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【389】Twenty years

Summary of the previous chapter: Cao Cao held a banquet to entertain everyone. During the banquet, Ma Xiaoquan slipped out, but when he came back, he was drunk by Yang Liang... When he woke up the next day, all the horses in Cao Cao's house had been poisoned...


Ma Xiaoquan brought the wine bottle to his nose and smelled it carefully. He was a little surprised when he found that there was no smell.

"No taste?" Ma Xiaoquan turned around and ordered, "Find me a glass of water..."

After bringing the water, Ma Xiaoquan poured the water into the jug, shook it, and then poured out the water in the jug.

"Find me another silver nail..."

As soon as the silver nail was obtained, Ma Xiaoquan concentrated his energy and used the green spirit fire to temper the silver nail slightly.

Since the last time he went back and exchanged fire control experiences with Tomorrow Heart, Ma Xiaoquan learned that the green spirit fire can temper metals. As long as it is controlled properly, the green spirit fire that originally burned anything in sight can become a tempering fire.

Ma Xiaoquan's Green Spirit Fire has reached the full level, so he has no problem controlling the flames. His right hand was slightly glowing with light green fire, and he quickly hit the silver nail once. Xiao Jue said, Ma Xiaoquan

, it was originally supposed to be called Lu, but later the author was kind and decided to write it as Repeat. Ma Xiaoquan said: Damn, Juefengxuan, do you dare to be more shameless? The tempered silver nails are thinner than before.

Some, but the gloss is much better than before.

Ma Xiaoquan submerged the silver nail into the water and let it sit for a while. When he took it out, he found that the silver nail was completely black.

"Very poisonous!" Ma Xiaoquan threw the silver nail on the ground and turned to Cao Cao, "Xiao Cao, it seems that this wine pot is poisonous."

Cao Cao looked at the blackened silver nails on the ground and was furious. He said, "I want to investigate thoroughly and find out who poisoned him. I will not spare him."

Ma Xiaoquan nodded, a hint of murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

This wine jug was brought over by the young stableboy while he was still awake. In this case, this wine jug was the same wine jug that Yang Liang toasted to yesterday.

Before Yang Liang toasted, Ma Xiaoquan also used this jug to pour wine to the people next to him. At that time, no poison was found, and people who drank the wine from the jug did not feel any discomfort.

From this point of view, the person who poisoned the wine pot was probably Yang Liang.

What Ma Xiaoquan didn't understand was why Yang Liang poisoned the wine pot. Didn't he know the dangers of doing so?

"Well" Ma Xiaoquan held his chin and began to think deeply. After thinking for a long time, he said to Cao Cao: "Xiao Cao, please don't make any announcement in advance. I'm afraid there is something fishy about this matter."

Cao Cao also thought for a while, nodded and said: "What Master Shangxian said is absolutely true. From this point of view, we can only investigate secretly."


It was already evening when I bid farewell to Cao Cao and returned to the Ma family compound.

Seeing that her husband smelled of alcohol, Hua Yuexin complained a lot. After changing her clothes, she smiled with satisfaction.

At this moment, Cao Cao suddenly sent someone to bring a message to Ma Xiaoquan, saying that he asked Ma Xiaoquan to secretly investigate the poisoning matter. As for the Huai River, there was no need to go there in person.

Ma Xiaoquan was naturally very happy and accepted Cao Cao's request. Ma Xiaoquan immediately held a family meeting.


In July 209 AD, the 14th year of Emperor Xian's reign of the Han Dynasty, Cao Cao abandoned his troops and went to the Huai River to station troops in the fields for water conservancy construction. At the same time, a rebellion suddenly broke out in the Lujiang River.

Cao Cao ordered Zhang Liole, Li Dian and three generals to go to suppress the situation. After it was successfully pacified, the three of them were ordered to stay in Hefei.

In the winter of the 14th year of Jian'an, Cao Ren, who had been fighting against Zhou Yu for more than a year, finally could not withstand Zhou Yu's superior troops and reported the war situation in Nanjun to his lord Cao Cao.

Cao Cao was in Qiaocheng at this time and it was inconvenient to deal with it. After thinking about it, he decided to temporarily entrust the matter to Ma Xiaoquan, the master of Shangxian.

Ma Xiaoquan didn't want to take this job. After all, he had always emphasized that he would not participate in the world's disputes. However, after seeing the large boxes of treasures sent by Cao Cao, he "reluctantly" agreed.

Of course, you can't do it blatantly if you take this job. After all, this dynasty still has the surname Liu, not Cao. Cao Cao has made too many enemies in the government and the public. Ma Xiaoquan has no real power, so he won't be too hated by others, but the two of them

The relationship is really good, so...if Ma Xiaoquan takes too big actions, he will be cursed and jealous by those old Han officials.

Ma Xiaoquan asked someone to imitate Cao Cao's handwriting and sent an express letter to Cao Ren, ordering him to abandon Nanjun immediately and make a strategic retreat. At the same time, he secretly wrote a letter to Liu Bei who was far away in Jingzhou, asking him to report to the imperial court that he recommended Sun Quan as Chariot.

Cavalry General Xuzhou Mu.

After receiving the letter, Cao Ren did not read it carefully, but believed it to be true, and immediately withdrew from Jiangling with the assistance of the Xiangyang defenders. Since then, Zhou Yu finally captured Jiangling, a strategic location.

Sun Quan was so smart that he immediately appointed Zhou Yu as the prefect of Jiangling and Cheng Pu as the prefect of Jiangxia. While he was preparing the next plan, Liu Bei suddenly reported to the court and recommended him as the Chariot and Cavalry General Xuzhou Mu.

In late December, Liu Qi died of illness, and Sun Quan reciprocated by recommending Liu Bei as the shepherd of Jingzhou.

Liu Bei originally did not dare to take on the role of Jingzhou Shepherd, but Lord Shangxian's letter clearly pointed out Jingzhou's strategic deployment. As a last resort, Liu Bei had no choice but to shamelessly take on the role of Jingzhou Shepherd. At the same time, he followed the advice in Ma Xiaoquan's letter to him and asked

Sun Quan wants Jingzhou.

Sun Quan and Zhou Yu worked together, and Zhou Yu actually agreed to Liu Bei's request.

Zhou Yu gave the land on the south bank of the Yangtze River to Liu Bei, and Sun Quan married his sister to Liu Bei... The troubled times... continue...


Lu Xian carefully wiped the objects on his hands, feeling extremely excited.

Thinking of his previous negotiation with Zhang Lu and successfully getting back the solar recorder, Lu Xian felt sad in his heart.

Zhang Lu was not a wealthy person, so he was able to serve as the prefect of Hanzhong because of his status as the "leader of the Five Pecks of Rice Sect".

Lu Xian was a disciple of Zuo Ci and had extensive research on Taoism. After meeting with Zhang Lu, Lu Xian confirmed from Zhang Lu that the solar recorder was in Zhang Lu's hands by exchanging experiences.

At that time, Lu Xian was so happy that he almost screamed.

Lu Xian was worthy of being Lu Xian. He became young and prosperous. He used his own experience to speak out and successfully convinced Zhang Lu with his system of monastic knowledge.

Zhang Lu was a generous man. Seeing that Lu Xian was interested in the solar recorder in his hand, he gave it to Lu Xian as a meeting gift.

Lu Xian knew that Zhang Lu was not good at making money, so he secretly prepared a batch of treasures and bribed several important officials in Hanzhong beautifully, completely blocking the mouths of others.


Back at the inn, Mr. Lu locked himself in the room alone and saw no one.

Yuan Fang stood outside the door and felt very unwilling when he heard bursts of wild laughter coming from inside the house.

"Hey" Yuan Fang sighed and thought to himself: It seems that I have to inform Ma Xiaoquan.

At this time, Ma Xiaoquan, who was far away in Yecheng, was busy helping Cao Cao clean up the mess. He didn't know yet that Lu Xian had obtained the solar recorder.

After Cao Cao came back from Qiao, he was very happy to learn that Master Shangxian had helped him complete the strategic deployment.

Although Cao Ren withdrew from Jiangling under the guise of his own name, overall, Lord Shangxian and Cao Cao still had the same idea.

In the evening, Cao Cao personally visited Ma Xiaoquan in the Ma family compound and brought another batch of treasures.

Ma Xiaoquan happily accepted the offer and hosted a banquet in honor of Cao Cao.

During the dinner, Ma Xiaoquan asked Cao Cao about his plans for next year. Cao Cao took a sip of Dukang wine and said slowly: "Recruit talents!"

Ma Xiaoquan nodded and asked Jingzhou what to do?

Cao Cao thought for a while and said: "Zhou Gongjin is very impressive. Although I have lost Nanjun in Jingzhou, it would be great if I could persuade Zhou Yu to join my account..." As he said that, Cao Cao stood up

I was interested in recruiting, so I asked Master Shangxian if it was possible?

Ma Xiaoquan pretended to think deeply and said: "It is said that there is a talented person named Jiang Gan under your account, Xiao Cao. He and Zhou Yu are classmates from the same hometown. How about sending Jiang Gan out and giving it a try?"

Cao Cao thought it was very reasonable and asked: "What if it doesn't succeed?"

Ma Xiaoquan thought to himself: It must be unsuccessful.

"Haha, if you don't succeed, you won't succeed. Anyway, you haven't lost anything. Trying is better than never trying, right?"

Cao Cao nodded, found a subordinate, and immediately issued an order, ordering Jiang Gan to leave for Jiangling immediately...

The banquet lasted until late at night. Cao Cao had a good drinker and drank several bottles without feeling drunk. Ma Xiaoquan, because of the drinking incident last time, didn't drink much either.

Outside the Ma family compound, Ma Xiaoquan vaguely heard the barking of dogs and couldn't help but sigh deeply.

When Cao Cao heard this, he asked curiously: "Why did Master Shangxian sigh?"

Ma Xiaoquan smiled and said, "Xiao Cao, twenty years have passed in the blink of an eye."

Cao Cao was stunned for a moment, and then sighed and said: "Yes, I still remember the time when we first met in the sixth year of Emperor Ling's reign. It was such a dazzling twenty years... In these twenty years, we

...Oh no, I am really old, but you, Master Shangxian, are still young..." As he spoke, Cao Cao couldn't help but shook his head.

Ma Xiaoquan said: "Xiao Cao, you are actually very powerful. In the past twenty years, you have gone from a small captain to one person under ten thousand people..."

"No!" Cao Cao interrupted, "Although this is the case, even though it is the case, I am not happy at all."

"Why did Xiao Cao say this?"

Cao Cao said: "Actually, I didn't have any ambitions originally, but because of these troubled times, I was pushed to the forefront..."

Listening to Cao Cao's complaints, Ma Xiaoquan smiled and said nothing. If another person said this to Ma Xiaoquan, he might be despised by Ma Xiaoquan, but Cao Cao was different. After knowing Cao Cao for twenty years, Ma Xiaoquan saw it in him.

There are many flashes of humanity, and of course, there is also a lot of despicability and helplessness. Ma Xiaoquan also thought that if he were Cao Cao, he might have done even worse things.

"Haha..." Ma Xiaoquan patted Cao Cao on the shoulder and poured Cao Cao a glass of Dukang wine, "The matter is over, Xiao Cao doesn't have to worry..."

Cao Cao picked up the wine glass and drank the whole cup of Du Kang.

"Lord Immortal, what is the object you are looking for?"

Ma Xiaoquan smiled bitterly and said: "Actually, I have already done some research. The object I am looking for is now in the hands of Zhang Lu in Hanzhong."

"Huh?" Cao Cao said in surprise, "Then why doesn't Master Shangxian go get it back?"

Ma Xiaoquan shook his head and said nothing.

Cao Cao was so smart that he immediately understood Ma Xiaoquan's difficulties.

"Hey" Cao Cao patted Ma Xiaoquan on the shoulder and said, "Sir Shangxian, actually... you are also a human, right?"

Ma Xiaoquan looked at Cao Cao, neither nodding nor shaking his head.

"Haha..." Cao Cao picked up the flask and filled himself and Ma Xiaoquan with wine: "Master Shangxian, come and drink. We won't rest until you and I get drunk tonight!"

Ma Xiaoquan laughed, picked up the wine glass, and clinked a glass with Cao Cao: "Come on, then you can rest without getting drunk, haha..."

End of this volume

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