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[042] Emperor Xian of Han eats medicinal herbs

Lu Bu's original intention was to temporarily agree to Wang Yun. As for whether he would respond internally when the time came, that was a matter for later.

But when Master Shangxian suddenly mentioned the pill, Lu Bu suddenly got confused.

Lu Bu thought to himself: If his adoptive father really died as Master Shangxian said, wouldn't all his elixirs become mine?

Thinking of this, Lu Bu felt happy and said calmly: "Master Shangxian, if my adoptive father dies suddenly, then those pills refined by Shangxian..."

Ma Xiaoquan knew that Lu Bu would use this crooked idea, so he followed his wishes and said: "Dong Zhuo is dead, why do you still need those things? Aren't those things all yours?"

Lu Bu was overjoyed and clapped his hands happily.

Wang Yun was also moved when he heard about the elixir. The one given to him by Lord Shangxian a few days ago was stolen before he even looked at it. If he could convince Lu Bu, he would kill Dong Zhuo by then.

, it should be reasonable to ask Lu Bu for one or two pills.

Wang Yundao: "Fengxian, if Thief Dong is really killed, can you give me one of the elixirs refined by Master Shangxian?"

Lu Bu is not a stingy person. After all, if after killing Dong Zhuo, all 17 pills in Dong Zhuo's hand become his own, plus the two original pills in his hand, there will be a total of 19 pills. Give Wang Yun yi

Damn, this is nothing.

"Master Situ is right. If this matter can be accomplished, Bu Zi will give Master Situ an elixir..."

Wang Yun was overjoyed and clapped his hands and said: "Fengxian, I would like to thank you first. Come on, let's have a toast..."

That night, Lu Bu stayed in Situ's mansion and stayed happily all night. In his dream, Lu Bu dreamed that he was holding those elixirs in his hands and laughing...

In early March of the third year of Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty (AD 192), Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty Liu Xie, who was only twelve years old, was seriously ill and had been bedridden for more than a month to recuperate.

The emperor fell ill and all the officials were worried.


Dong Zhuo played with the rosewood box in his hand, but he was also at a loss.

Dong Zhuo was not worried because the little emperor was ill. He was thinking about when he would become an emperor. Calculating the time, there were still some days before the time for taking the elixir mentioned by Master Shangxian, but Dong Zhuo couldn't wait any longer.


"Li Ru!"

Dong Zhuo called Li Ru to his side: "I heard that the little emperor has been seriously ill for more than a month?"

Li Ru replied: "Yes!"

"Yes." Dong Zhuo curled his lips and handed the rosewood box in his hand to Li Rudao, "This is an elixir given to me by Master Shangxian. You can take this and let the little emperor eat it."

Li Ru took the rosewood box and said in surprise: "My father-in-law, don't you hope that the little emperor..."

Dong Zhuo shook his head: "I don't know whether this elixir is real or fake. Let the little emperor try it first so that I can see if this elixir is useful."


Li Ru accepted the order and did not dare to neglect. He sent the elixir to Changle Palace that night and said that he would personally watch the little emperor eat the elixir.

The little emperor was originally afraid of Dong Zhuo and had always been afraid that Dong Zhuo would harm him. Now he happened to be seriously ill. As the saying goes, I will kill you while you are sick. The little emperor held the rosewood box in his hand and did not dare to open the lid.

Li Ru looked worried and cursed: "What are you looking at? Eat! You coward!"

The little emperor was only twelve years old. He was still a child at this age. Li Ru's scolding made the little emperor burst into tears.

Li Ru couldn't stand it, but after all, the emperor and his ministers were different, and he couldn't open the little emperor's mouth and stuff it in for him. Therefore, Li Ru called Huang Men, a young eunuch next to the little emperor, to come to his side.

"You, go give the emperor medicine!"

The little eunuch Huang Men was so frightened that he dared not move. If Emperor Yi took poison, even if he had 100 heads, he might not be enough to kill him.

"Sir, have mercy on me, my lord, have mercy on me!" The little eunuch was so frightened that he knelt on the ground and begged Li Ru.

Li Ru had no choice but to step forward and snatch the rosewood box from the little emperor's hand.

Li Ru himself had never seen the specific appearance of the elixir. Although the Supreme Immortal gave his father-in-law as many as 17 pills, his father-in-law had never opened the box in front of him. Therefore, Li Ru also carefully packed the red sandalwood into the box.

The box is opened.

With a "click" sound, Li Ru pushed open the buckle of the box. Li Ru swallowed and slowly opened the box. Suddenly, a refreshing smell filled the air.

The little emperor who was originally crying was attracted by this fragrance and stopped crying.

"It smells so good!" Li Ru put the elixir to his nose excitedly and sniffed it, "Why do you still feel a little bit smelly?"

Li Ru didn't understand, but he didn't care either. He presented the elixir to the young emperor and said, "Your Majesty, the Grand Master heard that you are seriously ill and you are not getting better. He specially ordered me to send an elixir to treat your illness."

The little emperor took the elixir with trembling hands and was so frightened that he remained silent.

"Your Majesty, aren't you going to eat? Could it be that all the Grand Master's hard work has been in vain?"

The little emperor gritted his teeth, closed his eyes, grabbed the elixir, and put it into his mouth.

Although the elixir smells okay, the core is really not flattering.

As soon as he took his mouthful, the little emperor felt as if he had taken a sip of horse urine.

"Uh." The little emperor retched with nausea. Suddenly, a smell of filth erupted from the little emperor's mouth.

Li Ru was so close that he was so smelly that he also retched.

Immediately afterwards, the little emperor discovered that there were actually some beans-like things in this elixir.

These beans are none other than the croton beans that Ma Xiaoquan threw in originally.

Croton is a miracle medicine for diarrhea. Ordinary people will have diarrhea after just eating one or two pills. And there are probably a lot of them in such a big pill.

After taking the elixir, less than half an hour later, the little emperor blushed and said he needed to have a bowel movement.

"Quick, get on the toilet!"

In ancient times, the emperor never had to go out to go to the toilet. A special person would bring the toilet and let the emperor defecate. After the emperor finished defecating, there would be a special servant to wipe the emperor's buttocks.

In less than three hours, the little emperor had already eaten all sorts of meat and vegetables.

The little emperor was already seriously ill and weak, but suddenly, the little emperor was already on the verge of death.

More than an hour passed before the little emperor stopped pooping. However, at this time, the little emperor could barely breathe out.

Li Ru never left. He couldn't bear to see the little emperor like this, but thinking about his father-in-law, Li Ru became cruel again.

"My father-in-law once said that Master Shangxian's elixir can only be taken after one year. It has not yet been a year, and the emperor has taken it, and the effect is indeed not good!"

Li Ru shook his head, sighed a few times, and left Changle Palace.

However, history is history. Historically, Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty would not have died in the third year of Chuping, so Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty would definitely not have died.

Five days later, good news came from Changle Palace, saying that the young emperor's condition was stable.

Li Ru was also surprised when he heard the news...

"What? You mean that the little emperor's condition is stable?"

Li Ru was sweating profusely. When he came back a few days ago, he swore that the little emperor would not survive for 5 days. Unexpectedly, just after 5 days, the little emperor's condition became stable.

"Father-in-law, I..."

Dong Zhuo stretched out his hand, shook his head and said, "Li Ru, I don't blame you, but this illustrates a problem. Have you thought of it?"

Li Ru had been with Dong Zhuo for a long time, and he understood what Dong Zhuo meant after a little speculation.

"Father-in-law, are you talking about the immortal elixir..."

Dong Zhuo reached out and picked up a rosewood box and murmured: "Yes, the immortal elixir is really effective. I thought the little emperor had been ill for more than a month and had not recovered, so he took this elixir."

In 5 days, the disease is much better. Not only does it prolong life, but it also has miraculous effects in curing diseases. It is indeed an elixir... Li Ru, come with me to visit the emperor in a while."


After Dong Zhuo washed himself vigorously, he led Li Ru to Changle Palace.

In Changle Palace, in the emperor's bedroom, several young eunuchs and long waiters were busy going back and forth.

"The Grand Master has arrived." Upon hearing this, the little eunuchs quickly put down their work and knelt down to greet Dong Zhuo.

Dong Zhuo led Li Ru arrogantly to the door of the bedroom and said loudly: "Where is the emperor?"

A young eunuch replied: "Replying to the Grand Master, the Emperor's body is not well. Although he is better, he still needs to nurse himself back to health for a few days. The Imperial Physician is currently checking the Emperor's pulse."

Dong Zhuo hummed, and regardless of what was going on inside, he pushed open the bedroom door and went in.

At this moment, the imperial doctor was taking the pulse of the young emperor. When he saw Dong Zhuo coming, he hurriedly knelt down to greet Dong Zhuo.

Dong Zhuo waved his fat hand: "No need, you can continue to show it to the emperor!"

Dong Zhuo sat down on the emperor's bed and said, "How are you?"

Although the little emperor's complexion is rosy, his body is still very weak. The little emperor said: "Father Shang, my illness is much better. Thank you Shangfu for the elixir!"

Dong Zhuo was very proud. He patted the imperial doctor on the shoulder and said: "That's good, that's good. Emperor, just take good care of yourself. I'm just here to take a look. I have no other intention, hahaha..." Dong Zhuo

After saying that, he stood up and led Li Ru out of Changle Palace proudly.

The little emperor was in shock, and the imperial doctor beside him asked: "Your Majesty, are you sure it was the imperial master who gave you the elixir?"

The little emperor nodded.

"Is there any elixir left? I want to study one or two?"

The little emperor shook his head: "When Li Ru gave it to me, there was only one. I don't know if there are more. I thought the grand master wanted to harm me. Now that I think about it, it seems that I was overly worried.


The imperial doctor thought thoughtfully and said: "This elixir of the imperial master is really a miracle medicine. The emperor has been suffering from diarrhea for the past few days, and it has just discharged the damp and hot poison from the body. The minister felt the emperor's pulse. Although the emperor's body was weak, he had no symptoms."

If it's a serious problem, it only takes a few days to recover."

The little emperor nodded: "I'll thank you, the doctor."


After a month of recuperation, the little emperor's body has almost recovered.

The emperor was recovering from a serious illness, and all the officials were naturally going to see the emperor. At this time, Wang Yun's long-planned assassination of Dong Zhuo was slowly launched...

This chapter has been completed!
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