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[070] Tiger Mountain

Cheng Yu is Cao Cao's new chief adviser after the Battle of Tiger Mountain. Recently, Cao Cao's chief adviser Xun Yu felt cold and hadn't seen him well for a long time. Fortunately, Cheng Yu's joining gave Cao Cao another important adviser.


While Xun Yu was recuperating, Cheng Yu took on the task of advising Cao Cao. Judging from the many subsequent wars, Cheng Yu was still very capable of tactical analysis and planning.

"Zhongde, there are many thieves but we are few. What do you think about this?"

Cheng Yu was much taller than Cao Cao. In order not to embarrass his lord, Cheng Yu tried his best to bend his body, lowered his head, and replied: "My lord, there must be an ulterior secret among the thieves..." There was no way.

, Yuan Fang Ti is too popular, once again Cao Cao nodded: "Continue!"

Cheng Yu analyzed: "My lord, although the enemy is outnumbered and we are outnumbered, in the humble opinion of my subordinates, the thieves and soldiers are heartbroken and it is not suitable for our army to conflict with them head-on. The best way is to use a surprise attack strategy and attack them separately, one by one.


Cheng Yu's analysis just revealed what Cao Cao was thinking. Cao Cao clapped his hands and said, "Zhongde, what do you think we should do next..."

Cheng Yu said: "The bandit army is currently dominated by Long, Zhao, and Zheng. These three are the most powerful, but there are still differences. The bandit leader surnamed Long is headstrong and self-willed, so you can hold off on attacking him first; the bandit leader surnamed Zhao is cunning and suspicious, and his subordinates

There are a few capable people who make suggestions, and in the humble opinion of their subordinates, they can be defeated in the end. However, the leader of the bandits named Zheng is the weakest and stupidest among the three of them. The subordinates think that they can attack Zheng first.

Defeat the dragon later, and finally destroy Zhao..."

Cheng Yu's analysis made sense. Cao Cao calmed down and thought about it carefully before he slowly said: "Then I will follow your advice and adopt a strategy of dividing and cutting. Come on, give me more details.

Say... By the way, Zhongde, after the rebellion in Yanzhou is settled, I will introduce someone to you."

Cheng Yu is so smart. Cao Cao didn't say who he would introduce him to, but he had already guessed it.

Since entering Cao Ying, Cheng Yu has been listening to some of his lord's generals talking privately, saying that there is some kind of immortal master with very good spells, and the purple hair on his head is also very eye-catching...

...Cheng Yu also wanted to meet this Immortal Lord, but it was a pity that it was not the right time for him to enter Cao Ying. Now that the lord proposed to introduce him to him, Cheng Yu was naturally very happy.

Seeing that Cheng Yu was very happy, Cao Cao suddenly felt sour in his heart.

"Where is this bastard monster now?"


"A sneeze" Ma Xiaoquan has sneezed several times in a row today.

"No, so many people miss me?" Ma Xiaoquan rubbed his nose and took a look.

The person driving the car at this time was Zhang Gong. Zhang Gong's driving ability was much better than that of Yang Hu and Ding Yi, but compared with Ma Xiao's "full-time driver" Zhao Er, he was still far behind.

"Master, there is a mountain not far ahead, called Weihu Mountain."

"Oh?" Ma Xiaoquan became interested, and suddenly remembered a movie he had seen before, called Taking the Tiger Mountain by Wisdom.

Zhang Gong drove the carriage and said, "I heard that there is a yellow scarf thief named Zhou in Weihu Mountain. Why don't we take a detour?"

"The surname is Zhou? Could it be..." Ma Xiaoquan smiled, "There's no need to take a detour, let's go to Weihu Mountain."

Zhang Gong agreed and waved his riding whip twice: "Drive"


The carriage arrived at the foot of Weihu Mountain and stopped. Ma Xiaoquan asked Yang Hu and Ding Yi to stay and watch the carriage while he took Zhang Gong to climb Weihu Mountain.

Weihu Mountain is easy to climb, not too high, and the terrain is relatively wide. The two of them climbed halfway up the mountain without much effort.

"Stop!" He yelled loudly and stopped the two of them with a long gun.

Ma Xiaoquan took a closer look and saw a lean man with a black scarf on his head. He seemed to be a bandit.

In fact, bandits do not all burn, kill, and loot. They all do it because they are hungry because they have no food to eat. Who would want to do this business if they can eat and drink enough.

Ma Xiaoquan saw that the bandit just held his spear horizontally to prevent him and Zhang Gong from going up the mountain, and did not take any subsequent excessive actions. He immediately developed a good impression of the bandit.

Ma Xiaoquan said: "Hey, there should be a boss on the top of your mountain, right?"

The bandit didn't lie and said directly: "We have two bosses!"

Ma Xiaoquan was stunned for a moment and then asked: "Two? Which two?"

The bandit bared his teeth and said proudly: "Our bosses, one is named Pei Yuanshao, and the other is named Zhou Cang. What, are you here to deliver money or food?"

"Send money? Send food?"

The bandit was quite patient and explained: "Our boss said not to rob other people's things casually, but if you want to rob our things, we will rob you of everything."

Ma Xiaoquan smiled: "What about sending food? What's going on?"

The Yellow Turban Thief said: "This area of ​​Weihu Mountain is our sphere of influence. This area is much more peaceful than other places. This is all due to us. I see you are fair and clean."

It seems that you are here to deliver food to us, right?"

Ma Xiaoquan didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He had been out and about for several months and his skin had peeled off several layers. How could he still be fair and fair?

It seems that if you want to meet Zhou Cang and Pei Yuanshao, you really can't force yourself. Besides, it sounds like these two people have a good reputation.

Ma Xiaoquan chuckled and raised his hands to the bandit: "Oh, you're right, I'm just here to deliver food to you, but the car is still at the bottom of the mountain and can't come up."

The bandit stood on tiptoe and glanced down the mountain, just in time to see Yang Hu peeing on the wheels of the car and Ding Yi with his bare buttocks spread out.

"Just...just that car?"

Ma Xiaoquan looked in the direction of the bandit's finger and cursed secretly in his heart.

"These two bitches don't know how far they can go to relieve themselves."

Ma Xiaoquan smiled and said: "Hey, forget it, there were several of them, but they were robbed. Look, there aren't many in that car."

The bandit thought for a moment, put down his spear, and said flatly: "Then come with me first."


Along the way, Ma Xiaoquan asked the bandit some more questions and roughly clarified the situation in this area. It turned out that the people stationed in the Weihu Mountain area belonged to the leader Zheng, one of the three current armies of the Yellow Turban Bandits.

The external troops, said to be external troops, are actually just in name. These days, everyone can do it by pulling the tiger's skin to promote the banner. As for the leader of the bandits in charge of Weihu Mountain, one is Zhou Cang, and the other is

One is Pei Yuanshao.

From this little bandit’s mouth, I learned that Zhou Cang and Pei Yuanshao basically didn’t steal anything from the common people. Even if they did, they would only rob the nobles who were passing by to escape. There were a lot of common people in Weihu Mountain, so there were often people.

Some ignorant yellow turban thieves came to rob homes. Over time, Zhou Cang, Pei Yuanshao and others took on the task of protecting the safety of the nearby people. Of course, this is not for nothing. You have to pay. If you don't have money, then give some food.

There must be...

"What will you do if people have no food?" Ma Xiaoquan interrupted the little bandit and asked.

The little bandit replied: "There is no food. It's easy to handle. Just send his woman over."

Ma Xiaoquan suddenly realized: Your mother is still a thief.

When the three of them arrived at the top of the mountain, it was almost noon. At this time, just in time for dinner, a group of bandits wearing black scarves saw this little bandit leading Ma Xiaoquan and Zhang Gong in, and they all said with envy: "Gourd

Baby, where the hell did you get these two people, are they here to deliver food again?"

Only then did Ma Xiaoquan know that this little bandit was called "Calabash Baby".

Ma Xiaoquan secretly looked at Calabash Baby and felt that his name matched "mutual masturbation baby". He wondered if this little bandit was also good at masturbating.

Masturbation has been around since ancient times, but the earliest record was probably in the Tang Dynasty. But humans are animals after all. Whether it is recorded or not is one thing, and whether it is done or not is another matter.

Ma Xiaoquan looked at Calabash Baby's lean body, and the more he looked at it, the more it looked like it was caused by masturbating too much.

It seems that Calabash's colleagues are very loving.

Calabash Wa curled her lips and said to the group of colleagues: "Of course."

A bandit said: "This time you get the credit again. If you don't let the boss find you a woman, you should stop playing your own game."

Calabash baby blushed and shouted: "You don't have to worry about it!"

"Hahaha..." The thieves laughed and ran towards the food outlet.

Ma Xiaoquan looked at Calabash Baby with his mouth open, and couldn't help but let out a sigh: "Damn! I was so fucking fooled."

Calabash Baby brought Ma Xiaoquan and Ma Xiaoquan to Zhou Cang and Pei Yuanshao, and introduced them to his boss.

Zhou Cang is tall, has a dark face and a curly beard, and looks calm and confident, while Pei Yuanshao looks much kinder.

Zhou Cang looked at Ma Xiaoquan's purple hair and said, "Are you here to deliver food to us? How much is it?"

Ma Xiaoquan did a rough calculation and found that the food he got from the third boss was only 4 bags. If it were the four of them, it would be no problem for them to eat for a month, but if it was given to these bandits,

...I'm afraid it's just two or three meals.

“Only 4 bags!”

"What?" Zhou Cangyi was angry, "There are only 4 fucking bags, what are you giving me? Take it, take it!"

Pei Yuanshao, who had been silent all this time, suddenly stretched out his hand to stop Zhou Cang and whispered: "Old Zhou, four bags are just four bags. No matter how small the mosquito legs are, they are still meat..."

Zhou Cang thought so, and immediately changed his mind and said: "Leave the food, you can go back!"

When Ma Xiaoquan heard this, what did he say? You are quite good at putting on airs, and this score is quite open, okay.

Ma Xiaoquan nodded, motionless.

"Huh? Why aren't you leaving? Didn't I tell you to leave the food? You can just leave."

Ma Xiaoquan chuckled: "Let me go? Yes, but you have to compete with my men. If you win, I will send you 500 loads of grain afterwards..."

Ma Xiaoquan's words caused an uproar among everyone present, and even Zhang Gong couldn't help but look at his master in fear.

Ma Xiaoquan pointed at Zhang Gong and said to Zhou Cang: "Here, this is my subordinate. If you lose the competition, not only will I not give you food, but you will also have to give me the roast sheep." Ma Xiaoquan said, pointing.

Roast lamb turning on the fire rack.

Since I separated from the third boss, I have been eating the rations given by the third boss. Although it is full, there is no meat. In the past, when Diplodocus was here, he would occasionally hunt hares and wild boars to satisfy his craving. Since Diplodocus returned first

After arriving in Dongjun, several of his subordinates have never had much contact with meat.

Ma Xiaoquan saw this in his eyes and kept it in his heart.

If we were in a peaceful and prosperous age, it would be very convenient to eat meat, but now in troubled times, not to mention meat, even food is very scarce.

Ma Xiaoquan originally wanted to go around Weihu Mountain, but when he heard about someone named Zhou, he decided to go and have a look.

Zhou Cang and Pei Yuanshao were fabricated in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, but are not recorded in official history books such as the Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms.

So Ma Xiaoquan thought to take a look. If there is such a person, he might as well give him some advice and let him wait patiently to defect to Guan Yu. This would also make Zhou Cang owe him a favor. Although, Zhou Cang as written in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms

, and later he defected to Guan Yu, but that was all later. When is it now? It is only the third year of Chuping. In 192 AD, Zhou Cang defected to Guan Yu. That was also a few years later. As for Pei Yuanshao, he would not live long.

Ma Xiaoquan doesn’t care about people anymore...

Sometimes, it's nice to know history. Just like Ma Xiaoquan, this guy is thinking about how to make Zhou Cang owe him a favor, and then he will take over the roast lamb...

Zhou Cang didn't believe that Ma Xiaoquan could bring out so much food, but he didn't believe it at all.

Seeing Ma Xiaoquan's confident smile, Zhou Cang asked: "Where does your food come from?"

Ma Xiaoquan did not directly answer Zhou Cang's words. He just said lightly: "I am from Jizhou..."

As soon as Ma Xiaoquan finished speaking, Pei Yuanshao clapped his hands and said, "Yes!"

"What, Old Pei, what are you doing..." Before Zhou Cang could finish his words, Pei Yuanshao pulled him over and whispered: "Old Zhou, where is Jizhou? It's a rich land.

, let alone 500 dan, even 5,000 dan, I guess you can get it."

Zhou Cang's eyes lit up: "Oh, what do you mean?"

Pei Yuanshao blushed and said, "If we can't tie him up anymore, let them bring money and food to redeem him."

Zhou Cang said: "Then what if they resist?"

A hint of murderous intent flashed in Pei Yuanshao's eyes: "Then kill him and then lie to him!"

Zhou Cang looked embarrassed, but he gritted his teeth and agreed.

After discussion, the two agreed to Ma Xiaoquan's request for a competition. At the same time, for the sake of fairness, Ma Xiaoquan requested that no weapons be used.

Zhou Cang and Pei Yuanshao couldn't ask for more. All of his men were tall and tall, except for the big gourd boy. Looking at that man's men, although they looked strong, they were still not tall enough.

Zhang Gong was very nervous. This was the first time he had participated in such a competition. In the past, he had watched others compete in the Yellow Turban camp. Now that it was his turn, he would inevitably be a little nervous.

Ma Xiaoquan patted Zhang Gong on the shoulder and whispered: "Zhang Gong, are you nervous?"

Zhang Gong shook his head and responded: "I have killed everyone before, so don't be nervous about this."

Although Zhang Gong spoke very naturally, his slightly trembling hands gave him away. Ma Xiaoquan did not criticize him, he leaned into Zhang Gong's ear, said something, and then walked away.

Zhou Cang looked very surprised. He didn't know what Ma Xiaoquan said to his men. He only saw that after Ma Xiaoquan's words, his men were as excited as if they had gained 100 kilograms of strength.

A hint of uneasiness flashed through Zhou Cang's heart.

ps: As a rule, I add a thousand words every 5-year-old. I hope you can add it to your favorites, clicks, and flowers.

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