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Summary of the previous chapter: Ma Xiaoquan noticed something was wrong, so he discussed it with his wife Hua Yuexin. Because he needed to pretend that he had fallen out with his family, Ma Xiaoquan told Hua Yuexin about the disappearance of his son Ma Zheng...

.Mao Gang saw all this and felt that it was time to take action...

Mao Gang felt very proud and worried at the same time.

On the one hand, Mao Gang believes that all the resistance he is doing now is for him and his beloved master, Hua Yuexin, to be together. On the other hand, Mao Gang is also worried that one day his master, Ma Xiaoquan, will suddenly come back.

Therefore... in the days when Ma Xiaoquan was away, Mao Gang planned a series of conspiracies. The primary target of the frame-up was the official Zhao Er.

Since the housekeeper Zhao Er followed Ma Xiaoquan, he has been loyal and responsible for the Ma family's logistics and internal affairs. Under the leadership of his wife Hua Yuexin, he cooperated with her very well. Whenever Mrs. Hua Yuexin asked Zhao Er to complete it, Zhao Er would do it.

Completed meticulously, Zhao Er has always carefully balanced issues involving the interests of the Ma family. Not only that, Zhao Er also gave repeated instructions to his wife and children, asking them to serve the Ma family and the Ma family well.

The direct descendants of the family have lived for generations to come.

But... Zhao Er has encountered a lot of trouble recently.

A few days ago, Zhao Er received an order from his wife Hua Yuexin, asking him to purchase a batch of household supplies. Zhao Er followed the list of supplies given to him by his wife and went through the selection and purchase one by one. However, what Zhao Er did not expect was that on that day, Zhao Er

When he transported the supplies home, he received the news that his wife did not know.

Although Mrs. Hua Yuexin doesn't mind this very much, Hua Yuexin still believes in Zhao Er's character. However, the head of the family is not here and the next generation of the Ma family is still young, so some of the power in the family will naturally change.

It was temporarily managed by Mao Gang. When Zhao Er made a mistake, Mao Gang immediately sent his concubines to brag in front of Hua Yuexin. After a little time, Zhao Er's rights were weakened a lot.

On the other hand, as the only older and aloof man in the Ma family, Mao Gang took full advantage of his status as Ma Xiaoquan's apprentice. He not only redistributed the composition of the Ma family's servants, but also secretly alienated Hua Yue.

Xin’s relationship with several other ladies.

Women are emotional animals. Sometimes they do not need a lot of logic to judge a thing. As long as they are given sufficient and necessary emotional bombardment or make them curious, women will be fooled.

Mao Gang conceived a series of alienation schemes, and then selected Murong Ziyan as the first person to alienate her.

The reason why Murong Ziyan was chosen was firstly because Mao Gang was very familiar with Murong Ziyan's original identity, and secondly, because Murong Ziyan was the youngest.

Being young means being energetic, and being energetic means being more curious. This is true for both men and women.

In order to lure Murong Ziyan into taking the bait, Mao Gang sent his subordinates to secretly observe the situation for several days.

After getting the first-hand information from his subordinates, Mao Gang intensively planned the best way to frame Murong Ziyan.

After thinking for a long time, Mao Gang decided to destroy Murong Ziyan in one fell swoop. The best way to destroy Murong Ziyan was to let her commit adultery with a servant of the Ma family.

This is easy to say, but a little difficult to do.

Murong Ziyan didn't like to talk too much, and all the servants around her were all maids. It would be almost impossible to rashly arrange a male attendant into Murong Ziyan's team of servants.

For this reason, Mao Gang secretly found a hermaphrodite from Xudu who had passed away but had not entered the palace.

This hermaphrodite's name is Mao San, which is the same as Mao Gang. Because this guy had a vaginal incision since he was a child, he not only has a shrill voice but also has good skin when he grows up. In addition, this guy likes to pretend to be a woman, and he even likes to torture and kill women.

When Mao Gang found Mao San, this guy had just tortured a fourteen-year-old girl to death... According to the reports from his subordinates, the girl's private parts had been pierced by Mao San with a fire stick...


"Do you understand everything I said?"

Mao San nodded and said with bright eyes: "Master, don't worry, hehe..."

Mao Gang frowned and waved his hand: "Don't call me master, you are not worthy of being my subordinate now. When this thing is done and done beautifully, I will consider letting you follow me."

.... Of course, you want money or power, you can choose at that time... Oh, by the way, don't you like to torture and kill women? I have Wangxiang Tower in Xiangyang, where there are many different

Obedient bitch, if you behave well, I can consider letting you become an instructor..."

"Instructor?" Mao San shook his head, indicating that he did not understand what Mao Gang meant.

Mao Gang coughed and said, "What this instructor means is to train those women. If they don't obey, you can be beaten or killed as you please. Do you understand?"

Mao Sanyi was overjoyed when he heard this and kept nodding his head: "I understand, I understand, I understand... Lord... oh no, don't worry, uncle, if I can't handle this matter well,

I’ll just cut it...hehehe..."

Mao Gang glanced at Mao San with disdain: "If a good-looking man doesn't do it, why should he cut it? You said you have somewhere else that can be cut..."

Mao San said hey: "I don't know, I have dreamed of being a woman since I was a child, but my mother gave me a boy. I was really annoyed, so I had no choice but to cut it myself..."


"Okay, okay, okay, I don't have time to listen to your nonsense. Do you know what to do?"

Mao Sandou nodded like a chicken pecking at rice: "I know, I know, I definitely know, hehe..."

Mao Gang shook his head and waved his hand to signal Mao San to leave quickly.

Mao San bowed respectfully to Mao Gang and slowly retreated.


The next day, a maid who was serving Murong Ziyan suddenly asked her to resign, saying that the old man at home was sick and could no longer serve Murong Ziyan.

Murong Ziyan told Hua Yuexin about this, and Hua Yuexin believed it, gave the maid some money, and let her go.

Murong Ziyan's team of servants was missing one, so naturally another one had to be added.

Since Mao Gang had recently adjusted the Ma family's servant team, Hua Yuexin was still a little uncomfortable with it. When she was worrying about how to assign another servant to Murong Ziyan, Mao Gang suddenly suggested that he had a good candidate.

Hua Yuexin had some doubts in her heart, but when the man named Mao San came up and took off his pants in public, Hua Yuexin couldn't help but be surprised.

The eight ladies have all given birth to children, so they are naturally very familiar with the parts of a man. Of course, they are only familiar with Ma Xiaoquan. For a guy who has nothing underneath after taking off his pants, all the ladies turned their backs on him.

It's not because I'm embarrassed, but because the ladies think it's cruel.

Eunuch Huangmen and so on have long been familiar to people, but how many people have seen these people in that place?

"Okay..." After discussing with Murong Ziyan, Hua Yuexin agreed to Mao Gang's suggestion.

Mao Gang was secretly happy, but on the surface he "warned" Mao San and asked him to "serve" the eighth lady Murong Ziyan well.

Mao San respectfully agreed, and then joined Murong Ziyan's team of servants.


Men... have been different from women since they were born. Not only are their physical structures different, but their psychological structures are also different. Of course, with the passage of time and the shaping of the environment, some men are willing to

There is nothing wrong with anyone becoming "crooked", it's just that everyone's choices are different.

However... when men become crooked, they will have a very "terrible" ability, that is, the ability to have sex with women.

Mao San undoubtedly has such ability, and more importantly, this guy doesn't have it yet.

Women have more or less concerns when they come into contact with strange men, but if the man they come into contact with is a man who is not a man, the women will have no scruples to chat with this man who is not a man.

Mao San quickly captured the hearts of the maids around Murong Ziyan by virtue of his better skin than women and his ability to dress up better than women. Of course, these maids only regarded Mao San as a sister and talked about everything.


As the saying goes, three women make a show, and girls like to chat. In addition, the eighth lady Murong Ziyan is not much older than these maids, so in their free time, the maids will talk to Murong Ziyan about Mao San.

Murong Ziyan didn't pay much attention to the conversation of the maids at first. After being the eighth wife of the Ma family for several years, Murong Ziyan also learned some skills of putting on airs, but... after a few days, these

The Mao San described by the maids became more and more magical and weird, which made Murong Ziyan, who was already young, also become curious about Mao San.

This chapter has been completed!
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