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【562】Buy a house

Summary of the previous chapter: While brothers Ma Xiao and Ma Zheng are executing the "Dandy" plan in an orderly manner, Ma Xiaoquan has also been recuperated from his master Huang Shigong...

Ma Xiaoquan scratched his head, stretched out with a smile, and said: "Master, that's what I'm saying, hehe, you have taught me a lot of good things these days!"

Huang Shigong rolled his eyes at Ma Xiaoquan and shook his head helplessly. Although this apprentice seemed cynical and had a naughty and naughty look, he was actually honest and unpretentious. Compared with the Zhang Zifang he had received hundreds of years ago, he was not much better.


"Okay, Quan'er, after coming down the mountain this time, you have to pay attention. The Long Er who is guarding the Lu family in Nanyang County is a ruthless character. This person is not easy to deal with!"

Ma Xiaoquan waved his hand and said: "Now that Master has figured it out, why don't you help me? Master, I heard you said before... you killed the master of the guy named Long Er, wow Master,

You, old man, are too powerful, so when Master comes out, let alone a dragon, it is just a group of dragons, and they have to be cleaned and waited for you to kill, Master."

"Pa" Huang Shigong couldn't bear it anymore and slapped Ma Xiaoquan hard, hitting Ma Xiaoquan squarely on the back of the head.

"You bastard, I was the master who killed Long Er in the first place. It was because his master killed innocent people. I was doing justice for heaven."

Ma Xiaoquan rubbed the back of his head and said: "Long Er also killed someone, and master, I also know that they have been looking for a young woman for Lu Xian, and they also want a virgin, I don't know what they are doing."

"Huh?" Mr. Huang Shi raised his eyebrows, pondered for a moment, and said, "Looking for a young virgin? Has that kid Lu Xian stolen that thing from Yuan Fang?"

Ma Xiaoquan asked: "Master, did Lu Xian steal Uncle Zuo's things?"

Huang Shigong frowned and said: "Yuan Fang has studied Fang Zhongshu for many years, and accidentally obtained an ancient book. There are many examples of using people as cauldrons... and the most terrifying one is using virgins.

Blood, virgin body to collect yin and replenish yang..."

"Ah? Is there such a magical book?"

Huang Shigong rolled his eyes at Ma Xiaoquan and thought to himself, you are such a bad boy, but he still said calmly: "Yes, Yuan Fang and I have both read this book, and Yuan Fang only regards this book as an example."

I came here to learn from it. Because my study direction was different, I didn’t pay attention to it. It’s just that... I heard Yuan Fang say that when he first accepted Lu Xian as his disciple, he accidentally missed that book. Later, Yuan Fang was too busy to read it.

I forgot about other things...but...I heard from Yuan Fang that the book was missing..."

Ma Xiaoquan swallowed his saliva and thought to himself: Good guy, this is the end of the Han Dynasty. The earliest books called ancient books by the master must be from the Qin Dynasty, right?

"Master? Is that book made of paper? Or is it made of bamboo slips?"

Huang Shigong shook his head: "Made of human skin."

"Human skin?" Ma Xiaoquan was startled.

There are a few human skin masks here. Human skin books? Ma Xiaoquan has only heard his wife Hua Yuexin mention it, but he has never actually seen it.

Huang Shigong waved his hand and said: "Okay, let's put this matter aside for now. If Lu Xian does take Yuan Fang's things, I will personally take action when the time comes. But Long Er, Quan'er, it's up to you.

Solve it yourself."

When Huang Shigong said this, his expression was a little heavy. In the past few months of getting along with the master, it was not an easy matter to make the master look heavy.

But since the master said it, Ma Xiaoquan could not refute further and could only nod in agreement.

"Master, I see there is no way down this mountain. I want to go down, how should I go down?"

Huang Shigong chuckled, picked up the whisk and shook it twice in front of Ma Xiaoquan. Ma Xiaoquan rolled his eyes and fainted immediately.


When Ma Xiaoquan woke up, he found that he had gone down the mountain and was in the same position as when he was taken away by Zuo Ci.

What surprised Ma Xiaoquan even more was that the horse he had ridden a few months ago was now standing in front of him vigorously, looking at him obediently. As for his master Huang Shigong, Ma Xiaoquan did not see...

"I kao" Ma Xiaoquan shook his head in disbelief, took out the human skin mask from his arms, put it on, mounted his horse, and ran towards Nanyang County.


After disappearing for several months, Nanyang County is still the same Nanyang County, and the Lu family is still the same Lu family.

Due to Ma Xiaoquan's sudden disappearance, the shadow guards stationed at the Lu family changed from full alert to partial alert.

In fact, we can't blame these shadow guards. After all, most of them have been transferred away. Now, the number of shadow guards in the Lu family is only about 20. For such a large courtyard, 20 or so people are really too few.


"Boss" a shadow guard came forward and respectfully whispered a few words into Long Er's ear.

"Huh?" After hearing the report from his subordinates, Long Er's eyebrows instantly knitted together, "Didn't Lu Wang and Lu Xiaowang have already taken most of the people to join the master? How could such a mess happen?


The subordinates were also quite helpless and said: "Boss, Ma Xiao from the Ma family is really cunning. He got the news from somewhere and sent people to ambush Lu Wang on the way... Fortunately, the brothers are highly skilled in martial arts and did not

He is dead, but he has been injured a lot. Now the brothers are still with the master, but they have not yet recovered..."

"Well" Long Er dragged his chin and thought for a moment and said, "I know about this, but... you said that there are other things that happened to the Ma family...?"

The subordinate nodded and said: "Yes, sir. In the past, the master led people to sneak attack on Ma's house. If Cao Pi's men were not there, the master might have succeeded. However, because Ma Xiao borrowed a lot of troops from Cao Pi, the master failed.

.....But it's okay now. I heard that Cao Pi and Ma Xiao had a falling out, and even the soldiers were taken back. Now the Ma family is facing the same shortage of people problem as us, hehe...


Long Er nodded: "Does the master know about this?"

"Don't worry, boss. This is what the master asked me to tell you, boss."

"Then what's going on with the master?"

The subordinate shook his head and said uncertainly: "I don't know, but I feel that the master is waiting for an opportunity. Although the Ma family was taken away by Cao Pi, they still have some background."

"What's going on over there with Mao Gang?"

"Not yet, boss... When Lu Wang and Lu Xiaowang went out to do errands a few months ago, I met a man. Coincidentally, that man was also named Mao Gang."

"Huh? Mao Gang? These two people have nothing to do with each other, right?"

The subordinate shook his head and said: "Probably not."

"Well, no matter if it happens or not, if we encounter it again, keep a close eye on it. This is a critical moment. We must guard the Lu family's mansion with peace of mind. There can be no mistakes!"



When Ma Xiaoquan returned to Nanyang County, he first found an inn and had a good meal, and then went to the most famous local cloth shop to change his "gorgeous" appearance.

Since there were no banknotes in circulation at the end of the Han Dynasty, Ma Xiaoquan and Ma Zheng brought a lot of money with them when they came to Nanyang County. For convenience, they hid the money in several private houses in Nanyang County for convenience.


Later, Ma Zheng left midway because he had to report something to his brother Ma Xiao, and it became Ma Xiaoquan's personal task to stay in Nanyang County.

Fortunately, he has plenty of money, so Ma Xiaoquan is not worried about his livelihood.

After solving the "food and clothing problem", Ma Xiaoquan immediately went to the Lu family mansion.

In order to observe the movements of the Lu family's mansion, Ma Xiaoquan planned to buy a private house not far from the Lu family's mansion.

In view of his current false identity, Ma Xiaoquan did not deliberately hide the matter of buying a private house, but instead did it with great fanfare.

Nanyang County was Cao Cao's sphere of influence, and the county governor at the time was also Cao Cao's distant cousin.

Although the relationship was far apart, the county governor was very strict in his work. Ma Xiaoquan thought that he could handle the matter with just a little money, but he spent two days in jail for bribing officials, and then he bought a private house after he was released.

Although buying and selling real estate in ancient times was not as complicated as in modern society, it still required some necessary procedures. Due to its good location in Nanyang County, housing prices were not cheap.

After paying a price of 100 gold, Ma Xiaoquan finally successfully took over this private house. To explain, gold in the Han Dynasty was mainly copper, and the real use of gold basically only started in the late Ming Dynasty. Ma Xiaoquan's house purchase caused a stir

Long Er noticed that on the day of check-in, Long Er sent a shadow guard to come over and take a look. It happened that this shadow guard was the same shadow guard that Ma Xiaoquan met earlier.

When the two met, it was inevitable that they would exchange a few pleasantries. Ma Xiaoquan lied to the other party and said that he was from Yanzhou and that he had taken refuge outside for the time being because he had killed someone. He would wait a few years before the limelight had passed before going back.

After hearing Ma Xiaoquan's description, the shadow guard didn't have much doubt. In his eyes, a rich young man who dared to kill people was worthy of further understanding.

"How long will Brother Shi Ken stay in Nanyang?" Ma Xiaoquan's name is Mao and Shi Ken. Doesn't it sound a bit like... Ma Xiaoquan said helplessly: "Hey, Yanzhou is one of Cao Cao's bases.

Yi, my father used to be a scholar, but he was never treated favorably by Cao Cao. Although my family is rich, it was me who killed someone after all..."

The shadow guard was secretly happy when he heard that, firstly, he was rich, and secondly, he was a member of the gentry family who had a bad relationship with the Cao family. Well, it was just right. He went back and reported to the boss to see if there were any dangerous jobs for him.

This guy did it for him, so that even if he died, he could shirk responsibility and say that this man was a murderer from Yanzhou... He fled to Nanyang County and was executed on the spot by us...

This chapter has been completed!
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