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Summary of the previous chapter: When Yang Liang saw Yang Guang, the whole family couldn't help but burst into tears. Afterwards, Yuan Fang and Yang Guang talked about a guy named Long Er in Lu Xianying's guard...

Yuan Fang thought for a moment and said, "Father, how did you meet that Huang Shigong?"

Yang Guang chuckled: "That happened when I was studying art with my master. It's a long story, but...it's amazing to say that Huang Shigong is technically Zhang Zifang's teacher.

It’s been hundreds of years, I didn’t expect to still be alive..."

Yuan Fang said: "Well, I heard Ma Xiaoquan mention this. Ma Xiaoquan said that Huang Shigong was also his master!"

"Oh?" Yang Guang was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Well, as long as Mr. Huangshi is willing to take action, Long Er will be easy to deal with..."


In the eighth month of the 24th year of Emperor Xian's reign of the Han Dynasty (AD 219), Cao Pi, the crown prince of Wei, suddenly summoned Ma Xiao, the head of the Ma family.

Ma Xiao felt strange. Although the war was about to begin, the King of Wei was personally involved in the war. The prince's task was only to garrison Yecheng. He was suddenly summoned. What happened to the prince Cao Pi?

That night, Ma Xiao went to the palace to meet the prince Cao Pi as ordered.

When the two met each other, Cao Pi immediately stated his purpose: he wanted to take back the soldiers lent to Ma Xiao.

"Your Highness the Crown Prince..." Ma Xiaoquan felt a little excited when he heard the news, "Right now, my Ma family has just defeated Lu Xian's shadow guards and killed most of them. If you withdraw the borrowed troops now, Lu Xian will know after

Something will definitely be done, and my Ma family will be in danger by then."

Cao Pi curled his lips and thought: I just don't want your Ma family to have an easy time, what do you want?

"Oh haha... Ma Xiao, you are worrying too much. Right now my father and Guan Yu are fighting fiercely, and I don't have the skills to do it. I don't have enough soldiers, so I have to be sent to the front line to provide support.

You also know that there are so many military orders, but I can’t do anything about it..."

When Ma Xiaoquan heard this, he was very angry. Who doesn't know that Guan Yu has been attacking Fancheng since July, and now it is August. Fancheng has been captured by Guan Yu, Yu Jin surrendered, and Pang De was killed. Now you are pretending to send troops there.

What's the use of reinforcements? You're clearly adding insult to injury.

"Your Highness, please think twice."

Cao Pi waved his hand: "Don't think twice, just give me back the soldiers I lent you now!"

Ma Xiao's face darkened: "Your Highness, is our original agreement just a piece of paper?"

Cao Pi snorted coldly and said: "It's just empty talk? What do you think? I am the Crown Prince of Wei, and I am the next King of Wei. I, Cao Pi, can do whatever I want, no matter what I do with Ma Xiao. Are you dissatisfied?"

Ma Xiao clenched his fists tightly and finally smiled: "How dare you, how dare you, the prince's business is my big man's business. If the prince wants to take it back, even if he takes it back, I will never complain at all."

Upon hearing this, Cao Pi nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, a boy can be taught, but Ma Xiao, as for the soldiers, I lent them to you. Your position as the head of the Ma family...isn't that right?"

Is it time to let go?"

Cao Pi was aggressive again and again. No matter how calm Ma Xiao was, he could not match his youthful arrogance.

"Your Highness the Crown Prince," Ma Xiao said angrily, "Our Ma family is at a critical moment right now. Besides... the original agreement between the Crown Prince and the official was: to completely resolve Mr. Lu's matter, and then the official would hand over the Ma family."

As the head of the family, does the prince want to break his promise?"

Cao Pi snorted coldly and said disapprovingly: "I just want to break my promise, so what? What can you do to me?"

Ma Xiao shouted: "Your Highness, please don't bully others too much!"

Cao Pi laughed loudly: "Is this too much to bully? If you have the ability, ask your devilish father to hit me, oh no, or you can hit me, give me a try, haha... I forgive you too

I don’t dare... Ma Xiao, get out of here, get out of here, get out of Ma’s house..."


Ma Xiao returned to the Ma family compound in despair, returned to his bedroom, and finally couldn't help but shed tears of reluctance.

Seeing Ma Xiao's sadness, his wife felt sorry for him.

"Husband, what's wrong? Please stop crying, okay?"

Ma Xiao wiped the tears from his face and forced a smile: "Don't worry, madam. I'm just under a lot of pressure recently."

Ma Xiao's wife stepped forward and hugged her husband's head: "I am a woman and don't understand anything, but I know that my husband has been unhappy since he became the head of the Ma family. I don't care...

Whatever your husband does, I will support him..."

Ma Xiao nodded and said, "If I, your husband, no longer want to be the head of the Ma family, will you blame me?"

The wife shook her head: "How could it be? My husband is a good person. No matter where he is or what he does, he will always be rewarded."

Ma Xiao was moved and took his wife into his arms, unable to say a word.


"Bang bang bang" the door rang.

Ma Xiao took a few breaths and stepped forward to open the door.

It's Ma Zheng.

"Brother, what's wrong with you? It seems like just now..."

Ma Xiao waved his hand: "No problem, third brother, come in, I have a favor to ask you."

Ma Zheng followed Ma Xiao into the bedroom with confusion. After closing the door, Ma Zheng asked: "Brother, what's going on?"

Ma Xiao pondered for a moment: "Third brother, if my eldest brother asks you to be the head of the Ma family, will you be willing?"

Ma Zheng was stunned for a moment, then shook his head: "Brother, don't joke with me. The Ma family can't survive without you. You are the head of the family, and I don't deserve it."

"Third brother!" Ma Xiao said seriously, "Listen to eldest brother! From now on, the Ma family's property must be handed over to you!"

Ma Zheng shook his head: "Brother, even if you are no longer the head of the family, there is still the second brother, who is more legitimate than me."

"Bastard!" Ma Xiao stretched out his hand and punched Ma Zheng, cursing, "You have to be the one!"

Ma Xiao's wife stepped forward and hugged her husband's waist: "Husband, don't be excited, okay? I'm so scared when you do this."

Ma Zheng wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, shook his head and said, "Brother, if you don't tell me the reason, I won't agree even if you beat me to death!"

Ma Xiao sighed and motioned for Ma Zheng to sit down and talk.

Ma Zheng was not angry because his brother hit him. After all, the relationship between their brothers was very good. There must be a reason why his brother suddenly punched him.

Ma Zheng nodded, sat down and looked at Ma Xiao.

Ma Xiao walked up to Ma Zheng and whispered to Ma Zheng the agreement he had made with Cao Pi.

"What? Brother, why are you...why are you so stupid?"

Ma Xiao shook his head: "Dad entrusted the Ma family to me, and I can't let him down. Third brother, you and the second brother are both suitable to be the heads of the Ma family, but... the second brother is too weak, and

You must be more ruthless than him. In this troubled world, our Ma family needs a head like you to survive, so eldest brother will support you as the head of the Ma family no matter what."

Ma Zheng shook his head and refused: "Brother, your reason is too far-fetched. Cao Pi's father, Cao Cao, has a very good relationship with him. If we go and ask Cao Cao, he will definitely meet."

"Third brother!" Ma Xiao shook his head, "There are some things you don't understand. Do you know why dad chose this time to go to Nanyang County?"

Ma Zhengdao: "Isn't it to wipe out Lu Xian's people?"

Ma Xiao waved his hand; "This is one aspect, but actually there is another aspect... I once heard Yue'er Niang say that dad will leave soon! Do you know that dad does not belong here...


Ma Zheng said disapprovingly: "Leave? Dad often traveled around when we were young... He should come back after he leaves, right?"

"Third brother, I'm talking about real leaving!"

Ma Zheng was stunned for a moment and couldn't believe his ears: "Brother, are you kidding me..."

Ma Xiao said: "You can ask your mother about this."

Ma Zheng was trembling in his heart and said, "Brother, why did you make such an agreement with Cao Pi? Why?"

Ma Xiao said helplessly: "Dad went to Nanyang alone for our Ma family. How can I, Ma Xiao, stay comfortably in Yecheng? At present, Lu Xian has not been eliminated, and we have temporarily lost the news about Lu Xian. Moreover, Cao Pi is so ungrateful.

The guy took back the soldiers he lent me... Third brother, our Ma family will be in danger next... Big brother has a favor to ask of you..."

Ma Zheng swallowed: "Brother, please tell me."

Ma Xiao said: "I want you to pretend to be a playboy and live in debauchery every day..."


"Once I stop being the head of the Ma family, Cao Pi will definitely support a younger man from my Ma family to be the head of the family. At that time, my Ma family will either decline or be held in the hands of Cao Pi...

The eldest brother doesn’t want Cao Pi to succeed, let alone the decline of the Ma family, so the eldest brother wants you to make a false impression and make Cao Pi think that you are the least promising person in the Ma family... After the eldest brother leaves, Cao Pi will definitely support you.

Take the position of head of the family."

"Brother, you..."

Ma Xiao shook his head: "Third brother, you must agree to this matter. Also, you, a dandy, don't just act on the surface. When the time comes, you have to pretend to be real..."

Ma Zheng smiled bitterly: "Brother, aren't you causing me to fall out with Xiao Huang Ma Zheng's wife..."

Ma Xiao then smiled bitterly: "Brother, there is nothing we can do. Apart from you and my brothers, your sister-in-law also knows about this matter. Don't worry, your sister-in-law will definitely keep it secret."

"Brother, is there no other way? Can't we wait until dad comes back to deal with this matter?"

Ma Xiao shook his head: "It's too late. After today, I will live in seclusion behind the scenes and guide my second brother to take care of the family affairs. Presumably Cao Pi will not come to interfere with my Ma family's affairs so soon, but... once the war in Jingzhou is over,

, Cao Pi will definitely intervene, so... Third brother, your time is tight and your task is heavy. You... must do it!"

This chapter has been completed!
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