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【448】Son's News

Summary of the previous chapter: Cao Cao came to the Ma family compound to help Ma Xiaoquan continue to tell lies. Ma Xiaoquan left Cao Cao with a small talk. At night, the two of them drank and recalled the past...

In May 2yi3 AD in the 18th year of Jian'an of Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, Cao Cao finally accepted Dong Zhao's opinion, promoted him to the Duke of Wei and received Jiuxi.

Jiuxi, as the name suggests, refers to nine kinds of special gifts, namely: chariots and horses, clothes, music, Zhuhu, Nabi, tigers, axes, bows and arrows, and the word "鬯" is nianchàng. Cao Cao's great praise for Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty,

He did not refuse, but accepted it happily. At the same time, Cao Cao was also "coming" to take over the management of ten counties in Jizhou and hold the dual positions of Jizhou Mu and Prime Minister.

Cao Cao accepted Dong Zhao's wishes when he became the Duke of Wei, and Cao Cao commanded Jizhou and led the shepherds of Jizhou. This was something that Lord Shangxian suggested that night when he and Lord Shangxian Ma Xiaoquan were recalling the past over wine. Of course, Shangxian

Sir Ma Xiaoquan said it very cryptically at the time, but with Cao Cao's intelligence, it was not difficult to think of this.

Xudu, in the palace of Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty.

"Wow..." Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty violently knocked everything on the table to the ground, stamping his feet and gritting his teeth angrily.

"You thief, you thief who usurped the Han Dynasty..."

Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty kept swearing and swearing, which frightened the eunuchs of the Han Dynasty who were not far away from him.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty, please calm down..." Han ministers and eunuchs knelt on the ground, kowtowing and begging Han Xian Emperor Liu Xie to appease his anger, but... Liu Xie

How can you calm down?

When Queen Fu saw her husband being so depressed, she also began to cry.

"Why are you crying?" Liu Xie asked, suppressing the anger in his heart when he saw his wife crying.

Queen Fu said: "Husband, I also hate Cao Cao, I hate him..."

When Liu Xie heard this, he hugged Queen Fu and they both started crying together.

When the eunuchs of the Han Dynasty saw that the emperor had stopped venting his anger and started crying instead, they also began to cry together with the emperor and queen.

After a long time, Liu Xie stopped crying, raised his head and said, "Thief Cao, I will kill him!"

After venting his anger, Liu Xie turned to look at the Han ministers and eunuchs who were kneeling on the ground, and asked: "How is the Immortal Marquis doing lately?"

A Han minister said: "Replying to the emperor, the Shenxian Marquis did not bring back his son when he returned to Yecheng. It seems that he is probably dead or lost."

Liu Xie snorted coldly: "Fart, that horse is alive and well, not dead at all! You two losers!"

The two confidant Han ministers were so frightened by the emperor's scolding that they quickly knelt down and begged for mercy.

Liu Xie waved his hand: "Okay, you don't have to blame yourself. I just learned about this from my wife. Come here, I will give you two instructions..."

Two confidants and Han ministers came to Liu Xie's side. After listening to the emperor's instructions, they couldn't help but be a little surprised and said: "Your Majesty, this matter..."

Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty chuckled: "Just do as you are told..."

The two looked at each other, took a step back, knelt on the ground, and kowtowed heavily: "I obey!"


A few days later, Ma Xiaoquan suddenly received an imperial edict from Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, telling him to go to Xudu to meet the emperor.

When Ma Xiaoquan arrived in Xudu, Han Xian Emperor Liu Xie actually avoided seeing him.

Although Ma Xiaoquan wanted to leave Xudu, because of his political status, Ma Xiaoquan could not leave at will, so he waited for three days.

Three days later, Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty suddenly issued an edict to summon Ma Xiaoquan.

Having suppressed his anger, Ma Xiaoquan went straight to the palace of Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty and met Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty Liu Xie.

As the uncle of Emperor Xian of Han Dynasty, Ma Xiaoquan did not have too much respect for Emperor Xian of Han Dynasty.

"Your Majesty, why are you calling me in such a hurry?"

Liu Xie raised his eyes and saw Ma Xiaoquan looking at him gloomily.

"Yeah," Liu Xie pretended to hum and said, "How are you doing, uncle?"

Ma Xiaoquan said angrily: "Not bad!"

Liu Xiedao: "I heard that my uncle's son Ma Zheng can't be found. Is this possible?"

Ma Xiaoquan nodded: "It is true!"

Liu Xie chuckled: "Uncle, I seem to have news about your son..."

"Are you serious?" Before Liu Xie finished speaking, Ma Xiaoquan stepped forward and grabbed Liu Xie's shoulders.

Liu Xie was stunned for a moment, and Ma Xiaoquan reacted and quickly let go of his hand and said: "The emperor atones, the emperor atones, haha..."

Liu Xie didn't mind at all. After all, Ma Xiaoquan was his uncle. Although he didn't want to admit it in his heart, he was a god and had saved himself. He had been calling people uncle for many years, so he couldn't suddenly stop calling him, right?

Liu Xiedao: "Uncle, I want to ask how your son was lost?"

Although Ma Xiaoquan was confused as to why Liu Xie suddenly asked about his son and whether Liu Xie knew something or had grasped something, looking at Liu Xie's appearance, he didn't look like someone pretending to be confused.

Ma Xiaoquan truthfully described the loss of his son to Han Xian Emperor Liu Xie.

After listening to Ma Xiaoquan's description, Liu Xiedao: "Uncle, don't you suspect that Cao Cao did this?"

Ma Xiaoquan nodded and said: "I have also suspected this matter, but after my investigation, Cao Cao did not do this. This is strange. How could my such a big son disappear after saying he didn't see him?"

Liu Xiedao: "Uncle, to be honest, my wife, Queen Fu, recently went home to pay homage to her father. She passed by...and saw a little kid who called himself Ma Zheng...


Ma Xiaoquan was overjoyed and quickly interrupted: "Is the emperor's wife in the palace?"

Liu Xie nodded: "Yes, you are here, I have announced that you will be here soon!"

Ma Xiaoquan nodded, feeling very happy.

After a while, Queen Fu came. After seeing Ma Xiaoquan, Queen Fu said hello politely. Although Queen Fu was higher than Ma Xiaoquan in terms of status, Ma Xiaoquan was her husband's uncle, and Queen Fu only

Be able to politely call Ma Xiaoquan uncle like your husband.

Queen Fu's real name is Fu Shou, and she is the daughter of Fu Wan.

A few days ago, Fu Shou went back to his hometown to pay homage to his father. Fu Shou was a low-key person by nature, so the palace did not make any announcement about the Queen's return to her hometown to pay homage to his father.

Coincidentally, it was precisely because of Queen Fu's low profile that she provoked a group of robbers on her way home.

Although the group of robbers was just a mob and was driven away by the guards without much effort, after nightfall, the group of robbers came again.

Just when Queen Fu was disturbed by this group of bandits and couldn't sleep at night, an adult and a child suddenly appeared. The adult looked to be in his forties, and the child looked to be about twelve or thirteen years old.

The middle-aged man and the child gave Queen Fu some advice, and then assisted the queen's guards to successfully annihilate the group of bandits. Afterwards, Queen Fu wanted to thank the two of them, who only accepted some property.

Then he asked Empress Fu to resign.

Because Empress Fu did a good job of keeping secrets, the two of them did not know Empress Fu's true identity, so they told Empress Fu their names without concealing it: one was named Wang Dali, the other was named Ma Zheng...


"Wang Dali?" Ma Xiaoquan was startled when Empress Fu said this.

Isn't this Wang Dali the bandit that he let go at the beginning? How come his son got mixed up with Wang Dali?

"Queen, what does the man named Wang Dali... look like? Well, and what does the little kid who calls himself Ma Zheng look like?"

Empress Fu thought for a moment and said: "Yeah, square face... triangular eyes... and that little kid..." After saying this, Empress Fu looked up at Ma Xiaoquan.

, nodded and continued, "That little kid looks a bit like my uncle!"

When Ma Xiaoquan heard this, he slapped his thigh hard and said, "Damn, it's true, I'm the second best."

Liu Xie interrupted and asked: "Uncle, do you know Wang Dali?"

Ma Xiaoquan nodded: "I know that kid...hehe..."

When Liu Xie saw that Ma Xiaoquan had stopped talking, he couldn't help but feel anxious.

You know, after learning that Ma Zheng was still alive, Liu Xie was very frightened, fearing that Ma Zheng would suddenly return to Yecheng and see his father, Ma Xiaoquan.

So when Liu Xie heard that Ma Xiaoquan had returned to Ye, he immediately summoned Ma Xiaoquan. Firstly, even if Ma Zheng returned home, he would be in vain. Secondly, Liu Xie wanted to take advantage of Ma Zheng's news in advance.

Tell Ma Xiaoquan carefully, so that even if Ma Xiaoquan has doubts, he will not doubt himself easily. On the other hand, he has a back-up plan. This back-up plan... As long as Ma Zheng appears in Yecheng...

.. Then his little life... Hum Ma Xiaoquan patted Liu Xie on the shoulder, nodded and said: "I am really grateful to you two, as long as my son is not dead, it is better than anything else.

Everything is fine, haha..."

This chapter has been completed!
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