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【512】Kick off

Summary of the previous chapter: Yang Guang and Yuan Fang are tightly controlled by Mr. Lu. They don't care about their own life or death. Now, they place all their hopes on Ma Xiaoquan...

In the 23rd year of Emperor Xian's reign of the Han Dynasty (Jianan 23rd year) and AD 218, Imperial Physician Ji Ben, Shaofu Geng Ji, and Sizhi Wei Huang suddenly raised troops to besiege Xudu.

Cao Cao was shocked and immediately sent his son Cao Pi to Xudu to rescue him.

Cao Cao's so-called "rescue" was actually just to prevent Han Xian Emperor Liu Xie from falling into the hands of others. Although Liu Xie had no real rights, the world today still had the surname Liu. As long as the surname was Liu Yitian, Cao Cao would not

Allow other people to have Liu Xie's ideas. Although he has become the king of Wei and has the right to open a palace and govern the country, but... nominally, he, the king of Wei, still belongs to the Han Dynasty. Cao Cao can hold the emperor hostage

He will not obey orders, but he will never allow others to have the same ideas as him.

But this time Xu Du's crisis was actually... planned by Liu Xie.

When Liu Xie expressed his plan to escape from Xudu, the three people around him: Imperial Physician Ji Ben, Shaofu Geng Zui, and Si Zhiwei Huang immediately came forward to ask for orders and asked for "progress."

Liu Xie also knew what these three people were up to, but he had been used to being "held hostage" since he was a child. He didn't care anymore. As long as he could escape from Cao Cao's "clutches" and escape from Cao Cao's surveillance, Liu Xie would do anything.


But...Liu Xie underestimated Cao Cao's IQ, and even more underestimated Cao Pi's ability.

Cao Pi didn't have as many scruples about Liu Xie as his father did. When Gibbon and others "threatened" Cao Pi with the safety of Liu Xie's life, Cao Pi said something that immediately made Liu Xie change his mind.

Cao Pi said: Liu Xie, do you want to start well and end well, or should we establish a new king?


When Cao Pi said these words, everyone present was stunned. In the past, this sentence was definitely a rebellious remark, but now...Cao Pi's identity is no longer simple.

The handsome general with the best facial features is... the crown prince of Wei.

Liu Xie gritted his teeth in hatred, but was unable to do anything. In the end, Liu Xie chose to give up, and Cao Pi also took advantage of the situation to kill all Yoshimoto and others.

When Liu Xie was "invited" back to Xudu Palace, Cao Pi whispered another sentence in Liu Xie's ear. This sentence directly made Liu Xie sick for more than a month.

There were several officials present at the time, and they were all very curious about what Cao Pi said, but no one asked. It was not until two years later, when Cao Pi became emperor, that he talked about the scene that day and revealed what he had done.

What I said.

Cao Pi said: Liu Xie, you will not die because you married my sister, but you will not be emperor for a few more years, because... I will be the next emperor, a new dynasty.

Emperor... If you want to ask why, then ask Lord Shangxian...

It's a pity... Ma Xiaoquan had already left this era the day Cao Pi became emperor. If Ma Xiaoquan were present, he would definitely beat Cao Pi severely, because what Ma Xiaoquan said to Cao Pi was not what he meant.

This means.

Let us temporarily go back in time a little bit, back to before the crisis of Xudu.

Since Cao Pi became the crown prince of Wei, he has continued to act in a low-key manner and behave in a low-key manner.

Cao Pi's move was appreciated by many of the Wei king's ministers, especially those who were initially opposed to him becoming the crown prince.

As for Ma Xiaoquan, although he did not support anyone on the surface, he helped Cao Pi several times in private and recommended Sima Yi to him.

As for Cao Pi, since he had Sima Yi by his side, he not only acted reliably, but also acted in a low-key and calm manner.

Therefore, Cao Pi was very grateful to Ma Xiaoquan, the Shangxian Master.

Since Ma Xiaoquan refused to accept any gifts from Cao Pi, Cao Pi had no choice but to secretly visit Ma Xiaoquan in the Ma family compound and express his gratitude in person.

After seeing Master Shangxian and thanking him, Cao Pi asked Ma Xiaoquan for advice on the current situation in the world.

Cao Pi learned from his father that although Master Shangxian did not participate in the world's disputes, his analysis of the general trend of the world was very accurate.

Ma Xiaoquan understood what Cao Pi was thinking, but since it was still early, Ma Xiaoquan said something that had nothing to do with the world situation.

Ma Xiaoquan said: "Everyone has the day when he gets old, and everyone has the day when they lose... No matter what happens in the future, it is history... No one knows what will happen in the future, even if they know

, and will not want to know, for example, if you become the overlord today, but tomorrow, he will overthrow you and become the new overlord..."

When Ma Xiaoquan said these words, he was just expressing some emotion. Unexpectedly, after Cao Pi understood it, it became a wise saying that he would remember throughout his life.

Since Ma Xiaoquan said this sentence, it had an impact on the day Cao Pi died. Moreover, when Cao Pi was about to die, he did not forget to give this instruction to his son Cao Rui several times.

It's a pity that although Cao Rui is talented, he is far inferior to his grandfather Cao Cao and father Cao Pi.

One day after Cao Rui became emperor, he was chatting with Sima Yi and talked about what his father had told him. Cao Rui said it as a joke, but Sima Yi took it seriously and remembered it firmly.

After Cao Rui's death, Sima Yi took advantage of the situation and firmly grasped Wei's military and political power...

In February of the 23rd year of Jian'an, Cao Pi returned to Ye. Cao Cao played a triumphant song to celebrate his son and invited Ma Xiaoquan, the master of immortality.

At the same time, Ma Xiao, the eldest son of the Ma family and the future head of the Ma family, also returned home.

Taking advantage of the joy of Cao Pi's triumphant return, Ma Xiaoquan gave the position of head of the Ma family to Ma Xiao, and entrusted most of the decision-making power of the Ma family to his eldest son, Ma Xiao, while he himself only kept what belonged to him.

Partial work.

At this time, Lu Xian also started the final preparations.

Since Lu Xian had read the Chronicles of Emperor Wu, he also knew that Cao Cao would die of illness in two years. Once Cao Cao died of illness, the situation would inevitably change. By then, if Ma Xiaoquan really had a spare key as Yuan Fang said,

Then it disappeared, and Mr. Lu would never think of the solar recorder again.

With this idea in mind, Lu Xian began to actively deploy. After careful consideration, Lu Xian decided to take the initiative...

This life-and-death game that has lasted for more than twenty years has finally officially begun.

In Ma Xiaoquan's left eye, Yuan also had a series of reactions. It seemed that he was "instructed" by the historical source. Yuan told Ma Xiaoquan where Lu Xian was hiding.

Ma Xiaoquan did not go to Lu Xian quickly, but made a good plan with Yuan first.

Yuan's advice to Ma Xiaoquan was to find Lu Xian directly, but Ma Xiaoquan believed that even catching Lu Xian would be of little use before Yuan Fang was found.

After arguing for a long time, Yuan finally compromised on Ma Xiaoquan's method. After all... Yuan Fang really didn't find it.

In March of the 23rd year of Jian'an, as Cao Hong defeated Shu general Wu Lan, Ma Jiayuan's new manor in Yuyang was also decorated.

Ling'er and his wife had lived in Yuyang for a period of time. During this period, they wrote to Ma Xiaoquan saying that Yuyang was very good and hoped that he could come and get together.

On the other hand, Mao Gang also rushed back from Xiangyang.

Since his uncle Mao Jie was dismissed from his official position, Mao Gang took his uncle over, purchased a piece of land in Yecheng, built a manor, and named the manor "Maojiawan".

Building a house in ancient times was not assisted by advanced construction tools like in modern society. If you want to build a large manor, the investment of human and financial resources is quite huge, and it takes a long time.

When Mao Gang told Ma Xiaoquan about the construction plan of "Maojiawan", Ma Xiaoquan was also shocked.

Based on Ma Xiaoquan's understanding of Mao Gang, although Mao Gang had some money, he could never afford such a large construction project. But... Mao Gang made such a big move in one move. It seems...

.The "rebellion" written in this family tree is Mao Gang.

Ma Xiaoquan pretended not to know and "enthusiastically" sent a "construction fund" to his apprentice. In private, Ma Xiaoquan secretly ordered Ma Zheng to keep an eye on Mao Gang.

As for Ma Zheng, since he had to go to court during the day, he could only take action at night, so after a few days, the eight-foot-two young man suddenly lost weight, which made Hua Yuexin complain to Ma Xiaoquan.

Despite this, things that make people busy still come one after another.

At the end of last year, the twin sisters Ma Jia Mayi married Narathu, a powerful Huns man. At this time, the two sisters were also pregnant. Due to the difficult conditions in Mobei, the sisters were not used to it, so Narathu

He temporarily sent the two sisters back and allowed them to have a baby before returning to Mobei.

At this time, Ma's courtyard was very busy.

This chapter has been completed!
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