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【441】Pistol Model

Summary of the previous chapter: Lu Xian used up two bullets at once, leaving only one final bullet. Because he was anxious to implement the strategy against Ma Xiaoquan, Lu Xian decided to postpone it for half a month and go to Chaisang to capture the skilled craftsmen.

Blacksmith Ma Xiaoquan also roughly guessed what Lu Xian was thinking, so he asked Sun Quan to make preparations...

Ma Xiaoquan's idea is actually very simple. He wants to destroy Magnum.

The best way to destroy it is to let Magnum explode... But now the gun is in Lu Xian's hand.

Ma Xiaoquan thought for a long time and decided to draw the method of making the bullet, and then let it escape from the hands of a few brave blacksmiths in Chaisang. If Lu got it first, he would definitely make the bullet according to the sketch he drew. In that case, as long as

If Lu Xianduo uses such low-quality bullets, the Magnum will inevitably explode. By then, Lu Xian's hand will be useless...

Ma Xiaoquan concluded that Lu Xian would not leave Chaisang so easily, because Lu Xian already knew Ma Xiaoquan's origin, so Lu Xian would definitely think that Ma Xiaoquan could make bullets.

Lu Xian was right. Ma Xiaoquan could indeed make bullets. The earliest national special information troops and the current Extreme Raiders. In addition to being good at information offensive and defensive warfare, Ma Xiaoquan also had a hobby, which was to borrow ammunition and observe the structure of ammunition.

When he was in the National Special Forces Brigade, due to his mission, Ma Xiaoquan always had access to a lot of guns and ammunition, and naturally he borrowed and studied a lot of them.

Making dum bombs is actually not difficult, but making an excellent dum bomb is not easy.

When performing tasks in the National Special Forces Brigade, Ma Xiaoquan would grind and cut the warheads of a batch of bullets into a cross notch, and then equip them for his teammates and himself to use. In this way, once the bullets penetrate the human body, they will definitely explode.

Rolling inside the body, causing large-scale damage.

It's just that... the bullet making diagram that Ma Xiaoquan ordered Sun Quan to leave is not a dummy bullet, it is the simplest bullet at best. It's just that... Ma Xiaoquan made the structural part of the bullet.

Made some slight adjustments.

Unknown to outsiders, Ma Xiaoquan, an ammunition expert, is very aware of the importance of ammunition structure.

A thermal weapon not only requires high craftsmanship to make the thermal weapon itself, but its ammunition also requires some professional manufacturing technology. Using a pistol as an analogy, if the ammunition has not been discharged from the barrel, it will be in the barrel.

If the barrel is exploded, not to mention the user's hand will be blown off, it may even endanger his life.

Ma Xiaoquan stood up, put his hands behind his back, and took a deep breath.

"Mr. Lu, Mr. Lu, I hope you can get my sketch smoothly... humph..."


Half a month later, a group of northern businessmen came to Chaisang City.

For a big city like Chaisang, the daily flow of people is very large. Not to mention the merchants from the north, even the horse merchants from Wuhuan have the opportunity to meet them.

Lu Xian mingled among these businessmen. At this time, his appearance had changed. His original Chinese character face was covered with fine beard, his hair was quite messy, and he was wearing a gray-blue robe.

, and a few small patches.

Chaisang's guards frowned slightly when they saw Lu Xian's appearance.

In the hearts of these southern soldiers, the northerners were nothing but savages. Although the bearded guy in front of them was a businessman, they were disgusting no matter how they looked at them.

After checking and finding nothing suspicious, the southern soldier waved his hand impatiently: "Go in."

Lu Xian bowed slightly and led the horse into Chaisang.

Since he was following the caravan, Lu Xian did not attract too much attention. After entering a hotel and settling down, Lu Xian and a few "colleagues" went out to explore.

Businessmen in the north used to call understanding local prices "exploring the wind". Lu Xian was from the north, so he naturally understood the practices of northern businessmen. After following a few "colleagues" around for a long time, Lu Xian made an excuse and left temporarily.

Wind exploration team.

Lu Xian joined the caravan midway, and his temporary departure did not attract much attention from his colleagues. After all, we are all businessmen. I may not like the items you like, and I may not need what you need.

"Xiao Lu... let's meet at the inn tonight," a businessman with all white hair looked at Mr. Lu and ordered.

Lu Xian bowed respectfully and said: "Mr. Ge, please don't worry, I just want to see the goods I like again."

The old businessman nodded in agreement: "Okay, then go and come back early!"

Lu Xian nodded slightly and watched his colleagues leave.

As soon as his colleagues turned the corner, Lu Xian quickly ducked into a house.

As soon as the "master" closed the door, two lean men wearing ordinary robes came forward and knelt in front of Lu Xian.

Lu Xian waved his hand: "How are the preparations going?"

"Replying to my master's words, Ma Xiaoquan has indeed taken action."

"Oh?" Mr. Lu raised his eyebrows, "Go on."

"Master, three days ago... several blacksmiths from Chaisang received a business order... They made it. It can be said that no one knows what it is used for... Master

Please take a look..."

Lu Xian took a white scroll from his subordinate's hand, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Haha... I knew that Ma Xiaoquan would definitely make this kind of thing..." Lu Xian shook the white scroll in his hand proudly, "I know, now I will give you a task

, investigate for me to see if that demon has anything similar to mine!" Lu Xian said, taking Magnum out of his arms and shaking it twice.



Chaisang, Sun Quan’s home.

Satisfied, Ma Xiaoquan shook the thing in his hand a few times and said, "Finally it's done, haha..."

Sun Quan was curious and excited at the same time. Why was the thing in Master Shangxian's hand different from the one Lu Xian used a few days ago? Moreover... it seemed to have a very simple structure.

"Lord Immortal, can you use this?"

Ma Xiaoquan said in his heart that it must not be used, but he said: "Of course it can, this thing is an immortal weapon from the immortal world, and I have condensed my immortal magic for a long time to make it."

"Immortal weapon?" Sun Quan's heart moved and he said with a blush, "Master Immortal, would you like me to touch it?"

"No!" Ma Xiaoquan refused, "I can only use the fairy weapon. If you mortals use it, it will definitely destroy the fairy weapon."

Sun Quan was unwilling to give in: "The thing used by Lu Xian must also be an immortal weapon. How can he use it?"

Ma Xiaoquan said: "Although that weapon is also an immortal weapon, it has been in the human world for a long time and has been contaminated by the smoke and smoke of the human world. Naturally, you mortals can use it."

"Oh, Lord Immortal, how long will this immortal weapon in your hand have to be contaminated with the smoke and smoke of the human world before we can use it?"

Ma Xiaoquan frowned and lied: "It will take about two hundred years."

"Two hundred years?" Sun Quan's originally warm heart suddenly turned cold, "Hey!!"

Ma Xiaoquan patted Sun Quan on the shoulder and comforted him: "Don't worry, I have just made this immortal weapon. I need to keep it in my hands and play with it for decades. After a few decades, it can be used by mortals."


Sun Quan nodded and asked: "Master Shangxian, why is this thing of yours different from the one used by Lu Xian?"

Ma Xiaoquan smiled bitterly in his heart, do you think Magnum can be created casually?

"Oh, this magical weapon of mine can be advanced. In a few decades, it will look almost like Lu Xian's."

Sun Quan said oh, and he really believed it.

Ma Xiaoquan breathed out and finally fooled Sun Quan. This thing can no longer be taken out casually. If someone sees it, doesn't it have to be asked?

Ma Xiaoquan knew very well that the so-called "pistol" in his hand was actually just a simple model that Ma Xiaoquan had built in the past few days.

Making a pistol? What a joke, there is no cutting machine, no grinding machine, no shaper... How can you make it in just half a month?

As for whether this "pistol" can fire bullets? It can be said that that is absolutely impossible. Ma Xiaoquan can make bullets, but he does not have the ability to make pistols.

"Lord Immortal, can you give it a try?"

Ma Xiaoquan came to his senses and secretly complained in his heart. This thing is just a model. How can the model fire bullets?

In his left eye, Yuan suddenly said: "Ma Xiaoquan, use the blue holy fire and the green spirit fire. Have you forgotten? The two can be fused, and the fusion will have special effects..."

Ma Xiaoquan's eyes lit up and he had an idea in his mind. He smiled at Sun Quan and said, "Well, since Zhongmou wants to see it so much, I will give you a demonstration."

Sun Quan was very happy when he heard Master Shangxian agreed. He quickly ordered someone to prepare several copper plates and placed them five meters in front of Ma Xiao's face.

Ma Xiaoquan smiled slightly, held the simple pistol model in his hand, raised his arm, and pointed it at one of the copper plates.

While raising his arm, Ma Xiaoquan secretly concentrated his mind, and his hand immediately ignited a fine blue-green flame.

"Wow" Sun Quan couldn't help but admired when he saw this scene.

Ma Xiaoquan raised his eyebrows, condensed the blue-green flame into a thin awl, then shouted loudly, shook his hand, and shot out the small blue-green awl.

There was a crisp "bang" sound, and the small blue-green awl hit the copper plate. Then, the original blue-green suddenly turned into a single blue.

"Chichi..." The small blue awl slowly dissolved like icicles in a hot pot, and the two palm-sized copper plates were also dissolved.

"This..." Sun Quan swallowed hard, his eyes widened, and he knelt down and took a closer look at the copper plate that had turned into copper water. "Master Shangxian, this is so awesome, so awesome.


This chapter has been completed!
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