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Summary of the previous chapter: Ma Xiaoquan asked Cao Cao to help find Yuan Fang, but there was no whereabouts of Yuan Fang...

One night in the early September of the 22nd year of Jian'an in the Han Dynasty (AD 217), Cao Cao quietly came to the Ma family compound to look for Ma Xiaoquan.

This time, it was Cao Cao who asked Ma Xiaoquan for help.

Because Cao Cao was old, it was difficult to do many things by himself, so Cao Cao "consulted" Ma Xiaoquan, the Supreme Immortal, to hear what the Supreme Immortal meant.

When it comes to Cao Cao's capable sons, naturally Cao Zhi and Cao Zijian are the first ones to recommend.

Cao Zhi was a prodigy who said "all the talents in the world share one stone, and Cao Zijian wins eight battles alone". He was very good at writing poems and was also loved by Cao Cao.

Cao Zhi's immediate subordinates, Yang Xiu and Ding Yi, had been persuading Cao Cao to make Cao Zhi the crown prince. Cao Cao was also tempted by this, but... abolishing the elder and establishing the younger has caused troubles since ancient times. Moreover, Cao Pi's ability is not bad.

And there is a greater advantage than his younger brother, and that is calmness.

Cao Cao came here at night mainly because he wanted to confirm Master Shangxian's thoughts.

After listening to Cao Cao's description, Ma Xiaoquan smiled and patted Cao Cao's shoulder, saying: "Xiao Cao, haven't we already reached a conclusion on this issue? What's wrong? Are you still wavering?"

Cao Cao smiled bitterly and said: "Master Shangxian, I know you are the same as me, but due to the unreasonableness of abolishing the eldest and establishing the young, I chose a safer way, but... Shangxian, you don't have

Have you considered it in the future?"

Ma Xiaoquan smiled and shook his head, saying: "From now on, when you and I are no longer here, why do we still want so much?"

Cao Cao was stunned for a moment and said, "Does Master Shangxian want to leave?"

Ma Xiaoquan nodded: "Yes, but not now!"

"When was that?"

Ma Xiaoquan wanted to say that he would wait for the day when Xiao Cao dies, but when the words came to his lips, Ma Xiaoquan changed his words and said: "When the time is right, I will leave, haha... Xiao Cao, it seems that you are very reluctant to let me go."

Yeah, haha..."

Cao Cao sighed and said: "I have known Lord Shangxian for so many years, so naturally I am very reluctant to part with Lord Shangxian..."

Ma Xiaoquan said: "You're here, you kid. Why don't you think that I won't grow old and won't participate in the world's disputes? I am such a good and powerful assistant. Naturally, you kid will think that I will let you after your death."

Xian Gang helps your son, right?"

Cao Cao chuckled: "I can't hide anything from Master Shangxian..."

Ma Xiaoquan shook his head and said: "Xiao Cao, you think too simply. Some things and some people are not what you want... For example, we will not understand what will happen to you and me in the future.

It’s impossible to understand…”

Cao Cao was unwilling to give in: "Master Shangxian, isn't there a magic that can be seen in the future? If it doesn't work in the future, it can be done in the past?"

Ma Xiaoquan was a little surprised and said: "Xiao Cao, don't you not believe in the way of gods and ghosts? Why? Are you asking this question suddenly?"

Cao Cao smiled bitterly and said: "People can change, Master Shangxian, with you by my side, do you think I will always be like this?"

Ma Xiaoquan laughed and said, "That's right, that magic you mentioned, well, I think I've heard of it..."

Cao Cao squinted at Ma Xiaoquan and said suspiciously: "Master Shangxian, your words are a bit far-fetched. I think you know such a spell..."

Ma Xiaoquan was shocked and secretly thought that Cao Cao was old and cunning.

"How is it possible? These are two different spells."

Cao Cao shook his head: "No, no, Master Shangxian, you know at least one thing, you can definitely..."

Ma Xiaoquan smiled bitterly in his heart and said: I don't know any magic. This is just a super power given to me by the Heart of Time. Hey, I can't explain it to you.

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. Xiao Cao, you came here secretly so late, you must want to hear my final advice to you, right? Regarding your establishment of a prince..."

Cao Cao nodded and became serious.

"It's very simple, like me, it's passed down from elder to younger!"

"But, Lord Immortal..."

"No, but...Xiao Cao, since you came to me, you must have guessed that I would give you such advice, right?"

Cao Cao opened his mouth and rolled his eyes a few times, then he laughed.

"I really can't hide anything from Master Shangxian... Hey Master Shangxian, fortunately you and I have a good relationship, and fortunately you don't have the intention to dominate the world. Otherwise, I, Cao Mengde, probably wouldn't even have a chance.


Ma Xiaoquan laughed and said: "It's so tiring to fight for the world. Xiao Cao, look at how hard you work all day long. Look at me, marrying eight beautiful ladies and enjoying life comfortably. How beautiful it is...


Cao Cao shook his head and said: "Actually, my original intention is not to strive for world hegemony, but the times have created people, so I cannot do this... Lord Shangxian, have you ever done anything that forced you to do it?"

Ma Xiaoquan took a deep breath. Ma Xiaoquan had encountered this kind of thing more than once, and the most serious one was the time when he was kicked out of the national special forces...

Ma Xiaoquan often thinks of that incident, but at critical moments, his thoughts seem to be severely blocked and he can't remember anything...

Yuan once said that there was an area in his mind that he could not explore. Regarding this area, Ma Xiaoquan could not fully open it. Ma Xiaoquan only remembered that after that incident, he was taken to a mysterious place, and then what?

I can't even remember...

As for the closed area in his mind, Yuan Zeng said that he had to open it himself, but... Ma Xiaoquan didn't know how to open it...

"Hey, why are you thinking so much? It's really..." Ma Xiaoquan smiled slightly, raised his head and looked at Cao Cao and said, "Okay, Xiao Cao, you got the information you should get, I guess you also

Is there no problem? Go ahead and do what you have to do."

Cao Cao stood up and slowly withdrew...

In October, Cao Cao appointed Cao Pi, who was then the Five-Guan Zhonglang General, as the crown prince. From then on, the fight for the throne between the Cao brothers came to an end.

After Cao Pi became the crown prince, the first person he thanked was Master Ma Xiaoquan.

However... since Cao Pi had just taken office, Ma Xiaoquan asked someone to send a message to Cao Pi, asking him to keep a low profile for a while.

After hearing Lord Shangxian's words, Cao Pi was very moved, and from then on he secretly vowed to treat Lord Shangxian's family well.

At the same time, Chen Lin, the teacher of Ma Kun, the second son of the Ma family, died of illness.

Cao Pi immediately recommended Ma Kun and asked Ma Kun to recommend Xiaolian to become an official... Everything was carried out according to Ma Xiaoquan's idea... At the same time, Cao Pi also recommended Ma Xiao, the eldest son of Ma, and his third son.

Although Ma Xiaoquan had not expected that Ma Zheng would become an official together, it was also a good thing.

Yecheng folk house, in an underground secret room.

While playing with the Magnum in his hand, Mr. Lu raised his eyebrows and stared at the two useless people in front of him.

Of these two useless people, one is Yang Guang and the other is Yuan Fang.

"Hmph." The more he looked at Mr. Lu, the more proud he felt, and he couldn't help but smile, "You two, you two have become close friends in these days, oh, do I have to set up a banquet for you two to celebrate?"


Yang Guang snorted coldly and said: "Mr. Lu, stop crying like a cat. Do you think we don't know what you are thinking? To tell you the truth, we don't think you can get that object back...


"Oh?" Lu Xian raised his lips and looked at Yuan Fang, "Is that what you mean?"

Yuan Fang chuckled: "Master, I have followed you for many years, and I have more or less grasped your temper. My thoughts are the same as Brother Yang's. You can't beat Ma Xiaoquan...


"Really? Just because he, Ma Xiaoquan, is a successor? What a joke? He won't grow old, will I?"

Yuan Fang smiled and said: "Of course you don't seem to know it, but you don't have Ma Xiaoquan's abilities..."

"Insolent!" Lu Xian suddenly got angry, rushed towards Yuan Fang, and slapped Yuan Fang's face several times, causing stars to appear in Yuan Fang's eyes and bleeding from the corners of his mouth.

"Bah" Yuan Fang spat out a mouthful of blood and sneered: "Mr. Lu, just kill me!"

Lu Xian was stunned for a moment, shook his head and smiled: "No, no, no, I won't kill you, I will torture you, I will let you see the day when I defeated Ma Xiaoquan, and then I will kill you again, so that you can

Be an understanding ghost!" Lu Xian said, looking at Yang Guang and saying, "And you, you old immortal, if you are really alive, I won't kill you. Of course, if you can live until the day I kill Ma Xiaoquan,

, of course it’s best if you don’t survive... Then there’s nothing I can do, haha..."

Yang Guang laughed loudly: "Mr. Lu, you are really crazy, but it's okay. You have already whittled my old bones into human sticks. Whether I die or not is just a matter of words. Don't worry, I will never die."

I will definitely live until the day you die, I want to watch you die, haha..."

Lu Xian's face darkened, he took out something from his arms and played with it: "Yuan Fang, this is the golden square coin. To be precise, it is the key to the solar recorder. As long as I have this, I am not afraid that I will not be able to capture Ma Xiaoquan."

,Ha ha......"

Yuan Fang laughed loudly: "Mr. Lu, you are thinking too simply. Although you got this gold square coin from me, what if Ma Xiaoquan still has some spare? How do you know that Ma Xiaoquan gave me this money?"

Is it true?"

"You" Lu Xian was choked by Yuan Fang and felt a little abrupt.

This chapter has been completed!
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