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[062] Kill all

Ma Xiaoquan's idea was that the fireball came out of his hand and exploded among the thieves, and then the thieves staggered around like bowling pins.

The thieves were also startled, because they discovered that the purple-haired man not far in front was actually preparing to throw the fireball in his hand towards them. Suddenly, they all looked like well-trained soldiers, urgently

Stop and block your eyes with the knife, leaving only a gap to observe the situation ahead.

Ma Xiaoquan was very proud, but after feeling proud, he did not notice his fireball appearing in the crowd of thieves. Instead, his right hand felt uneasy.

Looking sideways, Ma Xiaoquan wished he could find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

"Haha..." The thieves were also slightly reassured, and then started laughing, staggering around, and some even lying on the ground and beating the ground.

Since he was his own master, Diplodocus couldn't say anything, so he could only blush and lower his head.

Ma Zhuzhu opened her mouth. At this time, she could not describe her mood.

And the girl was so shocked that she couldn't speak for a while.

"Haha..." A thief stood up, put down the knife in front of his eyes, pointed the tip of the knife at Ma Xiaoquan and said, "You are a fool, do you know how to play tricks? Grandpa will teach you if you can't play tricks?"

Ma Xiaoquan's mood at this time, not to mention how depressed it was, had been brewing for such a long time and had put on such a cool pose. He thought it would be a home run, but... of course, there were indeed many thieves in that group.

People staggered around, but it was all because of their own laughter.

Ma Xiaoquan is also good-tempered. He is not too angry. After all, the ability to control flames is just a replica of Tomorrow's Heart, and he does it entirely based on his own preferences.

Ma Xiaoquan blew out the flame ball in his right hand that was not thrown out, blushed and said shyly: "I'm sorry to disappoint you."

It would be okay if Ma Xiaoquan didn't throw a fireball before, but now that he said such words out of the blue, the girl next to him couldn't stand it anymore, so she stepped forward and kicked Ma Xiaoquan hard.

"Cowardly, deceitful person"

This kick made Ma Xiaoquan, who was still a little embarrassed, suddenly sober up a lot. At the same time, he also realized the evil in the eyes of those thieves.

Sure enough, a big-bodied thief licked his lips and said with a smile: "These two chicks look delicious. After we kill these two men in a while, we will take turns!"

When the thieves heard this, they burst into laughter.

Ma Xiaoquan was also very anxious, because after he blew out the flames on his own initiative, the flames could not come out no matter how hard he concentrated.

"That's all, let's fight hand to hand."

Ma Xiaoquan pursed his lips and winked at Liang Long. Liang Long understood and threw a dagger to Ma Xiaoquan.

After taking the dagger, Ma Xiaoquan took it with his backhand and rushed towards the group of thieves.

"You" the girl choked up and only said one word when she saw Ma Xiaoquan rushing into the group of thieves alone.

This group of thieves should not be thieves.

This was the conclusion Ma Xiaoquan came to suddenly at the moment when he fought with them.

Not only did they have the same daggers in their hands, but also their skills, Ma Xiaoquan concluded that these thieves were definitely not thieves. Even if they were thieves, they would not be ordinary thieves.

Ma Xiaoquan grabbed the dagger with his backhand and slashed it across a person's face.

Of course, Ma Xiaoquan would not naively think that this shot would be a hit, because past experience told him that people who are quick to do everything protect their appearance and vital points very well.

Sure enough, the opponent blocked Ma Xiaoquan's dagger forward with his dagger, making a crisp "clang" sound.

The moment the dagger and the dagger connected, Ma Xiaoquan suddenly felt that the dagger in his hand was like a magnet, attracting the opponent's dagger.

The other party was also startled, thinking that Ma Xiaoquan had some killer move, so he decisively let go of the dagger in his hand and retreated backwards.

Ma Xiaoquan was not eager to fight and jumped back two steps.

Taking off the short knife from the dagger, Ma Xiaoquan thought for a moment and understood immediately.

It turns out that the dull-colored dagger in Diplodocus's hand was polished from magnetite.

Magnetite is an iron ore with a relatively high content of ferric oxide. In ancient times, relatively few of it should have been unearthed, and the smelting of magnetite was also relatively time-consuming and laborious. The fact that magnetite can be polished and smelted into a dagger shows that

, the smelting technology of the Han Dynasty was also very advanced at that time.

Of course, magnetite is relatively brittle and may break if hit hard frequently.

While Ma Xiaoquan was thinking, he looked at the group of thieves opposite him with vigilance.

This group of thieves was not reckless at all, because after the first person who fought with Ma Xiaoquan withdrew, the remaining people did not rush to attack, but stared directly at Ma Xiaoquan with daggers in hand.

At this moment, Ma Xiaoquan was once again convinced in his heart that this group of people was not thieves.

"Who are you?"

A man with a scar on his hand grinned and said: "You shouldn't know, maybe, we can tell you before killing you! Originally, we had no grudges against each other, but the two people around you

Little girl, it really makes grandpas feel unbearable. Don’t worry, after grandpas kill you, they will take good care of those two little girls, haha..."

The scarred man winked, and a group of desperadoes rushed over.

Ma Xiaoquan shouted without looking back: "Liang Long, protect these two women. If they are injured at all, don't come to see me!"

Liang Long was a little helpless, but this was the master's order, and there was also her wife, so Liang Long blinked his bright eyes and responded: "Yes!"

As soon as Liang Long finished speaking, Ma Xiaoquan was already having sex with him.

A short knife was stabbed at Ma Xiaoquan's waist, and the posture of the person holding the knife did not look like he was using a knife at all, but more like using a sword, because stabbing with a knife was not the best way to use a knife.

Ma Xiaoquan hummed, holding the dagger in his hand, turning his body slightly to one side, and easily dodged the stabbing.

Immediately afterwards, another dagger slashed across him.

Ma Xiaoquan raised the corner of his mouth, raised the dagger, held the dagger in front of him with a "clang" sound, and then kicked out a kick, hitting the opponent's abdomen hard.

The opponent's lower abdomen hurt, but he still refused to give in.

Ma Xiaoquan kicked the man in the vital part of his lower body again.

This time, the man no longer pushed forward and retreated with a half-hunched body. Judging from his expression, he must be in great pain.

However, due to Ma Xiaoquan's love for fighting, the kicked leg had no time to withdraw, and the direct result was that the leg was chopped 7 times in an instant.

"Ah" the girl couldn't help shouting when she saw Ma Xiaoquan was stabbed in the leg, but Ma Zhuzhu looked at Ma Xiaoquan without saying a word.

Ma Xiaoquan felt proud. He quickly retracted his "injured" leg, turned around and kicked the three people around him out.

Ma Xiaoquan originally wanted to take a breath, but the other party didn't give him this chance at all.

Kill you while you are sick. It seems that this group of desperadoes is already very familiar with this tactic.

But their wishful thinking was wrong, because Ma Xiaoquan's lower body was invincible, so Ma Xiaoquan didn't care about the "injured" leg at all.

There was a melee between the two sides, and Ma Xiaoquan used his own strength to block the group of desperadoes in front of him, preventing them from getting even half a step closer to Diang Long and the other three.

During this period, Ma Xiaoquan was kicked no less than 10 times in the vital parts of his lower body, stabbed twice in his lower abdomen, and scratched his thighs countless times. It could be seen from his trousers that became strips of cloth that this was a scene.

A real fight, a tough battle that takes lives.

Finally, someone couldn't help it anymore and yelled: "Are you a fucking man?"

Of course Ma Xiaoquan understood what the other party meant. If any man were to be kicked hard on a vital part of the lower body, the pain would be excruciating. The pain could range from being unable to stand up to the severe state of death.

But Ma Xiaoquan didn't feel anything at all, which made Ma Xiaoquan very worried. Of course, what he was worried about was not that his vitals were kicked a dozen times, but that he was worried about whether he would be able to have sex with women in the future because of his invincibility in the lower body.

Hey, hey, hey, thinking about himself, after living for 28 years, he seems to have never slept with a woman, Ma Xiaoquan suddenly felt a little disappointed.

There was a "stab" sound, and because Ma Xiaoquan was distracted, someone slashed his arm.

"Oops!" Ma Xiaoquan cursed in his heart. Being distracted on the battlefield is the easiest way for the opponent to catch fatal loopholes.

Ma Xiaoquan drew his dagger and struck it at the desperado who slashed his arm.

The dagger was drawn out very quickly. Before the desperado could feel what was going on, a hole had already been stabbed in his chest by Ma Xiaoquan.

"Uh-huh" This desperado's lungs must have been pierced by Ma Xiaoquan, so he just made a sound of "uh-uh" and then lost his voice.

"Pfft" Ma Xiaoquan's blood began to flow as he watched the other person fall to the ground, clutching his chest.

In the past, when he was in the special forces brigade, Ma Xiaoquan was not a member of the army who was frequently on duty. He was an information special forces soldier whose main tasks were information blasting and information breakout. Despite this, Ma Xiaoquan still participated in several cross-border international missions at that time.

I still remember that during a Golden Triangle mission to suppress drug lords, Ma Xiaoquan killed almost all the gangsters on the other side. Afterwards, the chief said half-jokingly, Xiao Ma, your surname should not be Ma, your kid should be surnamed "Wolf".

It's appropriate...

"Lao Liu" shouted, instantly pulling Ma Xiaoquan back.

Ma Xiaoquan looked at the dead desperado next to him, and his hands began to tremble unconsciously.

If it weren't for this problem of his, maybe now, Ma Xiaoquan would still be a special information soldier.

"Ah" a companion died. This group of desperadoes were much calmer than expected, but from their eyes, Ma Xiaoquan could read murderous intent.

Sure enough, two of the opponents took out two crossbows and pointed their fingers at Ma Xiaoquan at the same time.

"Hissing" Ma Xiaoquan's scalp felt numb.

"How is it possible, this kind of thing?" Ma Xiaoquan couldn't think about it anymore. The best defense is to attack. He snorted coldly and rushed towards the enemy group. He launched his full offensive against the group of desperadoes.

And this group of desperadoes also have the mentality of killing Ma Xiaoquan...

I don't know how long the battle lasted. Ma Xiaoquan only had one goal in mind now, which was to kill them all.

This chapter has been completed!
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