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【732】Red Maru (16)

Summary of the previous chapter: Brothers Ma Xiaoquan, Zhou Chao and Zhou Biao came to an inn, where they ate and drank...

Ma Xiaoquan heard Zhou Chao's words and said happily: "Damn fat man, it's not that simple."

Zhou Chao was very excited: "Nonsense, Mr. Zhou, I am a very awesome person. In this city of Beijing, Mr. Zhou, if nothing else, I have a lot of women..."

Ma Xiaoquan waved his hand: "Okay, okay, we know you are awesome, let's go, Feng comes to the building and has some fun first."

Zhou Chao and Zhou Biao laughed, threw a piece of silver on the table, and the three of them walked out of the inn arm in arm.

Behind the three of them, a woman with a stooped figure followed leisurely. If you didn't look carefully, you wouldn't be able to tell that the woman was following Ma Xiaoquan and the others.

Arriving downstairs from Feng Lai, Ma Xiaoquan and the other three walked in happily, but the woman frowned and did not go in.

"Bastard Ma Xiaoquan, I knew you didn't learn well enough to come to a place like this again..."


The sky gradually became dark. Finally...after everyone had eaten dinner, Ma Xiaoquan, Zhou Chao and Zhou Biao wandered out of Fenglai Tower.

"Quanzi, aren't you feeling very lucky today?" Zhou Chao laughed at Ma Xiaoquan and asked, "How come your luck with Lu Tianna disappeared last time?"

Ma Xiaoquan chuckled and said nothing, but he said in his heart: If I want to keep winning, people will definitely be suspicious of me, damn fat man, when I was gambling with Cao Hong in the late Han Dynasty, your grandpa was not even born.

Zhou Biao said: "Brother, from this we can see that Quanzi's victory over Lu Tianquan that day was due to luck."

Ma Xiaoquan nodded and echoed Zhou Biao's words: "So... luck, an invisible and intangible thing, depends on fate."

Zhou Chao curled his lips: "Come on, I see you lost money at Feng Lai Tower today, Mr. Zhou, let me help you find the best stuff so that you can have a good night...


Ma Xiaoquan chuckled: "Fat Zhou, you are so damn good to me."

Zhou Chao laughed: "That's right, it doesn't matter who I am, Tong Chao."

"Tong Chao?" Ma Xiaoquan was stunned for a moment and looked at Zhou Chao.

Zhou Chao looked at Ma Xiaoquan with wide eyes: "Quanzi, haven't I told you before that my original surname is Tong? What, you forgot?"

Ma Xiaoquan shook his head and suddenly remembered that when he first came to this era, Tudan said that there was a dandy named Tong, who was actually very generous.

"Fart, how could I forget it? It's just that your girl changed her name, and I didn't feel comfortable with it for a while."

Zhou Chao chuckled: "Hey, this is also my father's name. My grandfather and I used to have the same surname, but now we have changed it back to my own family name."

Ma Xiaoquan said oh and patted Zhou Chao: "Okay, let's go, I can't wait any longer."

Zhou Chao glanced at Ma Xiaoquan with disdain: "Don't let your grandson become a wimp when he mounts his horse with a gun."

"Get out of here"


The three of them returned to Youjian Inn again.

At this time, there was an inn. Although the layout was no different from that during the day, there was a hint of ambiguity in the atmosphere.

Ma Xiaoquan sniffed around, frowned and said: "Why is the smell of rouge so strong? But it smells very good, and it's not irritating at all."

Zhou Chao chuckled: "Of course, this rouge is from the Western Regions, we can't get it here."

"The Western Regions?" Ma Xiaoquan asked curiously, "Do we have the spices from the Western Regions here?"

Zhou Chao waved his hand: "Who knows? Okay, stop talking and come with me." Zhou Chao said as he pulled Ma Xiaoquan through the main hall of Youjian Inn.

Behind the three of them, a lithe figure also flashed in, so fast that even the waiter didn't notice.

The figure's movements were very dexterous, and it passed through the main hall in a few clicks, and followed Ma Xiaoquan and the three of them to the backyard.


"Ouch, it turns out to be Mr. Zhou? Are you here again today?"

Ma Xiaoquan raised his head and took a look. He saw an old bustard wearing light makeup. This madam had a good figure and looked not too old, probably in her early thirties.

Zhou Chao chuckled, walked up to the madam, and pinched her butt hard: "Hey Sister Chunhua, what did you say to accompany me today?"

"Go, go, little ghost head, your toothpick is not comfortable enough for Sister Chunhua."

"Toothpick?" Ma Xiaoquan grinned and looked at Zhou Chao's crotch. Zhou Chao blushed and kicked Ma Xiaoquan, saying: "This is my buddy Ma Xiaoquan. I've arranged a cool one for my buddy today. By the way,

What is the name of the most reserved one among you?"

Chunhua gently tapped Zhou Chao's forehead: "Oh, you said Xiaoyu, here you are, Xiaoyu is free today."

Zhou Chao slapped his head and gritted his teeth and said, "Damn, I never meet him every time I come here. Why is this guy Ma Xiaoquan so lucky?"

Zhou Biao said: "Brother, Quanzi's luck is extremely bad today. Feng Lailou, he lost miserably."

Zhou Chao was stunned for a moment, remembering Ma Xiaoquan's tragic loss in Fenglai Tower, he couldn't help but grinned and waved his hand: "Okay, Xiao Yu'er will give you an advantage, go away, go and feel comfortable."

Zhou Chao said and kicked Ma Xiaoquan again.

Ma Xiaoquan rubbed his butt and turned to ask Zhou Chao: "I feel comfortable, what are you doing?"

Zhou Chao laughed out loud: "Brother, I'm going to challenge you to the one versus seven tonight."

Ma Xiaoquan sneered, shook his head, and followed the madam.

The backyard of an inn is not big, but the layout is very reasonable. There is not only a place to eat, but also a place to play. Of course, due to space limitations, the fun is limited to rolling dice.

Ma Xiaoquan followed the old bustard Chunhua all the way to the door of a small room. On the door number, there were two beautiful words "小鱼" written clearly.

The old bustard smiled, knocked gently on the door, and asked: "Yu'er, we have a guest."

In the room, a very weak voice responded: "Mom, which family is the official?"

The old bustard replied: "The fourth young master of the Ma family, Ma Xiaoquan"

"Oh, it's the young master who defeated Lu Tian in Penglai Pavilion a few days ago. Well, okay, mom, let him in."

Chunhua hummed softly, pushed the door open a crack, and said to Ma Xiaoquan: "Master Ma, please come in. Oh, by the way, the fish is very tender, don't be too fierce." After Chunhua said,

He patted Ma Xiaoquan's butt very coquettishly.

Ma Xiaoquan jumped up in shock when Chunhua patted me like this. Chunhua looked at it and said with a smile, "Hey, Fourth Master, I heard that you are also an expert. Why are you still afraid of me patting me like this?"

This chapter has been completed!
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