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[051] Deep into the tiger's den

Cao Cao's army rushed to a mountain stream in great strength, and Cao Cao ordered the army to stop and rest for a while.

Ma Xiaoquan raised his head, looked at the surrounding mountains, and said to Cao Cao: "Xiao Cao, you are stopping your army by the mountain stream, aren't you afraid of the Yellow Turban bandit army sneaking up on you?"

Cao Cao smiled and said: "Sir Shangxian, you are too worried. The Yellow Turban Army is a ragtag army. There are no good strategies and strategies. Don't worry."

Ma Xiaoquan chuckled, shook his head, and stopped talking.

In a mountain stream not far from Cao Jun, a scout team of the Yellow Turban Army was ambushing. The leader was a tall man with a green face. Although he was lying down, his back could be used as a chopping board.

A scout knelt down in front of the leader and whispered: "Brother, Cao Cao has been spotted ahead. Do you want to go back and report it?"

The man hummed and whispered: "Go back quickly."


...Cao's army had almost stopped to rest, and Cao Cao ordered the march to continue.

Ma Xiaoquan was sitting on the carriage, singing a little tune. Cao Cao was curious and asked: "Master Shangxian, what are you singing?"

In fact, Ma Xiaoquan was just humming casually. He couldn't tell Cao Cao what he wanted to sing. It was a modern song, so Ma Xiaoquan lied to Cao Cao and said: "I am practicing, and I am singing a song to become an immortal. Is that right?"

Xiao Cao, can you understand?"

Ma Xiaoquan was just humming, and his voice was getting louder and softer. Cao Cao could only understand a few words in it, so Cao Cao didn't pretend to be pretentious and said frankly: "Master Shangxian, this song of becoming an immortal, Cao Cao can only listen to it."

don't know!"

Ma Xiaoquan nodded with satisfaction and thought to himself: You, Cao Qi, are much better than Magistrate Li of Zhongmu County. Not bad, not bad, a kid can be taught.

Xun Yu stepped forward and asked Ma Xiaoquan stammeringly: "Sir...immortal...great...sir, I feel...no...

..something’s not quite right.”

Ma Xiaoquan called to Cao Cao, and Cao Cao ordered the march to stop.

Xun Yu said: "In front of this road...not...not far away, there is...a place called Xiao..."

.Mouzigou, that Mouzigou is curved... there are many turns, and the road... is not good... it is easy to walk. Although our army is

...Although I chose to take...the main road,...but the Mouse Valley...the terrain is mud...mud, if I

...I am a Yellow Turban...thief...the thief army will definitely...will try to...set up...there...

...set up an ambush..."

Xun Yu's words took more than twenty breaths to complete, but every word of his analysis made sense. After hearing this, Cao Cao frowned and became silent.

Ma Xiaoquan said: "Xiao Cao, Wen Ruo is right. You must have studied the map before. You are sure that there is a Mouse Ditch not far ahead, so you can't go any further..."

Xiahou Dun made a slight comment and said: "Master Shangxian, if you don't go down, you will have to go back. The soldiers will be very tired."

As soon as Xiahou Dun opened his mouth, all the soldiers complained one after another.

After Cao Cao was silent for a while, he raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and then said: "I understand everyone's mood, so I already have an idea. The march must continue. I will make arrangements later.

All you have to do is follow orders."

What Cao Cao said was categorical, and all the soldiers had just declared their allegiance to him, so no one dared to refute him.

Cao Cao approached Ma Xiaoquan and whispered: "Master Shangxian, this is what I think..."

Cao Cao quietly told Ma Xiaoquan his idea. After hearing this, Ma Xiaoquan was startled. He looked at Cao Cao in surprise and asked, "Xiao Cao, are you sure you want to do this?"

Cao Cao nodded.

Ma Xiaoquan called Xun Yu over, and then told Xun Yu what Cao Cao was thinking. After hearing this, Xun Yu was startled, but soon, Xun Yu calmed down and murmured: "This method is...

....It's not that...no...can't...can..."

Ma Xiaoquan heard that he was anxious, so he pulled Xun Yu to the side and first let Xun Yu analyze some of his opinions on his lord Cao Cao's thoughts. Then, Ma Xiaoquan used him as a sounding board to tell Cao Cao Xun Yu's opinions.


After hearing this, Cao Cao stroked the wisp of mustache on his chin and nodded with satisfaction. Then, Cao Cao drew his sword and ordered: "All the officers and men obey the order. You will now obey the orders of your generals immediately and bring the kerosene and hay."

, set fire to the mountain..."

In fact, Cao Cao's previous idea was nothing more than a scorched-earth tactic of fortifying walls and clearing fields, but for Ma Xiaoquan, who had traveled back from modern society, this was undoubtedly seriously damaging the environment, so Ma Xiaoquan was very surprised after hearing Cao Cao's idea;

What surprised Xun Yu was not the environmental issue. People in this era did not have much awareness of the environment. What Xun Yu was worried about was whether it would harm his own army if he did this.

Cao Cao's original scorched-earth tactic was to advance the entire army and set fire to the mountains. After Xun Yu's suggestions and improvements, Cao Cao decided to divide the tactics into small groups: Each of his leading generals, each leading a pair of men, would set fire to the mountains, leaving no one in front.

Although the "Mouse Ditch" in the distance is a muddy area, if a fire spreads there, the muddy area will become harder due to the fire. After the fire is extinguished, the road will be relatively easier to walk. However,

, if the mountain is set on fire, the Yellow Turban army will inevitably be attracted. Therefore, at the same time as Cao Cao gave the order, he also ordered Xia Houyuan and Li Dianyue to join the three generals, each leading a team of troops to disperse to both sides for reconnaissance. Once any abnormality is discovered, they will retreat immediately.


After the deployment was completed, Cao Cao looked at Ma Xiaoquan with satisfaction and hoped that Ma Xiaoquan would praise him.

To be honest, Ma Xiaoquan didn't have any good opinions on the marching formation, so Ma Xiaoquan pretended to be mysterious and closed his eyes, slightly curling the corners of his mouth, giving Cao Cao an indescribable sense of profoundness.

Seeing that Ma Xiaoquan was silent, Cao Cao thought that Master Shangxian was acquiescing to his approach, so he led his troops forward in great interest.

When Cao Cao walked away, Ma Xiaoquan opened his eyes, grabbed Xun Yu's clothes, and said loudly: "Wen Ruo, I have calculated that Xiao Cao will be in danger during this trip, so I ordered you to find a way to control Xiao Cao."

Cao’s desire to win.”

When Xun Yu heard Master Shangxian's words, how could he not disobey him? He quickly bowed and said yes. Then, Xun Yu quickly thought of a way.

Xun Yu quietly told this method to Ma Xiaoquan. After hearing this, Ma Xiaoquan burst out laughing and said, "If this method is good, then let's do it. But let me go. Aren't you afraid that I will join the Yellow Turban Army?"

Xun Yu laughed and said: "Shang...Shangxian...said...joking, the former...lord...lord Xingyang.

.....Breakthrough...During the breakout battle, if it hadn't been...not for Master Shangxian...to have...exhorted Zi Lianquan...

.Guarantee...protect the lord throughout the whole process. Today...where can I, Cao...Cao Jun ping...Yanzhou Huang...yellow turban move?


Ma Xiaoquan waved his hand: "There is no need to mention the old things again. In that case, I will go to the Yellow Turban Army camp. Wen Ruo, remember, only you and I know about this matter. Do you understand?"

Xun Yu said respectfully: "Xun Yu... Ming... understands!"

Ma Xiaoquan clapped his hands, asked Xun Yu for a mount, and then left. When Cao Cao came back again, he asked Xun Yu where Ma Xiaoquan was, and Xun Yu lied: "I just... went up...

..Shangxian Da... said that there was...something to do, so he flew...on the clouds...and flew away...

"Xun Yu stammered, and Cao Cao frowned and ran away before he finished listening.

Cao Hong drove his horse to Xun Yu and asked, "Wen Ruo, I just saw Lord Shangxian riding your horse and running backwards. What was he doing?"

Xun Yu stretched out his right index finger, made a whispering gesture to his lips, and then whispered to Cao Hong: "Zilian, please don't talk too much. Lord Shangxian has gone to help me wait, so we can just wait."


If it were someone else who went deep into the tiger's den, Cao Hong would be really worried, but if it were the Lord Shangxian in his mind, Cao Hong not only wasn't worried, but instead smiled, patted Xun Yu on the shoulder and said, "Sir Shangxian is doing things.

I think it works!"


It is said that Ma Xiaoquan rode Xun Yu's horse into the trail behind Cao Jun. Although it was a trail, it was a smooth road because of the mountain people who carried it. Ma Xiaoquan took out two pieces of linen bag from behind his mount.

I ate an egg, then wiped my lips, hummed a little tune and moved on.

Ma Xiaoquan expected that there would be an ambush by the Yellow Turban bandits not far from the trail, so he did not hide or hide, and just strode forward like that.

Sure enough, when he reached a fork in the road, Ma Xiaoquan actually encountered a group of yellow scarf thieves.

As soon as this group of yellow turban thieves saw Ma Xiaoquan alone, they immediately became thief-minded. The leader of the group pulled out his saber with a "clang" sound, rushed out, and shouted: "Hey, you traitorous ministers and thieves, you dare to break into my yellow turban"

In the realm of righteous men, seek death!"

Ma Xiaoquan squinted his eyes, sat on his horse, and looked at the yellow turban thief.

This human being has a pair of mouse ears and eyes, and a horse face with yellow teeth exposed. It seems that he drank too much fluoride-containing water.

Ma Xiaoquan laughed loudly, without dismounting, and said loudly: "Stop ambush, just this immortal, please come out!"

Most of the Yellow Turban bandits were honest farmers. These farmers didn't have much scheming. Hearing that Ma Xiaoquan had seen through them, they stopped hiding and jumped out one by one with weapons in hand.

One, two...twenty...a total of thirty-five people.

Ma Xiaoquan didn't expect that there were thirty-five Yellow Turban thieves ambushing beside such a small road, but now that they were all lured out, Ma Xiaoquan didn't worry anymore.

Ma Xiaoquan said: "Ah? Are you setting up an ambush on this trail to monitor Cao Cao's army not far away?"

When the leader heard this, he hissed and said in a strange tone: "How do you know? Could it be that you are an accomplice of that thief Cao?"

Ma Xiaoquan was amused when he heard this. How could someone ask a question and tell him his family background without asking? If it were him, he could have changed the topic instead of just saying "How do you know?"

However, Ma Xiaoquan did not intend to hide it. He had previously agreed with Xun Yu that he was going to go deep into the Yellow Turban Army this time. Therefore, Ma Xiaoquan laughed and nodded: "Yes, I am that person."

Xiao Cao’s accomplice.”

When the leader of the Yellow Turban Bandit Army heard this, he immediately became murderous. Just as he was about to start shouting, a man emerged from the crowd and whispered a few words into his ear. The leader paused.

The horse-faced leader weighed the sword in his hand and asked Ma Xiaoquan: "Who do you think you are? What kind of immortal do you think you are? You still call the Cao thief Xiao Cao? Why, is it possible that you are an immortal?"

Ma Xiaoquan knew that the horse-faced leader would ask him, so he stretched out his right hand and concentrated his attention. Suddenly, a light red flame burst out from the palm of Ma Xiaoquan's right hand.

"Ah?" The horse-faced leader was startled when he saw Ma Xiaoquan summoning flames with his bare hands.

They were originally the old subordinates of Zhang Jiao, the so-called "Tiangong General". In the past, when Zhang Jiao formed the Yellow Turban Army to fight against the imperial court, he did so for reasons such as divine oracles. Zhang Jiao also performed rituals in front of everyone, and

They didn't know what the story was like, and they didn't see it very clearly, but after spreading rumors, the word "immortal" really served them well. At least everyone present now has a dream of worshiping gods in their hearts.

The horse-faced leader ran out of ideas for a moment. The subordinate who had just whispered to the horse-faced leader was shocked at first when he saw Ma Xiaoquan's display of skills. However, he was not at a loss like the leader, and secretly raised his bow and arrow.

, taking the opportunity to shoot an arrow.

This chapter has been completed!
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