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【765】Movement case (16)

Summary of the previous chapter: Lin Feng took the initiative and efficiently helped Ma Xiaoquan complete the task assigned by Commander Mo Dao...

Weighing the small porcelain vase in his hand, the image of his sister-in-law Li Qinghan suddenly popped into Ma Xiaoquan's mind.

"I wonder what effect this thing will have if I use it on my sister-in-law... Hehe..."


Li Xuanshi woke up, but he looked haggard.

I was sitting embroidering in the bedroom before, and suddenly I felt very sleepy. In my confusion, I vaguely heard Emperor Taichang Zhu Changluo calling me, and the emperor also said that I was so lonely, so he asked me to go down to accompany the emperor...


Li Xuanshi rubbed his temples and shook his head helplessly: "How is this possible? The emperor has passed away..."

While he was hesitating, a burst of noisy shouting suddenly came from outside the door.

Li Xuanshi was very unhappy: "Who is making a lot of noise outside? Drag him in!"

Within a few breaths after the order was given, the two eunuchs dragged the three maids to Li Xuanshi.

Looking at the three maids in front of him, Li Xuanshi was a little surprised. One of these three maids was actually his personal maid.

"Cuiyun, raise your head, what's wrong?" Li Xuan asked one of them.

The maid named Cuiyun raised her head and said tremblingly: "Reply to your Majesty's words, Cuiyun... dreamed... dreamed of the emperor...


"What? You dreamed too..." Before Li Xuan could finish his words, he suddenly came to his senses and changed his words, "Which emperor did you dream about?"

Cuiyun said: "Reply to my wife, I dreamed about Emperor Taichang..."

With a "bang" sound, Waiter Li Xuan was so shocked that he knocked over the tea cup in his hand.

At this time, Wei Jinzhong suddenly walked in, knelt in front of Li Xuanshi and said: "My Lady, many people in the Qianqing Palace just now said that they dreamed of Emperor Taichang..."

Waiter Li Xuan frowned slightly and waved his hand: "I understand."

Wei Jinzhong added: "Empress, Yang Lian, Liu Yijing, Zhou Jiamo and others are clamoring outside the palace, saying that they want you to move out of Qianqing Palace."

Li Xuanshi waved his hand again: "I understand."

Wei Jinzhong became anxious: "My dear, they are bullying me too much. They want you to..."

Li Xuanshi roared: "That's enough, why don't we just move the Erluan Palace? Just move it."

Wei Jinzhong was surprised and said: "Empress, you..."

Li Xuanshi shook his head: "Jin Zhong, don't say anything anymore, just give the order to go down and prepare..."

Looking at Li Xuanshi's haggard face, Wei Jinzhong suddenly felt very aggrieved.

Damn it, I originally thought that this woman Li Xuanshi had so much talent, but now it seems that she is nothing more than that, a woman, she is a woman after all.


Outside the gate of Qianqing Palace, Wei Jinzhong walked out with his head hanging down and conveyed to Yang Lian and others the intention of Li Xuanshi's relocation. When Yang Lian and others heard this, they were overjoyed.

Logically speaking, since Li Xuanshi agreed to move and had already started preparations, Yang Lian and others should no longer be aggressive. However... in order to fear that Li Xuanshi would renege on his words, Yang Lian and others still rushed in.

The Qing Palace, while questioning Li Xuanshi, urged her to move out.

Originally, the relocation work was going relatively smoothly, but due to the intervention of Yang Lian and others, the entire Qianqing Palace suddenly became chaotic.

The eunuchs headed by Wei Jinzhong took advantage of the chaos and secretly picked up the gold and silver treasures in the palace and ran out, stuffing them into their arms as they ran. Some of them broke their belts because they were running in such a hurry. , the bag was squeezed and the treasures were scattered on the ground.

The leakage of the treasure immediately aroused public outrage. Liu Yijing, Yang Lian and others were all second and third-rank officials of the imperial court. Seeing such decadence, they became furious. At this time, Zhu Youxiao entered the Qianqing Palace.

Zhu Youxiao had no idea about gold and silver treasures. Instead, when he saw Wei Jinzhong running out holding a silver lantern, he didn't forget to ask Fang Congzhe next to him what game Wei Jinzhong was playing, and he wanted to play too.

Fang Congzhe looked helpless, but he still answered Zhu Youxiao's question in a friendly manner.

Of course, since the most important thing at this time... was Zhu Youxiao's ascension to the throne, these eunuchs who stole the Qing Palace's treasures were temporarily given the "treatment" of selective ignorance.

However, this is all temporary.

After Zhu Youxiao ascended the throne, most of the eunuchs who stole the Qianqing palace's treasures were punished to varying degrees.

Except Wei Jinzhong.

Why Wei Jinzhong was not punished must be attributed to his "eating" guest Yingyue.


Ma Xiaoquan expected that Wei Jinzhong would not be punished, so after Zhu Youxiao ascended the throne, he immediately launched an investigation into Wei Jinzhong.

As the saying goes, capital crimes can be avoided, but living crimes cannot be forgiven.

Although Wei Jinzhong has not committed any serious crimes for the time being, stealing the treasures of the Qianqing Palace is still a big crime.

Ma Xiaoquan and Lin Feng teamed up to get an interrogation document from the Jinyiwei office and went directly to Wei Jinzhong.

After some humiliation, the two confiscated all the treasures that Wei Jinzhong had stolen. Although Wei Jinzhong was full of jealousy, he did not dare to say anything because he ignored them first.

On the way back, Ma Xiaoquan generously gave all the treasures he found to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng didn't say anything and just accepted Ma Xiaoquan's kindness with a smile.

"Xiao Ma, you kid...have you long expected that Wei Jinzhong will steal the Qian Qing palace's treasure?"

Ma Xiaoquan lied and said: "Where is it, Brother Lin? Didn't I hear about it too?"

Lin Feng chuckled: "Anyway, this damn eunuch got a lot of treasures from him. Xiaoma, what do you think of these treasures, should I return some of them?"

Ma Xiaoquan knew that Lin Feng was testing him and said with a smile: "Oh Brother Lin, why don't I remember what we did just now? Do you still remember?"

Lin Feng was stunned, then burst into laughter, and patted Ma Xiaoquan heavily on the shoulder: "Boy, that's funny, you are loyal, I like it, haha..."

Zhu Youxiao ascended the throne and became the real emperor.

On the day he ascended the throne, Zhu Youxiao designated the first day of August in the forty-eighth year of Wanli as the forty-eighth year of Wanli, and designated the first day of August as the first year of Taichang, which can be regarded as a memorial to his father Zhu Changluo.

As for Zhu Youxiao's reign, it will be designated as "Tianqi", starting from next year.


After Zhu Youxiao ascended the throne, he immediately issued a small token to Ma Xiaoquan.

Don't underestimate such a token, its role is no less than that of the emperor's teacher.

Holding this small token, Ma Xiaoquan returned to Ma's house proudly.

Mrs. Ma personally stepped forward to greet Ma Xiaoquan. Looking at Ma Xiaoquan's official uniform and brocade robe, Mrs. Ma felt a little entangled in her heart.

This chapter has been completed!
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