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[398] The ghost is coming

Summary of the previous chapter: North of Yecheng is a forest that was specially used for jungle warfare training by Cao Cao. Ma Xiaoquan led his four sons to the woods, using the excuse of field expansion to give Cao Cao a hard blow on his pride.


"Let's go." After a gentle command, a tall figure led four short figures and began to move.

Among the four short figures, the two smallest figures lurked halfway and suddenly changed directions, while the other two slightly taller figures chose the other side.

As for the largest figure in the middle, he sneaked straight into the center of Cao's camp.

Ma Xiaoquan secretly sneaked into a Cao Jun camp and found that Cao Jun inside was snoring in confusion, and he couldn't help but feel overjoyed.

He stole all the clothes and trousers of all Cao's soldiers in the camp, and then sneaked out quietly.

On the other hand, Ma Xiaoquan's four youngest sons also carried out his orders step by step. However, in addition to stealing the clothes and pants of these Cao soldiers, the sons also had to prepare some small tricks according to Ma Xiaoquan's other instructions.

Of course, Ma Xiaoquan did not elaborate on what Huo Zhezi did.

An hour later, the sons quietly gathered together.

At this time, Ma Xiaoquan suddenly jumped out, hugged his sons and asked quietly: "Boys, how are you doing with the work I asked you to do?"

Ma Zheng said quietly: "Sir, it has been completed."

Ma Xiaoquan chuckled, waved his hand, and whispered: "You retreat into the woods immediately, and I will do the rest."

Ma Xiao said: "Sir, can we join you?"

Ma Xiaoquan thought for a moment, nodded and said: "Okay, just in time, I suddenly had another idea."

After Ma Xiaoquan finished speaking, he pulled his four sons together, gave a few orders in a low voice, and then let his sons leave.

After all, children are much simpler than adults. Although they did not understand the idea Ma Xiaoquan said, out of admiration for their father, the four sons resolutely implemented Ma Xiaoquan's idea.

Ma Zheng is still teamed up with Ma Qiang, but this time the two of them are not just stealing Cao Bing's clothes and pants. Ma Xiaoquan specially assigned a task to his two sons, which Ma Xiaoquan thought was impossible.


In fact, if this task was done by adults, it couldn't be easier. However, since the two sons are less than ten years old, it is naturally very difficult to do it.

Ma Qiang quietly poked his third brother Ma Zheng in the arm and whispered: "Third brother, I'm afraid..."

Ma Zheng was an eccentric person. Although he was also afraid in his heart, when he thought of his father's tall and powerful image, he immediately patted his younger brother on the shoulder like a little adult and whispered: "Don't worry, my brother is here."

"Oh" Ma Qiang was still very scared, even with his brother's comfort, but his brother was not much older than him.

Ma Xiao and Ma Kun are better off. Since Ma Xiao is the eldest son, the Ma family has to train this eldest son earlier than other sons. Although Ma Xiao is not the son of his wife Hua Yuexin, Ma Xiaoquan said before that the eldest son

If he has the ability to inherit the Ma family's business, he must be the eldest son of the Ma family.

Therefore, as Ma Xiao's mother Diao Chan, she naturally has various requirements for her son.

The second son Ma Kun was born to Ling'er. Compared with his elder brother Ma Xiao, he showed extraordinary calmness at a young age. Among several sons, Ma Xiaoquan still likes Ma Kun the most. However, due to his mother Ling'er's

This influenced the second son Ma Kun, although he was calm, but he was quite capable of losing his temper. Therefore... Ever since Ma Kun could remember, his mother Ling'er had always treated her son with a free-ranging strategy.

As for Ma Zheng and Ma Qiang, one was mischievous and the other was dragged by his mother to sort out the confidential documents of the Baiyi clan every day, so Ma Xiaoquan didn't take them too seriously.

But... when I went to my uncle's house before, I looked through the Ma family's genealogy, and Ma Xiaoquan still clearly remembered the name Ma Zheng.

According to the genealogy, the Ma family has been established since the Wei and Jin Dynasties, but it has been too long, and there have been ups and downs during the period. In modern times, the family has been divided. As for the second patriarch of the family, it is clear in the genealogy.

It says Ma Zheng.

"No..." Thinking of this, Ma Xiao couldn't help but laugh softly.

Although the third son, Ma Zheng, was born to Huayue Xin, his father, Ma Xiaoquan, was very dissatisfied with this third son. This brat was a tyrant in the Ma family compound. Although he was very polite, he had many things behind his back.

The naughty and mischievous things really caused everyone in the Ma family compound to suffer a lot.

"Well" Ma Xiaoquan hummed softly again and said to himself, "It seems that after the task of this solar recorder is completed, I have to go to my uncle's house again to look at the genealogy...

..." The Ma family genealogy will be presented in the second chapter. Well, this volume should be the last volume of Spring of the Three Kingdoms...

The sons quietly carried out the tasks given by their father, Ma Xiaoquan, who was also the commander, while Ma Xiaoquan secretly took out a piece of dry food from the bag behind his back and ate it.

After another half an hour, Ma Xiaoquan felt that it was almost done, so he gently wiped his mouth and waited quietly.

At this time, the four sons rushed back from different directions. Through the faint moonlight, Ma Xiaoquan saw that his sons all had drowsy expressions.

It's no wonder that children are able to sleep for a long time now, so it is inevitable that they will get sleepy easily.

"Cheer up my spirits."

The sons were obedient. When their father gave an order, they all rubbed their little faces vigorously to cheer up.

"Very good. Have you done everything I asked you to do?"

The four sons nodded softly.

"Very good." Ma Xiaoquan said "very good" again, and then whispered, "Now the last step also needs you to complete. Well... you open your throat and shout for me. The louder the shout, the better."

Don't stop even if your throat is broken by shouting... As for the content of the shouting... Well, you just shout that ghosts are coming... Okay, I'll count yi, two, three, yi...


When Ma Xiaoquan was talking to his sons before, some of them kept their voices very low, but in Ma Xiaoquan's last sentence just now, he used the word "shout" with full confidence.

The reason is the same. The word "shout" used by Ma Xiaoquan was to cheer up his sons.

Sure enough, when the sons heard this, they were stunned at first, and then resolutely carried out the orders of their father and chief.

"The ghost is coming...the ghost is coming..."

The tender voices of children kept ringing in the woods, and accompanied by the breeze, it really felt a little cautious.

Ma Xiaoquan was not idle either. While his sons were shouting, he quietly activated the green spirit fire in his hand.

Since Ma Xiaoquan's manipulation of the Green Spirit Fire has reached the full level, during the manipulation process, Ma Xiaoquan specially reduced the color and intensity of the Green Spirit Fire. From a distance, the wisps of fire were like will-o'-the-wisps.

After a burst of shouts from his sons, Cao Ying became noisy as if a pot had exploded.

"Where are my clothes...?"

"Damn, where are my pants..."

"Holy shit, where are my pants..."

"You call me JB, my pants are gone too..."


Ma Xiaoquan, who was hiding not far away, could not help but twitch when he heard the shouts and curses of these Cao soldiers.

The shouts and curses coming from Cao's camp gradually drowned out the shouts of Ma Xiaoquan's sons. The sons were smart enough. When they heard that shouting had no effect, they stopped immediately and rubbed their necks in discomfort.

"Evacuate!" Ma Xiaoquan ordered, and his sons jumped into action, followed their father, and evacuated secretly.


The next day, Cao Cao received a report, which read: The soldiers who were training north of Yecheng last night encountered many ghosts. These ghosts shamelessly stole the soldiers' clothes and trousers.

, oh yes, there are also several pairs of underpants...

Cao Cao was furious and immediately ordered the generals who led the team to be beaten with thirty army sticks. At the same time, he issued an order: From today on, if anyone sleeps to death again at night, he will be killed!

How could Cao's soldiers dare to neglect after receiving the order, especially the leading general who was dragged back and received thirty sticks for no reason. Fortunately, it was his fellow countryman who performed the military duties, so he did not use much force. Otherwise, it is estimated that

This guy will have to lie down for the rest of his life.

This chapter has been completed!
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