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[059] Action

Inside Cao Cao's camp.

"What, Master Shangxian is leaving?"

Ma Xiaoquan waved his hand and said, "I'll leave for a while. I have something to do."

Cao Cao knew the temper of this immortal, so he did not stop him. He just said a few symbolic words and agreed.

Before leaving the camp, Ma Xiaoquan turned around and said to Cao Cao: "By the way, I almost forgot to tell you. I have thought of a way to cure Xun Yu's stuttering."

Cao Cao looked at Ma Xiaoquan in surprise.

Ma Xiaoquan chuckled and left the camp.

"Dingyi" The first thing Ma Xiaoquan called out when he came out of the camp was Dingyi's name.

Ding Yi heard the sound and came over, respectfully saying: "Master, Ding Yi is here."

Ma Xiaoquan asked Ding Yi: "If I tell you that I have no ambition to dominate the world, what do you think?"

Ding Yiyi was stunned, and then he laughed and said: "I, Ding Yi, don't have any ambitions. I only think about the life of my wife and children on the hot bed. How about fighting for world supremacy, but in the end it's just a piece of dirt?"

"Well said!" Ma Xiaoquan clapped his hands, "From today on, you will be my staff."

Ding Yi has said this sentence tens of thousands of times in his heart: "A good bird chooses the best tree to roost in". Unfortunately, he is not a nobleman and his family has little money. In this troubled world, if he wants to become an official, he must not only be filial and honest, but also buy an official position.

, Ding Yi asked himself if he didn’t have any of them, how could he talk about being an official?

But Ding Yi has always had a wish deep in his heart, that is, to assist an adult and advise him. Even if he cannot conquer the world, he will be content. What Ding Yi wants is just a wish, a wish that allows him to display his talents.

Of course, Ding Yi is also very self-aware and knows that his talent is not outstanding.

Ma Xiaoquan looked at Ding Yi's expression of wanting to laugh but not daring to laugh, and his thoughts suddenly drifted away again. But soon, Ma Xiaoquan came back to his senses, and then remembered the chief's original words: People will change, especially

When he reaches a certain height...

Ma Xiaoquan sighed. Yes, although Cao Cao looks pretty good now, it won't be long before he attacks Xuzhou and then massacres the city... After that, Cao Cao, Lu Bu, and Liu Bei...

..In the end, even Xun Yu, who had been helping him with suggestions, was killed by him...

People will change.

Thinking of this, Ma Xiaoquan suddenly thought of Ming Yuexin again.

"It seems I have to take some time to go back and take a look. Well, let's wait until Shouzhang is captured."

In early May of the third year of the reign of Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty (AD 192), Cao Cao commanded the army to launch an all-out battle with the remaining members of the Yellow Turban bandit army in Shouzhang.

However, it is a pity that due to the huge disparity in numbers, Cao Cao was always defeated. In the blink of an eye, his troops were only half of the original ones.

"Well" Cao Cao unfolded the map and observed it carefully. Beside him, Xun Yu remained silent, waiting for Cao Cao to speak.

After a long time, Cao Cao said: "Xun Yu, what do you think?" Yuan Fang, what do you think?

...There must be...behind...this matter...there must be...a secret that cannot...be...reported...to others.

.....Secret..." This is your mother's copy of Di Renjie and Yuan Fang. Cao Cao frowned slightly. Thinking of what Ma Xiaoquan said before leaving, Cao Cao suddenly missed Ma Xiaoquan a little.

"Go on!"

Xun Yu blushed and told Cao Cao his thoughts in detail.

After hearing this, Cao Cao's solemn expression improved slightly.

"You mean, we shouldn't kill them all, but recruit these Yellow Turbans?"

Xun Yu said respectfully: "Exactly...exactly what I mean...Lord...that...those...Huang...

..The Yellow Turban bandits are numerous...mostly a ragtag group of people. Although they claim to have...hundreds...millions of people, they actually...

.... Originally they were farmers who relied on the fields to make a living. If... the Lord... the Lord could... be able to promise

Give him...them land, give...give them food, I think very soon...it will come from...from within...


What Xun Yu said was extremely difficult. Cao Cao felt his head tremble when he heard it. However, Xun Yu's words made sense. It seemed that he might have thought too complicatedly at first.

“Moreover, my lord...my lord, compared to...compared to ordnance...food...food and fodder, my lord is more...

..What is needed more...is the population, right?”

Xun Yu's words directly pointed out Cao Cao's needs.

As Xun Yu said, Cao Cao wanted people in his heart. As long as he had people and arranged a reasonable living and working place for them, why worry about not having food, money, and weapons?

"What should we do?"

Xun Yu was full of confidence, walked over, pointed at the map, and said without being humble or arrogant: "My lord, please take a look..."

Xun Yu said these four words very smoothly, and Cao Cao was also surprised. It can be seen that Xun Yu worked very hard to correct his stuttering.

He can work very hard to correct this minor problem of his subordinates. As a lord, why should he worry about consecutive defeats?

Cao Cao nodded and listened quietly to Xun Yu's analysis...

Wang Dali lived a very cool life these days. Although one of his arms was burned off by Ma Xiaoquan, it did not affect his status in the Yellow Turban Army at all.

Although he had lost the camp before, his brother Wang Juli was still there in the base camp. Therefore, Wang Juli, who escaped in embarrassment, not only was not punished, but was promoted to a higher level and became a member of the Yellow Turban Bandit Army.

Wang Juli knew his younger brother very well. Not only did he take advantage of both men and women, but he was also very greedy. As long as he liked someone, even if it was his sister-in-law, this boy would steal.

Of course, Wang Juli was actually not a good guy. Relying on his height and strength, he robbed many women from good families and killed countless people.

"Brother, tell me what to do. Your brother and I had my arm burned off by that demon, what do you think to do?"

Wang Juli looked at his younger brother beside him and asked: "Didn't you say that the demon can't be beaten to death? You still want to use so many balls!"

Wang Dali said bitterly: "It's okay to use a ball. If it weren't for that little brat Gou Er, I would have..."

Wang Juli kicked Wang Dali: "Fuck you, I told you not to fuck his sister, but you didn't listen and strangled her to death..."

Wang Dali disagreed: "Who made her fucking struggle? Damn it, the meat was not eaten, and I kicked the ball. If I hadn't been strong enough, I would have become Shi Chang and served Shi Chang."

Shi was the eunuch of Chao Gang who suffered from cholera in the late Eastern Han Dynasty. If you don’t know, you can go to Baidu and figure it out for yourself.”

Wang Juli said: "Then what do you want to do?"

Wang Dali said: "Catch that little brat Gou Er, castrate him, and then throw him into the forest to feed the wolves!"

Wang Juli waved his hand impatiently: "Okay, let's talk about it when we meet. By the way, second brother, your brother and I got some girls a few days ago. How about we go and have a good time?"

When Wang Dali heard this, he was overjoyed, but he still asked his brother without giving up: "Do you have a boy?"

Wang Juli knew his brother's hobby, but he still despised him and said angrily: "Put water!"

"Okay, hey hey..."

The two brothers were discussing evilly, but they didn't know that a little yellow scarf soldier standing guard not far from them had quietly written down their words.


Late at night, this little yellow scarf thief quietly changed his clothes, then lurked and disappeared into the night.

Elsewhere, Ma Xiaoquan, Ding Yi, and Yang Hu, who had been waiting for a long time, finally welcomed their spy. This spy was none other than Liang, the "little yellow scarf thief" who lurked at Wang Juli and Wang Dali's place during the day.


Ding Yi stepped forward and asked quietly: "What's going on?"

Liang Long was also illiterate, but he could understand people's words, so he simply repeated the conversation he heard before to Ding Yi.

After hearing this, Ding Yi frowned. After sorting himself out for a moment, he walked to Ma Xiaoquan's side on tiptoe.

Ma Xiaoquan slept all day long. With his subordinates guarding him, he didn't have to avoid anything at all. It was night, but Ma Xiaoquan was very energetic.

Ding Yi gave Ma Xiaoquan a concise report on the situation he had sorted out. After listening to it, Ma Xiaoquan frowned slightly.

There was no moonlight tonight, so Ma Xiaoquan frowned, and Liang Long, Dingyi and the others didn't see it.

"Master..." Ding Yi called softly.

Ma Xiaoquan waved his hand and made a decision in his mind: "When is it now?"

Yang Hu spoke at this time: "Return to the master, it's time to wait for a moment."

Ma Xiaoquan nodded and said: "Ding Yi, Yang Hu, you two don't follow me. Diplodocus and I have something to do. By the way, is Diplodocus still energetic?"

Liang Long patted his weak chest and said as a guarantee: "Master, don't worry, my family was a hunter when I was a child. Sometimes in order to track a big green sheep, I could follow it for five days without sleeping."

"Okay!" Ma Xiaoquan was secretly happy. He accidentally accepted such a talented person who was good at lurking. He was so happy.

After Ma Xiaoquan gave Ding Yi and Yang Hu a few simple instructions, he and Liang Long disappeared into the night.

Yang Hu looked at the master's long-disappeared figure and asked Ding Yi in confusion: "Old Ding, why didn't the master go there with great fanfare? According to the master's magic, those people are just carrots poking their butts but not hitting the ball?"

Ding Yi smiled thoughtfully and did not answer, then closed his eyes and rested to himself.

Seeing that Ding Yi didn't answer, Yang Hu lost his voice. At this moment, he kept thinking: Zhang Gong is very powerful in martial arts, Ding Yi is good at planning, Liang Long is good at hiding, and where is I, Yang Hu? What can I, Yang Hu, do for my master?



Liang Long led Ma Xiaoquan and lurked under the night with half-hunched body. Liang Long was also very shocked at this moment. He used to be a hunter, a hunter who was good at squatting, ambush and lurking. What a hunter needs most is not courage.

Ability, but unparalleled patience and the patience to endure loneliness. Diplodocus was surprised to find that his master possessed both of these two things, and was much stronger than him.

This chapter has been completed!
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