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【405】Son's First Kiss

Summary of the previous chapter: Cao Cao was chased by Ma Chao's Xiliang cavalry on the south bank of the Yellow River. He was in a very embarrassing situation, but fortunately he escaped without any danger. On the other hand, Ma Xiaoquan led his son Ma Zheng away from Xu Huang...


The weather in the northwest has a big temperature difference between morning and evening. At night, the wind is biting.

Ma Xiaoquan held his son Ma Zheng with one arm, and the other hand was not idle either.

With a little concentration, a light red flame immediately burned from the palm of his hand.

"Dad" felt the warm radiation of the flame, and Ma Zheng moved slightly.

Ma Xiaoquan also secretly complained in his heart, if he had known better, he would have asked Xu Huang for a carriage.

"Hold on for a while, there is a light ahead, it should be a house, just hold on, we will be almost there."

As he spoke, Ma Xiaoquan put his horse on his back and ran quickly towards the bright light.

As he got closer to the bright light, Ma Xiaoquan saw clearly that it was really a family.

After extinguishing the Red Lotus Bahuo in his hand, Ma Xiaoquan slowly stepped forward, knocked on the door with a "bang bang bang" sound, and said softly: "Is there anyone there?"

Seeing no one answered, Ma Xiaoquan gently knocked on the door a few more times.

Still no one answered.

"Huh?" Ma Xiaoquan put Ma Zheng down from his back, pushed the door with a little force with both hands, and heard a creaking sound, and the door opened.

As soon as the door was opened, a woman's screams were heard from inside the house.

"Holy shit, what's going on?"

Ma Xiaoquan protected his son with one hand, and the other hand ignited a light red flame.

"You...don't come here...don't come here..."

"Huh?" Ma Xiaoquan took a closer look. It turned out that in the corner of the room, a woman with disheveled hair was protecting a girl. It looked like a mother and daughter.

The mother and daughter were so frightened that they shivered when they saw the flames on Ma Xiaoquan's hands.

Ma Xiaoquan hesitated for a moment and decided to extinguish the flame in his hand. However, before extinguishing it, Ma Xiaoquan still lit several oil lamps in the room.

"Don't come over...don't come over..." the woman repeated again.

Looking at the woman's violently trembling body, Ma Xiaoquan knew that something must have happened to the woman before, so he comforted her: "Okay, okay, I won't come over."

After saying that, Ma Xiaoquan pulled his son Ma Zheng to his side and wiped the dirt from his face.

When the woman saw that Ma Xiaoquan was bringing a child, her nervous heart immediately relaxed a lot. When she saw Ma Xiaoquan wiping the dust from Ma Zheng's face, the woman trembled and asked: "Then...then

Is he your son?"

Ma Xiaoquan replied, "Yes, this is my son!"

Ma Zheng nodded, stepped forward, and said loudly: "Hello!"

The woman's eyes were a little dim, but she nodded slightly.

Seeing the fear on the woman's face, Ma Xiaoquan asked, "Excuse me, what happened just now?"

The woman stared directly at Ma Xiaoquan. She did not answer his question quickly, but asked: "Who are you?"

It's no wonder that the woman asked this, because Ma Xiaoquan's purple hair is very eye-catching.

Ma Xiaoquan scratched his scalp and said: "Oh, my name is Ma Xiaoquan..."

"Ah!" Before Ma Xiaoquan could finish speaking, the woman actually screamed.

"What's wrong? Is something wrong?"

The woman covered her mouth and shook her head, saying nothing.

Ma Xiaoquan sighed and said: "Okay, I told you my name, and you were very surprised. You must know something. If it's convenient, you can tell me."

The woman put down her hand covering her mouth and said softly: "Are you sure you are Ma Xiaoquan?"

Ma Xiaoquan smiled slightly, concentrated a little, and his right hand immediately ignited a crimson flame.

"You..." the woman shook her hands and pointed at the red flame in Ma Xiaoquan's hand, "You are really Ma Xiaoquan, you are really..."

Ma Xiaoquan extinguished the flame in his hand and said doubtfully: "You have confused me. I don't know you, how can you know me?"

The woman shook her head and said: "Yes, you do not know me, but I know you!"

Ma Xiaoquan chuckled and shook his head helplessly.

Ma Zheng looked at the little girl in the woman's arms, blinked and asked Ma Xiaoquan: "Dad, she said the little girl's eyes are red."

"Red?" Ma Xiaoquan looked in the direction of his son's finger. Sure enough, the little girl was staring at him with crimson eyes.

"Ah!" The woman covered the eyes of the little girl in her arms and said anxiously, "Hurry up, hurry up...be careful." As the woman said, she let go of the little girl in her arms and rushed towards Ma Xiaoquan.

come over.

Without saying a word, Ma Xiaoquan drew a circle on the spot and avoided the woman's grasp.

The woman was in vain, but became even more anxious: "You...don't hide..."

Depressed, Ma Xiaoquan held Ma Zheng in his arms and said, "What are you doing?"

The woman shook her head desperately and pointed at Ma Zheng in Ma Xiaoquan's arms: "Your son, he...he..."

"Huh?" Ma Xiaoquan was stunned for a moment, looked down, and was shocked.

Ma Zheng's forehead turned blue, his eyes turned white, and bubbles began to bubble from his mouth.

"What's going on?" Ma Xiaoquan roared, "What's going on?"

The woman rushed forward, snatched Ma Zheng from Ma Xiaoquan's arms, then quickly returned to the little girl, forcibly grabbed the little girl's hair, and then put the little girl's mouth to Ma Zheng's mouth.

"This..." Ma Xiaoquan was stunned when he saw this scene.

The son is still ten years old, so how come he has already kissed her? Although people in this era are civilized relatively early, and some people get married at the age of thirteen, but after all, the son Ma Zheng is only ten years old.

In surprise, Ma Xiaoquan was surprised to find that his son's face, which was still green before, turned rosy in an instant.

"Um...Okay..." The woman wiped the sweat from her head and carried Ma Zheng back to Ma Xiaoquan.

Although Ma Zheng recovered as before, he had fainted.

Ma Xiaoquan stretched out his hand to explore his son's carotid artery. After confirming that there was no problem, he asked, "What's going on?"

The woman shook her head and pointed at the little girl behind her: "This is my daughter, she is a devil."

"Devil?" Ma Xiaoquan was surprised. People in this era don't know the word "devil"?

"Yes, she is a devil!"

Ma Xiaoquan was curious: "What's wrong with the devil?"

The woman pointed to a puddle of black water in the ground not far away and murmured: "That is..."

Ma Xiaoquan frowned, looked closer, and asked, "Dark red? Is this blood?"

"Yes!" The woman stepped forward, "Yes, it's blood!"

"Why is there blood here? What happened?"

The woman pointed at her daughter, with a trace of sadness in her eyes: "It's all caused by this devil!"

Ma Xiaoquan was curious: "What's going on?"

The woman sighed and said slowly:

It turned out that her daughter had been suffering from a strange disease since she was 7 years old. At first, her daughter's eyes were blue, and then gradually turned red. When her daughter was 9 years old, her eyes completely turned dark red. Normally, her daughter's eyes would be blue.

The color of her eyes is normal, but once she encounters something that she is afraid of, the color of her eyes will turn into dark red involuntarily. What is even more frightening is that as long as someone stares at her dark red eyes, then

People will soon be poisoned, and then the whole body will turn black, and then dry up and corrode, turning into a pool of blood... And if you want to survive, you must use your daughter's saliva...

"So scary?" Ma Xiaoquan was shocked after hearing the woman's retelling. Fortunately, his son had kissed that little girl just now...wait...swallow?

"Fuck!" Thinking of this, Ma Xiaoquan couldn't help but admire his son. This little bastard who was only ten years old had already had a salivating kiss with this girl?

"Then...your daughter..."

Ma Xiaoquan wanted to ask the woman, how many people has your daughter kissed?

The woman saw Ma Xiaoquan's thoughts and said, "Don't worry, your son is the second and first man besides me."

Oops! The first man sounds so heart-warming. Isn’t this the first kiss? Damn it, this bastard Ma Zheng is so much more civilized than your father and I. Why did I kiss for the first time when I was 1 and 1 years old? You kid

He is actually one year ahead of your father and me? How unreasonable?

This chapter has been completed!
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