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【556】No way

Summary of the previous chapter: Ma Xiaoquan changed his clothes, found out where Lu Xiaowang was going, and was about to return to Nanyang County temporarily. Unexpectedly, his uncle Zuo Ci suddenly appeared and asked Ma Xiaoquan to see his master Huang Shigong. Ma Xiaoquan asked the reason, Zuo Ci

Ci only said that he would die...

Zuo Ci's face darkened and he asked in a low voice: "Uncle Master, I'll ask you again, are you really not going?"

Seeing the sudden change in Zuo Ci's expression, Ma Xiaoquan couldn't help but feel tight in his heart, and his mouth relaxed slightly: "Uncle Master, the reason you gave is really far-fetched, will I die? How could I die? How could Master, this old man?

What about me? I don’t understand?”

"You bastard, it's because you, a brat, don't understand, that's why I asked you to see your master. In one sentence, you go or not. If you go, just follow me. If you don't go, you'll die!"

Ma Xiaoquan took a breath and said, "Uncle Master, can you let me think about it?"

"A manly man works like a mother-in-law. Think quickly, I don't have that much time to spend with you!"

Ma Xiaoquan sighed and hurriedly called Yuan.

"Yuan, you heard the conversation between my uncle and I, right? What do you think?"

In his left eye, Yuan Chuan said: "Ma Xiaoquan, I suggest you go and meet your master."

"Ah? Yuan, are you showing off your head? I'm going to see my master. What should I do with the people in the Lu family's mansion? Should I kill them?"

"Hun Dan, I have no brain," Yuan continued, "Your master Huang Shigong is a very magical person, well he should know some things..."

"Some things? Yuan, you have lived for such a long time, don't you know? No, right? You can see the heart of time. Unless you don't want to know in this world, how could you not know? Besides, I

You should know best whether you will die or not, right?"

Yuandao: "That's not the case, Ma Xiaoquan. We are one body. As long as I am here, you will not die, but if you die unilaterally, I will still die."

"One-sided death? Which aspect do you mean?"

"I don't know, but you humans have conscious death, spiritual death, and other nominal deaths. Although they are not comparable to death, these deaths will indeed make you die."

"How is it possible? I am living well and happily. I have no shadow in my heart and my spirit is good. Why should I die?"

"This is why I suggest you go see your master!" Yuan concluded.

"Hmm...Okay, you can see my master, but what about the people in the Lu family mansion? And Lu Xiaowang, I still have something to ask him, what should I do?"

"These... can only be discussed after you meet your master..."

Ma Xiaoquan lamented in his heart. After Yuan said this, he felt unsure. It seemed that he really had to go see the master.

Thinking of this, Ma Xiaoquan raised his head and said to Zuo Ci: "Uncle, let me go with you. It's really..."

When Zuo Ci heard this, he chuckled and shook the ball in his hand twice: "This is the right thing, brat. In fact, if you don't go back with me, I will tie you back too. This is your master's responsibility.

It was ordered by my senior brother Huang Shigong. Oh my god, there is nothing we can do."

"Huh? Uncle Master, did you have any information that fell into my master's hands? Otherwise, you wouldn't be so obedient?"

"Stop talking nonsense. Since you agreed to come with me, you must leave. Let's leave now."

"Let's go now. Where are we going? How?"

Zuo Ci chuckled and waved his float in front of Ma Xiaoquan's eyes twice. Ma Xiaoquan suddenly felt that the world was spinning. At the moment when Ma Xiaoquan fainted, he seemed to see a light...

When Ma Xiaoquan woke up, all his clothes had been changed. He touched his face and found that the human skin mask on his face had long disappeared.

"Uh" Ma Xiaoquan sat up and stretched. He only remembered that his uncle Zuo Ci used floating and sinking skills to waver in front of his eyes twice, and then he didn't know anything else.

"Are you awake, Quaner?"

Ma Xiaoquan said oh, turned around and saw his master, Huang Shizheng, sitting in front of a round table, holding a cup of tea between the thumb, middle and index finger of his right hand and looking at him with a smile.

Ma Xiaoquan hurriedly got off the bed, not even bothering to put on his shoes, and hurriedly wanted to salute his master.

"No need to be polite, Quan'er, put on your shoes and sit over here."

"Yes, Master!" Ma Xiaoquan nodded, carefully put on his shoes, walked lightly to Master Huang Shigong, and sat down slowly.

"Haha..." Mr. Huang Shi poured a cup of tea for Ma Xiaoquan, "I think you are puzzled that I came to you in such a hurry, right?"

Ma Xiaoquan nodded.

"What did your uncle tell you?"

Ma Xiaoquan told his master exactly what Zuo Ci said to him.

"Well, Yuan Fang Zuo Ci, this old guy is a little more reliable in his work this time... Quan'er, what do you think?"

Ma Xiaoquan frowned and said, "Master, have you seen my body's rapid healing, right?"

Huang Shigong nodded: "Well, I saw you when I first met."

"Master, not only can my body heal quickly, but my lower body is also invincible. Don't you know this?" Ma Xiaoquan didn't want to hide it from his master. The fact that his master can leave Ling'er under his care is the greatest trust.

Besides, Ling'er is now his wife, and she has given birth to several children. Ma Xiao should be honest with his master about everything, both emotionally and rationally.

"Well, even my teacher knows this!"

"Ah? Master, when did you know about it?"

"Haha, Quan'er, in fact, my teacher is very clear about all your experiences. Over the years, my teacher has never taught you properly. I feel ashamed of you for this...

.But looking at your performance, I am very pleased..."

Ma Xiaoquan was confused. The master did not directly answer his question. Moreover, the master actually said that he knew what he had done before. What was going on?

Huang Shigong poured himself a cup of tea, took a sip and said: "It doesn't matter how I know this, the important thing is that if your body is not protected anymore, it will be in an overloaded state. If it continues,

If so, I'm afraid I will die..."

"Overload? State?" The word "master" came out of his mouth, and Ma Xiaoquan became even more confused. Ma Xiaoquan couldn't guarantee whether the word "state" was a product of this era, but overload, Ma Xiaoquan was very sure, there was absolutely no such word in the era of the late Han Dynasty.


"Hey" Huang Shigong shook his head, took out a few pieces of yellowed paper from his arms, and handed them to Ma Xiaoquan.

"Master, this is..." Ma Xiaoquan looked at Huang Shigong in confusion.

"Why does my master know about you? In fact, it has been clearly written on these pieces of paper. Quan'er, please take a look..."

Ma Xiaoquan picked up these pages and browsed through the contents curiously.

"Huh? This is..." Ma Xiaoquan raised his head and looked at Huang Shigong in surprise, "Master, this... this..., where did you get it?"

Huang Shigong touched the white beard on his chin, nodded and said: "Quan'er, you must have understood something after reading the content on this page, right?"

Ma Xiaoquan nodded, feeling very uncomfortable. He originally thought that if he physically traveled back to this era, he would have some adventures, but now, luckily, he had the adventures, but someone wrote his own words on these pages.

All the adventures. Ma Xiaoquan has always claimed that he is a "director", but he never thought... that he has already become someone else's "actor". Do you think this can't be frustrating?

Huang Shigong patted Ma Xiaoquan on the shoulder: "Quan'er, it's okay for me to know, but if others find out, it will be detrimental to you!"

Ma Xiaoquan hummed. His master was right. What he wrote on these pages was exactly all his movements since he came to the end of the Han Dynasty. Apart from anything else, if that guy Lu Xian got these pages,

Then wouldn’t I be restrained by him everywhere?

"Master, has anyone read these pages?"

Huang Shigong smiled and said: "Don't worry, apart from you and me, no one else knows about these pages."

Ma Xiaoquan took a breath and felt relieved.

Huang Shigong asked: "Quan'er, what kind of person is Huang Jingming?"

"Huh?" Ma Xiaoquan raised his head and asked, "Master, Huang Jingming gave these pages to you, right? I don't understand, how did Huang Jingming know about you?"

Huang Shigong shook his head: "I don't know either. When I first met him, he said very little. He just gave these pages to me, and he left. From beginning to end, he only said one sentence."


"One sentence? Master, what did Huang Jingming say?"

Huang Shigong did not answer Ma Xiaoquan's question quickly, but asked again: "Quan'er, please tell me first, are you related to Huang Jingming?"

Ma Xiaoquan nodded: "Master, to be honest, we belong to the same era. He was before me. To be precise, I am his successor."

"Era? Successor? Haha..." Huang Shigong said with a smile, "The only sentence Huang Jingming said at the beginning also contained these two words."

Ma Xiaoquan smiled bitterly and said: "Master, please stop being so secretive. What did Huang Jingming say?"

"You bastard, haha... Huang Jingming's original words were: One day, my successor will come to this era again. When he gets that object, please refer to Huangshi Public Affairs

He must be saved."

"Ah?" Ma Xiaoquan said in surprise after listening to Huang Shigong's retelling, "Did Huang Jingming really say that?"

This chapter has been completed!
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