written. Well, you can send it to Cao Cao."

Huang Gai was overjoyed when he heard that he quickly arranged for his confidants to pack up his belongings and send the letter to Cao Cao's residence in Jiangling.


A day and a half later, the letter arrived safely in Cao Cao's hands.

Cao Cao unfolded it and took a look, and immediately laughed and said: "God help me, Zhongde, did you see that before I started fighting with Sun Quan's son, his generals started fighting among themselves, haha...


Cheng Yu respectfully took the bamboo slip letter from Cao Cao, read it once, and said thoughtfully: "My lord, what if Huang Gai surrenders by false pretenses?"

Cao Cao looked serious and said slowly: "Zhongde is right. In fact, I also suspected that Huang Gai was faking his surrender. However, according to the detailed report, Huang Gai was indeed beaten by Zhou Yu."

Cheng Yu said: "My lord, just based on Zhou Yu's attack on Huang Gai, we may not be able to judge that Huang Gai is sincere in surrendering! Even if Huang Gai comes to surrender, how he surrendered is not mentioned in the letter."

Cao Cao laughed and said confidently: "If Huang Gai wants to tell the specific steps of his surrender in the first letter, I may not believe him. Come on, get ready, I want to give Huang Gai a reply.



Huang Gai received a reply from Cao Cao. In addition to some words of admiration, the letter also contained steps on how to meet Huang Gai.

Huang Gai immediately found Ma Xiaoquan with Cao Cao's reply and asked the Immortal Marquis to help him come up with an idea.

Ma Xiaoquan took Cao Cao's reply and read it once, and said fiercely in his heart: Cao Cao, you old boy, don't believe me? Okay, then I'll let you suffer a severe defeat this time.

Ma Xiaoquan said to Huang Gai: "Old General Huang, this is very simple. If you arrange it like this..."

Huang Gai kept humming while listening. After listening, Huang Gai was very impressed.

"The Marquis is indeed very powerful. I, Huang Gai, am deeply impressed. Lord Marquis, Huang Gai was so disrespectful in the past. Please atone for his sins!"

"Eh?" Ma Xiaoquan waved his hand, "General Huang is a general of the Sun family, so naturally he has to share a lot of worries for his lord. I know you misunderstood me, but it doesn't matter. I am here to travel...


Huang Gai said: "Oh, by the way, the Marquis also has a title, Master Shangxian. Well, then I will also call you Master Shangxian from now on."

This chapter has been completed!
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