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【533】Time Shuttle

Summary of the previous chapter: Ma Xiaoquan used Ma Zheng's wedding banquet to invite various dignitaries, and left the venue for a drink with Cao Cao. Cao Cao then left the study and returned to the banquet hall, but unexpectedly, the bad news came that Cao Cao had been killed...


"You, come here!" Ma Xiaoquan pointed at another person and shouted.

"Lord Immortal, me"

Ma Xiaoquan said angrily: "Come over if I ask you to! If I ask you a question, if you answer well, you will avoid death; if you answer poorly, you will be burned to death immediately!"

The man hesitated for a moment, then turned around and ran away.

"Huh!" Ma Xiaoquan didn't even look at it. He concentrated his energy and threw out a crimson flame ribbon.

"Bang" the flame belt hit the man's back, and then there was a burst of miserable screams.

"Who else wants to run away?" Ma Xiaoquan no longer cares about life or death. As long as he can't find out the cause of Cao Cao's death, he will not let go of everyone present.

The scene suddenly became quiet. During this period, some people wanted to sneak away, but they could not escape Ma Xiaoquan's eyes. At this moment, Ma Xiaoquan unleashed all the super powers he had mastered: Red Lotus Domination Fire, Green Spirit Fire,

The blue holy fire and the change of gravity are all blessed to the maximum.

For the first time, Ma Xiaoquan turned on all his existing abilities. At this moment, he seemed to have a prejudgment that transcended ordinary perception. Whenever anyone made any unusual move, Ma Xiaoquan seemed to kill it before he made any move.

"The Devil's Forbidden Zone..." A word Mingfa said suddenly flashed in Ma Xiaoquan's mind.

At this time, Yuan, who had been unresponsive before, suddenly said: "Ma Xiaoquan, stop, you will overdraw if you release all your superpowers like this."

Ma Xiaoquan responded with a sneer in his heart: "Yuan, there is no point in overdrafting or not. Cao Cao is dead. I guess it won't be long before you come back to bite me, right? It's death anyway, why don't I be more domineering?"

"You are wrong Ma Xiaoquan, you will not die!"

"What? I won't die?"

"Have you forgotten? Even after Huang Jingming separated from me, he didn't die!"

"Hum, even if I don't die, won't you bite me back? Aren't there many people you've fought back against?"

The source suddenly fell silent.

"What? Am I right? Huh..."

Ma Xiaoquan raised his head, his throat felt sweet again.


Ma Xiaoquan turned his head and glanced, and smiled sadly: "Xiao'er, dad, I'm sorry for you." After saying that, Ma Xiaoquan clasped his hands together, and his super power increased again.

"Dad, don't..."

Although Ma Xiao and others kept shouting, Ma Xiaoquan could no longer hear them at this moment.

The color of the flames burning all over Ma Xiaoquan gradually changed from dark red to light blue, and then... the light blue began to gradually deepen...

"At this time, the Lan Ming Holy Fire has advanced..." Ma Xiaoquan shook his head speechlessly, "It's too late..."

"It's not too late, Ma Xiaoquan, it's not too late..." Yuan suddenly screamed in Ma Xiaoquan's mind.

"Yuan, it's useless to say anything..."

"No, you can't die, you absolutely can't die, Ma Xiaoquan, have you forgotten? What am I? I am the heart of time, I am the source, people who own me can physically travel through time, can travel through time...


"Time travel? Source, please be more specific. Source? Source? Ci'ao, why don't you be more fucking specific?"

Yuan did not answer Ma Xiaoquan's questions, and Ma Xiaoquan suddenly couldn't feel Yuan's presence in his body. No matter how Ma Xiaoquan called, Yuan did not respond.

"The heart of time..." Ma Xiaoquan took a deep breath and suddenly woke up.

"That's it...the heart of time...how could I forget..."

Ma Xiaoquan raised his eyes and looked around, looking at Cao Pi who was still crying bitterly, looking at his family members who were being held back by his servants and preventing them from coming forward, looking at the guests who looked at him as if they were monsters, and those Ma Xiaoquan

The stranger whose name I couldn’t call but who looked frightened...

With a smile, the blue flames on Ma Xiao's body suddenly went out. In full view of everyone, Ma Xiaoquan made a very casual cutting motion in mid-air with his right hand.

"This is..." Hua Yuexin saw Ma Xiaoquan's action and not only remembered what happened before.

"Ms. Hua Yuexin" rushed towards Ma Xiaoquan like crazy. Ma Xiaoquan did not look back or hesitate. After he made the cutting action, a crack suddenly opened in mid-air that could accommodate a person.


Ma Xiaoquan jumped into the crack without hesitation.

Hua Yuexin moved very quickly. Just when she was about to hit the crack, Ma Xiaoquan suddenly got out of the crack, grabbed Hua Yuexin, shook his head and said to her: "Yue'er, wait for me.


Hua Yuexin raised her head and looked at her man. At this moment, she felt dizzy. Others couldn't see it, but she could see the blood-colored light emanating from her man's body.

Hua Yuexin shook her head and tried to break away from Ma Xiaoquan, but Ma Xiaoquan's hands were like two pairs of pliers, holding her firmly.

"Ms. sir..." Hua Yuexin reached out and touched Ma Xiaoquan's face. The moment she touched Ma Xiaoquan's face, a strange scene suddenly flashed in her mind:

It was a snow-white bed, with a girl lying on the bed. The girl's expression was very peaceful, as if she was waiting for something. At this moment, Hua Yuexin felt that she was that girl...

"Do we know each other?" Hua Yuexin looked up with tears in her eyes and asked Ma Xiaoquan.

Ma Xiaoquan nodded.

"I feel like my husband and I have known each other for a long, long time..."

Ma Xiaoquan smiled, shook his head, and said, "Wait for me here." After saying that, Ma Xiaoquan pushed Hua Yuexin away a few steps, and then fell into the crack.

"Stab" The crack quickly closed as Ma Xiaoquan's entire body was submerged. When Hua Yuexin stepped forward again, nothing could be touched...

In the interlayer of time, Ma Xiao's face turned pale and he vomited several mouthfuls of blood.

“Damn, it’s so fucking uncomfortable.”

Ma Xiaoquan raised his head, looked at the void wall full of clocks in the time mezzanine, and said with a smile: "It turns out... I know why Huang Jingming was backlashed by the origin of history... It turns out...

....Hmph..." Ma Xiaoquan walked up to a huge clock with the word "汉" written on it, stretched out his hands and grabbed the hour and minute hands inside the clock.

"What I did...should be considered a violation of history...haha..." As he spoke, Ma Xiaoquan gritted his teeth and used all his strength to move the hour hand of the clock.

and the minute hand move back.

"Crack..." The sound was not made by the clock, but by the bones of Ma Xiaoquan's body.

"Ah" Ma Xiaoquan endured the severe pain, tightly grasped the hour and minute hands, and pulled them back hard.

"Click" Finally, Ma Xiaoquan's efforts had an effect, and the hour and minute hands of the clock began to rotate.

Ma Xiaoquan did not relax. He leaned forward and pressed forward with his own body weight.

"Click... click..." Three crisp sounds were heard, and the hour and minute hands of the clock were pulled back half a turn by Ma Xiaoquan.

"Not enough, not enough..." Ma Xiaoquan gritted his teeth and continued to exert force. After several more crisp sounds, this time, the hour and minute hands circled more than a half circle.

Ma Xiaoquan let go of his hands, and then he realized that his whole body was covered in bright red. When he moved his body slightly, a crisp sound came from his bones, accompanied by a surge of pain.

"I'm a man, I can't fall!" Ma Xiaoquan gritted his teeth, supported his body... and walked forward step by step.


Yecheng, about an hour ago.

A banquet was being held in the Ma family courtyard. Cao Cao and Cao Pi had just arrived and were holding wine glasses to congratulate Ma Xiaoquan's son Ma Zheng on his happy wedding.

Ma Xiaoquan yawned out of boredom, thinking about how to sneak out.

Cao Cao smiled and walked over to Ma Xiaoquan with a glass of wine.

"Master Shangxian, congratulations, congratulations to your third son for marrying a wife, haha..."

Ma Xiaoquan smiled slightly, pulled Cao Cao over, and whispered: "Xiao Cao, I'll be fine for a while. How about we have a drink? It's too noisy..."

Cao Cao raised his eyebrows and nodded: "I don't like to be too noisy. Okay, then we'll go after Master Shangxian has received the ceremony, hehe..."

Ma Xiaoquan nodded, took a few steps to the high hall seat and sat down.

Hua Yuexin rolled her eyes at Ma Xiaoquan gently. As Ma Zheng's biological mother, Hua Yuexin was very charming today, but...she was so radiant, but her husband was holding a wine flask to greet the guests.

I was left out in the cold.

"Hmph, Hundan, do you still know how to sit back?"

Ma Xiaoquan chuckled and kissed Hua Yuexin's pretty face without hesitation: "Madam, aren't I greeting Xiao Cao and Xiao Cao, hehe..."

"Huh, okay, sit down, I'm here to toast you..."

Ma Xiaoquan nodded, straightened his collar slightly, and straightened the cloth wrapped around his head.

Thinking of the purple hair on his head, Ma Xiaoquan felt a little sad, but it's okay, my hair can grow longer, so I'll wrap it up today, hehe.

Ma Zheng led little Huang girl, whose head was covered with red gauze, slowly walked forward and knelt down respectfully in front of Ma Xiaoquan and Hua Yuexin.

At this time, the master of ceremonies sang in a very timely manner: "When the newlyweds enter the hall, they first bow to the heaven and the earth... and the second bow to the high hall..."

Ma Xiaoquan took out the big red envelope with a smile, grinned and stuffed it into the hands of Ma Zheng and Miss Huang.

As soon as the "mission" was completed, Ma Xiaoquan immediately rubbed oil on his feet and pulled Cao Cao into the study.

Not long after Ma Xiaoquan and Cao Cao left, a firewood shed in the Ma family lit up, and then a man stumbled out of the woodshed covered in blood.

The man wiped the blood on his face, gasped, and said to himself: "I hope... I can catch up..."

This chapter has been completed!
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