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Summary of the previous chapter: Ma Xiaoquan lured Xiao Ke to the backyard of the Mao family manor, and used a trick to trick Xiao Ke into approaching him. Then he suddenly got angry and removed Xiao Ke's arms, and then took out the poison from Xiao Ke's body, intending to use the other way around.

Give him back...

"You...what do you do?"

Ma Xiaoquan rolled his eyes: "Are you fed the poison you prepared yourself?"

"No... don't... um..." Before Xiao Ke could finish speaking, Ma Xiaoquan had already stuffed both packets of poison into Xiao Ke's mouth.

In order to prevent Xiao Ke from vomiting out, Ma Xiaoquan held Xiao Ke's mouth, grabbed Xiao Ke's hair and shook it vigorously.

With a "Gulu" sound, Xiao Ke swallowed all the poison into his stomach.

"Uh" Xiao Ke wanted to spit out the poison, but because his arm was dislocated, he couldn't press it into his throat. After a while, Xiao Ke's face began to turn blue.

"Oh, why does this poison act on you so quickly?"

"You...you..." Xiao Ke was overcome by poison, and his words could no longer be clearly understood.

Ma Xiaoquan smiled slightly, grabbed Xiao Ke's arm, clicked several times, and put all Xiao Ke's arms back.

"You...you are not...an...anbu..."

Ma Xiaoquan curled his lips, leaned into Xiao Ke's ear, and whispered something.

"You...uh" After hearing Ma Xiaoquan's words, Xiaoke's eyes widened, his throat became sweet, and he vomited a mouthful of black blood.

"Okay, now that you know who I am, you shouldn't have to live anymore."

Xiao Ke vomited another mouthful of black blood. This time, he actually vomited out a piece of flesh and blood.

Ma Xiaoquan slowly turned around, looked around the surroundings, smiled slightly, and left.

Not long after Ma Xiaoquan left, the craftsmen came back to work after dinner.

As soon as they stepped into the backyard, the craftsmen were shocked.

Seeing that something was wrong, an old craftsman quickly lit a fire in the backyard.

After burning incense, two men came to the Mao family manor.

One of the two men was taller and the other was slightly fatter. Both men had their faces covered, with only a pair of eyes exposed.

Walking in front of Xiao Ke, the fatter man squatted down, put his hand in front of Xiao Ke's nose, then raised his head and shook his head at the tall man.

"How did he die?" the tall man asked a craftsman next to him.

The craftsman shook his head and said: "I don't know. I saw this person right after I came over after dinner. I was scared and didn't dare to look forward..."

The tall man stared at the craftsman for a long time, making sure that the craftsman was not lying, and then nodded: "Okay, I understand."

The fat man stood up, walked to the tall man, and whispered: "Brother, he is Mr. Lu's shadow guard..."

"What? Shadow Guard?"

"Yes, and the level is not low..."

"Well," the tall man dragged his chin and thought for a while, then whispered, "Our ANBU and the Shadow Guards have never interacted with each other, how could they appear here..."

"What should I do, brother?"

"Move the shadow guard's body away and destroy all traces of it. We will wait until the owner comes back."


Just as Gao Yi Pang started to move Xiao Ke's body, Ma Xiaoquan and the Japanese suddenly appeared.

After killing Xiao Ke, Ma Xiaoquan hurried to the suburbs to meet with the Japanese.

Since the Japs had not found Mao Gang's concubine and were suffocating in their hearts, when they heard Ma Xiaoquan say that Xiao Ke had been killed, the Japs suddenly exploded.

The two of them ran all the way towards Mao's manor. When they arrived at the backyard, they happened to see two guys with their faces covered, one tall and one fat, carrying Xiao Ke's body.

"Damn it!" The Japs didn't say anything, drew their waist swords and rushed over.

Ma Xiaoquan did not "show weakness" and drew his dagger and rushed over.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the two ANBU members quickly dropped Xiao Ke's body and took several steps back.

"Who are you?" the devil shouted.

The tall ANBU frowned slightly and did not answer the Japs' words.

"Damn it," Ma Xiaoquan cursed, adding fuel to the flames, "You idiot is looking for death."

After saying that, Ma Xiaoquan picked up the dagger and stabbed the tall ANBU.

"Hmph," the tall Anbu snorted coldly, dodged Ma Xiaoquan's thrust, then turned around and kicked Ma Xiaoquan directly in the abdomen.

Ma Xiaoquan had expected it, and with a "good luck", he turned the dagger downwards, pressed it down, and stabbed the opponent's feet instead.

"Huh?" The tall Anbu was startled, swung his right hand and slapped his thigh, forcing him to change the direction of the kick.

Ma Xiaoquan was also a little surprised. He had already experienced the abilities of the shadow guards, and this ANBU seemed to be very skilled.

After one move resulted in a tie, both of them stopped fighting and jumped back one after another.

"Who are you?" Ma Xiaoquan asked.

The tall ANBU asked, "Who are you?"

Just as Ma Xiaoquan was about to speak, the Japs answered: "You knowingly killed our companions, and we must make you pay with blood today!"

The tall ANBU sneered and said: "Blood debt must be paid in blood? You broke into the manor without permission and we are doing well without asking for your troubles. Why, you still want to pay in blood? Humph" the tall ANBU said as he waved a few times.

Lower your right hand.

"Qiang Qiang Qiang" On the roof, a dozen guys carrying bows and arrows suddenly sprang out. Under the dim torch light, they looked a little cold.

Ma Xiaoquan raised his head and glanced at the roof. Oh my god, it's so dark. It's not good.

If Ma Xiaoquan was still Ma Xiaoquan, he would not care about how many of these people there were, but at this moment... his identity is Kuizi.

"Japanese, withdraw." Ma Xiaoquan pulled a handful of Japs away.

Although the Japs are impulsive, they are not stupid. No matter how powerful one person is, it is impossible to deal with more than a dozen people, and the opponents also have bows and arrows. Unless the Japs are gods, or like the Ma Xiaoquan whom the master Lu Xian said.

"Want to leave?" The tall ANBU chuckled, "Just stay when you are here, so as not to have long nights and dreams!" After that, the tall ANBU waved his hand, and the people on the roof drew their bows and arrows, aiming at Ma Xiaoquan and the Japs.


Ma Xiaoquan and the Japanese looked at each other, and they instantly reached a tacit understanding.

After a loud shout, the Japs ran towards the fatter ANBU, while Ma Xiaoquan attacked the tall ANBU.

"You want to use me as a hostage? Interesting?" When the tall ANBU saw Ma Xiaoquan attacking him, he said something unhurriedly, then turned around, and four more hidden weapons appeared in his hands as if by magic.

"Go!" The tall ANBU threw the concealed weapon and went straight to Ma Xiaoquan's front door.

Ma Xiaoquan now has a human skin mask on his face. He had already made a scar in order to pretend to be a leader. If this hidden weapon hits his face again, the human skin mask may be broken.

The head can be cut off, the hairstyle can't be messed up, and the human skin mask on the face can't be damaged anymore. Ma Xiaoquan pulled out the dagger and waved it vigorously in front of him a few times. He only heard four "dang, dang, dang, dang" sounds, and all four hidden weapons were destroyed.

He knocked it down.

At this moment, the ANBU on the roof fired several arrows directly at Ma Xiaoquan.

"Fuck" Ma Xiaoquan cursed secretly in his heart and quickly twisted his body and did two backflips.

"Ding, ding, ding..." The arrow shot to the ground, making a crisp sound.

Ma Xiaoquan, who successfully dodged a round of volleys, did not relax his vigilance. He raised his head and saw that the roof was pitch black. Ma Xiaoquan cursed in his heart, rolled over a few more times, and got close to the Japanese.

The Japs had very bad luck today. First they went to search for Mao Gang's concubine but failed, and then they tried to sneak attack on the fat Anbu but missed again. The two consecutive missed attempts made the Japs very angry.

"Damn it, I..." Before the devil could finish his words, another salvo was fired from the roof.

Ma Xiaoquan and the Japanese separated instantly and ran in two different directions.

"Want to run?" The tall ANBU laughed, pulled out two daggers from his sleeves, and shot at Ma Xiaoquan and the Japanese respectively.

Ma Xiaoquan had learned the power of hidden weapons from the tall ANBU. As early as the tall ANBU spoke, Ma Xiaoquan was ready to change the line in an emergency.

With a "dang" sound, Ma Xiaoquan dodged the hidden weapon of the tall ANBU, but the Japs did not have such good luck.

There was a "stab!" sound, and the Japanese soldier's arm was scratched by a hidden weapon.

The Japs were furious in their hearts, but they calmly endured the pain and took out a projectile from their arms.

The Japanese smashed the projectile to the ground, and heard a "bang" sound. The exploding projectile produced a puff of white smoke, instantly covering the entire backyard.

"The opportunity has come." Ma Xiaoquan's eyes narrowed, and he took advantage of the cover of white smoke to escape over the wall...

After the white smoke dissipated, Ma Xiaoquan and the Japanese had already disappeared.

"Damn it." The tall ANBU stamped his foot fiercely, "The Shadow Guards are really powerful. It seems that I underestimated them..." The tall ANBU lowered his head, looked at Xiao Ke's body in front of him, and frowned.

He said, "Hurry and deal with it. The sound just now may have aroused the suspicion of the officers and soldiers."



The fat ANBU came over and asked: "Brother, were those two shadow guards just now?"

The tall ANBU nodded: "This is very strange. Just after this guy died, two people came behind him. I'm afraid someone is secretly trying to trip us up."

"What should we do? The master is on his way to Xiangyang now. I'm afraid he won't be able to come back for a while...Brother, if I go after the master, I should be able to catch up with him?"

The tall ANBU waved his hand: "That's not necessary. The master is going to Xiangyang this time to deal with the affairs of Wangxiang Tower. After this time, we don't need to go to Xiangyang in the future..."

The fat ANBU said in confusion: "I don't understand. With Master's ability, why is he obsessed with Mrs. Mingyue?"

The tall ANBU said: "Master's persistence cannot be understood by us as servants. We should do our own thing well and take good care of the substitute. Let's wait until the master comes back."


This chapter has been completed!
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